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ed-things nobody talks about
(some things I experienced when my ed was really bad when I was 16-17. It’s not all fun and it’s not like the cute thinspo-posts you see here everyday)
hiding food in your pockets, shoes, socks… while eating with others
forgetting that you were hiding the food in these places (oh the smell)
friends, family … finding the food you were hiding
trowing away the food someone you loved gave you
making people cry and constantly worry about you
being upset when people give you the bigger portion (do they think you eat that much????)
being upset when people give you the smaller portion (do they think you are fat and that you should eat less????)
drinking to much water before a doctors weight in so you feel like you are peeing your pants
the pain after the laxatives kick in
being afraid to put chapstick on (because you know, it’s made out of fat lol)
not going out with frieds, because there is food everywhere (you will regret it later, because everyone went clubbing and now that you are healthy they are not into that anymore, aka missing out your youth)
freezing when people around you wear a bikini
not being able to get pregnant, although you recovered
heartproblems, although recovered
struggling with hormone-production, although you recovered
having bad teeth, although you recovered
having problems with your bones, although you recovered
having problems with your nails and hair, although recovered
the need to take medication your whole life because of a few years of having an ed
loosing your sexdrive
being afraid to fall asleep and never wake up again
not being able to stop, even if you want to
Edit: If you reblog please don’t use tags like pro ana because this post is clearly not pro and I also don’t want to get deleted once again ♡
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Safe foods 🌈 😌
-Anything you’re not allergic to
-Foods that don’t interact with your medications
-Foods that don’t contain inedible substances 
-Foods that have been stored properly 
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My safe foods n drinks
☕️Coffee!! - 7/10 it’s bitter but it low key filling
🥤Diet Coke - 10/10 I love it so much
🍼non dairy milk - 10/10
🍵green tea - 9/10 I like it more than coffee but it doesn’t make feel satisfied
✨Sparkling water -10/10
🫖tea - 8/10 I love it but it isn’t filling
Alcoholic drinks
🍷Wine - 7/10 best option for drinking, healthy tho it has a lot of calories !
🧊Vodka - 8/10 best option for getting drunk!! Low key makes me wanna puke, but that’s the point anyways
🍹Gin - 8/10 makes me drunk easily, super good alternative for low cal drinks, alone it is worse than vodka!! Makes me puke like 2x
🍾Champagne- 8.5/10 so good, I feel fancy !! it’s good to drink alone it has a lot of cals tho
🫒olives- 100/10 sooooooo good it has salty flavour Kinda tastes like sour chips, LOW CAL
🍊Tangerines- 11/10 I LOVE its low cal and it tastes so good
🍫Rice cakes with chocolate - 8/10 one is 70 cal, it’s big and it’s so good!!
🍚 Normal rice cakes - 7/10 is good tho I have to eat a few to feel satisfied
🍞 wholewheat bread - 9/10 filing and low cal !!
🍒Cherries - 10/10 they have flavour !! They’re sweet they’re everything !!!
🍨Yogurt- 10/10 really good !! Tastes like ice cream good to use as frosting !!
Breakfast options
🥨Wholewheat bread with low cal cheese and olives 6/10 filling tho the cheese is not so good
🍦Low cal yogurt with low cal jam- 10/10 tastes sooo good
🌾Oatmeal with water - 5/10 tasteless tho it’s low cal
🍳 egg whites- 10/10 sooooo fu6k1ng good low cal
🥗 Salad - 4/10 it’s low cal but it isn’t so good
🍗 Grilled chicken - 8/10 filling and low cal
🥚🍠Sweet potato with eggs - 6/10 not so flavourful but it’s filing and low cal
🍅Tomato soup- 10/10
🍜Kojak noodles - 7/10 weird texture, tho it’s filing and it has 18 cal per package!! Which is so good
🥕Air fried veggies - 8/10 good filing better than grilled
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🌸My Safe Packaged Foods (Pt. 3)🌸
Halo Top Lime Fruit Pops (35 kcals per popsicle)
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•Too legit. They taste like sugary lemonade and keep me full for so long.
Boca Vegan Veggie Burgers (70 kcals per burger)
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•13g protein and super easy to prep with some broccoli on the side and topped with hot sauce. Plus they’re pretty cheap when you get them in bulk.
La Croix (0 kcals per can)
•They’re a nice break from sweet zero-cal drinks and honestly make me feel so healthy. Also super filling.
Edward & Sons Not-Chick’n Bouillon Cubes (15 kcals for 1/2 cube)
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•I use these to make a quick vegan “chicken” broth to sip on instead of binging. I also love that it can spice up the blandest of low-cal foods.
Braggs Nutritional Yeast (40 kcals in 2 tbsp.)
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•I honestly think this is a must-have for anyone restricting calories. It’s loaded with protein, iron, B vitamins, and so many more nutrients for just 40 kcals. Plus, it literally tastes like cheese so it can be used as a parm replacement. I like to use it in sauces/gravies to boost the flavor and nutrition in my recipes. I can only do 1 tbsp. though.
Silk Organic Unsweet Soy Milk (80kcals per cup)
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•Although it’s higher in calories than almond milk, it’s still much lower than whole milk and provides so much more protein and overall nutrition. This makes it perfect for anyone on a restrictive diet. I can’t do the sweetened versions but they’re equally good, and would be amazing in iced coffee.
Cream of Wheat (120 kcals per serving)
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•Honestly so much better than oatmeal and contains a lot more nutrition for less calories—especially iron!
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My safe foods
Fruits (mainly apples, berries, peaches, oranges, cucumber, watermelon, melon and grapes)
Tea Popsicles (favs are matcha, strawberry mint, green tea, honey flavor tea, mint, raspberry)
I c e
Low-cal homemade marshmallows
Sugar-free jello
Low-cal homemade chocolate pudding
Fiber one brownies
Homemade low-cal tiramisu
Low-cal mini pancake
Apple pie filling
Rice cakes
Oat cookies
Low-fat Greek yogurt
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Chicken breast
Vegetables (mainly spinach, lettuce, carrots, zucchini, mushrooms, celery and pimento)
C o o k e d vegetables (roasted or steamed)
Salads 💚
Tuna salad
Chicken in apricot and chipotle sauce
Spinach wrap
Lettuce wrap
Lentil soup
Knorr bullion chicken soup/vegetable soup
Most soups in general
Mashed potatoes
K e t c h u p s o u p (ketchup with hot water and stevia)
Air fryed "crab" cakes
Rice cake pizza
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Strawberry water
Mango water
Water with flavor packets (like tang, zuko, clight, etc)
T E A (especially mint, matcha, green, raspberry)
Coffee (coffee with almond milk is godly)
Unsweetened almond milk
Cashew milk
Cranberry juice light
Diet coke
Coke coffee
Cranberry juice + almond milk (it's good)
7up light
Suerox (0 cal electrolyte)
Regular old cold water
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Fast food/restaurant/going out
Lettuce burgers (those without bread, wrapped in lettuce)
Mango smoothies
Miso soup
McDonald's happy meal
Wings (i order the spiciest ones so I'm unable to eat them all >:3)
When I'm in a buffet I grab mostly vegetables, sushi, and some potatoes
1 (one) slice of pepperoni/shrimp pizza
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
Other stuff
Frank's red hot buffalo sauce
Chipotle sauce
Lemon Juice
Cream and spices
♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ ♥
I might add and change stuff later -w-
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❤️ i am actively losing weight!
🧡 i am getting closer to my dream body every day!
💛 Every day i feel slimmer and lighter
💚 i am thinner every day
💙 i am in charge of how i feel and look
💜 i am enough
💕 i am worthy of a body i love 💕
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❤️ i am actively losing weight!
🧡 i am getting closer to my dream body every day!
💛 Every day i feel slimmer and lighter
💚 i am thinner every day
💙 i am in charge of how i feel and look
💜 i am enough
💕 i am worthy of a body i love 💕
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Things I can't wait to wear once I'm skinny:
Schoolgirl skirts
Velvet pants
Leather leggings
Pinafores/Skirts with Overall straps
Hankerchief Tops
Thigh highs
Bodycon dresses/skirts
Korean clothes trends!!!
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I’m the exact same height and very close to the same starting weight, with similar goal weights and dislikes. :)
Hiya !! Im Bambi !! Im new 2 edtumblr !!
cw: 208.8 lbs
gw1: 180 lbs
ugw: 150-120 lbs
Im 16 years old, 5 foot 5 inches !! My pronouns r they/them !
I tried 2 make several accs on edtwt but it keeps suspending my accs -_-
I dont like: self harm accs, fatspo, meanspo (unless i ask)
I follow back !!
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Food Log 1/20/21
Breakfast: Sesame Bagel - 360 Yerba Mate - 120
Lunch: Doritos (33) - 420 Cookie Dough Ice Cream - 540
Dinner: Stuffed Crust Sausage Pizza - 360 Coke Zero
Total: 1800 Today was a shit day in terms of nutrition, but it was fucking delicious. I’ve burned ~2,111 calories today but I’m going to go on a walk with my mom later and be on the elliptical for 20 minutes tonight or so. I’m trying to burn at least 2,800 calories today so that I’m at a rate of losing 2 lbs/week. 
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I try not to look at thinspo everyday, but I love quizzes so here goes:
1. Height: 5′5 HW: 197  CW: 190 GW1: 175 (overweight weight range, back to high school weight) GW2: 150 (normal weight range) GW3: 125 (”ideal” weight for my height, thinnest I’ve ever been) UGW: 115 (model skinny for me
2. 5′5. I wish I was taller so I could look nicer in some styles of clothes, but when I’m thinner I’m pretty happy with my height. 
3. I absolutely love how light and floaty she looks, and how her collarbones look. I remember looking like this and feeling almost that weightless. I also hate how fat my thighs are, and hers are so gorgeous. 
4. I’m so scared about loose skin. I hate the idea of having wiggly thighs and deflated boobs. 
5. I want to remember what it feels like to feel excited to get dressed in the morning. I miss loving fashion so much. 
6. I don’t usually binge, but sometimes I end up eating more than I planned. Mostly I just try to keep a 1000 calorie deficit between what my FitBit says and how much I log in MFP. 
7. My parents both know. My dad tells me I don’t need to, but then makes fun of fat women day in and day out. He’s constantly dieting and gorging himself, and always bringing shitty food into the house. My mom knows I have trouble with eating enough, and I’m trying to be better about being healthier for her. She knows I used to restrict a lot, but she doesn’t know I still do. I try to keep her at arm’s reach, because when she knows I’m dieting, anything I try to eat she tries to replace with baby carrots/spinach/etc. so any time I work up the nerve to eat she makes it practically impossible for me to eat enough. She thinks 1000 calories is too much to eat in a day, but regularly eats around 2500. 
8. I try to burn 2,500-3,000 calories every day. I’ve always walked a lot, but I recently tried to run and got stress fractures because of a calcium and iron deficiency. Now, I’m trying to stick to low-impact stuff until I can get in with a physical therapist, like rollerskating. I just got an elliptical off of Facebook marketplace, so I’m trying that for a while.
9. My parents, doctors, friends... everyone. 
10. The hardest thing is not eating the food my roommates make. They make this delicious, but super fattening food, and get so sad when I never eat any. 
11. I’m not sure, mostly just browsing the sweetspo tag
12. I really love Yerba Mate tea and fruit, so I usually end up eating those things, along with low-calorie frozen meals and canned soups, or bagels/english muffins. I’m working on incorporating more water, vegetables, and protein/calcium into my diet. 
13. I’m really trying to lose it in a healthy way. I’m in college and I know enough about biology and anatomy to know how badly restricting can fuck up your heart, but I struggle with over-exercising and portion sizes. 
14. My UGW is 115 or so. I’m not exactly set on this, but I definitely don’t want to go under 110. I just want to have small thighs, and feel light. 
15. I’m not strictly either, but I eat very little dairy because lactose hurts my stomach, and very little meat because I hate to cook it. I would definitely believe either of these would help me lose weight, since it would help me avoid places like McDonalds. 
16. I first decided to lose weight when I was in 4th grade. I wasn’t successful until the summer of 8th grade, when I was sick and tired of being fat. I lost about 40 lbs in 3 months (170 -> 130) by over exercising and sticking to 1,200 calories a day, and it was miserable.  I’m now a junior in college, and my weight has crept up to 190 (as high as 197). I’m trying to lose about 70 lbs now.
17. Probably, but I’m really trying to manage it healthily. I experience so much body dysphoria and so many impulses to restrict but I try to over exercise instead of eating too little when I can. 
18. Easily french fries, and ice cream. I love both so dearly. 
19. I had Taco Bell yesterday and I regret it. It wasn’t even worth it.
20. My favorite diet is fruit, water, and low-cal soup and frozen meals-- nothing special. 
21. I’m a size 14 in jeans, size 12 in dresses. My bra size is a fucking giant 34J (SO excited to lose some boob).
22. My lowest weight was 130. I gained the weight during high school and college during which I experienced multiple instances of sexual assault and anxiety over abuse at home. 
23. 100%, but the thing that got me to actually change was wanting to fit in. No one seemed to want to be friends with the fat girl. 
24. I understand them-- I think people use the terms in different ways. Some people mean they’re in favor of perpetuating the disease, and some mean they’re in favor of accepting and recognizing them. The latter is valid, the former is not. 
25. No, I haven’t. I over-exercise for sure, but I’ve never thrown up because I ate. 
26. I can’t wait to for it to be easier for me to run, and to look cute in shorts. Also to be able to fit into those cute tiny bralettes once my boobs shrink. 
27. I let myself have some treats. My mantra is that I can have some fun stuff, just not every single thing I want. 
28. It would be amazing but I’m trying to be OK with it if I can’t get it. My hips are wide enough I think it could happen though. 
29. Light, graceful, confident.
(I’ll save 30 for the the next time I post, to track progress!)
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How long have you been at a plateau? There’s a natural ebb and flow to your weight, and it’s really common to not see a change in the scale just before your period, and then once your period comes/ends, see a huge drop. Whatever is going on in your journey, please remember to drink water, take vitamins, and stay safe. You are loved <3
really needing some help. like im going crazy. what do you all do when you reach a plateau, i've been excercising more and eating virtually nothing?
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Does anyone else feel like their ed comes down to wanting to be taken care of? It’s not necessarily an attention thing, but just wanting someone to say, ‘Hey, you’re working really hard, let me take some of that weight off your shoulders.’ All that starving and all that exercise just makes me feel so empty and small and helpless, and I honestly just wish I could go back to a time when someone else could help me make decisions for myself. I wish someone had shown me, somewhere along the line, what discipline and thoughtfulness felt like when applied to your own life. I really just wish I was a kid again. 
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Looking for more friends and people to follow
Reblog if 2 or more apply to you
•sw is 180 or higher
•you’re not underweight
•you still have 40+ pounds to loose
•you’re 5’0 to 5’5 (or shorter)
•you’re 15-21 years old
•you’re active on tumblr
•you’re pro recovery
•you post progress/before & after pics
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