pandoraboxoftraumas · 5 years
thursday, 4th of april 2019
Bought a ticket for Stephen this morning - I’m happy he’s coming back home. I miss him like crazy...
Yesterday was a mess. I guess it’s never happening again...
Meanwhile, my roommate is getting blackmailed, it’s the fourth of april, this is the only thing i’ve really written all month long, and it sucks it’s short.
oh, also i’m smh crawling out of my skin w/out my bujo, which idk where it is.
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pandoraboxoftraumas · 5 years
march 24th 2019; sunday
This day is hard.
I mean, Cosmos’ w Sarah was great; but I was soo fatigued during the church service, I left while Rev. Heather was talking to the children. I just... couldn’t. I got home, pretty much walked past my roommate (who complained that she wanted us to clean the kitchen and I promised and she wants to go out anyway) and I just... took my ADHD meds, crawled into bed and slept. I needed energy so, so badly...
Woke up around one, pushed myself out of bed to go clean the kitchen. It was okay. Then I realized I have enough energy for a short walk, so I went to the pharmacy and got my meds, some food and hair dye. While waiting for my hair, I tried to set up the printer, then Shei showed up which was nice. I am now trying to work...
I talked with Shaun yesterday and that was amazing. I’ve missed my friend. I miss all my friends. I don’t know how to see them all, I just don’t. I need to clean, I need to do my taxes by the end of the week! Yet I want to see Ram, and Lucas, and Camille, and Teodora, and Walid... fuck, I really need to go shopping with Walid, my shoes are falling apart... but... time. Time is hard.
So yeah. That’s that. Today kinda sucks, but the highlight of my day is that I sent a selfie to Stephen and he told me I looked very masc in it and just <3 <3 <3
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