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On 20th of April 2023, the Science Department, along with the students, organized the Earth Day Special Assembly.
The assembly, through its songs, poems and speeches was a opportunity for everyone to reflect upon their actions and move towards a more sustainable lifestyle.
Pacificans of classes VI-XII also received an opportunity to interact with Ms. Richa Yadav, an Energy Transition and Decarbonisation Professional, who graced the occasion as the special guest. She elaborated upon the importance of conserving energy and resources and also talked about various careers in the field of sustainability.
Students were also given a presentation by experts from Benesse India, one of the leading education company with its origins in Japan for diagnostic assessments and mentorship.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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Eid Mubarak to all our students and staff. May this day bring joy, peace, and prosperity to you and your loved ones. As we celebrate this auspicious occasion, let us remember the values and ideals that Eid represents.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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The first week of academic session 2023-24 commenced for classes VI-IX with a range of activities and workshops.
The first day learners engaged in an ‘Interest Map’ activity based on an inspiring song ‘Try Everything’. The next day learners of Classes VI-VIII participated enthusiastically in a workshop on ‘Gratitude’. They shared their thoughts and feelings through the medium of a gratitude tree.
The week followed with inspiring videos by famous personalities, and Dr B.R. Ambedkar Jayanti and World Haiku Day celebrations.
It was a week that focused on building rapport, friendships and fun-based activities.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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Developing a growth mindset in learners is a belief that intelligence and ability can be enhanced and developed through hard work, the right strategies, and assistance from others. It helps people understand learning as an opportunity for improvement rather than embarrassment. Institutes like Pacific World School take appropriate measures for students to take on challenges and persist to do better in the failures. 
Developing a growth mindset in students refers to embracing challenges, tackling obstacles, and understanding their abilities that can be developed over time. Pacific World School, the top school in Greater Noida one of the best schools in Delhi NCR, helps its students to recognize their innate abilities and foster a growth mindset in its students.   Here are some effective ways to cultivate a growth mindset for students:  
Encourage a Positive Attitude: Pacific World School is dedicated to encouraging an enthusiasm for learning. Challenges should not be seen as difficult challenges by students, but rather as possibilities for progress. Instead of only complimenting young learners on their natural gifts, teachers should recognize their efforts and diligence. This encourages kids to embrace studying and strive for improvement. 
Emphasize the Power of ‘Yet’: Students at Pacific World School are taught to embrace difficulties. For instance, teachers encourage them to finish sentences with the word 'yet' when they say sentences like 'I can't do this'. This helps students to view their abilities and helps them to enhance their skills as work is in progress. 
Focus on the Process, Not Just the Outcome: Pacific World School places a strong emphasis on the value of concentrating on the learning process rather than simply the outcome. Teachers should encourage students to think back on their learning experiences and consider what went well and what they can do better moving forward. As a result, students learn to appreciate the process of learning rather than just the result, which aids in the development of a growth mindset. 
Embrace Failure: Failure is a necessary component of learning, and Pacific World School is aware of this. Teachers should explain to children that failing is a chance to learn and develop rather than a reflection of their competence. This supports children' growth in resilience and tenacity, two qualities crucial for fostering a growth mindset. 
Encourage Risk-Taking: Students at Pacific World School are encouraged to try new things and take chances. Teachers should foster an environment where students feel secure taking chances and making errors. Students gain self-assurance and a desire to learn from their mistakes as a result of this. 
In conclusion, Pacific World School recognizes the importance of fostering a growth mindset in its students. By encouraging a positive attitude, emphasizing the power of yet, focusing on the process of learning, embracing failure, and encouraging risk-taking, students can develop a growth mindset that will serve them well throughout their academic and professional careers. 
Visit their website for more information: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/ 
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Every parent wants to provide the best for their child. With so many choices upfront, making the right decision can be difficult. Before finalizing any institution, make sure to consider Pacific World School, the best play school in Noida. It provides the needed support and guidance to young learners so that they can lay a strong foundation for their upcoming learning years.   
Let’s read some of the important qualities of the Best Play School in Noida: 
Educated, Attentive, and Compassionate teachers:  
A good play school has well-trained teachers who are not only educated but are also attentive and compassionate towards the students. Good teachers provide academic as well as emotional support to all learners so that they can feel comfortable and at ease while studying. Such a positive and supportive environment increases the engagement and potential of young minds. 
Safe and Nurturing Environment 
Good playschools provide a safe and nurturing environment for their students as they learn to adjust to their new surroundings. All this can be overwhelming for them, and they might require constant support and reassurance from the teachers. Also, make sure the school adheres to all the safety standards that make you and your child feel secure. 
Activities to foster Development 
Good play schools plan such educational-playful activities for the children so that they can play and learn at the same time. These activities are age-based and require students to enhance their physical and motor skills. This also results in better cooperation, coordination, and socialization skills which are essential for personality development. 
Lucid Communication between teachers and parents 
Good schools promote open communication channels between parents and authorities. They constantly monitor the teaching and learning process so that responsible key persons can intervene whenever needed. Teachers are responsible for providing feedback to every student on a regular basis along with periodic parent-teacher meetings. Active engagement of school and family makes learning smooth and effective for children. 
Good schools provide ample facilities and resources for every student. These resources and facilities smoothen the teaching-learning process by providing additional support in the classroom for better grasping of concepts. For instance, smart classrooms and audio-visual aids make learning interesting and improve knowledge retention. Other facilities like well-equipped playgrounds, a library, and a cafeteria make play school an interesting place for children. 
Student-Teacher Ratio: 
Good schools ensure that the teacher can cater to the needs of the individual student for their better development. This implies a smaller student-teacher ratio. Instructors need to focus on classroom activities, strengths, and weaknesses of students. Classrooms with a greater ratio lack individual attention. 
In conclusion, while searching for the best play school in Noida, make sure to check if they have appointed educated, attentive, and compassionate teachers that will cater to the needs of your child. Whether they have a safe and nurturing environment, plan activities for children that foster overall development, promote open communication between teachers and families, have adequate facilities, and smaller student-teacher ratio. If you are searching for the right play school for your child, make sure to consider and visit Pacific World School which confirms all the above-mentioned points along with various others, all directed towards the success and betterment of their students.  Visit their website for more information.  Website: www.Pacificworldschool.com  
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Every human being is a social creature; whatever students do in the classroom influences our perceptions of them and makes an impact. That’s how Teachers can provide the emotional framework necessary to help students feel more secure about themselves and the world. Read the blog below to know more about the importance of emotional intelligence.  
Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize, understand, and manage our own emotions, as well as the emotions of others. It is a critical skill for success in many areas of life, including education. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of emotional intelligence in education and how it can benefit students, teachers, and the educational system. 
Better Communication and Relationships: Emotional intelligence helps students to communicate effectively with their teachers, peers, and parents. When students are emotionally aware, they can express their needs, concerns, and opinions in a clear and respectful manner. This leads to better relationships and collaboration with others. Teachers who have high emotional intelligence can also communicate better with their students, which can improve the learning environment. 
Improved Learning: Emotional intelligence can help students to regulate their emotions and manage stress. This can lead to improved focus and concentration, which can help them to learn better. Students with high EI are also more motivated to learn and can persevere through challenges and setbacks. Additionally, teachers who have high EI can create a supportive and positive learning environment that fosters student engagement and motivation. 
Conflict Resolution: Conflict is an inevitable part of life, including in the classroom. However, emotional intelligence can help students and teachers to resolve conflicts in a constructive manner. When students are emotionally aware, they can recognize the emotions and needs of others, which can help to prevent conflicts from escalating. Teachers who have high emotional intelligence can also mediate conflicts and create a safe and respectful learning environment. 
Improved Mental Health: Emotional intelligence can help students to develop resilience and cope with stress and anxiety. When students have high EI, they can recognize their emotions and manage them in a healthy way, which can lead to improved mental health. Teachers who have high emotional intelligence can also create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes student well-being. 
Career Success: Emotional intelligence is a critical skill for success in the workforce. Employers value employees who are in the process of developing emotional intelligence because they can work effectively with others.  
Therefore, students should understand and analyze very well that developing emotional intelligence is not an overnight process but a skill to work on for a long time to get a good understanding of it. Schools play a major role in inculcating this skill and giving exposure to students to learn it under their guidance, good schools in Noida like Pacific World School are known for good and quality academic curriculum and exceptional activities and workshops it organizes for their students. 
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Noida Extension, also known as Greater Noida West, is a rapidly developing area located in the NCR region of India. The area has seen a massive influx of residential and commercial development in recent years, and it is now home to some of the top educational institutions in the region. In this blog post, we will be discussing the top 10 schools in Noida Extension, including the Pacific World School.
Pacific World School: The Pacific World School is a premier educational institution located in Noida Extension. It is known for its state-of-the-art infrastructure, world-class faculty, and comprehensive curriculum. The school offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12 and is affiliated with the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/best-school-in-noida-extension
Delhi Public School, Noida Extension: The Delhi Public School, Noida Extension, is a branch of the prestigious DPS society. The school is known for its academic excellence, co-curricular activities, and focus on overall development. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Ryan International School, Greater Noida West: The Ryan International School, Greater Noida West, is a part of the Ryan International Group of Institutions. The school is known for its innovative teaching methods, world-class infrastructure, and emphasis on holistic development. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Sarvottam International School, Noida Extension: The Sarvottam International School is a leading educational institution in Noida Extension. The school is known for its modern infrastructure, experienced faculty, and emphasis on quality education. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Aster Public School, Greater Noida West: The Aster Public School, Greater Noida West, is a renowned educational institution that is known for its excellent academic record, experienced faculty, and modern infrastructure. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Lotus Valley International School, Noida Extension: The Lotus Valley International School, Noida Extension, is a part of the Lotus Valley International Group of Schools. The school is known for its innovative teaching methods, focus on overall development, and modern infrastructure. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Delhi World Public School, Noida Extension: The Delhi World Public School, Noida Extension, is a part of the Delhi World Public School Society. The school is known for its academic excellence, experienced faculty, and comprehensive curriculum. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Gaur International School, Greater Noida West: The Gaur International School, Greater Noida West, is a leading educational institution that is known for its world-class infrastructure, experienced faculty, and emphasis on holistic development. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
Global Indian International School, Greater Noida West: The Global Indian International School, Greater Noida West, is a part of the Global Indian International School network. The school is known for its innovative teaching methods, focus on overall development, and emphasis on quality education. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
The Manthan School, Noida Extension: The Manthan School, Noida Extension, is a renowned educational institution that is known for its experienced faculty, innovative teaching methods, and emphasis on overall development. The school is affiliated with the CBSE and offers classes from Nursery to Grade 12.
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Why Inclusive Education Matters: Embracing Diversity in the Classroom 
Inclusive education refers to the approach that emphasizes student diversity and includes equal access to learning opportunities and resources for everyone. If you are a parent and searching for the right school for your child, make sure to consider the Pacific World School, which focuses on diversity along with increasing educational standards to prepare your child for successful future endeavors.  
Inclusive education is an approach to education that recognizes and embraces the diversity of students in the classroom. It aims to ensure that every student, regardless of their background or abilities, has access to quality education that meets their individual needs. There are various benefits of inclusive education as it offers numerous advantages to both students and society as a whole. It recognizes student diversity, strengths, weaknesses, and disabilities, and helps learners to pave the way to fulfill their goals.  
 Let’s read below how inclusive education matters: 
 Promotes Diversity: Inclusive education promotes diversity by ensuring that students of all backgrounds, races, genders, and abilities are included in the learning process. This approach helps to create a more inclusive and accepting society that values diversity and recognizes and utilizes the strengths of every individual. 
Encourages Empathy and Understanding: Inclusive education encourages empathy and understanding by exposing students to different perspectives and experiences. It helps students to understand and appreciate the unique challenges that individuals with disabilities or different backgrounds may face, promoting acceptance and understanding. 
Better Academics: The importance of inclusive education shows enhanced academic achievement for all students including those with disabilities. When students with diverse needs and abilities are included in the classroom, they receive support and resources that are available to them. This can lead to improved academic performance and higher levels of achievement. 
Improves Social Skills: Inclusive education helps to improve social skills by promoting social interaction and teamwork. Students are exposed to a diverse range of perspectives and experiences, which helps them to develop their social skills and, empathy, and build relationships with their peers. 
Prepares Students for the Real World: Inclusive education prepares students for the real world by exposing them to the diversity that exists in society. It helps them to develop the skills, sensitivity, and attitudes necessary to work with people from different backgrounds and to navigate a diverse and complex world. 
Schools in society play an important role in accepting and recognizing inclusivity. It also lays a strong foundation for equality, development, and economic growth through imparting education and eliminating social partialities. For instance, Pacific World School focuses on comprehensive education and diversity in society to induce sensitivity towards the backward section of society and eliminate social discrimination of every form. Make sure to visit their premises before finalizing any formal institution for your child.  Visit their website for more information. 
Website link: www.pacificworldschool.com  
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Looking for the best nursery school in Greater Noida? Look no further than Pacific World School!
At Pacific World School, we provide a nurturing and supportive environment for your child's early years of education. Our experienced teachers are committed to helping your child develop the skills they need to succeed in their academic and personal lives.
We offer a range of programs and activities that are designed to engage and challenge your child, including music and movement classes, language instruction, and art and science projects. Our spacious classrooms are filled with bright colors and fun learning materials, creating a stimulating environment for your child to explore and discover new things.
We also prioritize safety and security, with 24-hour CCTV surveillance and a fully trained staff dedicated to maintaining a safe and welcoming environment for your child.
Don't settle for just any nursery school. Choose the best. Choose Pacific World School. Contact us today to learn more!
Address : HS - 02, Tech Zone - 4 Near Ek Murti Chowk Greater Noida West - 201308
Phone: 8899117704 Reception: 9643370000, 9643380000 Email: [email protected]
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/global-exposure
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Children learn through play, without even realising that they are learning. Here are a few glimpses of our Nursery Students. Visit Pacific World School in Greater Noida West for more information .
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Importance of Art and Craft in Early Childhood Education | Arts and Crafts is an integral tool in child development as it fuels their curiosity, creativity and provides them with an outlet to observe, express, explore, excel through creating things. Parents who are looking for a best school can consider Pacific World School, the best school in Greater Noida.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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How to Develop Entrepreneurial Habits from a Young Age?
Entrepreneurship is not just about starting a business; it’s a mind-set and a way of life. Developing entrepreneurial habits from a young age can set you up for success in all aspects of your life. In this blog, we’ll explore some key habits successful entrepreneurs develop that will help you become more entrepreneurial.
Pacific World School is one such school in Greater Noida West that parents can consider if they want their child to have big opportunities.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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At Pacific World School, learning doesn’t stop at the four walls of the school. This is the reason recently our Pre-Nursery children went camping outdoors and reconnected with nature. Needless to say, little Pacificans enjoyed games, yummy food, sun and music.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/
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Online school admissions are helping both parents and schools by making the admissions process more convenient, efficient, cost-effective, transparent, and data-driven. Pacific World School in Noida is one such school that parents can consider while looking for nursery admission in Noida.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/nursery-to-class-ix-admission-process | Call us: 8899117704
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Nurturing your kid's problem-solving & critical thinking skills through practical lessons. Technology-integrated infrastructure combined with the best sporting facilities in Noida. Immersive Curriculum. Safe & Secure Environment. Holistic Development. Innovative Labs. Get the best education for your child by admitting your child at Pacific World School.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/ or Call at: 8899117704
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Admission Open for 2023-24 Session | Enroll Your Child at Pacific World School | Pre Nursery & Nursery Admissions are open in Noida Extension (Greater Noida) for the session 2023-24 at Pacific World School, Know How to apply for Nursery to class IX Admission in Noida extension (Greater Noida West). Registration Forms are available online. Call +91-8899117704 for more information.
Visit: https://www.pacificworldschool.com/nursery-to-class-ix-admission-process
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What is importance of communication skills?
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Communication skills are one of the most crucial skills for students in today’s world. Pacific World School, the best school in Greater Noida understands the importance of communication skills. Thereby the teaching faculty at the school is trained in a way where they follow lucid transparency between teachers and students. Read on the blog below to know the importance. 
Oftentimes, when you look at your child not interacting much at a social place or a children’s birthday party, you end up assuming that it is natural. He or she is just a kid. You may not be wrong entirely, but there is always a different side to the picture. Here, the parent’s mind is clicked regarding the importance of communication skills. 
It Is quite possible that the child might be facing interpersonal or social communication issues without you realizing it. This issue at a young age can snowball into a bigger personality development concern eventually during his or her later years. This is why the importance of communication skills is considered paramount at any secondary school. 
The very first step of this is mostly through the activities to improve communication skills for students that are primarily interactive in nature. 
Below are the pointers that show the importance of communication skills: 
Helps learn more from Teachers: Students need a realistic and deeper knowledge of the topic they are studying at school. In order to learn better from teachers, they need to pose the question and address their subjective and objective doubts. When teachers understand where they’re confused about the subject, they can teach in their style. Communication skills allow them to listen, to understand the point of view of teachers in the classroom. 
Being Friendly with others: Regulated verbal contact and physical expression help students make new friends. Studying with good friends relieves tension. It is very important in a competitive atmosphere and in a competitive situation. Good communication skills help in creating strong friendships with a high level of trust. 
Helps in Career Development: Simple communication of skills and information, objective vocabulary in words when engaging with interviewers, and positive facial gestures enable students to get a job after graduation. This is how good communication makes a difference in the personality of students. 
Enhancement in Teamwork and Collaborative Attitude: Positive attitudes, gratitude from others and a joint effort to solve the issue with other team members are clear examples of successful communication in the workplace. Efficient communication improves company efficiency. It will boost the chances of promotion and also raise the confidence of other members. This is how communication skills improve collaboration and constructive actions and have long-term benefits. 
Develop Professionalism in Students: Communication is an expression, and freedom of expression is our right, but it should be on the right track, with the right people for the right cause, and on the right platform. Learning and developing communication skills allow students to cope with these kinds of professional and social tensions in the future. Efficient communication and preventing poor examples of communication would make them powerful leaders, experts, and socially influential. All the duties that we carry out as citizens and do effectively with quality will lead to the growth of our country.
Memory Enhancement: It is said that when we speak, listen, articulate, and understand what we’re talking about, our presence of mind will increase. Students need brainpower and keen memory to be good in everything they want to do to make their dreams come true. The use of communication skills improves their attention and is the ability to respond because of the presence of mind. The involvement of the mind strengthens their vocabulary, and communication skills and enhances memory like a genius. 
Above mentioned are the reasons why communication skills are necessary for students to improve, learn and use. Strong communication skills are evidence of a well-educated person. If you are looking for a top school that prioritizes the overall development of the children and enhances a stronger relationship between teachers and students, then it is Pacific World School, the best school in Greater Noida.
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