p1nkbaby · 8 months
YouTube channels which will help you to improve your mindset 💗
lana blakely
via li
anila sita 101
montelle bee
Podcasts which will help you improve your mindset
a better you by Fernanda Ramirez
busy, yet pretty by Jadyn Hailey
for you from eve by Olivia Eve
highlow with emrata by Emily Ratajkowski
Islamic feelings ♡ (for my muslim girlies)
the bad b*tch guide to manifestation by Maddie Cleary
the mindset mentor by Rob Dial
trying not to care by Ashley Corbo
MIMI by Mimi Bouchard
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
A self love night time routine 🌙🧸🪞🤍✨
Your night time routine is all about dedicating time to yourself. Your routine should be tailored to what makes YOU feel relaxed, loved, and cared for. You can add or modify any of these steps to make it perfect for you.
Cleanse & skin care routine. This isn’t just about hygiene. Cleansing your skin can also cleanse the day's stresses away. Remove makeup (if you wear it). Use a gentle cleanser. Apply toner, serums, or treatments if you use them. Moisturize to keep your skin hydrated.
Spend a few minutes decluttering and organizing so you can go to sleep with a clear mind.
Prepare for tomorrow. Pick out your clothes, prepare your lunch and create your to do list so you wake up with a plan of action.
Set aside electronics, especially those that might interrupt your relaxation (phones, laptops). Put them on the other side of the room, or another room to avoid distractions.
Spend a few minutes journaling or meditating on your day. Write down three things you're grateful for as well as your achievements or progress.
Make a herbal tea or warm milk. Stay away from caffeine, they will interfere with your sleep.
If you enjoy baths, now might be the time to have one with calming salts or essential oils. If you prefer showers, use this time to enjoy the sensation of the water, rather than rushing through it.
Spend a few minutes practicing deep breathing, grounding exercises, or meditation to calm your mind.
Choose a book, avoid anything too stimulating or stress inducing.
Stand in front of a mirror and speak kind words to yourself. Use positive affirmations that resonate with you, like “I am worthy of love and happiness” or “I did my best today, and that's enough.”
Dress in comfortable nightwear, ensuring your sleeping environment is cozy. This could be clean sheets and a comfortable pillow.
Dim the lights, play calming music or nature sounds, or use an essential oil diffuser with lavender or chamomile.
Before closing your eyes to sleep, visualize a peaceful scene or a memory that makes you happy.
As you lie in bed, silently express gratitude for the day. Set a positive intention for the next day.
Get full night's sleep. Make sure you’re getting 7-9 hours depending on your personal needs.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
sometimes you just have to rest. the world can wait. take your time.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
Essential Feminist Texts Booklist
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
A Vindication of The Rights of Women by Mary Wollstonecraft
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by Bell Hooks
Feminism is For Everybody: Passionate Politics by Bell Hooks
The Dialectic of Sex: The Case for Feminist Revolution by  Shulamith Firestone 
Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
Full Frontal Feminism by Jessica Valenti
Women Who Run With the Wolves: Myths and Stories of the Wild Woman Archetype by Clarissa Pinkola Estes
The Creation of Patriarchy by Gerda Lerner 
Yes Means Yes!: Visions of Female Sexual Power and a World Without Rape by Jessica Valenti
Invisible Women: Data Bias in a World Designed for Men by Caroline Criado Perez 
Bad Feminist by Roxanne Gay
The Color Purple by Alice Walker
Hood Feminism: Notes from the Women That a Movement Forgot by Mikki Kendall
Men Explain Things To Me by Rebecca Solnit
The Female Gaze: Essential Movies Made by Women by Alicia Malone
Girlhood by Melissa Febos
The Story of Art Without Men by Katy Hessel
Is This Normal?: Judgment-Free Straight Talk about Your Body by  Dr. Jolene Brighten
Come As You Are: Revised and Updated: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D
The Menopause Manifesto: Own Your Health with Facts and Feminism by Dr. Jennifer Gunter
The Pain Gap: How Sexism and Racism in Healthcare Kill Women by Anushay Hossain 
Unwell Women: Misdiagnosis and Myth in a Man-Made World by Elinor Cleghorn 
The Turnaway Study: The Cost of Denying Women Access to Abortion by Diana Greene Foster, Ph.D
Regretting Motherhood: A Study by Orna Donath
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
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Waiting for a miracle and why its limiting
Do you feel as if you're caught in some trap or situation that just isn't improving? No matter how hard you try, the situation continues to crush your mind, spirit and body. You have waited for it to change for so long. You have accepted that there's nothing you can do and you should just push through and try and survive the day.
This situation is limiting you greatly, and feeling as if a miracle is your only hope is not the solution. Relying on a miracle so desperately can make you forget that most circumstances do not have power over you. Miracles do happen, but do not let that small chance limit you have restrain you from taking control yourself. Remember, your mindset is everything, and no circumstances will ever truly have complete control over you. By waiting and wishing for your life to magically change, you aren't embracing the impact you can have on your own life, and it's as if you've given up on your power and given the external control over you.
Do not ever let anyone or anything dominate and control your life, you are the only one worthy or making big and small personal decisions. Remember that you are powerful and that no situation will ever be able to trap you <3
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
1. Knowledge
You must have at least a superficial level knowledge of as many topics as possible. Nothing worse than someone that can not contribute to a conversation. You do not have to dominate the table but ma'am read the headlines and diversify your literary genre (and film) and listen to as many people as you can. There are topics that are 'household topics', say, politics, celebrity gossip (not recommended, like who are you hanging with lol) , economy, gender politics, religion, sports, fashion and beauty, technology, philosophy etc. More often than not these topics surface in every conversation depending on who is on your table. Customize accordingly.
2. Breadcrumb
Interest is rooted in mystery, and mystery is amplified by breadcrumbing. Learn to tell people as little as possible, but in a way that's social and welcoming, no one wants to socialize with a clod hearted i-dont-like-people person. Learn to give vague answers and keep most of the real stuff to yourself, the less people know about you the more interesting you are.
3. Be attractive (?)
I'd like to explain this but we all know we like pretty people.
When I say attractive I don't mean conventionally pretty , I mean well groomed and well kept. I'll take one for the team and let you know the only people moved by conventional attractiveness are high school boys, your pretty privilege dies at the door, but at least it gets you in. Play with make up and style and perfume to create an "ethereal " look, not as much pretty as, irresistible. I don't know how to explain this but we all know that one woman that isn't even pretty but we can't look away. They have us in their clutch and in all honesty sis isn't that cute but we can't look away.
Play with your unique features and stand out.
3. Do not, in fact, be like other girls.
Before you revoke my feminist card, hear me out. No one likes generic. Not even you. What makes Birkin that ridiculously expensive and in demand isn't the material, they don't import fabric from Mars, its the exclusiveness of it. Be the Birkin.
If you ever say "I'm not like other girls" me and all your ancestors will cringe in shame lol. I mean, find something that stands out. It can be as little as a detail in your outfit or a word you use or a topic you're a real need about or an interest, find some way (that you enjoy) that stands out.
The fun part of this is it already existes, we are born different and each unique in our own way. Find it, if you don't like it find something else.
4. Wit.
Uh. Yeah I will not be explaining this, the girls that get it get it the girls that don't, don't.
5. Honesty/straightforward.
There's something wildly irresistible about women that don't do circles. This is especially for my women with what would be considered (out of place) backgrounds?
I remember being one of two black girls in high school and while sis went all conforming and whitewashed I threw my braids into a ponytail or rocked whatever "allowed" hairstyle I could and not think about it and when anyone asked about my culture, hair, background, etc I answered matter of factly. I mean you won't touch my hair but braids take eight hours to make. Yes they hurt. &c.
When you're comfortable enough with a part of you that (you're not supposed to be?) It's attractive. We all want someone that's unfazed an complete, it makes you interesting to be around.
6. Be agreeable.
Again, leave my feminist card alone and hear me out, okay?
No one likes a disagreeable person..no one. If you shoot points down the second they're made being the loudest in the room no one will talk to you. No one.
Take yourself off that little godlike pedestal you're standing on baby you know I believe in you but your opinions aren't law. Your belief system isn't superior and you do not, in fact make the rules on what is okay to believe and isn't. You shoot yourself in the foot every single time you shut someone down. Give people the space to be themselves and watch them flock toward you. You don't have to fake aggreability, there's a high value way to disagree without burning bridges- I'm also not saying let people speak to you how they want. I'm saying learn duality and tolerance, let people be them. When that Pro life Andrew Tate Wannabe is running his mouth your little feminist speech is lost. Let the man talk, nod and give him the space to finish what he's saying (respectfully, or burn him) , validate whatever points make sense to you and shrug the others off.
Once people realize you're a safe space it's open season for you.
7. It's about them.
The highest seductive power existing is found in listening. Deep inside we all want to b understood. We all want someone to listen and validate us. We want to open up and be received.
Learn to do this.
Not 25 hours, and please know when you're being used as a trauma dump/ therapist, cut that shit out. Leave space to talk about yourself, you also deserve to be heard plus that's how connections are formed, common ground, but in every conversation ask yourself "what do they want?" To be validated? To feel heard? Sympathized with? Will you benefit from playing into it? Move accordingly.
Whole kingdoms have fallen and been conquered because kings felt heard for the first time. Remember this.
8. Storytelling
See sis no one cares for one word dry responses. No one. Noooo one. Learn to captivate an audience. Train your voice, posture, gestures, cadence such that you can not be ignored (an example of this is Norma Jean/ Marylin Monroe). Practise practise makes perfect. Don't stop until you start talking and the entire table goes quiet.
9. Confidence .
Yes I know I owe yall. Yes it's still coming.
Shy people are only interesting to pedophiles and people that wanna screw you into your mattress , love. No one takes a shy adult woman seriously unless he's trying to hit /they have that mother complex/ mommy X daddy issues, and even then it gets exhausting. Shy introverts finish last. If I have to draw words out of you and still read between your fidgeting etc you're cute for an hour then I'm done. You're an adult. Learn to act like one.
10. Be an expert in something.
Self explanatory.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
Drink water. keep your nails + toes done. go shopping, spoil yourself. chase your goals. go out to eat. take trips. dress up. try diff hair styles. have more talks with God. take more pictures. stay away from negative energy. surround yourself w/ ppl that have your best interest at heart. invest your money. save up to get a bigger bag. be selfish, but most importantly.. ENJOY YOURSELF💕
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
mental well-being tips୧ ‧₊˚ 🪷 ⋅
give urself a social media detox by either taking a break completely, or start implementing the habit of having time limits
dissociate with toxic ppl and ppl with bad energy
pinpoint what exactly drains u of ur energy
make ur personal values crystal clear
identify self sabotaging and people pleasing behaviors and when u catch urself doing them STOP
release shame
tell urself that u forgive urself for ur past mistakes
stop comparison
place some rules on ur life
sleep for 8-10 hours
shadow work
dopamine detox
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
When you say you'll "try", you're already doubting yourself. You have to commit fully with the mindset that you will make it work no matter how hard it is or what you need to sacrifice. You can not add on hobbies or mindsets. You replace them. You replace the negative habits with positive ones. You replace negative thoughts with positive ones. That's the key to success. Don't be the person who dreams big but chooses watching TV over action. Always remember: You only fail if you give up.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
How Childhood Trauma Can Show Up In Adulthood
Childhood trauma can have a deep and lasting impact on your development, some scenarios we would not even consider to be " trauma" but it comes down to how you as a child perceived the situation. To add to that, you could have had a great childhood factually, or by your understanding, because it is all you knew. I’ll give you an example, do you find yourself putting everyone else before you? Maybe when you were little you had an experience with a parent where they put someone else before you in a situation that was significant to you at the time, and that feeling got registered in your subconscious. Maybe you got rewarded for the experience or reprimanded. It could have been very harmless. You may not even remember unless you start to think about it. None the less the root of a lot of our triggers, habits and insecurities boil down to our childhood experiences, that stay buried in our subconscious and often manifesting in various ways during adulthood.
You have a have a hard time controlling your feelings. You might get super angry or not feel anything at all.
You are scared to fail.
You blame yourself for your mistakes and bad choices from your past and have a hard time forgiving yourself.
You worry about what other people think about you or in general and may feel scared a lot.
You are too clingy or too distant and cant find a balance.
You don't trust yourself to make decisions and need constant validation or someone else to make decisions for you.
You feel really sad and down most of the time.
You suffer from negative self talk, are very hard on yourself and really believe those things to be true.
You constantly criticize others.
You need external validation to feel accepted.
You are always anxious.
You are hypersensitive to criticism.
You are terrified of change.
You find it hard to take compliments and truly believe you are not worthy.
You find it hard to keep good relationships because you're scared of getting hurt and feel like you cant get close to others.
You try to be perfect and want to do everything perfectly because you think it will help avoid bad things from happening.
You might eat too much or too little because you are feeling bad or want to control things.
You can't stop thinking about bad stuff that happened before and might have nightmares or feel like they're living it again.
You may feel like they're not really in their body or like things around them aren't real because of what happened in the past.
You avoid things because they remind you of bad stuff that happened.
Sometimes people stay away from things that remind them of bad stuff that happened.
You might have more health problems like headaches or stomachaches.
You do things that hurt you or others, and you don't even realize it because you learned it from when you were young.
You might work extra hard to be successful because you want others to like you or because you don't feel good about yourself.
You rather be alone because you feel embarrassed or worried about what others think.
You try really hard to control everything in your life.
You water yourself down and put everyone else before you.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
Some personal rules I live by:
Stay true to yourself.
Stick to your convictions.
Develop strong boundaries.
Live by the base of non negotiable standards you abide by.
Do what feels right and good to you.
Do the best I can, not the best by someone else's standards for my life.
Authenticity moves mountains.
Keep learning until you "get it".
Once you "get it", moving forward feels naturally.
When you are ready you will know.
If you don't see it in your mind, do not move forward in real life.
If you see it in your mind, take the leap and figure it out.
I don't know everything.
Ask myself what could I have done better even if I win or lose.
Do one more push up.
Apologize when you are wrong.
The challenge comes before the win.
Do not let the people who hurt you win.
Nothing that is for me will miss me or hurt me and anything that leaves is not for me, so I am okay with that.
Never believe it can not be done.
Because I love myself, I will treat myself as best I can.
Instead of asking why someone treats me a certain way, ask myself why they think they can and look inward.
Be fair and kind, but always put yourself first.
Do good and be good.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
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if you like it, it’s not “embarrassing” ☆
hello my loves! i think a good amount of us have experienced embarrassment for liking a hobby, movie, game, song, etc. no matter what it is, i’m here to tell you that it’s not embarrassing to like what you like. it’s what makes you unique. if anyone’s giving you a hard time about it then remind yourself that those are the kinds of people who aren’t seeing you for who you truly are. there are plenty of people who would love to hear about your hobbies, dreams, and everything about you! when the right moment comes, you will meet those people.
remember you’re loved! xoxo 🤍
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
Sunday Reset Routine for Busy 9-5 Working Baddies
This routine is designed to help you recharge and prepare for the upcoming week:
Step 1: Wake Up and Hydrate
Start your day by waking up at a consistent time to maintain your sleep schedule.
Drink a glass of water to hydrate your body and kickstart your metabolism.
Step 2: Morning Movement
Engage in a short workout, such as a brisk walk, yoga session, or quick home workout routine.
Exercise can boost your energy levels and improve your mood for the day.
Step 3: Healthy Breakfast
Prepare a nutritious breakfast that includes a balance of protein, whole grains, and fruits or veggies.
A healthy breakfast fuels your body and brain for the day ahead.
Step 4: Review and Plan
Take a few minutes to review your schedule for the upcoming week.
Create a to-do list or set priorities to help you stay organized and focused.
Step 5: Cleaning and Organizing
Spend 15-20 minutes tidying up your living space. Decluttering can help create a calming environment.
Organize your workbag, prepare your outfit for Monday, and gather any essentials you'll need.
Step 6: Meal Prep
Plan and prep some meals or snacks for the week ahead. Chop veggies, cook some proteins, or assemble easy-to-grab options.
This saves time during busy weekdays and encourages healthier eating.
Step 7: Self-Care Break
Take a break to engage in a self-care activity you enjoy. This could be reading, taking a bath, or practicing mindfulness.
Step 8: Digital Detox
Consider taking a break from screens for a couple of hours. Disconnecting helps reduce stress and improves sleep quality.
Step 9: Reflect and Journal
Spend a few minutes reflecting on the past week. Note your accomplishments, challenges, and lessons learned.
Write down any thoughts or intentions for the upcoming week.
Step 10: Relaxing Evening
Wind down with a calming activity, like watching a movie, reading a book, or spending quality time with loved ones.
Step 11: Pre-Bedtime Routine
Prepare for a good night's sleep by following a consistent pre-bedtime routine.
Avoid screens, dim the lights, and engage in relaxation techniques like deep breathing.
Step 12: Get Ready for Monday
Lay out your clothes for Monday, gather work essentials, and pack your lunch if needed.
Having everything ready reduces morning stress and helps you start the week smoothly.
Step 13: Early Bedtime
Aim for an early bedtime to ensure you get enough rest for the week ahead.
Establishing a consistent sleep routine supports your overall well-being.
Remember, the key is to adapt this routine to your preferences and needs. Each step doesn't have to take a lot of time, but collectively, they can help you feel more organized, relaxed, and ready to tackle the work week ahead.
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
top lessons from thewizardliz
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1. know what you deserve and never settle for less
2. do what needs to be done to help yourself
3. learn to detach
4. drop the people pleasing
5. never underestimate your ability to create your own reality
6. stop thinking and speaking about others as if they’re better than you
7. never entertain those who try to bring you down or talk down to you
8. don’t lower your standards for anyone or anything
9. “failure” doesn’t have to discourage you
10. drop the victim mentality
11. don’t be afraid of being called selfish
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
★ Scripting your new life ★
~ these are a few ideas for scripting your new life / making your manifestation boards ~
Financial / Business :
Income you want to make
The title you would like to acquire
Where are you working
A business you'd like to start
What do you wear to work
Relationships :
The type of lover you wish to attract
Types of friends you'd love to be around
Lessons you'd like to share with others
How many children do you want
How do you show your love to others
What characteristics does your ideal s/o have
Health :
What are your health goals in the next 6m / year
What is your ideal body type
Health habits you would like to start
What are you eating to stay fit
How does your new body feel
Personal :
How does your new room look
Books you would like to read
Places your new self will visit
A problem you would like to solve
How do you dress every day
Where do you live
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
31 Day “Self Reflection” Challenge- Day 6
You can access my diary page answering today’s prompt HERE
For Day 6, the prompt of choice was:
“When does the healing process begin to hurt?”
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“Healing begins to hurt when I get closer to the root of my pain- both surface and subconscious pain. Sometimes it’s my childhood overall but sometimes it’s isolated incidents and/or attitudes towards me,”
Feel free to answer the prompt in the replies or anonymously in my ask box!
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p1nkbaby · 9 months
August Glow Up <333
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