ovowrites · 3 months
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a collection of my playlists highlighting black artists in multiple genres of music. a little late for BHM but better late than never <3 enjoy! suggestions and additions are always welcome.
black people created rock: a forever growing playlist of various sub - genres of rock made by black artists and musicians; from classic rock, pop punk, rock rap, metal, post hardcore, etc. from underground bands, popular artists experimenting with their sound, artists from other genres collaborating with rock stars, and more!
a southern gothic tale: country / folk / blues / bluegrass; there are some rap / pop songs that include country elements in them but for the most part it's what you think.
black alternative: black artists that make music outside of the expectation. alt [rnb/pop], hyperpop, indie [pop/rock], dream - pop, bedroom pop; you name it, it's probably in here.
black g!rl pvnk !: similar to my black people created rock playlist, except it's just black women. this playlist also includes rap that takes heavy inspiration from alternative subculture.
juicy fruit, certified bubble yum: [bubblegum] pop by black artists. oftentimes our music gets categorized as rnb / urban / hip hop even when it's clearly not! there's been a historical record of black music being put in the wrong categories by reviewers and the academy trying to box black music into a box. while some songs may have rnb elements, it's clear that they're classic, well-made, and respected pop songs!
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ovowrites · 4 months
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ovowrites · 4 months
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Freaky Tales Interview with Vulture | Sundace 2024
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ovowrites · 4 months
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ovowrites · 4 months
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ovowrites · 4 months
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ovowrites · 5 months
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Saweetie Almost Pro Podcast
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ovowrites · 6 months
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SAWEETIE TheGreatIsNate Interview
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ovowrites · 8 months
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MEGAN THEE STALLION via TikTok | September 25, 2023
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ovowrites · 9 months
How to show emotions
Part I
How to show annoyance
slightly shaking their head
rolling their eyes
looking to the side
closing their eyes for a moment
taking a deep breath
clucking their tongue
crossing their arms in front of their chest
tapping their foot
How to show hurt
turning away
avoiding eye contact
closing eyes
lips pressed together
eyes filled with tears
breathing deeply
How to show anger
clenching their fists
pressing their lips on each other
breathing loudly through their nose
eyes getting smaller
clenching their teeth
clenching their jaw
looking away to calm themselves
speaking with clenched teeth
whole body is tense
throwing things around
moving around a lot, can’t keeping still
open body language, like they are ready to attack
frown wrinkles on their forehead
prominent veins
grabbing someone they are angry with to get them to understand why they are angry
becoming violent
non-stop talking, ranting
shaking their head
throwing their arms in the air
eyes either going from one point to another while ranting or completely fixating on the person they are angry with
How to show excitement
jumping up and down
not being able to stand still
clapping their hands
bright eyes
flushed face
dilated pupils
tapping their foot
How to show boredom
biting nails
leg bouncing
playing with everything close by
twiddling your thumbs
spinning around
staring into the distance
propping your head on your hand
Part II + Part III
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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ovowrites · 10 months
one of the worst things you can do as a Black woman (in power) is wield that shit to abuse other Black women. worst of all, if you built your entire platform on advocating for fat Black women or fat women in general just to shame, harass, and belittle them behind the scenes, that's a special kind of wicked. idk what it is about being in positions of power that be turning these celebs into demons but damn it's embarrassing asf.
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ovowrites · 10 months
Intimate Moments
hugging them from behind, laying their head on the other's shoulder
breathing in the other's smell
whispering to each other
cuddling on the couch
walking hand in hand
playing with the other's hair
softly smiling at each other from across the room
telling each other how proud they are of them
leaning into the other person
feeling for the other's hand
pressing a kiss onto the other's hair
humming a melody together
playing with the other's fingers
holding each other's gaze
absentmindedly massaging each other
resting their hand on the other's thigh, slowly stroking it
handing the other one a hot cup of tea, their hands touching for a moment
moving closer in bed
reassuring touches
telling each other I'm here
cuddling in the first morning light
hiding their face in the other's neck
telling each other how much they love them
eating from each other's plates
brushing against each other, even if there is enough room
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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ovowrites · 11 months
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Barbie Pink & Fabulous ― 'Barbie' Los Angeles Photocall Barbie 1959 ― 'Barbie' Bondi Beach Photocall Barbie Day to Night ― 'Barbie' Seoul Premiere Barbie Sparkling Pink ― 'Barbie' Seoul Press Conference Earring Magic Barbie ― 'Barbie' Mexico Premiere Totally Hair Barbie ― 'Barbie' Mexico Photocall Solo in the Spotlight Barbie ― 'Barbie' Los Angeles Premiere Enchanted Evening Barbie ― 'Barbie' London Premiere
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ovowrites · 1 year
*.:。❤︎ ⋆ — FLO MILLI GIF HUNT.
if you click the source link, you’ll be redirected to 25 gif hunt of flo milli (@flomillishit). the gifs showed were made from scratch! all gifs are 268x150px, but feel free to resize as desired. please don’t redistribute, edit without permission (besides sizing) or repost these gifs and claim as your own. if you find these gifs useful, please like and/or reblog. hunts with more notes have a higher chance of being updated. thank you. mwah!
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ovowrites · 1 year
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doja cat variety (2023)
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ovowrites · 2 years
Conflicting Ship Plots
they are competitors - the same job, the same championship, etc.
they are straight-up enemies - one them wants to buy the land to build a resort, and the other wants it to get turned into a nature sanctuary. one is a defense attorney, and the other is a prosecutor. they’re soldiers on opposing sides of the war, etc.
they already won - they inherited an estate that should have been the other’s, or one got the job that the other was hoping to be promoted into, and they are seething.
they broke their heart in the past - maybe there was a good reason behind it, or maybe they were an idiot then and realize it now. 
they did the other wrong in the past - maybe they wronged the other’s family member or friend. 
they have has trust issues - their last relationship ended in a terrible betrayal.
they have intimacy issues - maybe because of a traumatic past, they feel too vulnerable if anyone knows about their real emotions or weaknesses. maybe they’re a psychic, a behavioral expert, or just the one person who can see right through the other and it makes them uncomfortable as hell.
they don’t trust their dating choices - they’ve gotten involved with several losers in a row, and they’re taking a break, maybe a permanent one.
they believe no one can truly love them - they made a terrible mistake in the past, or they’re not attractive in the conventional manner.
they are good friends - they don’t want to risk ruining their friendship by taking it to the next level.
they are co-workers - they don’t want to make things weird at the office, restaurant, or wherever they both work.
they are freaked out by who they really are - a werewolf, vampire, ex-con, spy, etc.
it was supposed to be sex only - they were going to be friends with benefits, or maybe one of them is an escort. falling in love goes against the original arrangement.
their love was supposed to be fake - they were pretending to be in love or married, or they entered a marriage of convenience. 
they were faking it at first - they made a bet that they could bed the other, or pretended to like the other so they could learn their darkest secrets.
they have moral qualms - one of them is the other’s boss, their teacher, their captor, ex-girlfriend or their best friend, and that gives them pause.
they are struggling with personal issues - one of them is grieving the death of their significant other, best friend, their child, or they have PTSD from battle or some other terrible experience.
their love is forbidden by others - it’s against the rules, spoken or unspoken, of their family, organization, community, or religion.
they are into something that the other doesn’t like - it could be an addiction, like alcohol, drugs, gambling, or a profession, like boxing or defending corrupt clients in court. whatever it is, the other wants no part of it.
their cultures clash - one of them is a rock-n-roller and the other is a  business executive, or they love the city life and the other is all about small-town living.
one of them is promised to someone else - maybe the wedding’s already planned and everything. they might have reasons for going through with a loveless marriage.
one of them is married to someone else - it is some weird legal, not-consummated arrangement, or the other ran away long ago because their spouse was an abusive asshole.
they are infatuated with someone else instead of them - they don’t realize yet that this other person is awful.
they are interested in someone else in addition to them - they’re having trouble making a decision on who to be with.
their time is together is limited - one of them is going abroad to study in the fall, their work visa is almost up, or one of them is about to go on a space mission to another planet, never to return.
being together would require a big sacrifice - one of them would have to say no to their dream job or they would have to move away from their family.
they are a danger to the other’s safety - they’re a spy, vampire, drug lord, gang leader, etc.
they think they’ll only make the other unhappy - they’re dying of a disease, suffering under a curse, can’t have children, etc.
they are a suspect - in a murder or robbery case.
they have a reputation - a materialistic douche, a heartless womanizer, a stone cold killer, etc.
they have terrible first impressions of one another - they might have gotten off to an awful start by arguing over something.
they love their freedom - they always saw themselves as the carefree type who would never settle down.
they don’t want distractions - one of them has a very important job to do, and they can’t afford to get sidetracked.
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ovowrites · 2 years
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Nyayop Toang and Jordan Blake by Kendall Bessent for Black Fashion Fair Issue #1
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