organicmolecule · 1 year
watching porn is media consumption, not an extension of one’s sexuality. if your sexuality is defined by the products you consume and therefore consider any criticism of the porn industry an attack on your sexual freedoms, you have some serious work to do on yourself.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
there are only two phenomena in reality that the "split attraction model" makes sense for: "___romantic asexual," of course, and "heteroromantic bisexual."
i know "born this way" is a sacred cow but hear me out. I think a substantial portion of the "bisexual" population is naturally heterosexual with separate fetishistic attraction to the same sex that developed later.
There are men who report never having wanted to have sex with men until they went down porn rabbit holes and developed fetishes (e.g. being anally penetrated as a "sissy," degrading a "sissy," being degraded and made to worship "BBC") and still have no attraction to men outside these narrow scenarios. "Straight" men on Grindr who don't want to kiss or date men aren't saying so out of shame; it's because it would actually feel repulsive to them. Same with women like me who can get aroused by sexualized female bodies but only ever fantasize about having boyfriends, not girlfriends; we've been conditioned to associate female bodies with sexy and naughty and exciting but can't catch feelings for women beyond friendship.
if someone claimed to be "biromantic heterosexual," I'd be inclined to believe she's not really attracted to women and is just affection-starved and drawn to the ~sweet soft sapphic~ aesthetic. Her fullest attraction is clearly reserved for men and a woman would deserve better than to be in a relationship without her genuine sexual attraction.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
indescribable rage toward not-kid-friendly stuff in public. keep your sexual bumper stickers and adult tshirts and whatever the fuck else in your own house. imagine feeling comfortable going to the grocery store wearing a big sexual thing on your shirt. do you have no conscience or no self awareness, it's one or the other. scum
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organicmolecule · 1 year
very smart abortion proponents: "IVF clinics discard fertilized embryos, so if y'all are against abortion because life begins at conception, shouldn't you be trying to stop IVF?"
abortion opponents: *try to stop IVF*
abortion proponents: "i can't believe it!!! this can't be happening!!!"
They are actually going after IVF.
This is not a surprise, if you have been paying attention.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
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Just a friendly reminder:  these are the types of people who want a “pandemic amnesty”.  Never forget what’s really in their hearts.  
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organicmolecule · 1 year
this sounds harsh but I really wonder how many male transitioners who insist "I get along better with girls" really just didn't have many peers interact with them except out of pity and general politeness, which girls/women, being higher in agreeableness, are more apt to do. Living as visibly trans, the ratio of "attention from friendly pitying women" to "genuine male companionship" is skewed even further, which just reinforces the "I'm really meant to be a woman" belief. Meanwhile, the social deficits that kept them isolated among their own sex remain unaddressed
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organicmolecule · 1 year
Buying overpriced quartz from a New Age shop in hopes that it will ~heal~ you isn’t really all that different from giving money to a Christian televangelist faith healer for the same reasons, imo. A scam that flavors itself as feminist and countercultural is still a scam.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
“being kind takes zero effort” Lies.
Being kind takes enormous effort. Being kind means humbling yourself- it means saying no to your pride- it means forgiving someone instantly- it means putting someone convenience over your own for some time- it means acting as if the universe doesn’t revolve around you. Being kind is hard. Being kind is not butterflies and sickly sweet, half-witted compliments. It’s work. It’s serving others. It’s being silent when you don’t want to. It’s being honest. It’s being gentle. It’s being true even if the other person disagrees. Being kind is one of the hardest things a person can do and we need more of it.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
Aslan really does teach us the beauty of being loved by Someone who is more than just “nice” to us and who expects more from us than the bare minimum. By turns and when appropriate, Aslan is disappointed or gently stern or even angry. He brings challenge and danger and change far more than comfort and he’ll make you squirm far more often than make you “feel good” and yet no one’s presence or attention or love means more or is more precious. I’m—
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organicmolecule · 1 year
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organicmolecule · 1 year
the trads are going to have to come up with a better argument than "you'd rather serve your employer who doesn't care for you than serve your husband at home?" because it unravels pretty quickly and i say this as someone who wants to be a homemaker.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
I want to remind everyone that when I pulled out the receipts from the worldbank website showing that Poland had ridiculous low pregnancy death stats while having abortion policies stricter than the USA, that pro choicer I was interacting with said that it was because..... *brace yourselves* 🌻"Polish women were healthier"☺️
By the same logic, I do hope we pro lifers are allowed to argue the reason women die of childbirth is because they "aren't healthy" to brush it off and totally deflect from this reality 🙃 deal?
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organicmolecule · 1 year
I don't like being called "cisgender" for the same reason I don't like when MAP advocates refer to non-pedophiles as "teleiophiles." It frames the narrative as "people with the more common trait vs. people with the less common trait," a group that happens to be the majority ganging up against a group that happens to be the minority, instead of normalcy vs. deviancy.
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organicmolecule · 1 year
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many such cases, sad
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organicmolecule · 1 year
i really hate that cyberpunk as a genre has become popular among people that basically have the media literacy of a middle schooler and think that the robot parts are just ✨neat aesthetic lul ✨ and would gladly get rocket launchers put in their ass so they can be a walking mech even though one of the biggest points on cyberpunk is the idea of cyberpsychosis is a common topic which is basically a mental illness caused by the overload of cybernetic augmentations to someone's body.
please get the fuck out the genre. criticizing cybernetics has nothing to do with trans or disabled people unless you're the kinda person that'll just get wolverine fingers just because HAHAHA SO FUNNY YES I WOULD DO THIS
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organicmolecule · 1 year
Men are the more violent sex, to the point that domestic violence against wives is normal in some cultures, and we're expected to believe this is equal?
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organicmolecule · 1 year
If you think trump will do better in 2024 than he did in 2020 after this red wedding of an election than you are a fool and beyond saving.
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