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“I tilted my head back, breathing deeply. It was a clear, moonless night, and after those long months underground, the sight of all that sky was dizzying. And so many stars - a glittering, tangled mass that seemed close enough to touch. I let their light fall over me like a balm, grateful for the air in my lungs, the night all around me.
"Alina," Mal said softly. I opened my eyes. The Grisha were staring. "What?" He took my hands and held them out in front of me, as if we were about to start a dance. "You're glowing."
"Oh," I breathed. My skin was silver, cocooned in starlight. I hadn't even realised I was summoning. "Oops." He ran a finger down my forearm where the sleeve had ridden up, watching the play of light over my skin, a smile curling his lips. Abruptly, he stepped back. He dropped my hands as if they were hot.
The others fell into step behind him, letting him lead yet again. I hung back, actively brushing the light from my skin. It clung to me, as if my body was thirsty for it.
When Zoya drew level with me, she said, "You know, Starkov, I'm beginning to think you turned your hair white on purpose."
I flicked a speck of starlight from my wrist, watching it fade.
"Yes, Zoya, courting death is an integral part of my beauty regimen." She shrugged and cast a glance at Mal. "Well, it's a little obvious for my taste, but I'd say the whole moon maiden look is working." ”
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Finally got my crow emoji!!!
… Freddy will be so proud
(Technically a raven) but it counts!!!
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@shadowandbonecentral @shadowandbonedaily @shadowandbone @ordinarythingsiflovecaneverbe @shotsbysophia @arany-studio @northstarkov @bestofshadowandbone @maloretsov @kolarpem @aquitainequeen @malinasource @darklinadaily @helnikdaily @kanejdaily @zoyalaicentral @naturaldaisaster @alinastarkovdaily @jessiemeili @jessiemeilisunshine @freddycarterz @inej-ghafa @inej @kazbrekkersz @morozovasaleksander @sixofcrowsnet @shadowandboneladies @grishaverse @nikolaislanstovs
Can we somehow crowd-fund the show (Go Fund Me, Or the Change petition, etc.) ???
@netflix if the issue truly is money in a post-strike world then give show the same budget as last season, and let us try to cover the rest! If we can’t do it, then we can’t do it — but LET US TRY!!!
This fandom has proven time and time again its dedication to the series; this cast and crew have invested so much time, heart, and soul into creating something magical; this is about more than “just a show”. This is a found family. This is hope. This is light in the world. These are stories that need to be told. This is art — and ART MATTERS! THIS SHOW MATTERS!!!
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Sorry for being MIA — y’all my brain exploded after all the Shadow & Bone content!!! but I am ready now TO GO FULL BLOWN GRISHAVERSE FANDOM VOLCRA SCREAMING … so how’s everyone doing?
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Shadow and Bone Season 2: Genya looks upset — 2023 FIRST LOOK
With Kirigan emerging from The Fold looking stronger and more homicidal than ever, and Alina bracing for the fight of her life, danger looms for Shadow and Bone’s embattled heroes in Season 2.
It’s not surprising, then, that Genya looks so upset in TVLine’s exclusive first look at the fan-favorite tailor in the upcoming season. Still, we have plenty questions about the above photo: Why is the Queen looking at her like that? And what are they discussing?
Season 2 — premiering Thursday, March 16 on Netflix — finds Alina on the run and determined to bring down the Shadow Fold and save Ravka from ruin. That might be easier said than done with General Kirigan returning to finish what he started.
With a terrifying new army of “seemingly indestructible shadow monsters and fearsome new Grisha recruits, Kirigan is more dangerous than ever,” according to the official synopsis. “To stand a fighting chance against him, Alina and Mal rally their own powerful new allies and begin a continent-spanning journey to find two mythical creatures that will amplify her powers.”
Meanwhile, in Ketterdam, the Crows must “forge new alliances as they contend with old rivals and even older grudges that threaten not only their place in the Barrel, but their very lives. When a chance at a deadly heist comes their way, the Crows will once again find themselves on a collision course with the legendary Sun Summoner.”
… so I’ve got a lot to say and a lot I’m thinking and feeling but mainly this:
Genya’s face is half shown, it looks like her lip is split, and I have a feeling the other side of it is mauled from the nichoveya (missing eye and all). I think this is the scene from Ruin and Rising.
By set; they appear to be in a castle, or underground, the lighting implies Night. Could be the base, maybe castle, maybe pre Siege background or even the Tailors storyline. But I’m betting this is R&R.
The costuming color shift says a lot especially in tone; the queen is still royal but she doesn’t look as regal. She looks a bit disheveled and more than from missing a day with her tailor. She’s sad, and shocked, and defiant, and angry. She looks like someone looking down upon another, from a place she doesn’t even hold.
Genya looks terrified, and sad, and angry, she looks like the kind of heartbreak that brings wildness that breeds impulsive truth because there’s nothing to loose. She looks like there’s nothing holding her back whether this is a pleading beg and last shot or belligerent vindication. I think this is I am ruination. And we see the black cloak, no longer white no longer royals servant, no longer her own. Perhaps the darklings siege but it looks to weathered. And by shape alone the shown of old (either a pack or both) of old keftas and gathered scraps, on the runC or hidden, or desperate. And possibly more burdened so the shape would make Ruin make even more sense.
Aesthetics on point.
Daisy Head is amazing. I’m already heartbroken and worried and can’t wait to see our girl…
whoever said the line via Darkling about “are you willing to sacrifice that which is most precious to you” being to Genya NOT Alina has some amazing ideas and I’m thinking the same. Plus Daisy Head got bumped up to main so it would make sense. And the show gives us the perk of multiple view points so why not hers, she deserves to tell her story. And I can’t wait to hear it though-I’m sure it’ll give me all the feels, heartbreaks & healings. Just that’s my girl!!! We love her! We Stan!
And I’m intrigued to see there take on it, and any possible changes or spins.
And just the class they handle tragedy with, it helps and doesn’t hurt those suffering. And I really love the inclusion in that that this show has.
… and yeah - this looks amazing. And I legit didn’t recognize the show for a sec lol (I thought it was one of the popular new ones right now by first glance lol) perhaps I’m still thinking this is fake, I must be dreaming!!!
Can’t wait for March!!! And now I’m gonna go over analyze and cry and squeal over this!!!
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I don’t remember my own story.
I may have slept in a hayloft or on a featherbed.
I may have eaten from silver dishes or stolen scraps from the kitchen.
I may have worn summer silks and jewels in my hair.
Or maybe I went barefoot and clawed in the dirt, searching for roots, for gold, for shelter. I can’t recall. There have been too many stories in between, miracles and martyrdoms, too much blood spilled, too much ink. There was a war. There were a thousand wars. I knew a killer. I knew a hero. They might have been the same man. I remember only how I fell into books, never to rise from their pages, how I was never truly awake until I began to dream of other worlds.
I wander now, lost among the shelves. My hand cramps around the pen. I gather dust. But someone has to set down the words, put them in the proper order. I am the library and the librarian, hoarding lives, a catalog for the faithful.
Erase my name. Indelible is a word for stories
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