Casually drops some Mamo Independence gifs
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anyone please ask your crush out like this
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An Open Letter to Tumblr about the Adult Content Ban and How it is Hurting Your Users:
Recently, Tumblr was removed from the Apple app store due to an incident involving child pornography. This incident is incredibly unfortunate, but it doesn’t stand alone. Tumblr was also removed from the app store due to the large influx of porn bots and pornographic spam, users claiming to be proud to be pedophiles, blatant Nazism, racists who are not deleted for sending hate and harassing users, and more. I myself reported someone for harassing me, but because I had blocked the person and couldn’t access the messages where they harassed me, they were still able to send me anonymous asks. Your support staff, with back doors to the website (presumably), claimed they could not access the messages, and I was left SOL. Many features on this website do nothing to actually protect your users from harassment, racism, homophobia, transphobia, Nazis, pedophiles, predators, porn bots, and more. 
You claim in your statement to us that you “have been working on these problems for a long time”. This is blatantly untrue. Please do not lie to us and patronize us. We’ve been here. We’ve seen you do nothing over, and over, and over again. 
We complained to you for months and months about the rampant porn bots, and you did nothing except add a report button on mobile which only reported sensitive content or spam at best. You could have addressed this problem with an effective algorithm, but you did not. We complained to you about being harassed and sent hate speech for being LGBT+, and you did nothing. We complained to you about blogs being randomly deleted, and sometimes you’ve restored them, other times you have not. We complained to you that there were people proudly claiming to be “Minor Attracted Persons”, or pedophiles, and you did nothing. We complained to you about people proudly claiming to be white supremacists, and you did nothing. All of these things are “against the community guidelines”, and yet over and over, you have not found effective ways to handle these problems or suppress the feeling of welcome that these users claim to get here. You have had a long time to work on these problems, but you haven’t addressed them. To say you have is untrue. 
 Multiple other social networking websites, such as Wordpress, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and others have effectively dealt with rampant pornography, racism, pedophilia, and other problems without causing massive issues for their users who are not misusing the platform. They are continuing to find new, effective ways to deal with these issues without causing problems for their userbase as a whole.  There is no reason that you are unable to do this effectively other than that you wanted to do it quickly. You have once again chosen your stock holders over your users. And we have had enough. 
You have already started to ban “Adult” content with a new algorithm. Here are screenshots of just a fraction of the posts you have flagged as containing adult content:
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Your new system of simply tackling everything at once is not working. At all. And each of these screenshots is proof of your utter incompetence. None of these posts contain pornographic acts, “female nipples”, or any community violation of any kind. 
We, the users, have been asking you for months to deal with these problems - particularly, the porn bots and bots that spam. In order to block a bot from a side blog, I have to do it manually, even though they are in my side blog’s feed. This is a huge issue for mobile - only users. They keep cropping up in droves, taking over our posts and tricking google into making it look like a legitimate blog linked to a pornographic website. We have complained to you for months and months now, and your solution to simply “ban all adult content” is ineffective. I agree that children should not be able to access pornography - but this is not how you tackle a porn bot problem. Your system is utterly useless, allows for racists, pedophiles, porn bots, and Nazis to remain untouched. It also harms sex workers and real people who may use this website for some forms of adult content responsibly. Moreover, as seen above, it harms plenty of users who have in no way violated your terms of service.
 If you keep this up, you threaten your website and company as a whole. Many of us are backing up our blogs and planning places to go to. 
You already have a content filter for “sensitive” content (content inappropriate for younger viewers). You could have improved this, instead of attacking your entire user base. It seems to be a very lazy “solution”, if you could call it one at all, and one that harms your entire userbase.
If you are going to keep this filter in place and make Tumblr, a website that has never been known for being family friendly and has never claimed to be, you are going to lose millions of your users. We are already planning our exodus. It isn’t hard to follow. Censor us, and we will go somewhere else. That is not a threat. It is a promise. 
The users of your website. 
@staff @support
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Mamo Blog - 2016.11.23 (Eng. Translation)
「ファンタビ」公開!! 「Fantabi」Release!! 本日、 Today,
ついに、 Finally
映画 The Movie 「ファンタスティックビーストと魔法使いの旅」 「Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them」
が、公開されましたぁ~~~~~ッッッ\(^o^)/ It, has been released to the publicc~~~~~\(^o^)/
わたくし宮野真守は、 I Miyano Mamoru,
エディ・レッドメインさんが演じる主人公、 Acting as Eddie Redmayne-san’s main character,
「ニュート・スキャマンダー」の日本語吹き替えを担当させていただいております!!!☆ I am in charge of the Japanese dubbing of「Newt Scamander」’s role!!!☆
みなさん、 Everyone,
もうご覧になってくださいましたか???(o^^o) Have you already seen it???(o^^o)
どうだった??? How was it???
もんんんんのすごかったでしょ!!???(>_<)☆☆☆ Wasn’t it abbbbsolutely mind blowingg!!???(>_<)☆☆☆
いやぁ、ほんっとに凄いのです!!! Mann, it was really amazing!!!
まだ観てない方もいると思うので詳しくは言えないけど、 I think there are stil people who haven’t watched yet so I won’t talk about details but,
ほんっとに凄いのです!!! It was absolutely amazing!!!
まさに、 Indeed,
ファンタジーの最高峰がここに!!!!!って感じなのです!!!!(>_<)☆☆☆ The best Fantabi is here!!!!! Is the kind of feeling I get!!!!(>_<)☆☆☆
ドキドキするし、 Your heart will beat fast,
ワクワクするし、 The feeling of excitement won’t go away,
ハラハラするし、 Your heart will be a-flutter,
絶対にこの冒険の虜になる事、 You’ll be absolutely captivated by this adventure,
間違いなし!!!!!(*≧∀≦*) There’s no doubt!!!!!(*≧∀≦*)
是非みなさま、 By all means everyone,
映画館に足をお運びください!!!!!!☆ Please visit the movie theater!!!!!!☆
そして、たくさん、感想を聞かせてください☆ And so, lots of, your impressions please tell me about them☆
…あ、日本語吹き替え版の応援も、よろしくね☆(笑) …ah, for your support and cheering of the Japanese dubbing, yoroshiku ne☆(lol)
…ん? …hm?
どうしたの、みんな? What’s wrong, everyone?
ん? hm?
あぁ~~!! Aaah~~!!
昨日のブログの事ね!!! About yesterday’s blog right!!!
マモが何やら焦らしたヤツね( ̄+ー ̄)(笑) Mamo was being somewhat of a teasing guy huh( ̄+ー ̄)(lol)
そう! Right!
そうなんですよ! That’s right!
今日は、公開日なのでね、 Today, is the release date right,
話しちゃってもいいかなぁと思って☆ I was thinking that it’d be okay to tell you now☆
いやね、 Man you know,
ジャパンプレミアの日にさぁ、 On the day of the Japan Premier you know,
マモちゃんたら、かなり興奮が冷めやらない感じだったじゃない?(笑) That Mamo-chan, had an excitement that didn’t seem to go away right?(lol)
何をそんなに興奮してんのよ、あんた!って事なのよ(笑) What’s so exciting, you! was what it was like(lol)
いや、 Man,
何って、 What it was,
実はね… In truth,
ジャパンプレミアの日にね… On the Japan Premier day right…
な、 Some-,
なな、 Some- some-,
なんとね… Somehow…
エ、 E-,
エ、 E-,
エ、 E-,
エ………、 E-………,
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エディ・レッドメインさんと写真を撮ってしまったぁぁぁぁぁぁぁあああああああああああああああああああああ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With Eddie Redmayne I took a photo with himmmmmmmMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
マジかぁ~~~~~~~~~~~ッッッ!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU SEEER~~~~~~~~~~~IOUS!!!!!!!!!
生きててこんな事があるのかぁ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ッッッ!!!!!!!!!!!! HAS THERE BEEN ANYTHING LIKE THIS SINCE BEING BORNN~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NNN!!!!!!!!!!!!
世界のスターが隣に…… The world’s next star……
肩を並べているぅ~~~~~~~~~~ッッッ(;_;)(;_;)(;_;) I’m shoulder to shoulder with hi~~~~~~~~~~mmm(;_;)(;_;)(;_;)
ヤバいぃ~~~(;_;) This is insanee~~~(;_;)
震えるぅ~~~(;_;) I’m tremblingg~~~(;_;)
そりゃ興奮するでしょうよ(;_;) This is something to be excited over right(;_;)
エ、 E-,
エ、 E-,
エディの手が、マモの肩に…!!(;_;) Eddie’s hand is, on Mamo’s shoulder…!!(;_;)
ちなみに、 By the way,
マモの手は、エディの腰に……(笑) Mamo’s hand is, on Eddie’s waist……(lol)
エディは…、 Eddie is…,
めちゃめちゃ素敵な方で…、 A super super wonderful person…,
気さくにお話ししてくださって…、 He spoke freely with me…,
「ニュートみたいな髪型だね☆」 「You have a hairstyle that looks like Newt’s don’t you☆」
って言ってくれたぁ~~~(;_;)(笑) Is what he told mee~~~(;_;)(lol)
いやぁ… Mann…
ほんとにほんとに感動しちゃったなぁ…。。。 I was really really movedd…。。。
俺。。。 I。。。
この写真… This photo…
家宝にします(*´?`*) Should I make it into a heirloom(*´?`*)
いやはや、かなり取り乱したブログになってしまってすみません(^^;;(笑) Maan, please excuse this blog that has become quite a flustered entry (^^;;(lol)
僕の興奮が伝わっていたら何よりですm(__)m☆(笑) More than anything my excitement has been fully conveyed m(__)m☆(lol)
と言うわけで、 With that said,
本当に素敵な素敵な方々が集結して作られている、 Really wonderful wonderful people were gathered together,
最高のエンターテインメント、 The best entertainment,
映画 The Movie, 「ファンタスティックビーストと魔法使いの旅」 「Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them」
是非ともみなさま、よろしくお願いいたします☆☆☆ By all means everyone, yoroshiku onegaiitashimasu☆☆☆
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Ta_2 pelvic thrusting dancing.
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そんな簡単に帰らないし、ご安心を。 “I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.”
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MUSIC ASKS these are actually pretty fucking hard but why not.
1:A song you like with a color in the title
2:A song you like with a number in the title
3:A song that reminds you of summertime
4:A song that reminds you of someone you would rather forget about
5:A song that needs to be played LOUD
6:A song that makes you want to dance
7:A song to drive to
8:A song about drugs or alcohol
9:A song that makes you happy
10:A song that makes you sad
11:A song that you never get tired of
12:A song from your preteen years
13:One of your favorite 80’s songs
14:A song that you would love played at your wedding
15:A song that is a cover by another artist
16:One of your favorite classical songs
17:A song that would sing a duet with on karaoke
18:A song from the year that you were born
19:A song that makes you think about life
20:A song that has many meanings to you
21:A favorite song with a person’s name in the title
22:A song that moves you forward
23:A song that you think everybody should listen to
24:A song by a band you wish were still together
25:A song by an artist no longer living
26:A song that makes you want to fall in love
27:A song that breaks your heart
28:A song by an artist with a voice that you love
29:A song that you remember from your childhood
30:A song that reminds you of yourself
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I swear Kakki is the hottest seiyuu ever ( ̄▽ ̄)
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hataraku saibou: boyfriend jacket
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Some self-indulgent Red X White for rEASONS
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Aww 😍
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P5 Ask Meme
Because I wanted to make one of these. Feel free to use, reblog, or whatever.
Ann: Best Girl?
Igor: Favorite Persona?
Futaba: Favorite Palace?
Haru: Favorite (party member) Social Link?
Caroline: Least favorite Palace?
Justine: Least favorite Boss?
Sae: Least Favorite Character?
Ryuji: Favorite Quote?
Mishima: Favorite (non-party member) Social Link?
Morgana: Part you thought was easy?
Makoto: Most used Party Members?
Yusuke: Best Boy?
Akechi: Character you had the biggest change of heart about?
Akira: If you had a Palace, what would it be?
Reaper: How many times did you die?
Sojiro: Favorite DLC Costumes?
Kamoshida: Character you hated the most? (Boss wise)
Medjed: Favorite part in the game?
Mementos: Least Favorite part in the game?
Arsene: Favorite awakening scene?
Kawakami: Most surprising scene?
Takemi: Favorite NPC?
Velvet Room: Unpopular Opinion?
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** Permission to post it was granted by the artist Do not repost/edit the art without permission Please, support the artist on their pages too **
Artist : mery (pixiv / twitter)
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Saw this somewhere else and felt the need to post it cause no one else ever really tells you this stuff
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Art by shureta0214
Posted with Permission (reprint/edit and/or commercial use prohibited)
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