shark-nato · 4 years
I LOVE the green
I really love Rapunzel’s green concept dress, I think it’s gorgeous. I would say I wish they’d drawn her wearing it in the show but as you said, they have a budget. But then again, that’s what fanart is for! I’ve seen many fanarts of Rapunzel wearing her green dress, and ALL of them are gorgeous. 💖☀️
And I think the thing I love the most is that there’s actually more than one green dress in the concept art!
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And when I visited DTVA in 2018, there was this fantastic series concept art of Rapunzel up on the wall by @claireonacloud and she was in green. @cnotes said that they tried really hard to get her in green, but basically the studio wouldn’t let them not put her in her signature color to start the series out.
But that didn’t stop them from painting her on the DTVA wall in green!
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shark-nato · 4 years
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Modern Princesses by varian_moondrop
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shark-nato · 4 years
“Nobody was allowed to film anything on their phones. I said Screw it. No rule was going to stop me from seizing this once in a lifetime opportunity to capture this collection of stars. A group that likely will never be in the same room again. We are so blessed”
Chris Pratt
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shark-nato · 4 years
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a little lineup with some of the throne of glass characters :)
Kaltain, Aedion, Rowan, Aelin, Lysandra, Evangeline and Manon.
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shark-nato · 4 years
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shark-nato · 4 years
And as a brunette!!
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@SabrinaAnnLynn: plz send tips on how to brunette! thank u. gonna make a movie now
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shark-nato · 4 years
This is Rapunzel and I won’t stand for Dove
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like if you save/use.
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shark-nato · 4 years
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So here’s Shallan Davar holding her blade!
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shark-nato · 4 years
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Bitterblue, Katsa, and Lady Fire.
Getting nostalgic about these books I used to love so much, so I thought up a few alternative designs for BB.
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shark-nato · 4 years
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shark-nato · 4 years
Wow yes. This is fantastic! This is more like what I was expecting after tlj. Ben seemed so close to a redemption arc, and Hux makes NO SENSE as the mole. Agh.
Edit: after a few hours of stewing the movie around in my mind, I have decided to accept this plot as canon and the movie as an alternate reality.
Ways to make TROS better
Kylo confronts Palpatine, discovers he has been manipulated his whole life. Palpatine tells him Rey is his heir. He wants Kylo to bring Rey to him so she can take her rightful place. Kylo leaves Exegol without agreeing to the Emperor’s desires.
Get rid of Pryde. Hux is the Palpatine loyalist.
Kylo Ren is the spy, aware of Hux and the other generals shifting alliance to Palps. The two women he loves are with the Resistance and in the past year he has wanted to make amends with Rey for trying to change her in the throne room. He just wants her happy.
Kylo and Rey meet on Pasaana, Chewy is captured and taken away. Rey sees this and has a flashback of her parents leaving her, tries to stop the transport but is unsuccessful. Does NOT use lightning as this is a darkside trait, not something one inherits.
Rey and group flee, Kylo is unsuccessful in speaking with her.
Kylo and Rey have their bedroom fight, he goes up to the ship to find her. He instead intercepts P, C and F being taken hostage by stormtroopers.
When Poe, Chewy and Finn are about to be executed, Kylo mind tricks the stormtroopers, admits to being the spy, shows them to the Falcon and the three rebels escape.
Rey and Kylo have their confrontation. He tells her Palpatine’s plan and the ‘truth’ about her family. Rey’s parents still suck, but she was sold because her father was jealous of her abilities and didn’t want Palpatine to be even more powerful. He tells her they are a dyad. Rey offers him her hand, he accepts. They escape on the Millenium Falcon.
Take out the hobbit, give those lines to KMT.
Kylo pretends he doesn’t have the coordinates to Exegol so Rey won’t go. Groups goes to Endor.
Rey leaves them to hit up the Death Star herself.
Kylo senses her inner anger and turmoil, follows her, they fight b/c Kylo senses the change in her and wants her to purger her darker emotions.
The wayfinder is not destroyed by Kylo.
Ben senses Leia death, gets stabbed. Rey weeps, heals Ben, admits she is in love with Ben Solo, he admits he is in love with her. Scared of what that means, Rey flees, gathers wayfinder and leaves in an old tie fighter.
Ben talks to his Han memory, gets closure. Is redeemed.
Ben gets a ride from the Falcon and co to Resistance base. He admits he knew the destination, gives them the coordinates, which they relay to the resistance. Ben is praised for his assistance.
Rey goes to Luke, who doesn’t care that she’s a Palpatine as he was also the son of Vader. Gives her Leia’s lightsaber.
Ben talks to Uncle Lando, is given his old blaster that Lando ‘had a feeling’ Ben would need. They embrace.
Ben commandeers an x-wing, goes to find Rey on Exegol.
Rey confronts Palpatine, who tells her his plan. Rey fights at first, is overcome by Palpatine and he threatens her friends who have arrived to the battle.
All the scenes with Ben coming to save Rey happen. Ben and Rey share several moments, Palpatine weakens them, hurls Ben down into ‘the pit’.
Rey awakens, calls out to the Jedi. Hears their voices.
Ben drags himself slowly out of the pit, also hearing the voices through their force bond. Rey deflects Palpatine’s lightning with legacy lightsaber. Ben comes up with Leia’s lightsaber. They cross blades and defeat Palpatine.
They both collapse, Rey lays dead as she channeled all the Jedi.
Ben heals Rey. They talk, they kiss. Ben collapses as if dead.
We hear Leia call out to Ben once more. She gives him her essence. We see Leia’s body disappear and Ben wakes up.
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shark-nato · 4 years
Yes yes yes
I think what kills me most is the amount of potential tros had. I mean, rian literally handed a great story over to jj and chris. Here are a few things I think jj could’ve done after tlj that would’ve made a more well rounded and compelling story.
1. Ben Solo redeemed early in the movie. He was so close by the end of tlj. His scenes with Luke only proved how unhinged and unsure of himself he was. He was very clearly conflicted- especially in that last shot with Rey. Luke’s “no one is ever really gone” is the perfect set up for tros- Ben isn’t gone. There’s still hope. Redeeming Ben earlier in the movie would’ve given us scenes like- Ben in the millennium falcon, Ben with Chewie, Ben helping bring down the first order, a more compelling & character driven reylo build up, Ben fighting with the resistance, awkward conversations with Poe and Finn, Rey and Ben going on a mission together, and Rey and Ben training together, just to name a few. It also would’ve taken the emphasis off if Kylo Ren being the enemy and instead placed it on the first order and hux- the real enemy.
2. In tlj, Finn fought and defied phasma IN FRONT OF STORM TROOPERS. His journey in tros should’ve been to gather storm trooper supporters WITH ROSE to fight with the rebellion. The rebellion had few members willing to step up, a mission should’ve been to gain supports in unlikely places. Finn creating his army out of storm troopers defying the first order would’ve been the perfect progression for his character. Can you imagine Finn giving a rallying speech to a bunch of storm troopers? It would’ve paralleled Hux’s speech from tfa perfectly.
3. Rey is a nobody- but not to Ben. Giving Rey a last name defeated her character progression from tfa and tlj. It undermined her journey and completely contradicted events in tfa and tlj. Tlj ended with Rey accepting who she is. She found comfort and friendship with the rebellion but she found someone who understood her: Ben. Her journey for tros ultimately should’ve been figuring out how to defeat the ever growing first order with Ben. She said it herself in tlj, getting Kylo to join the light could change the tide of the war. Together they should’ve ended the Jedi and the sith and created something else. Rey started out in tfa alone on a desert planet, starving and scavenging for resources. She shouldn’t have ended her journey the same way. Rey nobody would’ve been more powerful to the cause than someone from a lineage of powerful people. Also- she should’ve turned her lightsaber into a staff using the 2 broken pieces from tlj or she could’ve made a lightsaber for Ben. Each owning half of a broken piece? Come on! Wasted potential. Additionally, I would’ve been okay with Rey dabbling in the dark. If chewie had actually died, Rey alone and conflicted could’ve been tempted by the dark. Ben helping her back to the light would’ve been a great balance to their journey- especially if it happened while he was finding the light. If by the first half of the movie Ben was redeemed, we could’ve gotten scenes early on where they were both conflicted at different times. “Darkness rises and light to meet” should’ve been delved into more while they both find balance.
4. The first order is the enemy. By the end of tlj, the first order was pretty much all powerful. They’d almost completed the mission of dominating the galaxy. hux using the knights of ren to overthrow Kylo would’ve been the perfect use of a group of people we’ve been curious about since tfa. We could’ve also learned a little more about them, making the moment Ben does defeat them more meaningful. He and Rey could’ve done it together. Between a massive first order, hux, and the knights of ren, for the final movie in a trilogy and saga, we didn’t need a new villain introduced. There was plenty story there.
5. Happy Ending- as I said, this is the last movie with these characters we love. It’s Star Wars and Star Wars movies are family films. It’s okay to have a happy ending. Rey and Ben together and happy with the resistance celebrating their victory with force ghosts looking on is the only way this movie should’ve ended.
Those are just some of my ideas. I have more and I’m sure I’ll create another post adding to this list. I cannot believe I was naive enough to think I’d be satisfied by episode 9- I feel like such a clown.
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shark-nato · 4 years
Literally same.
JoLaurie moments that caused my death
- Jo launching herself at Laurie after she cut off all her hair and burying herself in his arms as he croons her name and they ruffle each other’s hair
-The way Laurie said her name at any point actually
-Jo’s hand being half tucked into Laurie’s pocket during Meg and John’s wedding
-Laurie having one arm wrapped around Jo when Beth is first sick in bed
-The way Jo presents her ring to Laurie and it’s clearly meant to be light hearted but then she gets distracted and wanders away and Laurie’s just enraptured he works it onto his finger quickly and quietly before she can take it back and wears it for YEARS
-Walking along holding hands at one point I can’t remember when I was a mess the whole time
-When he presents the postbox keys to the girls and I dunno you could just tell that he particularly intended her to get the one with the red ribbon
-ThE ProPOSal scene
-Turning back to stare at her scribbling in the attic
- Bursting into the March house like he’s been doing it all his life and announcing she has to get her skates on literally
-Sneaking her alcohol at Meg and John’s wedding and standing so no one could see her drinking it and then seamlessly taking the glass away when she was done
-Looking at Jo when she says Meg is beautiful, ‘yes, beautiful’
-Dancing like mad hatters outside the party and THEYVE JUST MET and they’re already doing that whisper shout panic thing when Laurie worries about being seen through the window
-Falling into step constantly
-Can I can you Teddy? Yes!
- Only you call me Teddy, Jo, only you
- Jo defending Laurie’s admission to The Pickwick Society and insisting on it and then Jo saying there’s no time like the present and LAURIE FUCKING LAUNCHES HIMSELF OUT FROM BEHIND THE COSTUMES
Because while Laurie and Amy was as beautiful as everyone said I was a JoLaurie shipper before I knew what shipping was and regardless of whether they’re the best of friends and found family or lovers IT WAS JUST GORGEOUS OKAY
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shark-nato · 4 years
i have decided that i must see little women many times for a couple of reasons
1. it is VERY good
2. i must make up for every man not watching
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shark-nato · 4 years
This book meant so much to me growing up and it’s the best book to movie adaption I’ve ever seen and I love it. I love Jo and Teddy and I was sooo pleased by this protrayal.
“…neither relationship diminishes the importance of the other. Amy and Laurie’s romance doesn’t replace Jo and Laurie’s love, because the proposal defines Jo and Laurie’s relationship as friendly. Sure, it’s heated—Laurie chases Jo around while confessing his feelings—but Gerwig doesn’t frame it as unrequited love the way other adaptations did. Instead, they’re friends who care deeply for each other having a disagreement because one of them has confused platonic intimacy for romantic love.”
— Shirley Li, ‘Greta Gerwig’s Little Women Gives Amy March Her Due’ (The Atlantic)  
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shark-nato · 4 years
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jude and cardan from the cruel prince
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shark-nato · 4 years
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