ookiioppai · 3 years
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i’ve been using matcha blossom hair products for months and i just now realized,, IT LITERALLY HAS THE WORDS “MATCHA” AND “BLOSSOM” ON IT?? AND THE COLORS?? and i didn’t notice :| anyways they’re nice products 11/10 (bonus for matcha blossom)
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ookiioppai · 3 years
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langa/renga hc !!
we know that langa is from canada, so:
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personally i think that langa can speak both french and english, which is why he’s kinda bad at japanese because he already speaks two languages~
now the renga part; langa confesses in french, and reki understands none of it :’)
(langa just thinks french is a pretty language and wanted to use it for confessing, but he did not think it through and then had to confess again in japanese but he fucks it up in japanese and it’s so embarrassing and just so,, them) 
((they’re dating now and reki still laughs at langa for having to confess twice (and fucking up the second one)))
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