onspeakercrab · 1 year
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Happy Homestuck Day everyone!!! And a very happy birthday to John 💙
These dorks mean everything to me 😔
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onspeakercrab · 2 years
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Make her pay
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onspeakercrab · 2 years
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seer pondering her orb
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onspeakercrab · 3 years
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onspeakercrab · 3 years
TT: How are we out of bread again? How are we possibly out of bread again? TG: dave. TT: It’s Dave. TG: ive gotten really into toast lately TG: >not even using it for sandwiches TT: You’re not even using it for sandwiches?? TG: >lids r abt to be flipped TG: LOL TG: dont greentext me TT: You ate two loaves of hot bread on your own? TG: dont make it sound like im going in dry here jesus theres a culinary finesse to it TG: the toast is but a vessel for the honey butter TG: the jams TG: the jellys TG: which are the same thing as jams TT: Jelly is a preserve, while jam is not. TG: then wat is it TT: …Not a preserve. TT: Glad to know Mr. Moneybags has preserve money and non-preserve money. And yet we’re still splitting household groceries four ways. TT: Google says jam is a “spread.” Still unclear on what a preserve is. TG: jelly’s also a spread wtf! wtf do u do w jelly if not spread it TG: sorry real quick dont wanna gloss over this dude are you implying that jelly is expensive TT: It takes months to grow fruit and even longer(?) to ferment(?) the fruit into a congealed spread. Labor-intensive foods == luxury. TG: over the fucking moon to be the one to tell you jelly costs virtually nothing TG: youre basically paying like a buck fifty for the jar and they give you the jelly for free TG: bidens america ☭ TT: Well I’m sure I wouldn’t be interested in jelly and/or jam anyway. Surely they only make it out of uninteresting fruits, like strawberries and grapes. TG: oh ho ho motherfucker doesnt even know abt marmalade TT: Dirk, off topic, but I’ve been meaning to ask where you got that hat. TT: Which hat. TT: The red one you’re wearing now, just barely covering your delightful fuzzy brown ears. TT: I don’t understand this reference. TG: paddington fucking bear
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onspeakercrab · 4 years
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1. The role and functions of a pawn.
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2. The weakest pieces on the board; numerous; interchangeable; existing to be sacrificed for the benefit of the real players.
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3. Unlike other pieces, a pawn may not retreat. It can only go forward, one step at a time.
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4. A pawn cannot capture a piece that blocks its path. It may only proceed if the opposing piece concedes ground, or if a different route is offered.
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5. The en passant capture is a special move that permits one pawn to successfully attack another without directly engaging it.
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6. Otherwise, the only way a pawn can capture is by going one step forward and to the left or right, in a single diagonal move.
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7. In very rare occasions, if a pawn is allowed to cross the entire board, unscathed…
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8. …it may be promoted to a queen, and, perhaps, turn the tide of the war.
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onspeakercrab · 4 years
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
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Idk it’s vaska
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
homestuck was harder to get over than any break up i’ve ever gone through and the epilogue feels like the ex i still have feelings for has suddenly texted me “i miss you” three years after leaving me at a train station
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
had a dream i was telling andrew hussie how much homestuck meant to me and he just went “you disgust me” and broke a glass bottle over my head
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
just some old homestuck stuff i’m thinking about for no reason whatsoever.
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
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hussie in a nutshell, everyone go home now.
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
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that old saying… you either die an inscrutable bastard, or you live to see yourself become an off the rails megalomaniacal supervillain
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
I was wondering why I saw so little spoilers when the actual epilogues dropped. When the prologue to the epilogues came out, people were still drawing fun stuff. It was exciting; it felt like the old upd8 days again.
When the actual epilogues came out, I expected to be flooded with spoilers while I was at work. I saw nothing. Some bickering about the quality, but nothing more. It told me very little in the way of spoilers, but it was troubling that any remaining interested artists did nothing with the content.
I read most of the epilogues today. And now I understand. He took something really cool he made in 2009, built and nurtured for a few years, neglected and then turned into a source of capital, and then just...broke in half in front of our faces.
As if to say "my metatextual analysis is more important than giving you a simple, satisfying ending. Stick around for my new antagonists drawn from the existing main characters. I need to sell more Hiveswap and character merch. Also, fuck you".
I should have known he found some twisted disdain for his own fanbase when he posted the arquisprite & davepetasprite reunion years ago where he was just such a major ass in the text. Just such a disappointment
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
Rose has all this new knowledge and insight but she still doesn’t know you’re not supposed to take pills dry, huh? rose youre going to fuck up your esophagus. rose. rose listen to me. you did this when you were on the kitchenette. you could of just drank from the fuckin sink spout. rose. rose your throat.
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
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onspeakercrab · 5 years
the stairs were homestuck, and boy was i warned
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