onewordtest1 · 3 years
O great sage of all things Robin Hood!
Adaptations have rarely done justice to Robin himself, but what (if any) good depictions of other characters from his stories (Maid Marian, the Merry Men, etc.) have you found?
(Aside from the Happy Huntresses, obviously)
Sad to say that the Merry Men and Marian far even worse than my lovely Robin does.
Marian is often the foolish damsel who needs saving and is weak.
Little John is played the lovable oaf-ish type.
Friar Tuck is “a humble man of the cloth” and that’s just wrong.
The rest are either never mentioned or just “general thief type TM”
I still say that there’s almost no good adaptations for Robin Hood, Maid Marian, or the Merry Men.
Maid Marian... DOES have one that’s fun.
A book series “Hawksmaid” which is really great, her best friend in the series is her merlin falcon named ... uh... well... the merlin’s name is Marigold.
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onewordtest1 · 3 years
Takaya made it rain during the darkest emotional climax of the story not only for the ~ atmosphere ~ or ~ symbolism ~ but also for the laNDSLIDE
and that’s why she’s a better writer than you or I will ever be 
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onewordtest1 · 3 years
Furuba pet peeve: manga readers watching the anime who weren’t very good at reading the manga saying “wow the anime added this amazing detail/scene/foreshadowing that wasn’t in the manga!” when, in fact, IT WAS
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onewordtest1 · 3 years
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onewordtest1 · 3 years
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
upcoming Furuba stuff I am excited for in the anime based purely on anticipation for anime-only reactions (spoilers obviously)  Rin stuff:  - when Kagura and others start talking about how they haven’t seen Rin in a while and wondering if she is okay and then that shot of the Cat’s room, hehehe people are gonna freak the fuck out  - the cute little thing about how Rin would stay with Kazuma sometimes and Kyo would be jealous and they’d stare daggers at each other and Haru would just watch and there is the image of Haru watching while eating a popsicle they better not cut that moment  - related: Tohru going to hug Rin and her dodging and Tohru hitting the wall  - Rin sneaking into the estate to steal The Box and just in general the fact that Rin keeps trying to do everything on her own and one hugging it out session with Tohru didn’t magically cure her of these issues, I am looking forward to it  - that hella creepy image of Ren latching onto her from behind while she’s sneaking around. anime better give me chills like the manga does.  - the whole confrontation with Haru and Akito. I have seen several anime-onlys in jest way back when say Haru should just go Black and beat the crap out of Akito ... so ... that’ll be fun - Rin going at Kagura for hitting Tohru is a great moment 
Yuki stuff:  - very soon. Yuki saying he was looking for a mother in Tohru. a select few anime-only viewers are gonna be popping champagne for their predictions skills - all finally learning what the black paint deal is all about  - Yuki and Kyo’s first meeting, y’all ain’t ready for that heartbreak. also I’m ready for the small number of anime-onlys who still seem to have this impression that Yuki started their rivalry just cause he looks down on Kyo as the Cat to, you know, eat shit. Rat Boy Did Nothing Wrong His Entire Life.  - every Yuki/Machi development but especially keen to see the Return of the Leaf cause everyone better react to that as the preciousness that it is  Kyo stuff:  - NIGHTMARE. BLOOD. Kyoko’s body bloody on the ground turning into Tohru’s body. DID THIS ANIME SUDDENLY BECOME A GOREY HORROR SHOW. yes. yes it did.  Tohru stuff:  - right now I’m especially looking forward to the scene AFTER her convo with Kureno where she collapses, Hana and Uo come to the rescue, it finally gets spelled out that Tohru is breaking under the weight of everyone else’s trauma with the beautiful symbolic imagery of her scarf getting run over by cars and KYO RUNNING INTO THE ROAD TO SAVE IT  - Tohru getting into a fight with Kagura. saying she won’t apologize.  - Tohru seeing her mother in the street behind her after that scene.  - just the increasing realization for everyone that Tohru is trying to hold onto her mother the same way Akito is trying to hold onto the zodiac and it is killing her  - everyone time Tohru yells at someone and tells them to go fuck themselves in the nicest ways possible  Misc stuff:  - Kureno’s curse is already broken. haven’t seen a SINGLE anime-only with even a hint of prediction for that so lbr that is what we should all be looking forward to about that chapter cause Akito’s gender got spoiled for 90% of people already but Kureno’s curse is already broken? and he stays by Akito’s side of his own volition? let that blow y’alls minds  - the whole dream. everything Kureno says that explains the curse more.  - Akito and Shigure tearing each other’s clothes off the second Takaya can let it happen  - Kyoko wasn’t a perfect mother and gave her sweet daughter a huge crushing complex about her own self-worth that is slowly destroying her whoops  - Momiji’s curse breaking and how incredibly heartbreaking it is cause that DOES NOT suddenly mean he can be with his family  - Hiro and Momiji’s growth spurts 
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
there are really people walking around in the world who think abuse is such a rare and such a black and white occurrence that they think Rin’s parents’ abuse is “unrealistic” and “melodramatic”. and to those people I say .... I’m glad you’ve lived a life without having to face horrific forms of abuse.
but please stop pissing all over a very realistic depiction of it that validates many people’s experiences
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
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i wanted to starting painting for pride month 🌟  so here’s a trans pride sky!  i have also added it to my store 💕  please look up this list of resources for BLM!  👊🏼👊🏽👊🏾👊🏿
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
Mayu does know that Kana’s memories were suppressed: 
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As said here, Shigure told her about it. He also snuck her into the estate to visit Kana when she was broken down after Hatori was blinded. She saw how broken Kana was, so after Shigure told her that her memories were suppressed and seeing she got better, she played along for the sake of Kana’s sanity. I imagine in any other scenario of memory suppression the Sohma can leverage their power to get people to go along with that same logic for the few who may know about it, and if there are other complications they probably have no qualms about suppressing surrounding people’s memories as well. Hatori did suppress a ton of Yuki’s classmates memories all at once. 
Ok so I haven't started with the manga yet but I've watched the anime and I have a question you see Hatori's lover forgers about him and stuff so what about the other human normal people who knew they were dating for example that teacher who was Shigure 's ex... And also Kana's best friend... They'll remember right? It's only kana who forgot him... Or what? Also the same question in Momiji's case???
That’s a good question. Mayu (Kana’s friend) knows that she was dating Hatori and still knows after Kana’s memories were erased. I’m assuming she doesn’t bring it up to spare Kana’s feelings (she doesn’t know Kana’s memories were erased and no longer has those feelings).
I’m assuming that when Kana suddenly stopped dating and wanting to marry Hatori, Mayu probably asked her about that. Kana probably thought her friend was teasing her and Mayu thought Kana was pretending not to understand what she was talking about because she didn’t want to think about it…maybe.
(This is ALL speculation)
In Momjii’s case his mother may not have told too many people of her pregnancy and I doubt she told anyone of her child after he was born. Momiji’s father knows of course. I do wonder about Momiji’s mother’s parents though. She must have told them she was pregnant.
If anyone has any answers to this, let us know. It’s nice to speculate, but if there’s an answer out there, I’d like to know.
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
S2 PV and Manga Comparison
relative spoilers within - some manga screenshots contain a bit more context and perhaps clarity to what is happening in the anime counterpart scenes. however, all the manga scenes are from my Japanese scans, because they are cleaner, as well as to avoid dialog related spoilers for most. so anime-only fans can look, but at your own risk. 
I’ve ordered the comparisons by volume and chapter. 
A couple of these are only my best guess where I think the scenes are from, but I believe it is probably 99% accurate. 
Volume 9, Chapter 43: 
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Chapter 48: 
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Chapter 49:
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Chapter 53: 
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ETA: I think this scene might actually be from Volume 7, Chapter 42:  
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rather than this scene that I originally guessed: 
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Volume 10, Chapter 54: 
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Chapter 55: 
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Chapter 58: 
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Chapter 59: 
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Volume 11, Chapter 61: 
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Chapter 62: 
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Chapter 63: 
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Volume 12, Chapter 66: 
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Chapter 68: 
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onewordtest1 · 4 years
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favourite gilmore girls outfits: 6/?
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
everytime I see some rare creature talking about how they like the 2001 anime better than the manga and that they didn’t like the direction the manga went at the end and were unsatisfied with the conclusion, even though I strongly disagree with them I get so curious, like ... oh? what did you not like? did you not like how the bond/curse played out? how it broke? what it was symbolic for? how everyone’s trauma was resolved? how Kyo was connected to Kyoko? what Shigure’s plan was revealed to be? what Akito’s past & secrets were? 
and 9 times of 10 they say “I didn’t like how she made Yuki see Tohru as a mother figure” 
oh - so you’re one of those. ALSO we find out that Yuki sees Tohru as a mother figure in vol. 15! there are 7 & 1/2 volumes left after that! that is hardly the ending/conclusion of the manga. your Yukiru brain saw that, short circuited, and stopped paying attention for the remaining crucial 3rd of the story and all its plot and character develops of the actual narrative & then are like “meh, I didn’t like the direction of the ending” when you didn’t even really read the ending. 
nothing will ever get under my skin more than people defining the story of Fruits Basket by romance/shipping/which guy will she choose. that’s not the story. 
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
there are people out there who really think Shigure invited Tohru to live them genuinely because he wanted a housekeeper 
there is real discourse out there among ppl debating whether or not it is “sexist and dated” for the story’s premise to be built around two men wanting to hire a woman to look after their home 
there are ppl who really think Tohru has been purposefully entangled in the lives of this sadistic family cult truly for the value of her cooking & cleaning skills 
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
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this odd series of health advice attached to preview images of future episodes of Fruits Basket somehow contains the best shade ever thrown at Akito-sulk-in-the-dark-Sohma it reads "If you are in a crowded or underground area such as the basement, you will feel down. Ventilate the room." 
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
So in honor of the Fruits Basket reboot
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
okay I should be sleeping but the dub is uploaded elsewhere on the internets and I’m too curious so skipping about first impressions:
Tohru: uhhh mmmm???? Laura Baily sounds fine ????? she sounds so much less squeaky/high pitched/insufferably annoying. like I could maybe stand that.  Shigure: sounds fucking weird ??? his voice is so deep, I would not believe this man is in his mid-20s. also I literally just watched the entire 2001 anime dubbed a couple weeks ago and I don’t recognize this man’s voice at all. it’s the same guy ????? I would not know. people were saying he sounds the most the same of the returning cast but I’m just like ???? hm, okay .... ETA: okay later on in some parts of the episode I could recognize the voice, but only during the comedy bits. he sounded completely different playing serious scenes, which is ... not great. and overall, still, he just sounds too old.  Yuki: I hate Eric Vale’s voice and I always have and always will and he somehow managed to make me hate him even more. He sounds like he took up chain smoking since he last played the part, wtf is that raspy as all hell voice.  Uo and Hana: well Uo sounds fine but not a fan of Hana’s voice at all  Kyo: hard to have an opinion since he had 3 lines, but he does sound mostly the same (and I was NOT a fan) but maybe less nasally, which would be good  YUKI: YOU KNOW WHAT “HATE” DOESN’T EVEN COVER IT. WHAT THE EvERLOVING FUCK. IT SOUNDS HORRIBLE. LIKE WHAAT THE FUCCK?? WHO SIGNED OFF ON THIS???????? I WANT TO DIE JUST HEARING THAT.  
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onewordtest1 · 5 years
I scanned this “special cover”. It was released along with volume 3 of “Fruits Basket: Another”, and is available free while supplies last at certain bookstores across Japan. This cover can be folded over any of the existing Fruits Basket special editions (and is not a different volume by itself).
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