Hi, can I ask for a match up ? I have green eyes, short light brown hair and I'm really pale. Im bisexuality women, INTJ, Cancer. I'm calm when I don't know the people but when I trust them and that I'm close to them I'm more open. Really sarcastic. 5'2, I don't know what to say...Sorry for my English
I am sorry but the match-up box is closed.
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Magi Characters
As Brooklyn 99 Quotes
On his way to lose yet another limb
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to Hakuryuu no doubt
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Whenever Judar accuses and or blames him
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In every interaction with Sinbad
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Did you ever wonder about the other djinns we could have encountered in the magi universe?
As far as we know, Solomon had 72 Demons under contract.
How many were revealed to us?
So, let me introduce you to the others...
The dungeon of Balam, the 51th Djinn.
Enter for your next adventure.
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Keep in mind that once inside, you can't leave. Not even death can end this journey.
Hopefully you know what to expect...
Balam is a djinn that gives clear answers to the past, present and future.
And as such, the path to him will be entwined with tasks to overcome everything that you thought you knew, guessed you had known and what you will whished to have known.
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Do not try to solve the tasks with the mindset of a classic hero, for Balam it is not a pure and justice heart that matters, but a clear and witty mind to match his own.
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After a trial of tiresome tasks, you managed to reach the treasure room.
And there, on a obsidian podium is the metal vessal.
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Balam liked to ride on a bear, since a horse would have been to mainstream for him. So there is no wonder, as to why a cloak pin with three bears was the choice of the djinn.
And as you took the object of your desires,
a giant blue being emerged from it with flaming eyes and a serpent tail.
"You are the first to made it here alive. I hereby allow you to be my master. Take my metal vessel and call me when you need my strength."
And thus comes the end.
Call your djinn in times of danger, to defend your friends or to defend what you believe to be rightfully yours.
Balam will be here to fulfill his masters wishes.
Djinn Equip:
"The Djinn of Knowledge and Strength, I command thee and thy Household to feed on my Magoi and empower my will with your great ability! Come forth, Balam!
Your body gets the scales of a serpent, as well as the tail of one. The talons of a hawk will enable a deathly grip on your enemies during in air battles.
Abilities include:
- invisibility
- control over wind
- some say that you will get witty... So... I guess that as well^^
** maybe I'll make a series with the rest of the missing djinns. What do you think? **
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How Magi Characters deal with kids - as babysitters/ parents
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Magi Characters...
When it's time for bed - whithout a s/o-
- this man child will avoid his chambers whenever night falls
- he loves the night
- and sleeping
- just
- not together xD
- let's assume that he somehow got convinced forced to go to bed...
- during the night ;)
- well, let's just say that he lies there
- staring at the ceiling
- and just thinking about the noise outside
- and his beloved citizens
- how they can laugh and party through the night without any fear
- he couldn't have done it without his friends
- his friends...
- not all them made it
-and then his daily night routine begins to start
- his losses, the pain and emptyness that creeps into his heart
- all of it comes crashing down on him whenever he has the time to think
- and it becomes worse when his insomnia kicks in
- however,
- since all of it is like an old friend of his that he just can't seem to cut ties with, got him creative
- so whenever the darkness of the night creeps into his soul
- he just... stops it
- and how does he achieve such a feat you ask?
- some good old drinking till he black outs, annoying Ja'far till the younger one chases him and thus draining him out of energy and - you guesses it- blacks out
- or a classic one:
- looking for someone that will warm his bed
- it's the least extrem option
- and one that gives him the warmth that the night seems to take from him
- bold of you to assume that this man will go to bed on his own
- he does have one
- I think
- but who needs sleep when you can work instead :')
- this white head can fall asleep without the tiniest problem
- his eyes close while the rest of his body functions without his attention
- buuutttt
- there lies the problem
- he may sleep
- but he never really dreams
- the last one that he cares to remember was wayyyy back in the past
- not that it bothers him
- where is the point in dreaming, when it won't be there when you wake up?
- it's useless, at least in his eyes
- wonder how long he can keep it up
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WELCOME BACK! I hope ur okay and that u could rest and restore energy! I am glad ur back c: U were missed a lot
Glad to be back ^^
I am really thankful for your patience and ready to spread some good old love for magi💖
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Im sooo happy you’re back !
Aww thank you!
Such a warm welcome ❤️
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Magi Characters
As Brooklyn 99 Quotes
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Whenever Aladin is in danger
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I miss you:(
I kid you not, I was thinking about my absence and about how I should start to write again.
But I needed a little push, as it seems.
So thank you, for being that little push!
I will start posting again, don't worry love!!
One thouand and one magi is back.
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the palace is being haunted,
according to the people in sindria
distressted screams, echoing voices trapped in the walls, the sound of scribbling on the dead....
all of it enough to make a shiver run down the spine of the cheerful people of sindria by the mere thought at having to enter the palace
and the cause of it all, remains a mystery for everyone, but you
I present you...
the magi characters when they do paperwork
he really gets stressed out with worki-
as if
this man can dodge the towering scrolls on top his table like a champ
the only reason for him to ever feel drained is Ja´far
the ex assassin will track him down and thus create a terryfying game of hide or die as Pisti so lovingly had called it
don´t get me wrong,
he loves their little games
but finding new places to hide drains his energy
´I should be safe no-´
and this concludes the distressted screams
to high to be that of a man,
but high enough for a terrified king that came yet again face to face with death a seething Ja´far
what is that?
this man can still work while visting the dream realm
his hands will dance across the paper while his eyes remain closed
it is truly a talent
the body of the sleeping general seems unable to understand the way things should work
holding a feather and completing the agreements of different trading companies might be a good thing,
but once in a while,
he forgets that he needs something
something that will allow others to see the words he had written
it´s ink
he forgets to refill his ink
so when he falls asleep and his hands start to work, god that sounds weird
the only thing he gets done is tearing the paper and scratching his table till he wakes up
have you ever heard that sound?
the people of sindria sure as hell did
the magician has a perfect balance between work and free time
she does not overwork
nor does she drink herself stupid
but the problem
and only two of the generals know about this
is her
habit to...imitate Ja´fars work ethic???
he can work while sleeping and she...kind of ...does the same?????
this magician sleeptalks
and it´s not the cute one either
she murmurs all the spells that she had used on the day like a rewind of her work day
one day
during a particulary long night
she used Shallal Magd
 the one when she surrounds herself with water in order to reflect sunlight off of it to make her invisible?
yeah, that one
she kept talking while being ´invisible´ and scared the unfortunate souls near her
Drakon and Pisti are the ones that know about her ´work problem´
but that
is a story for another time
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Glad to be back <3
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oh my GOD I missed you, thank you I owe you my life you are a blessing to this world ♥️♥️♥️
💕💕💕💕💕Awwwwwwww why is everyone so cute today????
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Hinahoho, Sharrkan and Ja´far when someone flirts with you
“Admit it. You are jealous~~~~~”
“No, I´m Hinahoho!” cue to boisterous laughing about his dad joke
hearing the tall man laugh about his own jokes was nothing new, 
his laughter shouldn´t last for this long....
Sharrkan could only sweatdrop as he witnessed the not so subtle way of Hinahoho grabbing you and thus effectively stirring you away from the fisherman that had tried to flirt with you
he is most definitely not the type of man to get overly jealous
he knows how precious you are and understands that others want to be with you as well
when he sees someone trying to woo you with such...disrespectful words, well....
he rather swoop you away before he swoop that dimwits head from his neck
´cause this man knows how to respect women and hates everyone that demonstrate the opposite
how does he manage to keep his composure while said fisherman tries to call for your attention you ask?
the fact that you can´t really hear anyone beside Hinahoho when he carries you bridal style to a more secluded area to avoid the other person is certainly one way to end the fisherman night
What is that thing you are talking about?
A friend of yours????
Will try to act coy and deny anything if others *cough* Pisti *cough* point his behaviour out
He´ll keep low and observe the whole situation
Is that man firting with you? Or is he just nice and-  
“Can´t believe you grow up that much to leave your parter alone with an attractive stranger... Such a nice atmosphere don´t you-”
Pisti is not helping at all
He strides towards you, only to stop right next you with crossed arms
“You were saying?”
he´ll ignore your confusion and partake in the conversation as he was there from the very beginning
He can´t sit still in situations like this with Pisti fullfilling her role as the little devil on his shoulder
The poor man does not have any time for that nonsense!
Those scrolls won´t magically sort themeselves out!
And where is this stupid king!?!
He has way to many tasks to handle
Come and help him or he might strangle Sinbad he still will  tho 
He keeps you with him the whole time and doesn´t let any of his emotions show
But in contrast to the threats that leave his lips like a constant prayer,
his grip on you as you chase the king, is ever so gentle and reassuring
He really has no time for that
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its like 2021 and you might never come back to this blog again but i love your writing thank you for all that you shared with the fandom!! i hope this finds you well<:
Awwwwwww 💕💕 That's so sweet😍
I apologize for my long..... absence^^
Don't worry, I do have some things prepared for this blog😘
I love this fandom to much to never come back again😌
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Hi! My english is not very good because i'm brazilian, but I really want to thank you for this blog. I just love Mystras and is veeery difficult find things about him. Thank you so much! ♥
No need to worry about your english, love!
I am truly delighted to read your words of gratitude ❤️❤️❤️❤️
I know the struggle of searching for a favorite, only to find nothing -. -
Soooo! Knowing that I helped you out with your search for Mystras made me reaaalllly happy 🥰🥰
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i honestly just wanna say,,, thank fucking god ur blog exists or i would have died from the lack of magi content sis
Well, you are welcome ;)
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Hope you’re doing okay in these tough times❤️
Oh my Solomon, I just saw this! Soooo sorryyyyyy >\\\<
I reallllyyyy neglected this blog, haven't I?
I'm doing... Okay in these times^^
Me being late to answer or be inactive in general is nothing new I guess^^... Which is not good but.... O. O
However (!) I deeply wish for health and peaceful minds for all of you ❤️
I will be back.
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