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Current mood
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The perks of having a gravity defying apparition haunting you? No need to brave those ridiculously tall ladders in the Palace Library.
Li'l WIP of something I want to draw but probably don't have the technical skills to finish 💙
Wish me luck on figuring out the perspective, y'all, I'm really gonna need it. :'D
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even more extraordinarily good cropped conservative images
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tumblr is also like this
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Looking for roleplay partners!
Hello TWDG community! <3 I’m currently looking for a handful of roleplay partners to rp twdg. I’m aiming for someone that’s interested in doing oc x canon doubles— with a literate to novella roleplay style. (I can get fairly descriptive so I’d rather have a partner that does the same.)
I’m comfortable with fluff, angst, and smut (if she appropriate) and I’m very interested in building a narrative with my partner!
As far as relationships go, I’m searching for someone that would like to build a little friendship amongst the writing. Someone who I can send memes too and make jokes about our thread. If interested, I rp on discord— so please message me here on tumblr or interact with this post! Thanks!
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Are your twdg requests open? If so do you do character x reader?
Yes I do!
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
I’m back
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
i can't help but be irritated that there weren't any casa amor episodes. i feel like it would have been the perfect place to introduce dylan and oliver. it would have added the much-needed drama and also been a way to introduce oliver earlier like everyone wanted.
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
dylan looks like a property brother lol
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
Haha sure!! @fuckthatsaproblem
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
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TWDG x reader requests are open!
What I will write
Mild N$FW with appropriately aged characters
Gore, violence, etc.
Specific x readers
Canon x OC
Female or Gender neutral readers
Short Drabbles
Fluff, NSFW, and angst.
What I won’t write
Graphic SA depictions
N$FW for underaged characters
Pregnancy plot
Graphic N$FW
Characters I will write for:
I am uninterested in writing for any other characters.
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask. Ciao!
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
ahh yes. another yandere sim request for you ((BTW I LOVE YOUR WRITINF SO MUCH
aanyways, can i request forr ayano receiving a love confession from the person she's interested in?? That with it not even being a planned confession--
pls ignore this if you dont feel like writing it !!
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— YANDERE SIM: Ayano Aishi
— NOTE: Oh? 👀 I love when people return to my blog for more writing. 💕 Also this was such a good idea. You didn't specify if you wanted a drabble or headcanons so I kinda did both? Also I'm super happy that you like my writing!!
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When she found a note in her locker, asking her to meet up after school under the cherry tree, she was annoyed. Didn't people know she had better things to do with her life? But then she recognized the hand writing. How could she not? It belonged to her beloved.
She'd made her way to the tree the second classes ended, eager to see what you needed from her. She wasn't sure if you would find her strange. Would she even have the courage to talk to you? So many possibilities had gone through her mind, but none of them were this scenario.
And yet..
'Do you believe in love at first sight? I didn't, not until I saw you. The moment I laid my eyes on you, a feeling bloomed in my chest, much brighter than any other feeling I'd ever had. But it didn't end there. It wasn't just love at first sight, but love at every sight. I guess what I'm trying to say is; I know we haven't talked much, but would you be willing to give us a chance? Together?'
A quick glance to the name at the top of the letter confirmed that the letter was in fact for her, and you hadn't just gotten the wrong person. Her face was warm and she was so happy. She didn't even know you liked her! Info-chan hadn't mentioned anything like that in your file!
"Is this a.. prank?"
If it was, she wasn't so sure what she would do but she had a feeling that it would be pretty. However, you were quick to shake your head with a shocked look. The idea seemed absurd to you. "Of course not!"
Hearing those words..
She couldn't help the tears that rolled down her cheeks. Her face must be so red by now! Your hand reached for her, a worried look on your face. Did she believe in love at first sight?
No, but she did believe in loving you.
"I'm so happy."
She truly was. She'd never been this happy before! Her beloved loved her back.. Could she finally have her happy ever after?
She's quick to tell you that she feels the same way. Of course she does! It was silly of you to think she didn't. You were her everything, her life. She had no reason to exist without you.
She tells you she doesn't think she's ever been this happy as you both exchange numbers, both excited to finally get to build a more personal relationship with the other. She's rambling about possible first idea places, naming the ideas she knows you want.
This went so much better than she was expecting it too. Maybe those pesky girls wouldn't have to die after all. You were all hers now.
And she was all yours.
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
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omydarlinclementine · 2 years
I find peace when I imagine the Ericson kids building up a big garden for food, and getting the chance to just relax. I can just imagine Clementine eating actual clementines she grew herself. Or AJ eating applesauce he learned to make with Omar. I’m sure everything would be much calmer if the kids knew they had a definite supply of food. Feed them!
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