omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
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Did a random palette challenge recently, ofc I had to draw my babygirl💖
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omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
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omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
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omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
Hey, need a ride?
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omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
Could you do F8 for Haru and G2 for Logan? I think it fits them well. Thanks!
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omg-theyre-roommates · 9 months
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vvv Close-ups vvv
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omg-theyre-roommates · 10 months
AU five headcanons thing where everything is the same except...vampires (make of that what you will)
Hey, anon. Sorry for the late answer, I have been busy, but I finally have the free time I hit this.
Have been having fun coming up with an answer. Really love vampires lol.
At first, vampires living in the desert seem pretty unconventional, but in reality it's the best place to hide. It's the last place people would suspect, plenty of stuff from the old world to help vampires, and since it's the city state that gets the least amount of attention, Sandrock has become a sanctuary for vampires over the years.
Everyone has a story for how they became a vampire. Some were turned and others were born. The only one they aren't sure is a vampire or a human is the builder and that's still up in the air. Some are not even sure if they even know they are living in a town with vampires.
They are pretty good at hiding it whenever they have tourists or guests. It's pretty easy to lie to people about why almost the whole town only comes out at night and has heavy blinds on the windows. After all, it's easier being nocturnal in the desert.
Except with the Duvos situation. Most of the Duvos army was so smug about how easy it was taking over the town until the sun set.
Either way, the town of Sandrock is pretty peaceful and just wants a nice community. At least how the Alliance sees it.
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omg-theyre-roommates · 11 months
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
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omg-theyre-roommates · 11 months
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country boys….i love you….
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Ooh for the five headcanon thing, Logan and Haru getting used to having Andy around?
Oooh yes. Sorry took a bit but here you go!
1. After they fail at trying to find Andy's parents/guardians, Logan and Haru take him back to the base. They obviously had to move stuff around to make room for him and Haru sacrificed his bed for Andy since he likes sleeping on hard surfaces.
2. They already had experience with children being around Jasmine, but having a kid 24/7 was definitely new to them especially with the dangers. Andy knows how to take care of himself but he's still a kid.
3. They quickly become Andy's big brothers/parents. Haru liked to let him help around some of the safer chemistry experiments while Logan taught him how to hunt and take care of the goats. Each of them took turns keeping an eye on Andy while the other was scouting out.
4. When Grace started coming around, she also took a real liking to Andy. She liked to play simple tricks and tell Andy different things about archeology or how spies get information out of people. Andy thought at first everything was boring but after finally listening to what Grace has to say, he really likes her.
5. Both of them were really worried when Andy ran off to Sandrock. Logan and Haru searched practically everywhere and only calmed down when Grace spotted him in town. They were really sad about the decision about Andy living in Sandrock permanently. They both knew it was the best decision but missed having him around a lot.
+1. One time Logan put on Andy on Rambo to go on a ride, he didn't properly keep Rambo on a lead to keep him still so Rambo, like goats do, wandered off and started scaling a wall. Haru and Logan both freaked out. Haru searched for rutabagas in the bags to lure Rambo, Logan chased after them, and Andy was having the time of his life.
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He deserved it
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In a bit of a writing mood and I have no idea what to write, so how about the 5 head canon game. Tried to find the original post and couldn't, but it's basically send in an ask of a story prompt/idea and I'll give you five headcanons for it.
Doesn't have to be Loharu related, just Sandrock stuff (I'll even do builder/LI stuff if you guys ask me). Have fun!
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🤠 Logan FACTS, take it or leave 🤠
His bandit persona is just for show, not his actual character
Very over the top with his bandit persona tbh
He is a Meat-head/reckless
Goodie Two-shows (selfless in general)
A bit of a temper/scary when angry
Does not realize other's feelings (or situation in general, it gets over his head most of the time or says insensitive stuff without thinking)
Does not celebrate his birthday (for now)
Bad cook (always burns it)
Not interested in romance if the time isn't right (will always brush it off until the end of the main mission)
Has Dad-like tendencies (plays with the kids alot and is affectionate towards them)
He is stinky
Not good with the 'science-y stuff' as Justice would say
Not good at managing money
Source: just trust me bro
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He has dimples when he smiles, can't change my mind.
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@paofia DIMPLES
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Started on a little something for Mermay... and, well, because I've been kinda obsessed with Logan it just had to be him.
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