okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
If you had all the time and money in the world, how would you ideally learn your target language?*
*you CANNOT move to/live in a country where it's spoken
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okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
"you're not man enough, not feminine enough"
so gender is something we can fail?
that means gender is not genetic and absolute and unchangeable
but something we can build and perform, and fail at (the standards they set) but also redefine?
if i can fail at being a woman, does that mean i'm not a woman? so does that make me another gender?
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okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
being girlunproductive in my girlbed as i girlrot away
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okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
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they are sharing a fat cuban cigar in bed
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okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
Happy Pride!
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okbutwaitwhat · 1 year
lots of times if I tell my boyfriend that I am proud of him for dealing with a situation, or that I'm sorry he's having to deal with a situation, he will say "no it's my own fault." meaning that he feels like he doesn't deserve praise or comfort for dealing with a situation that is his fault. (for example a financial problem caused or exacerbated by him having been too anxious or absentminded to deal with the situation sooner.) and I tell him this and I will tell y'all this, that I don't believe that. I think you are even braver and stronger for taking steps to deal with a mess that is of or partly of your own creation, because you have to cope with guilt and shame on top of the thing itself, and because you're fighting against the same ingrained dysfunction in yourself that caused the mess. that's like the bravest and most constructive thing you can do and you should be proud and I am proud of you.
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
reblog this and put in the tags what you brought to ‘show and tell’ at school as a kid!
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
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Just in case you guys didn’t know.
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
"neurodivergent people are bad at picking up social cues" statistically untrue every day i pick up on millions of social cues that literally do not exist
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
For the last time :)
It is not a neutral “conflict”. Palestinians don’t have:
an army
police officers littered around the streets fighting off attacking settlers
$3.8B funding from the US
bomb shelters
homes (hello they’re being evicted and bombed?)
immediate access to medical care (settlers are blocking ambulances and throwing grenades)
citizen acknowledgement from the government that supposedly wants to help them
means of defending themselves
the right to properly mourn (a funeral was recently attacked by settlers)
Anyone who chooses to claim neutrality is choosing to claim the side of genocide. Neutral = complicit. The number of Palestinian deaths remains staggering and I promise, the occupying state’s numbers are nothing compared to it. Thousands more deaths and fatalities have occurred to the Palestinian people. When the death toll defers by roughly 9,000, I think it’s safe to say that the situation isn’t neutral.*
I repeat, if you are neutral, you side with genocide.
As a bonus:
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
Hey tumblr friends, in case I haven't told you lately, I have no idea what the FUCK half of you are on about and I WISH I didn't know what the rest of you are on about. Great work. Keep it up.
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
Reblog and put in the tags the origin story behind your tumblr username.
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
Sykkuno: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated!
Corpse: Killed without hesitation.
Sykkuno: N-No...
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
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this image perfectly captures how i feel most hours of the day
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
you go girl! and don’t come back!
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
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okbutwaitwhat · 3 years
linguistics academia because why not :)
practicing ipa sounds that aren't in your native language at 3am
looking for minimal pairs by candlelight
trying to find anything remotely related to your field of study in an old library
drawing syntax trees with fountain pens
analyzing formant structures on praat and forgetting your tea until it's cold
"yeah using Wikipedia on this lab is fine because let's face it, no one is going on Wikipedia to mess with the reports of which vowels are used in Japanese"
"well now I know what I'm doing this weekend"
spilling coffee on your notes for how R recognizes ipa symbols
(some of these may or may not be from personal experiences)
randomly picking a language and doing a super deep analysis of it for funzies
correcting people who correct other people's grammar because grammar by definition cannot be incorrect
that weird love-hate relationship with grammar/literature teachers for simultaneously perpetuating bad stereotypes of elitism in language and also giving you the will to live and introducing you to Hamlet
awkwardly watching two professors argue over how many vowels and consonants a language has
wearing a blazer and plaids to go play scrabble during midterm season
doing a historical linguistics study and finding out that's what shakespeare said
attending the lectures of grad students to learn about and participate in new linguistic studies
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