The Contradictions of Childhood Friends
Written 4-8-24
I thought about you again today (I did a few days ago too)
It’s been a while since last time I did (no it hasn’t, liar)
It’s your birthday today (…)
I nearly forgot (again)
I sent you a text (I don’t even know if you have that account anymore)
I hope you see it (I really don’t know if I do)
I’d love to catch up with you again (I’m scared of what you’d say about me now)
I wonder what you’ve been up to (we’re such different people than we were)
It’s been years (it feels like seconds)
It feels like seconds (it’s been years)
Do we still like the same games? (Do we still have things in common?)
I miss you (I really really do)
No I don’t (I don’t know)
We weren’t even that close, right? (I told you almost everything)
You weren’t even that nice to me (better than most people were though)
I hated some of your other friends (you hated some of mine too)
I never said it to your face (I never said a lot of things to your face)
I hope you’re doing ok (Do you ever think about me? Do you miss me sometimes?)
I always got the feeling that things were never as good with you as you made them out to be… (I was the same way)
I hope you’re not doing too horribly (like me)
I know most people can’t say that these days (things have really gone downhill for me)
I had no idea the last time I saw you in person would be that (no one did)
I would’ve said so much more to you (…)
Like thank you for staying with me for all these years, and I’m sorry this will be the last time we really talk, and I wish you didn’t treat me that way I didn’t have anyone else to go to, and I love you like a brother, or at least I did back then (I don’t even know you anymore)
Would you recognize me if we passed each other on the street? (Would I recognize you?)
I’ve changed a lot over the years (surely you have too. In what ways are you different?)
I look a lot different than the little girl you knew (she’s dead and buried. I’m so sorry for your loss)
But in a lot of ways, I’m still the same person I was (In what ways are you the same?)
Are you happy? (Am I? Is anyone?)
I hope you are (I hope you are)
I owe you more than I could ever give you (You hurt me in some ways)
I hope our time together was enough to repay some of it (I know you didn’t mean to, I didn’t either)
I had fun chasing you around a playground all those years ago (I don’t hate you for it. I don’t think I could even if I wanted to.)
I’m so sorry about how it all happened (how it all ended)
I would’ve at least liked to say goodbye to your face (goodbye)
I miss you (do you miss me?)
Happy Birthday
Good night
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 2 months
Ok when I rewatched a Deltarune play through from a let’s play channel I only got into a couple months ago, that was normal
When I started rewatching the Jacksepticeye Undertale play through, that was a bit odd, but not too weird
But I’ve been rewatching Aphmau’s MyStreet series. The whole thing. In chronological order. I’m almost finished. It’s been like three days. The last time I watched this show I was like 9. I’ve finally admitted to myself that I’m watching comfort shows cause I’ve been stressed, there is LITTERALLY no other explanation
And it’s honestly??? Not as cringe as I remember???? Actually now that I’m older and can understand deeper topics?????? It’s actually kinda good?????????? I remember it being terrible?? Buts it’s honestly not??????????????????? Lmao
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 2 months
That Girl
I killed that girl
No one knows it was me
I’m not sure when it happened
Only that it did
Only that I did it
I cut up the body and split up the pieces
They’re all buried in different places
There’s a piece hidden in the old library in the kids section
A piece in both of the old grocery stores
A piece in the mall she went to with her sister
There’s a piece on the city bus
And at her sister’s middle school
There’s a piece in her mom’s old car somewhere underneath the back seat
There’s a piece or two at the park, even though it’s been remodeled since then
A piece of her is hidden in each and every class she went to in elementary
Almost as many are hidden in that school’s playground, in all the spots she used to play with friends
There’s a piece buried underneath every house on her walk home from school
But there aren’t nearly as many pieces as at the old house
Every room has a piece of her, hidden in the floorboards, in the drywall, in the ceiling
I’m surprised her blood hasn’t seeped through by now
I’m surprised that not a single piece of her has been found
And maybe there’s part of her at my house too
Maybe one in the park nearby, where the woods were before the trees were cut down
I wish someone would find her
I almost want to get caught
I can’t take the guilt anymore
I see her everywhere I go
I hear her voice
All of her family love me but they don’t know she’s dead
They don’t know what I did to her
Some times I wonder what she’d say to me if she saw me now
If she watched them call me by her name
I hate that I know she’d by happy
I hate that I’m so much like her
It makes it so much easier to hide her severed pieces
Yet so much more heart-wrenching too
I miss her so much
Or do I just miss how I felt?
I know that’s it
I hear her ghost in my ears every day
I see her ghost in my reflection
I wish she would go away
I wish I was her again
I wish that she was really dead
But nothing ever really dies
It just changes into something different…
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 2 months
They talk of respect
Of treating people a certain way, because they are (better, more useful, more important, stronger, more of everything) older than you
I am meant to respect him as my father
My mother says that to me in a rushed, whispered voice on a day when I feel brave
The same father she shit talks about to me when ever given the chance
The same father that hardly ever helps her with anything
The same father that gets drunk off his ass all day and all night and makes a nuisance of himself wherever he goes, yet somehow manages to convince people that he’s something so much more important than he is
The same father I am meant to “respect”
I don’t respect him
I love him, of course, for the days he is kind, for the days he buys me things and takes me places, for the days we make light conversation and easy banter and I can call him my dad and hardly even question whether or not he drank more than a few
I struggle to like him most days though, especially as the good days seem to only get fewer and further between
Respect him? Hardly.
I can’t tell you if I’ve respected him at all in the last two (Five? Seven? Ten? More?) years, let alone tonight when he can’t seem to stop running his mouth about people I respect far more than him
He talks of my sister, talks about like she’s evil, or a fuck-up or something along those lines, admittedly, I try to tune him out when I can
The same sister who supports me in most things more than any ever has with anything
My mother tells me to respect my father, as though the two of them aren’t the reason I learned to cry near silent and suppress my emotions, skills I had become proficient in by age ten, skills I master more every year, every time there is a day like this one
My father talks ill of my sister as though she isn’t the one who taught me how to draw, taught me how to get invested into things, who taught me how to have a friend
He speaks of her as though she is nothing, and yet to me she is everything
She cooks for me as often as he does.
She’s been there for all of my big moments
I owe my life and my sanity and my motivation and my passion and even most of my interests to her
I make an excuse to go to my room when he gets home, he makes me laugh and want to scream in equal measure, even if the negatives seem to outweigh the positives more and more by the day
He praises me for being agreeable in the same sentence he puts her down for having half a spine
As if that trait hasn’t been screamed into me by him and the woman trying to tell me to respect him
It’s been years (months… weeks… days… seconds) since that happened but if you ask me what they said, I could recite it word for word
It’s been burned into my mind
I want to forget it but I can’t
I’ll never be able to and I know it
She tells me to respect him because he’s my dad
I respond to her, incredulous, asking if she’s just going to let him talk about her like that
She says that sometimes it’s easier that way
As if my sister hasn’t been there for me when they never were, as if she hasn’t been there for me when the thing I needed to be protected from was them, because they don’t know how many times I’ve texted her, telling her they were arguing, yelling, while I was on the verge of tears, lost in thought, only for her to respond almost immediately, telling me to put my headphones on, to watch something I like
I hate listening to him talk about her that way
For a second I can even half convince myself I hate him, as much as I know I’ll never be able to, not really (I’m not even sure if I want to hate him, maybe it’s just because I know it’d be easier if I did)
He talks about her
My mother tells me to respect him
The closest I can do to honor that is to stop myself from screaming at him
(“Get her name out of your fucking mouth!”)
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 2 months
The word love gets over saturated
Said too often, it dulls in meaning
Most often, not said at all
The unspoken words take form in actions, consciously or not
Small unheard, unspoken whispers aimed toward family
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make a drink for you on a rough day
I love you, I love you, I love you
I check on you at least twice a night
I love you, I love you, I love you
I watch to make sure you’re comfortable
I love you, I love you, I love you
I bring you small trinkets that I think you’d like
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make food for you to eat
I love you, I love you, I love you
I heal you before I even take stock of myself
I love you, I love you, I love you
I learn what all of your little looks mean
I love you, I love you, I love you
I trust you to watch my back
I love you, I love you, I love you
I play along with your little schemes
I love you, I love you, I love you
I mend you clothes when they rip
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make sure you’re getting enough rest
I love you, I love you, I love you
I learn how to distinguish your handwriting with a glance
I love you, I love you, I love you
I put myself aside, because I know you need me
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make sure you can defend yourself
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make sure you know to take breaks
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make sure you know you can talk to me
I love you, I love you, I love you
I make sure you know I’m in your corner
I love you, I love you, I love you
I don’t know how to say it
I love you, I love you, I love you
I don’t know how to say it
I love you, I love you, I love you
You are my family
I love you, I love you, I love you
You are the best thing that has ever happened to me
I love you, I love you, I love you
I’m not sure how to let you in, to let you know out loud
I love you, I love you, I love you
This feeling of warmth blossoms in my chest, infecting everything you touch
I love you, I love you, I love you
Overwhelming feelings of care and protectiveness and trust
I love you, I love you, I love you
I haven’t trusted someone like this in years
I love you, I love you, I love you
Saccharine oozes from my pores, I smile like a sappy idiot when you all goof off and make jokes
I love you, I love you, I love you
I need you to know
I love you, I love you, I love you
But even though I can’t say it
I love you, I love you, I love you
I feel like you already can tell
I love you, I love you, I love you
Like you can see right through me
I love you, I love you, I love you
It doesn’t scare me as much as it should
I love you, I love you, I love you
It is almost a comfort
I love you, I love you, I love you
I don’t have to speak the words, I know you know what I’m not saying
I love you, I love you, I love you
I love you, I love you, I love you
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 2 months
Written ??-??-23
I am not so good with words
Although that may surprise
I churn out exquisite essays
I write out heart-soaked poems
I pour my every emotion into long-lasting daydreams
And yet I’m bad with words
They tumble out of my mouth, clunky
They clumsily knock into each other, messy and uncoordinated
They shake and stutter, blend together, repeat and rephrase, and never come out quite right
Even when rehearsed
Be it lie or truth
I simply am not good with words
The more sincere, the worse it gets
My throat closes when trying to speak of my emotions
I can never properly express affection or feeling
Not in the way I wish
Not in the blunt, clear way which those I care for best receive it
So I pour it into my art forms
I express sadness and longing in my writing and fear and anger in my drawings
But most of all, I express my love in my baking
In a family in which we say our ‘I love you‘s so frequently, they loose meaning
I feel as though I’m never truly showing how much I care
These things can only be expressed in small ways
In the way I roughhouse and bounce jokes off of my dad
In the way I chat with and allow my mom to ramble
In the way I know my sister’s limits, and how to help her when she’s reached them
And in the way I bake
Every cup and ounce and teaspoon of my affection gets poured into the batter
I dance around the kitchen, silently singing to music played through my headphones
The oven warms the whole house
I breathe love and life and care into mixtures of batter and dough, in frosting and filling
I am not good with words
So instead I stuff my overflowing, ever growing, ever changing affection into food
In cookies and cupcakes and confections and chocolate
For every sweet thing that gets stuck, clogged in my throat, never to be spoken, a sweet thing I create
I don’t know how to say what I mean
To show how I feel
But I do know how to make a cake, and that will have to be enough
Ingredients and mixing and baking and layering and frosting and piping
These are the things that must be done to create a cake
It is my art form
It is my affection
Even as my legs tire, even as I get frustrated, even as the dessert does not bake as I wanted
I put in all my love and all my effort until my heart is dried up of feeling
I squeeze myself dry, leaving nothing left for myself to enjoy
As I bare my heart to them on a platter of sweetness, there are always nerves
But even if it does not go as intended, they praise my effort
I know they too, don’t know how to express either
We get it from each other
They eat my food, that I have poured my soul into, just for them
The oven is still keeping the house warm
As I watch them eat, my heart warms too
A deep part of my brain is soothed by watching them enjoy my food
By feeding those I care for
I give them sweetness, and they give me warmth
We are not good with words
And as I sit, exhausted of energy and emotion, we eat together
Sweetness and warmth fills the air
I think they know what I mean
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 4 months
Dec 15, 2022
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I noticed it just the other day
I thought that it was visiting
I thought that it could leave
But that proved wrong
Because today I saw it again, crawling on the glass
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
Ladybugs have wings, in order to take to the sky
But how can it fly when it’s stuck, trapped inside my window?
Is it unhappy, stuck in there?
Maybe it doesn’t know it’s stuck
Maybe it thinks it can escape
Maybe it’s trying to fly it’s way out, but doesn’t know how
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
As I stare into my window pane
I wonder how it feels
Maybe it feels safer stuck
It cannot be hurt or eaten in there
Can only sit between four walls and watch time pass it by
Maybe when it went in there, it wanted to hide
Maybe there are predators nearby
Ones that seem sweet, seem charming
But will hurt it all the same
Maybe it knows this
Maybe it doesn’t
Maybe that’s why it hid
Maybe that’s why it’s stuck
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
As I sit in my room, I stare
I watch as it crawls and climbs the glass
Exploring, or looking for a way out?
Maybe both
Maybe neither
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
As I sit on my bed, I stare
I could get up to get food
Or to talk to my parents, to improve their mood
I could get up and leave
But instead I sit and watch the bug, from within my four safe walls
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I watch it as it climbs
Maybe it thinks it can leave
Maybe it has left, when I wasn’t watching
Maybe it returned
Maybe it’s watching me too
Maybe we’re watching each other
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I look over to my bedroom door
I could leave
I am not trapped, like the ladybug
But my parents are just outside of it, and I do not wish to talk
I do not wish to improve their moods
I do not wish for that to be my responsibility anymore
I do not wish to be the one to keep the peace
Maybe peace is overrated, but it makes it so much simpler
Peace allows us to ignore our problems, until the next time it is broken
Maybe I should get some food
It is noon and I’ve still not eaten
I sit inside my self-imposed cage and stare longingly, begrudgingly at the door
I could leave at any time
I could fly like the ladybug wishes to do
I could leave not just my room, but this entire house
I could, I could, I could
But I won’t, so instead I watch the ladybug climb the glass
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I get up to go and get some food
I do not know what to eat
I do not know much anymore
I used to feel like I knew everything
But, now, I don’t even know what to eat
Eventually I get my food, anything random at all
Simply to keep my body going
I quickly turn around
I’m already anxious to return to my cage
Sometimes I leave
I walk through the nearby woods with my sister, and the tree bark feels like freedom
But I always must return soon
Our parents don’t like us out after dark
Our parents don’t like a lot of things
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
Sometimes, now, when I see ladybugs outside
I wonder if the one in my window wishes to join
If it is envious of their freedom for flight
I am, sometimes
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
There is another on the other side
It’s crawling on the glass
I thought at first that the one in the window had escaped, but it was still there
I wonder if the one outside wishes to help
I wonder if the one inside wishes to be helped
I wonder if I wish to be helped
I confuse myself sometimes
I cry within my cage, my room, wishing for help, yet never ask for it
Even when I’m outside, walking in the woods, enjoying freedom, I do not ask
Asking for things is hard
Asking for things makes you a burden
I do not ask
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I wish that it one day will be free
Though I know it never will, not really
It will die within the cool glass pane
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I do not know how to get the creature freed
I cannot find any holes, any spaces it could fly from
Maybe it will be trapped forever, until it dies inside the glass
I cannot help the ladybug, and the ladybug cannot help me
I do not know if either of us wish to be helped
Maybe we’ll both be stuck in our cages forever
A ladybug is trapped inside my window
I’ve never understood a creature more.
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 5 months
Written Dec 15, 2022
Stuffed animals in garbage bags, strewn messily on the floor of an unfamiliar room.
Crowded by taped up boxes and a sheetless mattress on the floor
In each garbage bag there are many plushies, in each plushie, there are childhood memories, mixed in amongst the thread and stuffing
Even as the boxes are unpacked into the new room and the mattress receives a frame, the animals sit, memories trapped inside
Memories inside animals, animals inside garbage bags, garbage bags inside an unfamiliar room, an unfamiliar room inside an unfamiliar house
You remember exiling them into their plastic prisons, just a few months ago, yet it feels like it’s been years
You put them in there while sitting in a much more comfortable bedroom
A much more familiar bedroom
You haven’t seen that bedroom in months
You’ll never see that bedroom again
It’s gone now, at least the version you knew is
If you were to drive past that house now, you bet it would look so different
You can’t help but wonder what they’ve done to it now
What happened to the living room that your grandma had once lived in, that you had your childhood Christmases in for years?
What happened to the kitchen your father had made dinner, the same one you and your mother had joked around in while making your 14th birthday cake in?
What happened to the dining room that you’d had family meals in, with the large brick fireplace that you had climbed the ledge on when you were a child?
What happened to the bathroom your sister had died her hair for the first time in, with a cork board of achievements and cute little drawings pinned to it?
What happened to the garage you had blowed bubbles and hid from 4th of July fireworks in?
What had happened to the backyard you scraped your knees in, the one you and your sister had played with the neighbor kid in?
What happened to the basement that you and your sister had played dolls in, had hid from your older brother’s friends in?
What about the bathroom that you had played in the tub of when you were a baby, the same tub that you bathed the dogs in, you and your sister laughing when they shook water off on both of you?
What had happened to your parent’s room, with the closet your mother hid gifts in, the very same one you and your sister had stolen your dad’s too big shirts from, the ones the fit you like nightgowns?
What happened to your old room, the one that you had moved out of and it became a craft room, with the glow stars on the ceiling? When your left that one it didn’t hurt this bad, didn’t feel like a piece of you was missing, not like this does
What about your sister’s room, the one you used to share, the one after you left it, she decorated with stickers and drawings on the walls, the one that smelled like incense and felt like comfort?
And, oh god, what happened to your own room? What could it look like now? The same room you laughed and cried and screamed and cuddled and created and destroyed and did so much more in?
You lived and died in that room, the one decorated with pastel colors and stuffed animals and memories
It had an entrance to an attic crawl space you’d never seen the inside of in it’s closet, you swore one day you’d look in it, just to see how it looked, but you never did
Now you never will
You’d packed all of your things into boxes while in that room, anxious thing that you were-
That you are.
It’s only been a few months.
But it’s felt like years
You were nervous, sure, but still optimistic about moving
You didn’t anticipate how hard it would be to say goodbye
You never do
So, you packed up your whole life into cardboard boxes
And garbage bags
Filled with stuffed animals
Trapped stuffed animals
Trapped memories
Memories inside animals, animals inside garbage bags, garbage bags inside an unfamiliar room, an unfamiliar room inside an unfamiliar house
They sat in those bags for months
At first in a storage unit, and then on your own floor
You couldn’t face them
You didn’t have anywhere to put them anyway
So they stayed
In the garbage bags
In their plastic prisons
It felt like you were trapped with them
For months
For years
So long
So long
You finally got space to put them yesterday
You spent hours taking them out
You set as many of the as you could in any available space
They didn’t all fit
Some are still on the floor
Right now
As you read this
As you write this
They are still on the floor
But their free now
From the garbage bags
From their plastic prisons
They are free now
The memories are free now too
They wander around your head as you look at them
For the first time in months
For the first time in years
Memories inside animals, animals free from garbage bags, inside an-
Maybe not so unfamiliar anymore
You look your bedroom
Your furniture is there, your pretty lights, your chargers, your clothes, your sheets, the walls are even painted the colors you requested
Your stuffed animals are there
Your memories are here
Not as many
You’ve only been here a few months, after all, but…
Though your grandma is long gone, you’re still about to have your first Christmas in this living room
Your father just made dinner in the kitchen, the same one you had joked around and baked with your mother in
There was no dining room, no comforting, familiar brick fire place, but.. there was a kitchen table you’d had family meals at
There was a new bathroom, the cork board may still be in a box, but your sister had already died her hair in it
You didn’t really blow bubbles anymore, and you hadn’t had a 4th of July here yet, but you’d chatted with your parents in the garage
You hadn’t scraped your knees in the back yard yet, and you weren’t at all interested in playing with neighbor kid anymore, but, you’d played with your dogs and sat around a fire pit out there, watching cardboard boxes burn
You may not play dolls with your sister anymore or hide from your brothers friends, but in this basement, you and your sister had played video games, joking and laughing comfortably, in a bubble away from reality
There was no second bathroom, and even though you’d never get the same joy from playing in the bath you had as a child, you’d still bathed the dogs in there, and been drenched by them shaking off their fur
Your parents had a new room, with separate closets, though you knew your mom still hid presents in hers and though your dad’s shirts were as big on you anymore, you still stole them on occasion
There was another extra room, though you’d never lived in one of them, but they were still hells of cardboard and trapped memories, so you hadn’t ventured far into them yet, but you were content with that
Your sister had a new room, it was in the basement, and though your rooms had never been that far from each other before, it was still decorated with drawings and stickers, still smelled like incense and still felt like comfort, like a bubble that hid you from the world
And your own room? Well, you have laughed and cried in it, you’ve screamed in it, though you haven’t cuddled in it, you’ve created and destroyed in it, and so much more.
It was decorated in pastel colors just like your old one, but new colors, a fresh pallet.
You’ve certainly lived in it, and you’ve certainly died in it.
It’s decorated with plants and stuffed animals
Stuffed animals, placed meticulously in a familiar and comfortable room
Freed stuffed animals
Freed memories
Since moving in, you’ve gotten new stuffed animals
Maybe you can make new memories too
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off-tip-of-my-tongue · 5 months
Basic DNI, don’t be a dick yada yada
This account just exists so that I can share the shit poems I write with the world and so I can generally vent about my problems in a judgement free zone (or at least if any of y’all judge me, I know your lives are just as pathetic as mine >:3)
This account will have some rough topics on it, so just move on if that ain’t you’re thing
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