odakuram · 4 days
ナンバーツー/Number Two English Translation
Music, Lyrics: Takuto Arrangment: Loyly Lewis Video: Ryuuseee
[massive tw for suicidal ideation in this song and in the video, it gets heavy really quickly]
i was planning to translate all the songs in takuto's album for a while, so i decided to upload this one first since it's the most popular song from it! i've also included translations for the text that appears onscreen (italicised)
2005年の夏から抜け出せずにいる。 人としての尊厳を奪われたあの日、 僕は幼いなりに違和感を覚え、 中学生になってから確信に変わった瞬間、 猛烈に死にたくなった。
I’m still stuck in the summer of 2005. That was the day my dignity as a human was stolen. For how young I was, I remember feeling something was off, but when I became a middle schooler, that was the moment I was sure of it and I wanted to die as violently as possible.
お前は異常者だ。 そんな幻聴を振り払うかの如く、
You’re not normal. As if shaking off an auditory hallucination,
あの日からなかなか踏ん切りが付かずにいる それとも本心がここに居たいと駄々をこねるのか
Since that day, did I lose any sort of  resolve to act on my thoughts or did conscience whine that it still wanted to be here
縺ゅ・譌・縺九i縺ェ縺九→縺玖ク上s蛻 j縺御º縺壹←縺 k[1] (あの日からなかなか踏ん切りが付かずにいる) Since that day, I lost any sort of resolve to act on my thoughts
動かぬ両足 潰せぬ水ぶくれ 歩道橋の上 電車と名付けられた鉄の箱が 人と名付けられた有機物を運んだり轢いたり踏んだり それだけの光景
Frozen in place, blisters that I cannot pop form On the pedestrian overpass, the only spectacle I see is a metal box, called a ‘train’, carrying, running over, treading on organic material called ‘humans’.
何遍噴き出した血液 まるでよく熟れたザクロの実みたいね
How much blood was splattered? It’s like an overripe pomegranate fruit.
あなたにはあなたの人生がある そっから根っから僕とは違う 一人称視点 けれど主役は不在 歩合なしの消化試合 “高みを目指す”とは他ならぬ自分のための行為で だから僕には生きる適性がないんだ はぁ馬鹿らしい
You have your life, that’s what makes you completely different from me It’s in first-person, but there’s no main character to be found. It’s dead rubber I’m not being paid for. “Aim for the top” is nothing more than an act of selfishness That’s why I’m not cut out for life. Sigh, it’s so dumb.
何億もの精子の補欠のひとつ この世に生まれたの自体 手違いなんだって そうなんだって 答えはもう出てる ガムテープ[2]でうるさい口を塞ぐ 墓場へ持ってくための梱包作業 そりゃ傑作[3] 笑う気力もなく
A billion sperm trying to fill one spot, that’s what being born into this world is about To say it was an accident is right, the answer’s already out I keep my mouth shut with gummed tape I’m a package made to be brought to the grave, how awfully great. I don’t have the energy to laugh.
劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を 劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を
Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them. Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them.
世界とか以前に自分から逃避したい 浪費の限りを尽くし散らかっていく一室 これはきっと病気 それでいい このまま侵して欲しい 堆く積まれた漫画 傍から見りゃ現代の風刺画
Even before the world and such, I wanted to escape from myself Wasting money until I had nothing left, my room is in complete disarray This is certainly an illness, but that’s okay, I want to be invaded like this If someone were to look at the mountain of manga, they’d think it was modern satire.
外には賑やかな学童 ヘッドフォン 弾丸の雨を凌ぐとしよう
Outside, the school children are merry. Headphones on, let’s protect them from the rain of bullets.
自分を愛せなきゃ他人も愛せない 何だその下手な嘘は こちとらオートモードのソシャゲ 起動した人生とは別の何かを見てる それが惚れた腫れたの類ならふたりがひとつになったとき 主役は僕で鳴らされる鐘… ゆめゆめ叶わない夢[4]
If you can’t love yourself, you can’t love others, what kind of lame lie is that?! I run on a social game on auto, I see something other than a life that’s begun And if those are the kinds of people who fall so madly in love, when they tie the knot, The bell is rung by me, the main character…in my impossible dreams.
君の思う「普通」とは何だろうか 一人でも多くの「普通になれない人」へ
What do you consider ‘normal’? To those many people who ‘can’t be normal’
死して初めて輝く 口先だけと言われるのは癪 だから歩く 音のない慟哭 僕はナンバーツー 今に見てろと睨み付けて フェンスに手をかけたらカウントダウン 「僕の元に電車が参ります」 ああ今度こそ夢オチでないよう…
When I die is the first time I will shine. It really pisses me off to be told that I'm just saying that. That’s why I walk, soundlessly wailing, I am number two I glare at them as if to say, “Just you wait!” When I put my hands on the fence, the countdown begins  “This train is coming for me!” Ah, I hope, this time, it isn’t all just a dream…
Express Train
何億もの精子の補欠のひとつ この世に生まれたの自体 手違いなんだって そうなんだって 答えはもう出てる ガムテープ[2]でうるさい口を塞ぐ 墓場へ持ってくための梱包作業 そりゃ傑作[3] 笑う気力もなく
A billion sperm trying to fill one spot, that’s what being born into this world is about To say it was an accident is right, the answer’s already out I keep my mouth shut with gummed tape I’m a package made to be brought to the grave, how awfully great. I don’t have the energy to laugh.
Under Investigation
劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を 劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を 劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を 劣等 羨望 どうぞ廃棄を
Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them. Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them. Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them. Inferiority, envy. Feel free to do away with them.
Translation notes:
[1] - This is Mojibake, text garbled from encoding errors. The closest equivalent in English would be something like converting text into Base64 for the spooky vibe. [2] - I would've translated this as packaging tape, but since 'package' already appears in the next line I felt it would be too redundant. But yes, the 'package' in question is the singer himself. [3] - 傑作 can either literally mean, 'masterpiece' or sarcastically mean, 'masterpiece'. I wrote it as 'awfully great' in hopes that the double meaning comes through. [4] - The line is better translated as 'a dream that will never come true', but since I'm translating this a little liberally, I wanted to find an English equivalent to the wordplay of 'yumeyume (never) kanawanai yume (dream)'. The closest I could think of was 'in your dreams', and I just put in the 'impossible' to complete it.
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odakuram · 19 days
I’ll Teach You How To Pull Off The Perfect Crime Part 2 ~The Inugami Chapter~ (English Translation
完全犯罪伝授します弐〜犬神篇〜 Music/Lyrics: Joruzin Video: unrefle Vocals: GUMI, Kagamine Len
"The continuation to “I’ll Teach You How To Pull Off The Perfect Crime”.
His outer face is that of the eccentric who runs the used bookshop, his inner face is that of a master missionary of perfect crimes, a one Sano Shougai. Until now, all the perfect crimes he’s told people have been executed flawlessly, each and every time. His high intelligence could leave the police far outmatched. But in this case, for the first time, he learns of the existence of someone whose IQ could match, no, surpass his own.
“The Man Who Will Help Execute The Perfect Crime” VS “The Man Who Will Stop The Perfect Crime”
How will this case end?!"
-- original description
(extra translator's note: i stole parts of the translation from the vlyrics wiki translation of the first song in this series for continuity reasons, and linked where relevant. i hope op doesn't mind)
えぇ そうですか  つまり相続権の独占ですね 
Yes, I see. So you want to claim the inheritance to yourself.
遺産の全てをご子息に それが為なら殺しも辞さない 
You want the inheritance to all be for your son, and you’re willing to go as far as to murder.
Then I’ll confirm the facts about the will and the family tree.
財界巨頭の犬神家の創始者左兵衛が身罷った  彼の遺した遺言書に一族狼狽その内容は 
The founder of the Inugami Clan, renowned in the business world, Sahei Inugami, has kicked the bucket. The will he left behind has caused massive dismay in the family
一族以外の本筋の血の繋がりない生娘に遺産を全て譲渡する  ただし娘の配偶者には  
In it, it says that the inheritance is to all go to a virgin girl who isn’t even directly related to the family That is to say, to the spouse of that girl, Tamayo
犬神左兵衛の孫にあたる「佐清」「佐武」「佐智」の三名中から選ぶこと  つまり珠世の愛を勝ちとったものが遺産を手に入れる  しかしご子息佐清は戦時に負った顔の傷 醜い姿に成りさがった 
Sahei Inugami has three grandchildren, Sukekiyo, Suketake and Suketomo that she will choose from In short, to win Tamayo’s love is to get the inheritance But your son Sukekiyo has become hideous as a result of injuries on his face from the war
愛されるはずもない  ならば「佐武」「佐智」2名を葬りその罪珠世に被せることで  佐清に遺産転がり込ませる 
She certainly won’t love him. If that’s the case, you will bury “Suketake” and “Suketomo” and pin the crime on Tamayo so that the inheritance will come into Sukekiyo’s hands.
つまりそういうことですね  一族身内の殺害計画 
So that’s what this is about, hm? A plan to murder members of your family…
思考 黙考 熟考 整いました  After much thought, meditation, and deliberation, I have it all arranged for you.
完全犯罪伝授します お代は貴女の死因の決定権を小生が頂戴いたす  それでよろしいですね? 完全犯罪伝授します 手段は電話でお伝えします  一族集まる月夜の晩に人の目ない部屋でおかけください  なになに私立探偵が雇われているですと?まあ捨て置いて問題はないでしょう 
I'll teach you how to pull off the perfect crime. The price is to let this humble one decide your cause of death Will that be okay with you? I'll teach you how to pull off the perfect crime. I’ll tell you everything over the phone. On the moonlit night when the whole family gathers, dial me in a room where no one can see you What’s that, a private investigator has been hired? Well, put that thought aside for now, it won’t be a problem.
“A Guide to Murder”
計画ポイント2つあり 「猟奇性」と「芸術性」  殺害現場に珠世の犯行を示唆する私物を残すことです 
This plan has two points: it will be “grotesque” and “artistic” You will leave personal items on the murder scenes to suggest that Tamayo is the culprit.
「犬神家に強い恨みを持った珠世が遺産目当てに犯行に及んだ」  そうです美しく殺してあげましょう
“Bearing a grudge against the Inugami family, aiming to get the inheritance, Tamayo resorted to crime.” That’s how it will be, let us murder them beautifully
 第一殺害タイトルは「菊人形頭衣替え」美しいですね あぁあぁ美しいです  第二殺害タイトルは「琴線天幕吊し上げ」美しいですね あぁあぁ美しいです 
The first murder case will be called, “A Change of Head for the Chrysanthemum Doll”, beautiful, ah, ah, so beautiful! The second murder case will be called, “A Decorative Curtain Hung by the Strings of the Koto”, beautiful, ah, ah, so beautiful!
計画に狂いが生じた? 佐清だと信じた人物 全く別人  本物佐清 潜伏していたところを 
Has this plan sparked madness in you yet? It turns out the person you believed to be Sukekiyo is a completely different person The real Sukekiyo is hiding in wait 
例の私立探偵が発見  偽物佐清正体 犬神左兵衛の愛人の息子  全てをたちどころに見破った!? 
That private detective has discovered where he is and the true identity of the fake Sukekiyo—he is the son of Inugami Sahei’s lover Has he seen through us?!
大丈夫です落ち着きなさい 若干計画変更します 偽物佐清この計画を知るもの生かしてはおけませんから   第三殺害タイトルは「偽装すましの逆さ人」薬で眠らせ湖畔の浅瀬に頭から突き落とすのです  素晴らしいですね 全てが完璧です あぁ美しい  それでは最後の仕上げに掛かりましょう  
It’s alright, please calm down, we’ll just change the plan a little. The fake Sukekiyo knows your plans, so he cannot be left alive. So the third murder case will be called, “A Disguised Upside-Down Person”. You will drug him to sleep and push him head first into the shoals of the lake. So wonderful, it’s all so perfect, ah, it’s beautiful! Now let’s add the finishing touches
珠世の自室に青酸カリを忍ばせなさい  それではお渡していた死因書を開封なさい 
Do hide some cyanide in Tamayo’s room Then, please open the document I’ve given you with your cause of death
アリバイ工作で全ての犯行が可能だったのは珠世と貴女です  今から珠世にお茶を入れさせなさい その中にもうひとつ用意した青酸カリを 入れて飲みなさい  つまり「今」から「自室」で「服毒自殺」をするのです  全て珠世の犯行と見做され財産佐清転がり込むでしょう 
With the alibis you’ve made, the suspects will be Tamayo and you. Now let Tamayo pour you some tea that you laced with the same cyanide from before, and drink it. In other words, “now”, you must “kill yourself with poison” in “your room”. When Tamayo is considered the culprit, the estate will come into Sukekiyo’s hands, isn’t that right?
さあ受話器そのままで やるのです 
Now, you will leave the phone aside and do it.
おやめなさい 全て貴女の犯行だと 解りました お話を伺います  貴女をそそのかした人の 
Please stop this. I’ve figured out that this is all your doing. Could I ask to talk to the person who’s tempted you?
I will definitely find you.
The likes of that detective…!
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odakuram · 20 days
ミニ偏/Mini Left-Side Radical (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics/Video: Sasuke Haraguchi Vocals: Kasane Teto
"i made this after turning on late night tv"
Translator's note: This song is virtually impossible to properly translate because it's one long visual pun. And it's all based on a linguistic concept that barely exists in English (the closest I can think of are prefixes and suffixes). So there are two translation options: one that translates the song with its intention, possibly sacrificing accuracy in the process and one that translates the song as is. I'll put them in respective order under the cut!
Translation trying to keep the wordplay (wordplays bolded)
各・略る 町 田んぼの田 タダ飯 飯 食当たり 残念! 観念!何にも不可解
‘Men-’, mensuration and administration Cultivation of rice in a field is free food for me! I got food poisoning, sucks for me! Idea for me! I don’t get any of it.
あと、くっ付く角 アかイかウ選ぶ 解らない でも分かる 左側 変
Then, I attach a ‘-stand’ I choose from ‘th-’ and ‘att-’ and  ‘-t-nd’ [1] I don’t understand, but I know The left side of it is strange
Mini left-side radical…
読めない 言葉が 押し寄せて来る!来る! 見えない 事から 価値 吸い取られてる 言った 才 また来る! イ 口 耳
Words I can’t say I know are coming in fast, they’re coming! From what I can’t see I inhale deeply its expense Words I say are coming again ‘In-,’ ‘deep-’ and ‘ex-’
段々 頭 頭 逆さまに成っている
Gradually my head, my head it’s turning upside down
マットな怨念 ハットな本音 伝えている筈 なのに変 ミニ偏
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏 少し変
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical It’s a little strange
口・吟味に 場に 土 垢に蟹 蟹 成れない 者から 価値 吸い取られてる 解らない虫 イ 口 耳
‘In-, investigation, on the ground Ground, underground, is a crab, a crab From people who can’t make it, I inhale deeply its expense This creature is absolutely unknown to me ‘In-,’ ‘deep-’ and ‘ex-’
また 頭 頭 逆さまに書いている
Again, my head, my head is being written upside down
マットな怨念 ハットな本音 伝えている筈 なのに変 ミニ偏
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical
何処かで 見落とされて見てる 伝たわらぬ偏 ミニ偏
Overlooked somewhere and watching is a left-side radical that’s not getting through, mini left-side radical
マットな混線 ハットな文面 至り 足りない 何か変 ミニ偏
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
糸三 糸三 イとイ ミニ偏
‘-sion’, ‘con-‘, ‘-sion’, ‘con-‘ ‘Some-’ and ‘rad-’, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
Mini left-side radical
It’s very strange!
Literal translation (the radicals are translated as their literal meanings):
'Each', measure and in towns The paddies in the rice fields is free cooked rice, sure is! I got food poisoning, too bad! I got an idea! I don’t get any of it.
Then I attach a horn I choose from 'a' and 'person' and 'h_rn' [1] I don’t get it, but I do know The left side of it is strange
Mini left-side radical…
Words I can’t read are surging in, they’re coming! I suck up value from what I can’t see The talent I spoke of is coming again! People, mouth and ears
Gradually my head, my head it’s turning upside down
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
'Mouth', in review, in this place, In the earth, in the filth, there's a crab, a crab I suck up value from people who can't make it A bug I don't know People, mouth and ears
Again, my head, my head is being written upside down
A matte grudge, A hat intent, It should be pretty clear, but it’s strange, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
Overlooked somewhere and watching is a left-side radical that’s not getting through, mini left-side radical
A matte confusion, A hat text of a letter At its height, it’s not enough! Something’s strange, mini left-side radical 
Thread, water, thread, water [2] Person and person, mini left-side radical
It’s a little strange
Mini left-side radical
It’s very strange!
[1] - The way the words are broken in both translations (where relevant) also matches how they're split in the video. This is most relevant in アかイかウ選ぶ, where ウ is a result of cutting 角 to look like it, but not resulting in any recognisable kanji. I tried to reflect this by omitting some letters in the word that 角 would have been translated to.
[2] - That's not 水, but the radical highlighted in the video for '三' is 氵, which is a radical that means 'water', hence the translation.
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odakuram · 20 days
カレーニナ/Karenina (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics: Hiiragi Kirai Video: redegg37564, Sashi Miyama Vocals: vflower
"I'm Hiiragi Kirai. This is a song about an empty life."
なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな[1] 逃げ出したい淡々な日々に苦手含ませ ランラーラ 楽なのは嫌な彼にな 教えてやれ 滔々と問う
Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Include weakness into the normal days where I want to run away Ranrara, that detestable man has it so much easier Tell me about it! I eloquently ask you
I ask you
あなた なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな わかることだけお願いしますね ローリンな暮らしに病んだ彼にな 課された使命があるはずと
Hey you, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Just stick to what I know, please A man sick with the life he’s rolling through was supposed to have a mission imposed on him, they say 
げに ウケます ウケます ウケます それはウケます あな ちゃんちゃらおかしい 今も ウケます ウケます ウケます それはウケます いと インタレスティング
I say, that’s funny, so, so funny Ah, how laughable! Even now, that’s funny, so, so funny So incredibly interesting!
淫らな商い 露悪な証 それでも それでも君は虜さ
An indecent deal, a show of why you’re in the wrong And even so, even so, you are my captive!
なあ なあ なあ なるなよあんな彼にな 不貞を問えどエゴの浮気性 ほら なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな 逃げ出したい淡々な日々に苦手含ませ
Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man I asked about his infidelity, but his ego makes him unfaithful Come, hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Include weakness into the normal days where I want to run away
I ask you
だから 問う
So I ask you
だから なあ なあ なあ なるなよあんな彼にな
So hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man
I ask you
わからないことで病んでいるね 憂いの波が凪いだはずの世界なのに くだらないことで怒らせないでくれ
What I don’t know has been making me sick This is a world where the waves of melancholy should’ve eased, but I ask you not to anger me with such trivial things
ほころぶ 儚い夢見た脳裏 その景色が褪せていく 崩れていく
Having seen an empty dream, my mind comes apart at the seams That scenery fades and crumbles
I ask you
なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな 逃げ出したい淡々な日々に苦手含ませ 問う
Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Include weakness into the normal days where I want to run away I ask you
げに ウケます ウケます ウケます それはウケます あな ちゃんちゃらおかしい あなた ウケます ウケます ウケます ウケます それはウケます いと インタレスティング
I say, that’s funny, so, so funny Ah, how laughable! You are funny, so, so funny So incredibly interesting!
ほら なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな 想いの数 共有出来ると考え間違う なあ なあ なあ なあ なあ なあ なるもんか あんたになんかにはなるもんか
Come, hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Whenever we manage to share a number of our thoughts, I think wrongly Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey Like I’d be like that Like I’d be anything like you
なあ なあ なあ なるなよあんな彼にな 不貞を問えどエゴの浮気性 ほら なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな 逃げ出したい淡々な日々に苦手含ませ Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man I asked about infidelity, but his ego makes him unfaithful Come, hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Include weakness into the normal days where I want to run away
I ask you
I ask you
だから なあ なあ なあ なるなよあんな彼にな 駄々をこねがち 嫌な彼には 教えてやれ 滔々と 問う
So hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man That detestable man who tends to be petulant Tell me about it! I eloquently ask you
ランラーラ あんな カレーニナ
Ranrara, like that Karenina
I ask you
なあ なあ なあ なるなよ あんな彼にな 逃げ出したい淡々な日々に苦手含ませ 問う 問う 問う 問う 問う 問う
Hey, hey, hey, don’t be like him, that kind of man Include weakness into the normal days where I want to run awayI ask you
[1] - Homonym to "Anna Karenina", the protagonist of the eponymous Russian novel. Part of the story goes into Karenina's paranoia that her husband may be cheating on her, which is what this song is about.
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odakuram · 22 days
i didn't even have to edit the original audio that much
audio is eggman's announcement from snapcube and a karaoke of lab rats' devil's train by funbox karaoke
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odakuram · 23 days
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Earlier today user @longlatitude submitted a cute lil bat miku to @dailyhatsune (which you can see for yourself here!!) and I felt inspired to try drawing a bat miku of my own :D
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odakuram · 26 days
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odakuram · 26 days
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odakuram · 1 month
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what if we rode in the les mis car 🙈
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odakuram · 1 month
アリババ/Ali Baba (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics: Hiiragi Kirai Video: Meri, So-sei Vocals: Kasane Teto SV
"I'm Hiiragi Kirai. This is a song about a person who's always lagging a bit behind."
Ali Baba
アリババ アリババ あなたに魔法をかけたげよ その場限りの多大なまじないを
Ali Baba, Ali Baba, let us cast some magic on you, a temporary great curse
アリマジョ アリマジョ みんなで魔法をかけたげよ 大きくなあれ 全ての頂きへ
To a witch here, a witch here, everyone, let us cast some magic to become larger than even the tallest mountain!
心をひらけごま ねえ お願いね
To your heart, I say open sesame, hey, pretty please?
いませんかい いませんかい 嫌なこと忘れさせてくれる方 いませんかい いませんかい いませんかい 登り詰める龍となる素質はいませんかい この目で確かめたい みたい  ホットな渦に飲まれたい
Is no one here, is no one here? Is no one here to make me forget what I hate? Is no one here, is no one here? Do I not have what it takes to reach the top? I want to try to see it with my own eyes I want to be swallowed by a hot vortex
咒る あなたへマジカル マギア 財宝の在り処が待ちわびている 今宵も魔法をかけたげよ アリババ あなたにかけたげよ
A magical Magia to you, spellcaster, the treasure impatiently awaits you Tonight, too, let us cast some magic Ali Baba, let us cast it on you
胸張って好きと言いづらいよね アリババ アリババ 誰かと同じ感想を言ってる アリババ アリババ いいと思ったこと たまに見逃してる アリババ 疲れてくるね アリババ アリババ
It’s tough to say you like it with pride, huh? Ali Baba, Ali Baba You express the same sentiment as someone else, Ali Baba, Ali Baba Occasionally do you miss things that you think are good, Ali Baba, Ali Baba You are getting tired, Ali Baba, Ali Baba
ドクン ドクンと脈打ってきた これまでを捨て アリババ かけたげた
My heart is thumping hard I’ve left behind everything up until this point, Ali Baba, and I’ve cast on you a spell
落ち目になる前 バイバイ
So before you’re down on your luck, it’s bye-bye
咒る あなたへマジカル マギア 開放されたら違う人とはじまる そちらへ味気ないマキナ 寂しさが募る アリババ アリババ
A magical Magia to you, spellcaster When it is unleashed, it begins with a different person, a drab machina heads there The loneliness grows Ali Baba, Ali Baba
いませんかい いませんかい 嫌なこと忘れさせてくれる方 いませんかい いませんかい いませんかい 登り詰める龍となる素質はいませんかい この目で確かめたい みたい  ホットな渦に飲まれたい 嘘じゃないの ないの アリババ
Is no one here, is no one here? Is no one here to make me forget what I hate? Is no one here, is no one here? Do I not have what it takes to reach the top? I want to try to see it with my own eyes I want to be swallowed by a hot vortex It’s not a lie, it’s not, Ali Baba
アリババ あなたにかけたげよ かけたげよ かけたげよ アリマジョみんなでかけたげよ かけたげよ かけたげよ アリババ あなたが奪うもの 魔性のこと 有象無象だと それでもそれでもかけたげよ かけたげよ かけたげようね
Ali Baba, let us cast on you some magic do let us, let us! To a witch here, everyone, let us cast some magic do let us, let us! Ali Baba, what you stole is devilish in nature, the whole thing Even so, even so, let us cast on you some magic do let us, let us!
咒る あなたへマジカル マギア 開放されたら違う人とはじまる そちらへ味気ないマキナ 寂しさが募る アリババ
A magical Magia to you, spellcaster When it is unleashed, it begins with a different person, a drab machina heads there The loneliness grows, Ali Baba
咒る あなたへマジカル マギア 財宝の在り処が待ちわびている 今宵も魔法をかけたげよ アリババ あなたにかけたげよ 今は
A magical Magia to you, spellcaster, the treasure impatiently awaits you  Tonight, too, let us cast some magic Ali Baba, let us cast it on you Right now!
咒る あなたへマジカル マギア 咒る 咒る 咒る 咒る アリババ
A magical Magia to you, spellcaster, Cast a spell, cast a spell, cast a spell… Ali Baba
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odakuram · 1 month
しあわせレストラン/Nightmare Restaurant (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics/Story: issey Director/Editor: Yuki Narita Illustration: ichimaru Cinematographer: Masakazu Kado Special Thanks: Kai Garatei
additional translation post for the day because what do you mean no one's translated this one yet
お腹いっぱい 食べちゃった!!︎! (もしもしうらめしや) 赤子万歳 放り出した 逃げ出す事もままならないまま I've eaten so much, I'm so full!!! (Hello, curses on you) Hands held up[1], I gave it up While I couldn’t even think of running away
愛情は 凍りついて (もしもしうらめしや) 平凡な人生は それはそれで美しい
Love freezes over, (Hello, curses on you) A plain life is, in a way, beautiful
嗚呼 現実は間違いも正解も無い
Ah, in reality there is no such thing as right or wrong
あなた 最高ね最高ね 私の正面 誰 心なんてないさ あれもこれも嘘さ 間違いも正解も無い あなた ああそうねああそうね 頭でちゃんと考えて 誰と何をしたの? それはそれは素敵ね 皿に乗った顔は今日も 笑顔で美味しいメインディッシュ
You truly are the best of the best  Now who is this in front of me?  You have no heart,  This and that were all lies,  There is no such thing as right or wrong  And you say, ‘Ah, that’s right, that’s right’  Think with your head!  What did you do with someone else?  Oh, that sounds so wonderful!  Your face on the plate, today too,  with a smile, it will be the main dish
お会計は0円です (好き好き大好きよ) それは問題 大問題 誰の指図も受けない
The bill is 0 yen (I love, love, really love you) That’s a problem, a big problem I won’t take orders from anyone
誤魔化したラブコール (もしもしうらめしや) 平凡な人生は それはそれで愛おしい
A fake call of love (Hello, curses on you) A plain life is, in a way, dear to me
嗚呼 愛情に間違いも正解も無い
Ah, in love there is no such thing as right or wrong
あなた 最高ね最高ね 私の正面 誰 心なんてないさ あれもこれも嘘さ 間違いも正解も無い あなた ああそうねああそうね 頭でちゃんと考えて 誰と何をしたの? それはそれは素敵ね 皿に乗った顔は今日も 笑顔で美味しいメインディッシュ
You truly are the best of the best  Now who is this in front of me?  You have no heart,  This and that were all lies,  There is no such thing as right or wrong  And you say, ‘Ah, that’s right, that’s right’  Think with your head!  What did you do with someone else?  Oh, that sounds so wonderful!  Your face on the plate, today too, with a smile, it will be the main dish ----- Translation Notes:
[the title] - The song's Japanese title is しあわせレストラン, which at first glance seems to mean 'Happy (幸せ) Restaurant', but the more you listen to the song and watch the video, the more it seems like it's supposed to be read as ' ‘Synchronised Death (死合わせ) Restaurant’, which is a pretty common wordplay in Japanese. Interestingly, only people whose language is set to Japanese would get blindsided by this, since the English title just outright calls itself a 'nightmare' restaurant.
[1] - Searching this term up, apparently the way babies sleep with their hands up is referred to as a 'banzai (hooray)' position. I've taken this to mean that this lyric isn't referring to a literal baby and more to the idea of one holding their hands up.
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odakuram · 1 month
お遊戯会、はじまりはじまり/Let Parents' Day Begin (English Translation)
Music/Lyrics: Ukaroku Illustration: Danjo Sora Vocals: Hatsune Miku
i had this translation sitting around in my drafts for a while and seeing that no one else tried to translate this i fixed it up a little
it's a very good song please listen to it
‘To everyone in the audience, I kindly invite you to come up to the stage.’
カーストの下位が粋がる様はただ無様だから 手を叩いた 玩具にしよう 囲めや囲めと焚いて 惨めなザマに仕立て上げて 手を叩いた 愉快な見せ物だ
Those in the lower castes just look uncouth showing off so I clapped my hands. Let’s turn them into toys Surround, surround and burn them, framing them as pitiful beings I clapped my hands. What a pleasant show.
クラスの誰も彼も知らぬ存ぜぬ顔で目逸らし 標的にはなりたくないもんね 見殺しにして手にした安寧の居場所は心地いいね
Everyone in the class looks away, feigning ignorance for they do not want to become a target, it seems. How comfortable it is to have peace in a place you belong in as you leave others for death.
弱い者に価値はないじゃん? 私が価格を決めたげるよ 誹謗的コーデでキメれば少しはネタになるからさ 頭垂れなさいな 誰からも持て囃されてんじゃん 退屈な毎日が今じゃ賑やかなお祭りね 飽きるまで君は猿回しのサル ほら くるくるり
Isn’t there no value to weak people? Let me decide your price for you. If you dress up in such a slanderous coordination, you’d make a good story So lower your head, are you not being given praise from everyone? What was once a boring everyday life is now a lively festival Until you’re done, you are a monkey trainer’s personal monkey-- Look at you, spinning round and round. [1]
私のことをこそこそ誹る大人の方々 手を叩いた 謎かけしましょう 匿名を振り翳して 誰かさんを晒し者にしてる 手を叩いた 匿名は誰でしょう?
The adults secretly slandering me clapped their hands. Now riddle me this Brandishing anonymity, someone has been exposed. I clapped my hands. Who is the anonymous person?
数を利用して血祭りに上げてた誰かもいたなぁ まるではしゃぐ子供みたいに それを囲んでさ 肩組み騒ぐ大人の皆様方
Using numbers, there was someone who was vilified too, huh? It’s as if all the adults, putting their arms around each other and making merry were enclosing it, like frolicking children.
弱い者いじめはノーと告げる唇で人を冒涜 それが特権だと言うなら早く大人になりたいな もしくは年召して 理路で整然な大人さんは 私らと同じレベルのお遊びがお好きなの? 答えなどいらないから似た者同士仲良くしましょう
The same people who say no to bullying the weak defile others If that’s called a privilege, then I want to become an adult quickly Or, when they put on their years, would those logical, orderly adults like to play games at our level? You don’t have to answer, so let’s be friends on the basis of being similar fellows.
はいはい 気に食わなくて狙いを私に定めたんだ モラルとか正義 建前にすれば石も投げやすいかい? コツは壊さないようギリギリ狙ってみるといいよ 玩具の遊び 心得てる先輩からの餞さ
Yes, yes, I don’t like this, my purpose was just decreed on me If morals, justice and the like were the front you used, it’d be easier to throw the first stone, no? It’s fine to just barely aim for it, so as to keep the trick intact This toy’s game, it’s a parting gift from a senior who gets it, see.
敗者は焦がされて 舞台をご退場 めでたいね 当事者以外が火を囲み この舞台は幕を閉じた 成すべきこと成して 拍手喝采で嗤い合って 燃え殻を撒いて遊ぶ様 私と瓜二つね 新しく産まれ堕ちた(あなたら)私の門出を祝おう
Burn the losers, exit the stage, how auspicious! The fire is contained within the concerned parties, the curtain has fallen on this stage Carry out what must be done, sneer at the applause, Playing by scattering cinders, my nails split Let us celebrate the departure of (you) me, newly dropped into this world
ほら はじまるよ
Look, it’s about to begin.
--------- Translation notes
[1] - The literal translation for monkey trainer in Japanese is 'monkey spinner', hence this line.
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odakuram · 2 months
無神経な女/The Thick-Skinned Woman (English Translation)
The Thick-Skinned Woman Music/Lyrics: Charan Po Rantan Video: VIXI
"Don't let this be you!" - original description
ちょっと今、そういう気分じゃないの 話しかけないで 放っておいてよ イライラはアンタのせいじゃない とりあえず、痛い、そんだけ
Hold up, I’m not in that mood Don’t talk to me, leave me alone! It’s not your fault I’m irritated, in any case—ouch—it’s just that
我儘って自分で分かってるけど ちょっと触れるだけで 泣きたくなる 情緒は今日も安定に不安定 グラグラしたらだいぶキテる
I know that I’m selfish, But I’d cry at the slightest touch Today’s atmosphere is stably unstable If I waver, I’m gonna snap
気配り、なんて してらんない いつの間にか時は流れてる 神経質よりもいいんじゃない 放っておいて いいことないけど
I can’t give any sort of consideration to others At some point, time went ahead It’s not any better than being sensitive Leave me alone, even if this isn’t any good!
‘We’ll be taking your nerves.’
麻酔1本効果なし 最新の技術、さっさと使ってよ 過去の過ち 掘り返して とりあえず今、どうにかしてよ
One dose of anaesthesia has no effect Just hurry up and use the newest techniques on me! Dig up everything I’ve done wrong, Get to it now, just do something, anything!
~In Treatment~
気を抜いたら顎外れそう 通った方がいいですよ マジで 5年後10年後長い付き合い 寝ても覚めても腫れは引かない
If I lose focus my jaw might fall off It would’ve been so much better if I just went, really! 5 years later, 10 years later, we’ve known each other for so long Sleep and wake I might, but I can’t pull this swelling out
気配り、なんて してらんない いつの間にか時は流れてる 神経質にも理由があんのよ 放っておいて いいことないから
I can’t give any sort of consideration to others At some point, time went ahead Even being sensitive has its reasons Leave me alone, because this isn’t any good!
‘We’ll be taking your nerves.’
麻酔2本効果なし 最新の技術、未だ原始的 過去の過ち 取り除いたら とりあえず薬詰めて
Two doses of anaesthesia has no effect The newest techniques are still quite primitive Get rid of everything I’ve done wrong, Just stuff the medicine in my mouth already!
仮止めが仮止めすぎる これ取れると耳まで痛い ゆっくり噛んで 焦らしプレイか? 痛いの来ると思ったら はい、終わり
The temporary fix temporarily fixed too much I’m able to take it, and it hurts all the way to my ears Should I slowly bite on it and tease it a little? If I think about the pain, that’d be it for me
シルバー メタル セラミック うー いたい! クラウン パラジウム ゴールド ジルコニア
Silver Metal Ceramic Mm…it hurts! Crown Paladium Gold Zirconia
保険適用外地獄額 保険適用内カード使えません お金があるならいくらでも 後悔先に立たず
A hellish sum of money not covered by insurance And I can’t even use my insurance card It doesn’t matter how much money I have, there’s no use crying over spilled milk
麻酔3本効果なし 最新の技術、さっさと使ってよ 過去の過ち 掘り返して とりあえず今、どうにかしてよ
Three doses of anaesthesia has no effect Just hurry up and use the newest techniques on me! Dig up everything I’ve done wrong, Get to it now, just do something, anything!
~Take care~
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odakuram · 2 months
Finally I've finished! A fanvid (is that called so?) for valvert!
BGM: MAD HEAD LOVE - Kenshi Yonezu
ATTENTION: almost entirely the brick plot, no AUs like post-seine; original french LM references; no subtitle for the bgm lyrics (i didn't leave enough space for that when painting...and when i realized it was too late)
hope you enjoy it ;)
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odakuram · 2 months
マッチ売りの転売ヤー/The Little Match-Scalper (English Translation)
The Little-Match Scalper Music/Lyrics: NazoJ Video: Nazoshuu, isaka_abstract Vocals: Kagamine Rin
honest to god i lost it when i first watched this because who would look at the tragic story of the little matchgirl and go 'ok but what if she was a capitalist'
はぁーーーあ゛ 売れねー売れねーマッチが売れねー 今日の利益How much? こんなんじゃ飢え死んでBad Endね 筆者(えらいひと)と親のせいで
Haaaaaagh!! I can’t sell any matches, can’t sell any of ‘em at all! How much are today’s profits? At this rate, I’ll starve to death and that’s a Bad End And it’s all because of that awful author and my parents
この時代ではいたってフツウな 貧困物売り少女は 生きるため知恵を絞っていく
In this era, an extremely run-of-the-mill poor salesgirl racks her brain for her survival
みんな欲しくてたまんないそれを ひとり占めさHow much? 買値よりも高い額で売り捌けば その差額で儲かるじゃんね
I’ve got all the things that everyone really wants, how much would it be? If I sell it for higher than I bought it for, I’d make a profit from the difference, yeah!
倫理、道徳?構っていられねー 明日の飯がImportant 市場調査にくりだしていく
Ethics? Morals? Couldn’t give a damn, tomorrow’s meal is more important I’ll go out and do some market research
需要をチェック 供給をチェック 顔変え店変え転売ヤー マッチよりもライター
Checking the demand, checking the supply, Change your face, change your store, little match-scalper, people want lighters more than matches
盗みでも物乞いでもない これはれっきとしたビジネスだ!
This isn’t thievery or begging, this is true business!
さあよってらっしゃいみてらっしゃい ここにあるは今わだいのモノ 正直者だけがバカを見よう これから毎日
Now come closer, take a look here! What you’ll see here are the things everyone’s been talking about! Honesty is the only thing that doesn’t pay And that’s the way it’ll be everyday
足りねー足りねーキャッシュが足りねー 今日も唱うHow much? まかり通る世の仕組みありがたいね 対策わずらわしいね
Not enough, not enough, I ain’t gettin’ enough cash! Today too, I sing, ‘How much?’ I really want thank that the world lets me get away with this It’d be real annoying if someone had a countermeasure!
蜜の味知っちゃ てんで止まんない よくばり禁断症状が 余計な業(かるま)を背負っていく
Now that I know the taste of this honey, I won’t stop at all! The symptoms of withdrawal from greed burdens me with excess karma
需要をチェック 供給をチェック 顔バレ品枯れ転売ヤー ライターよりパウダー
Checking the demand, checking the supply, Her true face slips, she’s out of stock, the little match-scalper, people want powder more than lighters
あたしなにもわるくない! 悪魔にみそめられたのさ!
I’m not doing anything wrong! The devil just fell in love with me at first sight!
さあよってらっしゃいみてらっしゃい 光に群がる害虫の様 ギリギリな手段で暖を取ろう …これから毎日?
Now come closer, take a look here! Like pests to a light I’ll keep myself warm with these desperate measures …that’s the way it’ll be everyday?
魂はもう売り切れたけど まだまだあるだろ失うもの
I’ve already sold out my soul, but there must be something else to lose
喧嘩の在庫は余ってるかい? 全てくれよ
Got a surplus of squabbles? Give it all here!
「こちとら生活がかかってんだ!」 ンなこた知らねえよお縄につけ
‘Our lives depend on this!’ I don’t care, you’re under arrest!
ああもう二度と戻れないね? まっとうな世界に 報われる世界に
Ah, will I never be able to return to an upstanding world, to a rewarding world?
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odakuram · 2 months
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“Pretending to be God by denying God”
every time i try to have some sort of warm up drawing i get carried away and now it’s 2am
that being said if i didn’t have other projects on the table i’d love to make a music video for furina set to god-ish tbh
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odakuram · 3 months
i just realised i've been doing a lot of art with :D expressions on it. oops?
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