odahviink-blog · 11 years
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Because one guard is definitely not enough to take down one thief.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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I found these three goofballs standing around in the middle of Whiterun, gossiping about bread shortages. I swear, they weren't even patrolling or anything; they'd just turn away for a few seconds, then turn back and restart the conversation.
Obviously bread means a lot to them. C':
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
I was doing that quest where there are vampires in Morthal and Thonnir runs around going, "LAELETTE! Have you seen Laelette??!"
Anyway, I lured her to the town and then she died right in front of Thonnir. I picked up her corpse to show him and he just looked at it and said, "What a waste," and then proceeded to run away screaming about where's Laelette??!?!
.. welp good husband right there guys. |D;
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
[ Morthal Guard ] /standing knee-deep in freezing water, holding a torch/ /puts torch away/ I'd be a lot warmer and a lot happier with a bellyful of mead.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Last one of my three Skyrim bbys though I may actually have a fourth one because of Ghashnar’s friend gods I need a mage character so. >:U ( which in total, would bring my number of Skyrim characters to six - two of them are basically disowned ) :’D
Temporary colours may be temporary, however. |D; I also didn’t make his werewolf form look monstrous enough ff-
He’s a two-handed weapon warrior, favouring greatswords over war axes and warhammers, but he isn’t picky when it really comes down to it. Shields are clunky in his opinion.
Like many Orcs, Ghashnar is big and bulky and more than capable of taking a hit before decapitating his enemies. C’: While in his natural form, he tends to favour staying relatively still and striking when his opponents draw near ( since his weaponry is rather heavy ). In his werewolf form, however, he is much more agile and will actively chase down and slash at his target.
At first, he was quiet and withdrawn, preferring to keep to himself, though he is a fairly decent person. He struggles to form bonds with others, and as such, he lived most of his life being lonely. He usually avoids thanking people not because he is rude, but because he always sounds unsure of himself when he does. This later changes somewhat through his experiences, and he becomes more assertive and confident in himself, though he still has great difficulty relating to others. His greatest wish is to be cured of lycanthropy and enjoy the company of his only friend.
In his werewolf shape. he is a savage and brutal killer and like a wild animal, has no regards for anything deeper than instinct. Perhaps in time, he can learn to better control his transformations ( go talk to the Companions geez! ), but for now, he just makes an effort to be as far away from people as possible whenever he feels his condition coming on. For the most part, he is successful and his only victims are the nearby wildlife, but occasionally he will run into a person and then feel guilty for months.
[ Backstory ]
Ghashnar gro-Khamarz did not grow up in an Orc stronghold, though as a child, he often stared out the window of his parents’ Markarth home and wish that he lived outside the city’s walls instead. He liked the city, with its solid, stony buildings and rushing water. It was beautiful and peaceful and safe, all at once. But at the same time, he wondered what it would be like to live out in the wilderness, where things were less assured.
Though part of a middle-class family, his parents never put too much pressure on him in terms of his future. For a while, he flitted from one occupation to the next, testing the waters of jewellery-making, shopkeeping, treasury-managing.. the vast selection of work in Markarth worsened his indecision.
Upon reaching his sixteenth birthday, he left home on a soul-searching mission. For two years, he travelled across Skyrim, finding work as a common guard in each of the holds he visited, for however long he decided to stay. During this time, he was trained in the use of two-handed weaponry.
At eighteen, he left behind his history of guard work in search of the thought he’d had since childhood; he wanted to find an Orc stronghold, and he succeeded. He enjoyed the experience immensely ( though he had never had any desire for leadership ) and planned on staying there permanently.
However, his time with his own kind was cut short when, while out hunting, he and his party were attacked by a werewolf. Though most of the group survived the encounter, Ghashnar and one other member acquired bites that, while not life-threatening, could result in the development of lycanthropy. Fearing this possibility, Ghashnar fled his beloved home.
Throughout the following day, as he tried to put as much distance as he could between himself and his companions, the urge to hunt grew stronger and stronger, and finally culminated in his first transformation later that evening. He has no recollection of this event, though upon reverting and consequently reawakening, he found himself nearby a terribly disemboweled and half-eaten corpse. Horrified with himself, he continued to wander for a few more days, anxiously wondering how often these attacks would happen and if he could find the strength to take his own life. The combined strain of worry and constant travel soon wore him down and once again, he collapsed.
This time, he awoke to see a Nord and Dark Elf sitting on nearby chairs, quietly discussing him. He had panicked, thinking they knew his secret, and was rather relieved to find they had only been talking about his current health and sudden appearance in the middle of the forest. He learned that the two were miners and had found him when they had left to fish at the nearby lake. Under their care, Ghashnar recovered quickly and the three soon became fast friends. In the first few weeks, he had been jumpy and extremely nervous about living in such proximity to an entire camp of people, which his two friends laughed off as part of his introverted personality.
As time passed, Ghashnar felt more and more relaxed and wondered if perhaps he was able to resist his transformations, as he had not given in to any impulses to hunt in such a long period of time. How wrong he was. In a sudden surge of instinct, he transformed again, but luckily, had been away from camp at the time. When he reawoke, he resolved to try to control the urges by regularly transforming and hunting the local deer. For a time, this worked. However, tragedy struck when his Nordic best friend ventured too far from camp on one of these nights, and Ghashnar’s wolf form struck him down.
Griefstricken by the death of one of his few friends, he was all too prepared to commit suicide. Drevyn, the Dark Elf, stopped him. He revealed that he had only just realized Ghashnar’s secret, and felt unbelievable remorse that he had been too late to save their friend. However, he did not want to have to mourn Ghashnar as well. Drevyn explained that he had wanted to leave this mining town, especially now that it was the place of their friend’s death, and that he would like to formally study magic in the hopes of finding a cure for Ghashnar’s condition. At first, the Orc had protested that he was too dangerous to be around, but eventually the two of them set off for Winterhold.
Currently, at twenty-one and twenty years of age respectively, Ghashnar and Drevyn reside in Riften, so that the first can hunt in the forests away from the city, and the second can continue his study of magic through books, research, and correspondence with the College. Though the Dark Elf reassures his best friend each day that no harm will come to him, Ghashnar cannot help but worry that it is only a matter of time.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Apparently abstract art is really big in Skyrim nowadays.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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With a mighty shout of, "FUS RO DAH!", the bandit flew off his perch into the rapids below, leaving the Khajiit to claim his rightful place as Lord of the Log.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Badass cow ain't even tripping that there's a werewolf right next to him.
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Made a little Taren-Dar icon out of a screenshot I took of Solitude at night. Unfortunately, it doesn't translate well to small size. :c
Also, forever lol at my terrible graphics quality / miniature screen size. My graphics card isn't beast enough to handle the epic that is Skyrim. xD
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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What a beautiful sunrise!!
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Oh wow, just look at that dragon rising majestically into the morning light!
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Wait a sec..
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Farkas: I can’t go any further.
Player: What’s the matter?
Farkas: idk I kind of have an arrow sticking out of my face
Player: o
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
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Herpderp don’t mind me just playing with all my Skyrim characters. |DD; ( can you tell that I really enjoy writing little stories about my characters, because I really do ) c’:
This one’s of Taren-Dar, my Argonian ( if that wasn’t obvious haha ). He’s in his early thirties, making him slightly older than Ra’virr.
His loyalty lies toward the Empire, as he feels he owes the Jarl of Whiterun. He also believes that stability is much more important than the right to worship Talos.
He is able to wield a broadsword, but is greatly opposed to conflict unless in self-defence. Often, he chooses to fight with a shield. He is terrible with a bow.
He is loyal, unwavering, steady, grounded, amiable, modest, selfless, etc. etc. Basically all of your good qualities thrown together and everything that Ra’virr is not. :’D
He can be overprotective, stubborn, and probably more things I will think of later. xD
Also backstory:
Born and raised in Riften, he soon grew sick and weary of the impoverished town and grew to harbour a strong dislike for thieves and other dishonest lines of work. In his teens, he said his goodbyes to his parents before leaving, determined to find a better life elsewhere.
Taren-Dar wandered throughout Skyrim for a time, finding odd jobs here and there to support himself. He’s naturally likeable and despite being an Argonian, always leaves people with the impression that he is trustworthy.
A hard-worker, he eventually managed to find work with first cleaning and refinishing damaged and dirty weapons while in Whiterun, before moving on to learn the trade of blacksmithing.
During this time, he also met a female Argonian and promptly spent the next year at both his job and working under Jarl Balgruuf the Greater in order to raise enough coin to both marry her and purchase a property in Solitude.
Currently, he resides quite happily there with his wife, where he works steel and is a loving, caring husband and eventual father ooh spoiler alert |D;
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odahviink-blog · 11 years
I also wrote a backstory that may or may not be permanent. C':
Skyrim is not Ra'virr's homeland. Rather, he was born to Khajiit parents who had done well for themselves in Cyrodiil. As their eldest and only surviving child, he was expected to follow in their exact footsteps, coming to represent their family and their positions of prestige. As such, his name carries the prefix Ra, which he began to settle with once he came of age.
Though Ra'virr found the tasks of dealing with notable individuals and maintaining a respectful reputation arduous, he forced himself to go through the motions of everyday, privileged life. He excelled at what he did, but enjoyed none of it. He began to look for ways to entertain himself, as a means to escape the monotony of routine.
Little by little, he began to steal money from his parents' social circle. A few coins here and there gradually became hundreds as he meticulously changed the ledgers of individuals who were wealthy enough to not suspect his theft.
However, that was never the reason for his departure from Cyrodiil. Not directly, anyhow. On one of his nighttime strolls, which really meant break-and-entry into a wealthy home, he was attacked by a man who thought he could overpower the Khajiit and at the very least, take whatever coin he had on his person. Even better, when he realized that this particular Khajiit was Ra'virr, the son of two fairly influential Khajiit, he doubled his efforts to capture him.
Ra'virr at the time had been younger, but his time spent sneaking around the darkened roads lent him the advantage. He deftly managed to avoid most of his opponent's blind blows but struggled to land any hits of his own. He managed a nick on the top of his head, by his left ear, which the man had been trying to slice off. The man then taunted him for his feeble combative skills, jabbing racial slurs and references to his easy lifestyle and how wonderful it must be to have all the spoils of life before you.
Soon enough, the dam holding back his frustration broke, and goaded by the exhilaration of physical combat, Ra'virr went on the offensive. He received multiple nicks and a few cuts in the process, but eventually, his claws managed to catch the man's throat. Still riding on the thrill of the fight, and so extremely sick of his predictable life, Ra'virr tightened his grip before dropping the man to the ground.
He scavenged what he could from the corpse, before flattening his ears in a moment of apprehension. He obviously couldn't stay here now. Thankfully, a fair portion of what he had stolen over the years resided in his pockets, and he was more than ready to leave.
The man's body was found the following day by a farmer's dog. Ra'virr had thrown him off into a ditch where he supposed a bear would find him before the authorities did. Unfortunately, that was not the case, and officials were quick to link his death with Ra'virr's disappearance. Though the man lived on the streets and nobody really cared about him, they did care about the murderer being Ra'virr - after all, the son of a wealthy family turning out to be a killer was momentous news.
His parents clung to the hope that their son was alive and innocent, arguing that the man probably attacked him and he had perhaps been killed in self-defense. But the authorities paid them no heed.
It was only when they turned his room upside-down looking for him that they discovered the other portion of his hidden stash of wealth. In outrage, they disowned their son and spoke not of him again ( however, they did keep the coin because obviously no one had missed it anyway ). Ra'virr wouldn't care though, if he knew.
He eventually managed to sneak out of Cyrodiil by travelling only at night, and stealing whatever he needed to survive ( or giving a coin or two to a child to steal from the market for him ) whenever he could. He reached Skyrim, intending to find the Thieves' Guild there, for he already knew that that was where he was destined to be.
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WIP of a reference sheet for my Khajiit, Ra’virr. I thought about it more and realized that he’s waaaay darker in game, so yeah changes. Kinda worried he’s gonna blend into his armour now, though. >:I
I decided I should finally sit down and actually give my boy Ra’virr a proper design. |D; He is a Khajiit who had some family drama go down and basically is living in Skyrim instead as a result. More on that later when I actually write it out in full.
No special markings for you, you’re supposed to look sort of maybe inconspicious. >:I He works as primarily a thief, but has dabbled a little in assassin work. Personality-wise, I call him an asshat. He doesn’t really give a damn about anyone other than himself because self-preservation and all that. But mostly he’s just an asshat. :’D
Oh! His cheek fur is shorter than your usual Khajiit because it suits him better so I guess he cut it or something. :b
He makes his home in Windhelm, though he also owns a property in Riften for proximity to the Thieves’ Guild. Dishonest living for the win! He and my Argonian are practically polar opposites and one day I need to draw them at each other’s throats haha. xD
His outfit, when I draw it, will be your standard Thieves’ Guild Master outfit because the colours are nicer and the thief armour is my favourite. Fights with both an ebony bow + dual swords.
Ra’virr sounds kinda like “revere”, hahahaha that was totally intentional.
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