octopussleep · 4 years
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It’s been nearly 4 years since having weight loss surgery and these are the many faces I’ve had over the years. I am thankful to have had the opportunity to change my life in ways I never fully imagined. 
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octopussleep · 4 years
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Blast from the past pics from my first months working at Stardust Studio. I haven’t seen these photos in a very long time. I no longer work with Marino Frost but I will always cherish those days working into the wee hours of the night or doing musically oriented things. 
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octopussleep · 4 years
Don't Let Negative People Drain Your Energy 😔
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octopussleep · 4 years
This made my day.
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octopussleep · 4 years
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Here’s a sneak peek of my latest shoe design! 30% of all profits will be donated to charities that are helping fight COVID-19 (the coronavirus) and charities that are helping the disadvantaged who are negatively impacted by the virus. Here in Queens I see just how bad things have gotten: None of the local stores have disinfecting products. What about the common man and woman whose lives depend on these products? How are they going to stay safe if they can’t even buy bleach, isoporyl alcohol, disinfecting wipes, face masks, and other critically important items? Everyone needs access whether you’re fighting COVID-19 on the front lines or keeping your family safe at home.
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octopussleep · 4 years
Musings of a Spiritual “Real One”
As many may (or may not) know, I was born into a very long line of spiritual practitioners dating back hundreds of years and possibly further back than that. My family did very bad things to their own bloodline, resulting in atrocities that can never be taken back. I know I’m going to get some people that don’t believe me, and that’s something I expect. But there is no way I can make what I’ve been through up. In 1995, one Pastor Williams told me that he had seen a black cloud over me since the day I was born and many spiritual practitioners have echoed his words in the 24 years I spoke to him on a payphone in East New York, Brooklyn as a 12 year old kid. It seemed like no matter what I did, tried, said and attempted nothing ever went right for me.
The nicer I was to certain individuals, the meaner and nastier and more abusive they got. Why would you beat a special needs kid? Why would you starve your own kid and leave them with men that should never be allowed near children in the first place? I got names, places, and people who knew what was going on but did nothing. And the older I got, the blacker the cloud got. I kid you not, I had many tell me to my face that rootwork was being done and that I should never let someone pray over me unless I knew their intentions were good.
It took me many years to realize that the ones that I supposedly could trust were the ones literally praying for my downfall and death in the worst possible ways. Back then I had no idea on the power and spiritual gifts I possessed. Now at nearly 40, I know who and what I am. No one will ever hurt me nor another innocent child ever again. I cannot and will not allow it for as long as I live. My dearly departed grandmother Mary Elizabeth Wiggins (1939-2001) and her husband Robert “Bobby” Wiggins (1935-1966) were among many casualties in this spiritual warfare battle. And the sad thing is that my grandmother’s death was 100% preventable. The person who was responsible…may God have mercy on your soul, because when God sends the punishment, her Karma it will NOT be pretty. This person is already seeing a psych doctor and it was nearly 40 years overdue. I was happy to see this take place. I waited a lifetime for Karma to show up and it did! Even though my grandmother passed away almost 19 years ago, it still hurts, but the pain is far less than in recent years.
I have been spiritually gifted since birth. I am much more than what the human eye can see. I know more than I’m letting on, but the world isn’t ready yet for that knowledge. So, for now, I press on and continue to be of service to others as I was sent here to do: To be of service to humanity, to uplift them to higher levels of spirituality through my writings, utilizing my spiritual gifts and simply being myself. I never want to se anyone else suffer like I did. There is more to my story, but that will be a part of my book I plan releasing in the next 2 years. You must be careful whom you surround yourselves with. Not everyone who says tht their your friend IS YOUR FRIEND. Many are sent as agents of evil to purposely screw up your entire existence and bloodline. I have personally seen it and experienced it for myselgf. That’s not a fate I’d wish upon anyone.
I am a Deacon at The Universal Light, based in Cincinnati, Ohio (Dr. Don Hauck is the Bishop and founder of TUL).
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octopussleep · 4 years
I honestly don’t know how it’s possible to miss someone so much
3 am thoughts (via suspend)
This hits hard to me because I lost a friend 2 days ago. We had just spoken in person several weeks ago. No one is exempt from death. He was only 37 years old.
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octopussleep · 4 years
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octopussleep · 4 years
Weight Loss and Phony Health Concerns, Part 1.
I still get comments like this, even 3 years after having weight loss surgery and dropping 111 lbs. I'm not 4736756 lbs anyone, screw off! How come no one said anything when I was 1/4 of a ton, but the moment I drop to 200 lbs, people show concern?  pic.twitter.com/yKTDEEYFVS
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octopussleep · 4 years
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octopussleep · 4 years
Kimba’s Thoughts on the Coronavirus
As I was mentioning to a family member and many people that are very close to me, this entire Coronavirus pandemic reminds me of many sci-fi movies and books I read as a kid. I never thought that I’d ever witness nor live through a pandemic like a coronavirus. Here in New York City, it’s getting insanely crazy. Empty buses, many parts of the Upper East Side dead at night (when there should be bustling with activity, noisy dinner crowds, a normal New York winter evening). What worries me most isn’t the virus itself, but the RESPONSE and AFTERMATH. Elon Musk said it best and I will explain the reasons why:
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He means that the panic surrounding the pandemic is dumb. I understand that everyone is concerned, and rightfully so. We ALL need to be careful when interacting in our daily lives. Being careful and vigilant about keeping healthy DOES NOT MEAN mass hysteria and chaos. When a person goes into mass panic, anxiety and hysteria, they take liberties that they wouldn’t under normal circumstances. One will fall ill much faster and more severe because due to extreme panic, their immune systems end up being compromised. I know this to be a fact because it’s happened to me many times. Mass hysteria WILL NOT SOLVE THE CORONAVIRUS PROBLEM, BUT MAKE IT FAR MORE WORSE, FAR MORE CRIPPLING. 
If martial law is ever introduced, even partially, our economy will take a turn that will make the Great Depression seem small. And again, I’m not making light of the Great Depression, because that was devastating to everyone. I had family members that lived through it (my great-grandmother Ms. Mary Harris and my great aunt Rose who was a centenarian). I said the previous comment because I already see the mass hysteria coming and most likely crippling the economy and life as we know it, not just here in New York but across the world. Those that will be out of work due to the coronavirus will get really desperate and take up arms so that they can feed their families. Even worse: many that have the virus will go to work sick because they can’t afford to take a sick day and won’t tell anyone until it’s too late (infecting everyone at their place of employment and much farther than that). 
Even here in NYC, people report to me that even many of the food pantries are short on food because their regular donors stopped delivering meats, dairy, and other perishables. Streets were empty and even the Long Island Rail Road (“LIRR”) wasn’t spared, many stations with even fewer passengers and fewer riders. If you HAVE to go out and work, take care of business, please keep the list below in mind. I understand that everyone is concerned, but hysteria won’t solve the issues but only make it worse. Remember:
Washing your hands frequently with either an alcohol-based sanitizer or plain soap and water after using the restroom, handling food, and especially after using public transportation is especially important, NOW and LATER. If you’re am an employee and you’re sick (coronavirus or not), PLEASE stay home, get medical attention if needed and limit human contact:
Wearing gloves and/or a mask when interacting with the public
Coughing/sneezing into your sleeve or handkerchief instead of all over someone.
Working from home if possible or working reduced hours.
If sick, stay home and avoid human contact as to curtail the spread of the sickness.
When going outside or via public transit, try to put as much space as you can between your fellow passengers.
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octopussleep · 4 years
Official Website Disclosures: READ CAREFULLY
Last updated March 11, 2020 
The information provided by The Octopus Sleep (“we,” “us” or “our”) on https://octopussleep.tumblr.com (the “Site”) is for general informational purposes only. All information on the Site is provided in good faith, however, we make no representation or warranty of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, adequacy, validity, reliability, availability or completeness of any information on the Site. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCE SHALL WE HAVE ANY LIABILITY TO YOU FOR ANY LOSS OR DAMAGE OF ANY KIND INCURRED AS A RESULT OF THE USE OF THE SITE OR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION PROVIDED ON THE SITE. YOUR USE OF THE SITE AND YOUR RELIANCE ON ANY INFORMATION ON THE SITE IS SOLELY AT YOUR OWN RISK. 
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octopussleep · 5 years
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Disclaimer: The Octopus Sleep is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon.com. As an Amazon Influencer, I earn from qualifying purchases.
Creating your own organic, do-it-yourself (DIY) laundry detergent is one of the simplest and eco-friendly ways to reduce your carbon footprint. These natural washing soap recipes are the best way to save cash on laundry detergent and it is very simple to make. This amazing homemade laundry detergent has ingredients that you can pronounce, and safe for your plumbing as well as your overall septic systems. Commercially made detergents are often unfriendly to your septic system, so when you change over to homemade, you know EXACTLY what plumbing system-friendly ingredients go into your detergent. 
Why change to natural laundry soap, you might ask? 
Standard laundry detergent is filled with chemical substances like sulfates, aromas, phenols and more. Many brand names contain things such as petroleum distillates, which are connected to cancer and lung disease. Fragrances that are used with these detergents are made of a mixture of dangerous chemical compounds that can cause serious health issues. Fortunately, making your laundry soap product is an easy, safe quick process! You simply need three common ingredients to produce either a powdered or liquid washing soap product:
Washing Soda (Arm and Hammer Brand which you can purchase at many stores, depending on your location)
Borax (sold in most groceries and retail stores)
Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Bar Soap (unscented or scented)
Essential oils (optional but recommended)
 Washing Soda and Borax are sold at your neighborhood supermarkets or local department stores in the cleaning products or detergents aisle. Organic bar soaps are also found in the health, beauty, or natural/organic sections of the store, or on online at retailers such as Amazon and Target. You can add a few tablespoons of baking soda that will help freshen clothing. Wonder what’s found in these ingredients? Borax is a naturally-occurring mineral that is composed of sodium, boron, oxygen, and water. Washing Soda, also known as sodium carbonate or soda ash, is produced with regular salts and limestone or found as organic deposits. Here’s how you can easily make your own natural laundry detergent:  
Grate 1 bar of soap with a cheese grater until finely grated or mix in the food processor until finely mixed. I use Dr. Bronner’s Pure Castile Bar Soap because of its decades-long track record of high quality, and because it is sold in many different pure fragrances like lavender, tea tree, peppermint, almond, and many others. If you choose, you can add several drops of essential oil to unscented Castile soap if you prefer to use soaps without additional ingredients.
In a large container (such as a large mixing bowl), mix two parts washing soda with two parts Borax and 1 part grated soap. (Put in a few teaspoons of baking soda if you prefer).
Store in a sealed container. I put mine in quart or a half a gallon-sized mason jars. If you’re using a large container such as a jug, 1-gallon mason jar or pitcher you can skip step 2 and just put all ingredients in said storage container(s) or jar and shake.
Use 1/8 cup to ¼ cup per load of laundry. For large or heavily soiled loads, use 1/2 cup to 1 cup. 
  Here’s a quick and easy way to make liquid Laundry Soap:  
Grate bar of soap with a cheese grater or food processor.
Add grated soap to a pan with 2 quarts distilled water and gradually heat, constantly stirring until soap is completely dissolved.
Add 4 1/2 gallons of very hot purified tap water or distilled water in a 5-gallon bucket and stir in 1 cup of borax plus 1 cup of Washing Soda until fully dissolved. You can purify u
Pour soap mixture from pan into a 5-gallon bucket. Stir well. Cover and leave overnight.
Shake or stir until it is smooth and pour it into gallon jugs or other containers.
Use ½ cup to 1 cup per load.
According to Lisa Bronner of lisabronner.com:
“Doing the math the other way, 1 cup of liquid soap equals approximately 2/3 of a bar (or 3.64 oz.) of Dr. B's bar soap.” I highly prefer Castile soap because it’s easier for me to work with. Fels Naptha and Hispano made me sneeze a lot, which is why I ceased using it.
With the above recipes, you’ll definitely save money on your laundering expenses. A five-gallon batch costs $4.30 and is good for at least 80 loads, which will cost you about $0.05 per wash! Even if you use a bit more, you’re still saving money and the environment as well. When I didn’t have a lot of money, I used the off-brand soaps: Zote, Fels Naptha, Hispano, Trader Joe’s Tea Tree Oil Soap, Dr. Nature Pure Castille Soap, Dr. Woods Pure Castile Soap (and either apple cider vinegar or white vinegar for my fabric softening needs). I found that the off-brands produced much more soap sud (in smaller quantities) than the brand name laundry detergents. Since I have sensitive skin, I’m going 100% natural when it comes to my laundry needs because I found out many years ago that scented fabric softener is scented only to mask the chemical odor, plus the chemicals found in fabric softeners can destroy the drying component of your dryer (Thank you Norwex for this very important fact!)
A lot of people truly do not grasp what goes into what they consume and use on a daily basis. The Google search results speak for themselves: http://bit.ly/1SirQ7a When I had enough money to wash and dry my clothes, but none left over for laundry detergent, I used shampoo or dishwashing liquid (and sometimes grated bars of soap).  I prefer using organic, but when you’re low-income, sometimes you have to use whatever is available until you can afford to buy what you need.
References & Citations
Liquid vs. Bar in Dr. Bronner’s Pure-Castile Soap
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octopussleep · 5 years
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octopussleep · 5 years
11/11/2019 will be a magical day, for me and many others across the globe. If one isn’t on the path to enlightenment and spiritual well-being, I can’t roll with them. I cannot be around anyone who encourages people to remain ignorant and asleep. Life wasn’t meant to be lived looking through rose-colored glasses and if that’s you, then I’m not the influencer for you. Nothing burns me more than ignorance, avarice, greed and those who willingly and happily inflict pain onto others. I have been a healer since the day I was born so nothing surprises me much anymore, especially when I see repeating numbers like 1111, 222, 333, 444, 555 and so on.
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octopussleep · 5 years
This MIRACLE "Cosmic Pentacle" Supercharges *ANYTHING* You Wish To Happe...
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octopussleep · 5 years
I’ve just recently become a part of the eBay Partner Network as an affiliate. As I’ve mentioned many times in recent months, I’m doing this to give back to the community. A portion of proceeds will go to charities that deal with homelessness, hunger, animals and mental health awareness. Feeding America, & the North Shore Animal League are just two I’ve donated to so far. RAINN, Hand Across Long Island, LI Cares and NAMI are next on my list, so stay tuned!
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