ocsbystarlight · 2 years
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Steve Rogers x Barnes! OC, Bucky Barnes x Sister! OC
Fandom: The MCU
Summary: Life isn’t the same when you’ve lost two of the most important people in it
Warnings: Heavy angst. Crying, feeling alone, reminiscing, Steve’s gone, Bucky’s gone, Y/N is sad
It was a warm summer night, and while it was getting late, stars twinkling on the dark blue sky, the city was still alive.
It was the Fourth of July, after all.
And while the rest of New York City was out and about, celebrating their country, Rosabella Barnes had opted for an early night, and locked herself in her apartment as soon as she got home from work.
Before the war, July 4th had always been a happy day. Ever since the two Barnes siblings had become friends with Steve Rogers, they had always made it a point to celebrate as best they could. Sure, they did the same for both Bucky and Rosie’s birthdays, but it always felt different with Steves.
Steve's poor health had meant he spent many of his birthdays sick in bed, especially as a child. But this never stopped Rosie and Bucky from finding a way to get Steve some sort of treat for his birthday, be it a small cake for them to share, or a new sketch pad.
With time, Steve’s health improved. It still wasn’t necessarily good, but it was better, and that meant the three of them could start doing more on their birthdays. Rosie’s favorite was when they’d sneak onto the roof of the apartment building and watch the sunset, or stargaze, listening to the city around them.
But now, she was alone. It had been two years since Steve died, and while it got easier, birthdays and holidays were still not easy on her. When Peggy had asked her to go out and celebrate with her and their friends, Rose had declined, claiming to be tired from work. If Peggy caught her lie, she had kept it to herself, and allowed Rose to go.
And now here she was. She had opened the window to her bedroom, allowing a cool breeze to sweep the room every now and again, and she was sitting on her bed, old photographs laid out in front of her. They all varied in age and quality, some older than others, some more worn, but they all held the same value to her.
Normally, these photos were stored in her photo album, the biggest, and most important one. It had turned more into a scrapbook at this point, storing drawings, notes and letters, along with the usual photos.
But tonight, they were on her bed, allowing Rosie to get a clear view of all the memories captured over the years. Most of her favorite photos were from before the war. Pictures of her and Bucky as kids, some family photos, old school photographs, and some taken in a photo booth.
But ironically enough, her favorite photo was taken when the war had been in full force. It was after another successful Howling Commandos mission, and the team had gone out to celebrate at their favorite bar. Rosie had somehow managed to drag Steve onto the dance floor when a slow song was playing, and while they were both distracted, Bucky had found a photographer who was willing to take a picture of them both.
That was Rosie’s favorite. Her and Steve were in the middle of their slow dance, completely oblivious to the rest of the world. The love and adoration they had for each other was so clear in the way they looked at each other, and as she sat there looking at the old photo, she couldn’t help but tear up. Being reminded of life before she lost Steve and Bucky, of how things were before everything went to shit, would anyone really blame her for crying?
She was quick to wipe the tears when she noticed them, not wanting to ruin the photos, but she knew she wouldn’t be able to keep it in for much longer. It had been a hard day already, so she quickly gathered up the photos from her bed, and put them on her bedside table, before she finally allowed the tears to fall.
Why? Why did it have to be Steve? Why did it have to be Bucky? Why did she have to lose them? Of all people, why them? Sure, she still had friends, people she cared about, and who cared about her in return, but it wasn’t the same. It never would be the same. When you’ve had two people by your side for your entire life, how do you move on when those people are gone?
Her and Steve were supposed to get married, they were supposed to settle down after the war, get the life they’d been wanting together for so long. And now what? She couldn’t possibly move on from him. Could she? The very thought about dating someone else made her feel awful. Yes, Steve was gone, yes, a lot of time had passed, but she still wasn’t ready to move on.
In less than a year she’d lost the people she trusted the most. Her best friend, her big brother, her Bucky, and Steve. Her darling Steve. At the present moment it felt like she’d never be able to move on. The pain was still so present, it still hurt too much to remember that they were gone, but she knew that she couldn’t hang on forever.
With time, it would hurt less. Comparing now to the first few months after Steve died, she had gotten so much better, and she knew it would only continue to improve, but that naturally didn’t make it hurt any less. But for now, there didn’t seem like there was much to be done.
As she got up to close her window, wiping her tears, she remembered advice her Ma had given her once, something that had always stuck with her.
“Don’t be afraid to feel.” She’d said. “It’s okay to be sad, it’s okay to be angry, it’s okay to feel. If I can only teach you one thing, Rosabella, never let anyone tell you not to feel.”
Both Rose and her brother had always been taught to not be afraid of their emotions, and in that moment she remembered how relieving it was to just let go. So she laid down in her bed, and allowed herself to break down, praying for things to get better soon. For tomorrow to be a better day.
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Venture: Beginnings
Chapter 2; The Tower
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Lily Stark-Rogers (a.k.a Venture), Stony x Daughter!OC, Peter Parker x OC x Michelle Jones
Fandom: The MCU
Summary: The Avengers arrive back at the Tower with Lily, where she’s continuously shocked and impressed by the tower, but she just quite can’t shake her fears
Warnings: Some angst, looking back on time with HYDRA, some paranoia, bad past experience with doctors, good new experience with doctors, Soft!Tony
A/N: Here we have Chapter 2! Finally, it’s here. Not much more to say. Feedback is always appreciated, and I hope you enjoy!
Series Masterlist!
Being tired was something Lily was very familiar with. 
She was always training before, the bad men never allowing her to rest. Just training, training, training, and the missions every now and then. They told her she didn’t need rest and food like they did. 
They were normal, she was enhanced. She didn’t need as much food and rest as they did. So they kept pushing, kept her on her feet every waking hour until they threw her back in her cell, but there wasn’t much rest to be found there either.
The jet was different from the cell. The cell was always cold and dark, sometimes wet, water slipping through cracks in the ceiling. After everything got silent that was her only way of getting water. And it was dark. There had been a light once, but it had stopped working and was never fixed, so she got used to the dark and cold. She didn’t have any other options.
She liked the jet much more. It was still a closed space, but it was bigger, warmer and there was light. She could see where she was putting her feet when she walked, and see where she was putting her hands, but right now she didn’t want to move.
She was exhausted. She’d spent so long alone in the cell, afraid that the bad men would come back, so she hadn’t gotten much sleep in there. Now she was out of there, and she so badly wanted to go to sleep, but she felt like she couldn’t. What if Tony, or Steve, or their friends needed her for something? Would they get mad if they needed her help and she wasn’t awake? She didn’t want to risk it. 
“Lily? You okay?”
She snapped her head up at the voice and was met with Tony looking at her in concern.
“I think so.” She replied after a moment. She hadn’t really thought about it. “I like it here more than the cell.”
“That’s good.” Tony said with a soft smile. “We’re almost back at the tower, we were thinking we might need to take you to the med-bay.”
“What’s a med-bay?” Lily asked.
“Oh, like a hospital. Doctors and nurses and stuff.” Tony explained, and Lily froze. 
Lily hated the doctors. The bad men didn’t like it when she was hurt, because it meant she wouldn’t be able to do missions for a while, so when she was hurt, they often just threw her in her cell and left her there for a few days. If she had a more severe injury that didn’t heal in that time, they dragged her to the doctors. 
The doctors were a mixed bag. After visiting them, there was always a solution to the first injury, like a cast for a broken bone, but there were always aches all over her body, bruises from them holding her down, and various cuts when they weren’t careful with their tools. She didn’t know if it was worse to go there or be left in her cell and hope the injuries healed on their own.
“Do I have to?” Lily asked quietly, and Tony frowned.
“Well, not necessarily.” He said. “We just want to make sure you don’t have any major injuries, and make sure you're healthy.”
“Um, I’m fine.” Lily said. “I don’t need to go to the doctors.” 
Her words made Tony’s frown deeper, and he crouched down in front of her, carefully taking one of her hands in his.
“Lily.” He said slowly. “Did they take you to doctors at HYDRA?”
“Only when I didn’t heal fast enough.” She mumbled.
“Were they good doctors?”
“Not really.” She said, looking down at her lap. “They always took care of the bad injury, but it always hurt after.”
“I promise, we won’t let anyone hurt you like that.” Tony said firmly. “Not on our watch.”
Lily raised her head to look at him, and the look on his face was unlike anything she’d ever seen before. It was warm and kind, and while he wasn’t smiling, she could practically see the protectiveness shining in his eyes.
“The doctors at the tower are nice. One of them is my best friend, I promise he won’t hurt you. He doesn’t like hurting people at all.”
“Okay.” Lily said quietly, but Tony could tell she was still unsure. 
“Do you want me to go with you?” He asked. “Make sure everything's okay?”
“I don’t want to keep you busy.” Lily mumbled. 
“Nonsense.” Tony said. “If you want me there, I’ll be there.”
“I’d like that.” Lily said after a moment.
“Yeah?” Tony asked, and Lily nodded. “Then I’ll come with you.”
“Alright, everyone get ready for landing.” Sam announced.
Lily grabbed onto her seat to steady herself when the jet made a sudden turn. The jet slowed down before it stopped moving altogether, and the door in the back opened. 
“We’re here.” Steve said, sending a smile to Lily.
She stood on unsure legs, not really sure where to go and what to do. Sam and Bucky walked off the jet, Natasha soon following behind them, while Lily waited for Steve and Tony to finish picking up their things.
“Steve, could you bring my stuff with you to our room?” Tony asked the blond. “I’m gonna head with Lily to meet Bruce.”
“Yeah, of course.” Steve said. “Good luck.”
Steve smiled at Lily, and she sent a small smile back, before Tony led her off the jet.
When she got out, she stopped a moment, completely taken aback with the view she was met with. They were high up in a tall building, a large city stretching all around them. Tall buildings and roads, cars and all sorts of things. She’d never seen anything like it before.
She stood and looked for a moment, before she noticed Tony wasn’t next to her anymore. He was standing a few paces away, seemingly waiting for her to join him. She quickly walked over to him, not wanting him to leave her, and Tony placed a hand on her shoulder and led her inside.
The further into the tower he led her, the more shocked she became. 
It was so unlike anything she was used to. All the hallways were bright and spacious, and the rooms were large and open. Despite her bare feet, the stone floors didn’t feel cold, and all the rooms were so lit up, there were no dark shadows in sight.
But despite her awe at the new place, she still felt scared and worried. Every time someone walked past them, Lily stepped closer to Tony, and she couldn’t help but worry if one of the bad men was hiding behind a corner, ready to take her and bring her back to the cold cell.
“Hey.” Tony said when Lily bumped into him hard enough he almost tripped. “It’s okay, you don’t have to worry. No one here is going to hurt you.”
Lily continued to look warily around her, shying away from anyone who came too close, and Tony frowned. He hated how scared she was. It made his heart ache seeing this kid so scared. 
He rubbed his hand over her shoulder, and when she looked at him, he sent her an encouraging smile. She still looked worried, but now she stuck closer to Tony, and didn’t shy away as much when someone walked by.
They had soon made it down to the med-bay, and as Tony went to push the doors open, he noticed Lily hesitate.
“Hey.” He said softly, and walked back to her. “It’s okay. You have nothing to worry about. It’ll just be you, me and my friend, and I promise he won’t hurt you.
“I’ll be with you the whole time.” He assured her. “If you feel uncomfortable at any point, you can tell me, and we’ll sort it out, okay? We don’t have any rush, it can take as long as you need. As long as you’re comfortable, okay?”
Lily nodded, and Tony smiled at her. He went to open the door again, and Lily followed him inside.
It was already so much better than where the bad doctors were. It was well lit and clean, and she didn’t feel as scared, especially not with Tony helping her through it. He led her into a room, and there was another man standing by a bed.
The man, who Lily assumed was Tony’s friend, looked up when he heard the door open, and smiled at them.
“I was starting to wonder where you were.” He said, and Tony shrugged.
“Better late than never, right?”
“I suppose.” Tony’s friend chuckled, and then smiled at Lily.
“Hi.” He said kindly. “My name’s Bruce, I’m Tony’s friend.”
“Hi.” Lily said quietly, and Bruce smiled.
“Tony tells me your name is Lily, right?” He asked, and Lily nodded. “Nice to meet you. 
“Tony told me you had some bad experiences with doctors in the past, is that right?” He asked, and Lily nodded again. “Then I’m going to do my best to give you a good experience with me, is that okay?”
Lily nodded one more time, and Bruce smiled.
“You can sit down on the bed, and I’ll go and get my supplies.” Bruce said, and headed for the door.
With an encouraging nod from Tony, Lily sat down on the bed, and not long after Bruce was back, a small cart of medical supplies with him.
“Now, the most important thing here is that you are comfortable, okay? We can go however slow or fast you like.” Bruce explained. “If you want to take a break, or be done for today and pick it back up another time, you just need to say, okay?”
“Okay.” Lily said quietly, and Bruce smiled again.
“Perfect, then we’ll get started.” 
Bruce was much nicer than the HYDRA doctors. He was gentle, no harsh grips or any sharp things cutting her, and he was nice. He warned her if something might pinch or hurt a little, and if he noticed her getting uncomfortable, he always paused and let her catch up with everything. He also told her small stories and different facts to distract her. 
Bruce decided it was best to make sure there wasn’t anything urgent they needed to attend to first, checking for visible injuries, blood, infections, and he luckily didn’t find any. 
A full body scan by FRIDAY confirmed there weren’t any urgent injuries to care for.
“Then I have good news, most of the stuff left is pretty easy.” Bruce said.
Heart beat, blood pressure, height and weight, Bruce was right, it was easy. Then came the needles, and Lily felt scared again.
“Do you not like needles?” Bruce asked, placing the needle back on its tray.
“They hurt.” Lily said. “I don’t like how they feel.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Bruce said. “We can take a break, or we can be done for today, that’s up to you. There’s nothing urgent, so we can wait.”
Lily was silent, staring at the needle with distrust, and Tony spoke up.
“You don’t have to do it if you don’t want to.” He said. “Like Bruce said, there’s nothing urgent, so we can try again in a few days if you want.”
“I think I wanna wait.” Lily said, and Bruce nodded.
“Then we’ll do that.” He said, and pulled off his gloves. 
“I think you might need to get some sleep, Lily.” Tony said as he stood up, and she suddenly remembered how tired she was. “What do you think?”
“That would be nice.” She said.
“Then I won’t keep you any longer.” Bruce said. “It was nice to meet you Lily.”
“Bye.” She said, walking out with Tony.
“Was that okay?” Tony asked as  they walked out of the med-bay.
“Yeah.” Lily said. “Bruce was nice.”
“Yeah?” Tony asked, and she nodded. “That’s good.”
“Are you okay in elevators?” Tony then asked when they arrived at the elevator doors. “It’s a little small in there, but these are fast.”
The doors slid open, and Lily looked inside, and  wondered where Tony got his definition of small from. The elevator was almost as big as her old cell, but much nicer, bright and clean. It was the opposite of the elevator the bad men forced her into.
“I think it’ll be okay.” She said. 
“It’s easy to get out if you change your mind.” Tony assured her. “And we can walk up instead.”
“Okay.” Lily said, and they stepped into the elevator.
Just a short while later, and they were at the right floor.
“That wasn’t bad at all.” Lily said when they stepped out, and Tony smiled.
“That’s good.” He said. “Did you want to rest? We got a room set up for you.”
Lily nodded, and Tony led her from the elevators across the large floor, past a large kitchen and a spacious living room, before they arrived at a few doors.
“Here’s your room. Sorry, it’s a little empty.” Tony said, opening one of the doors. “But we can sort that out later if you want. There’s a bathroom through there, and it should have everything you need, but if you’re missing something, you can ask FRIDAY.” He said, to which Lily looked confused.
“Oh, she’s my AI.”
“Hello, Miss Lily.” A feminine voice said from the ceiling, causing Lily to look up in surprise.
“You can ask her for help with pretty much anything, and mine and Steve’s bedroom is across the hall, so you can come to us too.”
“I’ll leave you alone to rest, but don’t hesitate to call if you need something, okay?” Tony said, taking a few steps towards the door.
Lily nodded, and Tony smiled.
“Hope you have a nice rest.” He said, before he left the room.
Lily stood still in the middle of the room for a moment, trying to wrap her head around everything, when a large yawn escaped her. She realized her head wouldn’t do much thinking when she was this tired, so she decided to try and sleep.
“FRIDAY?” She called hesitantly, not sure how the AI worked.
“Yes, Miss Lily?” 
“Are there any pajamas?”
“Through the sliding doors to your right there is a wardrobe.” FRIDAY replied. “There you can find pajamas.”
“Thank you.”
The closet was huge, Lily was shocked when she opened the door, but decided against looking around, and just grabbed a set of pajamas.
She quickly got changed and headed over to the large bed. She pulled back the covers and practically sank into the mattress, before she pulled the covers back up, and turned over to get comfortable. 
She was asleep in seconds.
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Next Venture chapter dropping shortly!
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
“Hey.” He said softly, and walked back to her. “It’s okay. You have nothing to worry about. It’ll just be you, me and my friend, and I promise he won’t hurt you.
“I’ll be with you the whole time.” He assured her. “If you feel uncomfortable at any point, you can tell me, and we’ll sort it out, okay? We don’t have any rush, it can take as long as you need. As long as you’re comfortable, okay?”
He’s so soft with her, I’m gonna cry
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
I’m watching Infinity War and now I wanna write Venture so I can get her in there!!!
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Venture; Beginnings
Chapter 1; Finding Her
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Lily Stark-Rogers (a.k.a Venture), Stony x Daughter! OC, Peter Parker x OC x Michelle Jones
Fandom: The MCU
Summary: A small team of Avengers has been sent to a seemingly abandoned HYDRA base to make sure it has in fact been abandoned. At first it appeared so, but HYDRA left something behind
Warnings: Angst, being locked away and abandoned, rescuing, some comfort, Lily is insecure and nervous around people
A/N: It’s finally here! I’ve been meaning to write Lily’s backstory for so long, and now we finally have the first chapter! Feedback is always appreciated, I hope you’ll like this!
Series Masterlist
“Why did we agree to this?” Tony questioned as the small team walked up to the large abandoned building.
In the Avengers mission to try and rid the world of HYDRA, part of the process meant searching through many old bases and compounds of the organization. Today was yet another case where all evidence pointed towards it being abandoned long ago, but it was too risky not to check it.
“Don’t think we had much choice, Tony.” Natasha replied.
“No, I agree with Tony on this one.” Bucky said, prying open the heavy metal doors. “It’s cold and windy and I don’t want to be here.”
“Tough.” Natasha replied as they walked in.
“Romanoff, I’m not afraid to blast you.” Tony said.
“Yes you are.”
“I don’t think arguing is gonna improve the situation, guys.” Steve tried to reason.
“Oh come on, don’t stop ‘em Steve.” Bucky interrupted. “It's free entertainment.”
“If you guys wanna pipe down over there, I think I found something.” Sam, who was flying above the base, interrupted.
“What’s up Bird Man?” Tony asked.
“Redwing’s picking up on heat signatures.” Sam said.
“In this place?” Steve asked.
“Yeah, but it’s just one, in the east wing.”
“FRIDAY?” Tony said.
“Confirmed, Boss.” The AI replied. “It appears to be coming from the basement.”
“Oh joy, creepy basements.” Natasha said. “Any idea where and how we can get there?”
“Down the third hall coming up to your right.” FRIDAY said. “There is both an elevator and stairs.”
The team continued through the base, now with more caution, knowing there could be someone in there with them. As they walked down the hall towards the stairs and elevator, they found nothing much of interest, just a few boxes, covered in dust and filled with guns and ammunition. The only noteworthy, and concerning thing, were the large dents in the metal walls.
“Normal humans don’t make dents like that, do they?” Bucky questioned.
“No. No they do not.” Tony confirmed. “We might be dealing with worse than we thought.”
“You think HYDRA would leave behind something that does that much damage?” Sam questioned.
“Maybe? HYDRA’s a wild card, you never know.” Tony reasoned. “And I’m definitely not taking that elevator.”
The elevator showed the same dents as the walls, and the control panel was hanging on by a few wires. They opted for the stairs.
“How’s it looking, guys?” Sam asked, still flying above the base.
“Well, so far, it looks like holding cells down here.” Nat informed. “All empty though.”
“Think whatever we’re looking for is in one of them?” Sam questioned.
“Seems likely.”
“FRIDAY, where are the heat signals coming from?” Tony asked, looking into another empty cell.
“On your left side.” FRIDAY said. “A few feet more down the hall.”
They proceeded carefully, having no idea what to prepare for. Steve raised his shield, and Tony his blasters, until FRIDAY spoke again.
“Just to your left, Captain Rogers.”
Steve stopped, and indeed to his left, there was a cell door, this one without any sort of barred window like the other cells. Unsurprisingly, the door was locked, and despite knowing full well that both he and Bucky could easily tear the door off its hinges, he hesitated.
“How do we wanna go about this?” He asked. “What if it’s the thing that dented the walls upstairs, can we take on something like that?”
“You know I hate to agree with Sam, but I kinda have to.” Bucky started. “I don’t think HYDRA would leave something that does damage like that.”
“Either way, we can’t just leave now.” Nat pointed out. “There could be something dangerous in there, we can’t leave that unchecked.”
“Buck, will you give me a hand?” Steve asked, turning back to the door.
“You got it pal.” Bucky replied, helping Steve pry the door open.
It took some effort, but they finally got it opened, and revealed a completely dark room. There was no light inside the cell, and no sound coming from inside, but the flashlights they had armed themselves with upon entering the building allowed them to see the form of something in the far corner of the room. Steve raised his flashlight to shine on the corner, and at that movement, the thing looked up.
It was a girl.
Brown hair, pale skin and frantic eyes, looking at him in fear, were the first things he picked up on.
When he took a step into the room, she pressed herself farther into the corner, clearly trying to get away from him, so he stopped.
“It’s okay.” He said, calmly.
He crouched to the floor and took off his helmet, making him look less intimidating.
“We’re not gonna hurt you.”
The girl curled even farther into the corner, eyes still wide with fear. She wrapped her arms around her knees, and that’s when Steve noticed she was shaking.
“What are you doing down here?” Steve tried again, keeping his voice calm. He didn’t want to scare her.
She stayed silent. As Steve kept looking at her, the more things he noticed, and the more worried he became. Her hair was long and tangled, and looked like it hadn’t been washed in months. Her wide eyes were underlined with purple bags, and her skin was scarily pale. Though he supposes that could be the harsh, white light from his flashlight. Maybe.
“Did HYDRA put you in here?” Steve tried again, and this time, the girl nodded ever so slightly. “Do you know how long you’ve been down here?”
The girl shook her head again, and she tightened the arms she had wrapped around herself.
“They wouldn’t let me out.” She whispered, tears now brimming in her eyes.
“Who?” Steve asked.
“The bad men.” The girl replied. “I wasn’t listening to them, so they locked me in here.”
“Did they do that often?”
“If I didn’t do what they told me to. They always hurt me if I didn’t listen, but I don’t want to hurt people.”
“They made you hurt people?” Steve asked, and the girl nodded.
Outside the cell, the rest of the group were listening, looking at each other with concern written across their faces. This didn’t sound good.
“How long have you been in here?” Steve asked.
“I don’t know.” The girl answered quietly, shaking her head slightly. “It’s just been dark. And then it got quiet too. It was always loud before.”
“What do you mean it was loud?”
“The bad men were always shouting, and some people were crying.” The girl answered. She didn’t seem as scared of him anymore, but still apprehensive. “But they got mad when I cried, so I stopped crying when I was with them.”
“I don’t want to be here anymore.” She said after a while.
“No.” The girl shook her head. “It’s cold, and it’s scary in the dark. I don’t want them to come back.”
“You don’t have to stay here.” Steve told her. “I have some friends with me, outside, we’re here to check through this place to make sure there isn't anything dangerous in here.”
“Didn’t the bad men stop you?”
“There wasn’t anyone here.” Steve said, he could see the confusion in her eyes. “You’re the only person we’ve found.”
“Did they leave? Everyone?” The girl questioned.
“It looks like it.” Steve said. “But we can take you somewhere safe. We can get you out of here.”
“Will I be locked away again?” The girl questioned, and Steve’s heart cracked.
“No.” He said. “I promise, we won’t let that happen. You’ll be safe.”
“Okay.” The girl replied after a moment of silence.
“Yeah?” Steve asked, and she nodded. “Okay.”
A knock on the frame of the door caused the girl to flinch, and snap her head towards the doorway. Tony, now out of his suit, stuck his head in through the door, an apologetic smile on his face.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” He apologized, but the girl seemed unsure. “I’m not gonna hurt you either, I promise.” He held his hands up, showing he had nothing he could use to hurt her.
This seemed to work, the girl relaxing ever so slightly, and Tony took a small step inside the cell.
“Overheard your little conversation, you wanna get out of here, kid?” He asked, and the girl nodded. “Perfect.”
Steve held out his hand for her to take, and after some hesitation, the girl placed her hand in his, and he helped pull her to her feet. She was much taller than he had expected, and also much skinnier. She must have been in there longer than they thought.
“We have two more friends upstairs, and one outside, and they’re about ready to leave too.” Tony said, stepping back into the suit, but allowing the helmet to stay off. “You ready to get out of here?”
When the trio found the rest of the team, it wasn’t hard to tell that the girl felt uncomfortable around them, just like she had with Steve and Tony, so Bucky proposed that him, Sam and Nat continue to search through the base, to make sure they wouldn’t miss anything, while Steve and Tony brought the girl back to the quinjet.
Once they reached the jet, it didn’t take a genius to tell that the girl felt out of place. She was standing in the middle of the cabin, looking around, not really knowing what to do with herself.
“Do you want to change?” Steve asked her. “We have some spare clothes, I should be able to find some in your size.”
“That’d be nice.” She replied quietly, and Steve smiled at her, before moving to the small cupboard of spare clothes and blankets.
“There’s a bathroom back there, you can go change, clean up a little if you want.” He said when he returned, and handed her the clothes.
With a quiet ‘thank you’, the girl slipped away into the bathroom.
“I know that look.” Tony said when Steve turned towards him.
“What look?”
“That’s your ‘my head is a rabbithole and I’m slowly going down’ face.” He said it with such a straight face that Steve was almost impressed.
“That was a mouthful.” He said.
“It’s true though.” Tony replied. “What’s on your mind?”
“What do you think of her?” Steve asked, nodding towards the bathroom.
“I feel bad for her.” Tony said. “It looked like she’d been in there a while. That or HYDRA wasn’t feeding her, which isn’t too crazy of an idea.”
“Do you think she has any family?”
“Maybe.” Tony sighed. “We don’t know how long she’d been with HYDRA, so it’s hard to tell. We can run some tests when we get back, see what we can find out. If she’s okay with it.”
Meanwhile, the girl had finally moved to actually get changed. It wasn’t very big in there. A toilet, a small sink, a mirror on the wall above it, and a cupboard in the corner. When she entered, she had set the clothes down on the toilet and washed her hands and face, before she stared at herself in the mirror, trying to convince herself that it was all real. She was finally out of there. No more dark, no more cold, no more bad men. She didn’t think it would ever end, but now she was out.
She didn’t recognize her reflection, but then again, when was the last time she’d seen her own reflection? She didn’t know. She continued to stand there for a few more minutes, looking. She looked at her pale face, wondering if she was always this pale, or if she became pale when she was locked in the cell. She looked at her hair, still long like the handlers always said it had to be, but it wasn’t braided. It just fell past her shoulders, down her back. She didn’t like it. The long hair meant pain.
That was when she decided she’d had enough of the memories, and instead picked up the pile of clothes that the blonde man had gotten her. She liked him, and she liked the brown haired man. They were nice to her, nicer than anyone she could remember meeting.
The clothes were nice, a shirt and pants, very similar to her old clothes, but not ripped and dirty. They were warm and soft. She decided to not put her shoes back on. Like her other clothes, they were broken, and she realized when she took them off just how uncomfortable they were.
When she walked out of the bathroom, her old clothes in her arms, it was brighter in the jet. Tony had turned the power on, so the lights were on, and the jet was getting warmer. Good thing that the floors were heating up, or her decision to go barefoot would have backfired very quickly.
Steve looked up when he heard her walking in, and smiled seeing her in fresh clothes.
“Better?” He asked.
The girl nodded, a small smile on her face, and Steve smiled back.
“Do you want me to take those?” Steve asked, nodding towards the clothes she was holding, and the girl nodded again, so Steve walked up to her and took the pile of clothes from her arms.
“Thank you.” The girl said quietly.
“No worries.”
The girl stood still in the cabin, curiously looking around. Tony watched as she did from his spot in the pilot seat.
“Cool, isn’t it?” He asked, and she nodded. “Yeah. I’ve always loved tech, could maybe guess from the suit.”
“You can look around if you want.” He continued, he could see she was curious about the jet.
When she looked at him, he gave an encouraging nod, and so she walked up to the red and gold suit, looking at the different parts in wonder.
“Did you make this?”
“I did. Well, I’ve made a few, keep upgrading them.” Tony explained. “Need to make sure they’re as good as they can be, so I can protect my friends.”
As the girl continued around the jet, Tony observed her. It didn’t take a genius to tell she was unsure about what she was doing, but she seemed more comfortable than when they had gotten on the jet.
“My name’s Tony, by the way.” He then spoke up, realizing that neither him nor his husband had introduced themselves. “And the other one’s Steve.” He continued, nodding to Steve as he walked past.
He gave a smile to the girl before he slipped into the bathroom.
“We’ll introduce you to the others later if you want.” Tony continued, and the girl smiled.
A few more moments passed, the girl still looking around the jet, before the silence was broken again.
“Lily.” The girl said. “That’s my name. Lily.”
“Lily.” Tony repeated with a smile. “That’s a nice name.”
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Venture; Beginnings
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Lily Stark-Rogers
Fandom: The MCU
This is the story of a girl.
A scared girl, a lonely girl, a sad girl.
A girl who's been to Hell and back, and still fights back. A girl who stands up for what's right. A girl who hates seeing her friends and family hurt.
A brave girl, a strong girl, a loved girl.
This is the story of Venture.
General Warnings: Angst, PTSD, HYDRA, anxiety, nightmares, sadness, some hospital related stuff (medical checkups and such), all chapters will have their own lists of warnings
Series can also be found on AO3
Chapter 1; Finding Her
Chapter 2; The Tower
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
I think it’s high time for me to start on Lily’s origin story
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Currently describing how in-love with each other Steve and Rosie looked during the 40s, and then I’m going to rip it all away
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
I just got a sudden urge to make Rosie suffer
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
Please Reblog is Your Blog is Safe for Non-Binary People.
If my mutuals can’t rb this then we can’t be mutuals
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
TikTok’s been showing me Pietro Maximoff POVs, and it’s making me wanna revisit one of my old OCs. I miss her, she was fun
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ocsbystarlight · 2 years
So I posted a TikTok about Lily the other day, where I mentioned that Steve and Tony were her parents, and today, I got a lovely little comment on said TikTok. And obviously, I know if you post about ships form any fandom on any sort of social media, someone is bound to not like it, but I didn’t think it would happen this quickly.
Like, just let people ship in peace. If you don’t like it, you can just scroll past it. Leave me and my gays in peace.
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ocsbystarlight · 3 years
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So I found this thing on Pinterest, so if anyone wants to request something with one of my OCs, please do so!
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ocsbystarlight · 3 years
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Tony Stark, upon the Avengers finding a teenage girl in a HYDRA base
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ocsbystarlight · 3 years
Oc Asks Game
So I decided to make this because I want to get to know my OCs better and all of yours as well. Here is a short collection of asks but here is the rule: Reblog from somebody and you have to send them an ask, its only polite after all.
What is your character's reaction to a minor inconvenience? Such as getting their jumper caught on a door handle?
Tea, coffee, hot chocolate or other?
What does their safe space look like?
What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
What kind of books comfort them? What books help them heal after a hard day?
Are they a naturally assertive person or are they painfully shy?
Do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof?
What is your character's trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
What kind of jokes make them laugh?
Do they enjoy pranks or do they hate them? Are they likely to fall for a prank?
Are they an overall healthy person? Do they make for a good patient or a terror?
Describe your character's typical wardrobe for the regular day.
Are they a simple person to please or difficult?
What is the first thing people notice about them?
What do they look for in a friend? A love interest?
Who are they soft for? Do they find being soft easy or difficult?
Describe your character through a Brooklyn 99 gif or line.
What does your character consider to be their lowest point?
Does your character have a comfort item?
What would be one item that they would hate to lose most?
What are their eating habits like? Do they snack throughout the day? Or do they eat sparsely?
What is your character's favourite food and who cooks it best?
What are your character's special skills?
What are somethings they find difficult to do? Or say?
Are they an animal person? Do they have pets?
What are their opinions on children? Do they view children as sweet angels or evil crotch goblins?
If your character was in today's world, what social media platforms would they avoid? Or be prominent on?
Are they an organised person? Or more laissez-faire?
Do they dwell better in chaotic situations or more linear situations?
Your character has been invited to a masquerade ball. What mask do they wear?
Your character is having a prom night/debs. What kind of outfit do they wear?
How do they act around people they don't know? Are they shy around strangers or dismissive of them?
Can your character drive? If so, what kind of driver are they? If not what's their preferred manner of transport?
What attracts your character to another person? What kind of person do they do for?
Tell us something about your OC that doesn't make it onto the page?
Your character has been kidnapped. Who has kidnapped them and how do they escape?
How does your character unwind after a long day?
What's your character's guilty pleasure?
Your character's friend has just been mugged. What's their reaction?
Your character has been punched into the face. What's their reaction?
Does your character celebrate their birthday? If not, why?
What is the DND alignment?
Hogwarts House?
Star Sign?
Does your character believe in anything? Religion? Superstition?
What is your character's reaction when someone does something nice for them?
Is your character easy to make cry? Or angry? Or annoyed?
What is your character's biggest fear? Most irrational?
How does your sleep at night? Are they a heavy or light sleeper? Do they dream or have nightmares? Do they find it easy to sleep or are they more a night owl?
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ocsbystarlight · 3 years
Story Details and Headcanons
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Stony x Daughter! OC, Peter Parker x OC x Michelle Jones
Fandom: The MCU
Summary: As the title says, these are story details and headcanons about my OC Lily Stark-Rogers, about her life before and after being taken in by The Avengers
Warnings: HYDRA, Lily has PTSD and anxiety, general trauma, death of family, kidnapping, Lily has a service dog
Lily Stark-Rogers is the adopted daughter to Steve Rogers and Tony Stark
She is an ex-HYDRA experiment, and was found by the Avengers in March of 2015 when she was 14 years old, in a HYDRA facility, and was taken in by them
She was taken by HYDRA at age 4, when they were on the search for someone new to train and use.
They nabbed the first best option, and so her family was assassinated and she was taken away
Tony and Steve, who were newly married at the time, took the girl in when it was discovered that her family was gone
By the time she had been a part of the Avengers lives for a year, Lily was officially adopted by Steve and Tony
She was overjoyed
Lily’s time at HYDRA gave her a lot of trauma and anxiety
She would often wake up screaming at night because of nightmares, and it took a long time for her to fully trust the team
One day, talking about it with Steve and Tony, a service dog had been brought up as maybe being helpful
Talking with Lily’s therapist and some time later, Lily got her service dog and best friend, a golden retriever named Max
And he helped immensely
He helped sense and calm her down during anxiety and panic attacks, and woke her up from nightmares, as well as made falling asleep easier for her, knowing Max was there in case something happened
Tony’s heart practically melted one day when he came into the living room one day to see Lily passed out on the couch, Max curled up next to her, also asleep, and a now abandoned book laying next to them
Once Lily was home and comfortable in the tower, she quickly discovered a love of reading
Particularly fantasy books
It started when Bucky recommended The Hobbit to her, and after that she was hooked
Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, Narnia
She loved it
She meets Peter Parker through her dads, when Tony takes the Spider-Kid under his wing
The two hit it off right away
And it’s also thanks to Peter that Lily met Ned and MJ
After Peter introduced them when Lily started at Midtown High, they were inseparable
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