nonsensepond · 15 hours
Attempting to fill the masterlists tag on here a little lmao. What other kinds of masterlists could I maybe make and post here in the pond of nonsense?
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nonsensepond · 16 hours
Oh right! All three of the main Lilygris-fuel scenes in Whispers in the Sylvan Gears have finally gone from brain muck to fic nonsense!
So here’s the order they’re actually supposed to go in:
• Joyride
A plunge into the clouds and embrace the sky. Let me show you exactly what you're missing!
• Warmth Amidst the Rain
A hand to hold, a shoulder to cry on in these dark moments of mine. I didn't know I needed you more than ever.
• “Thank You”
A "thank you" much needed. Whether it means more to you or not. Once it's said and done, I can only hope you understand what I mean...
From now on, any other Lilygris fics will likely just be fic ideas/events that don’t happen in the Verdigris event specifically:)
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nonsensepond · 2 days
Girl really said “Come ride my broomstick! It’ll be fun ;)”
“I-I BEG YOUR PARDON?!”*confused gay panic noises*
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nonsensepond · 3 days
You ever just think about a scenario where your oc gets severely injured for angsty yuri reasons?
Like collapses in her arms, breathless yuri? She looks down at her, devastated at the sight of her limp state, then looks up to give the enemy a death stare type yuri? (She beating the shit out of those enemies after that. In the name of……..friendship…yeah for sure)
Anyways, Verdigris would get targeted by the Manus in hypothetical future story events, since she greatly aided Vertin’s crew in discovering something they tried to keep from the Foundation. Not to mention that she was the one who created a new heart for Pristine to replace her heart-crystal (that heart-crystal was causing immense harm to Pristine btw, it’s only purpose was to make her possessable for Arcana)
I’m thinking this would likely be a plot point in the third story event since Whispers in the Sylvan Gears. So Pristine event, one more event where she and some others separate from the main group (and come back at the end), then she’s in danger and gets hit by a particularly strong incantation in battle. Angsty yuri commences, y’know? Since like, story event characters can reoccur in other story events (as I’ve learned) so….. have thoughts…..yuh
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nonsensepond · 3 days
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They’re both yapping about her propulsion system and sleek lines. Probably the material of her outer shell as well
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nonsensepond · 3 days
Introducing: Snippet-fics! Fics that usually starts right when the yuri is really yuri-ing. There’s not much pre-establishing of the background or what was happening before. Just snippets of the yuri/dramatic shit of a fic idea/scene/hypothetical story stage, cuz I’m lazy and want to get straight to it. Anyways, first Snippet-fic of the blog under the cut.
“Thank You”
A “thank you” much needed. Whether it means more to you or not. Once it’s said and done, I can only hope you understand what I mean…
Pairing: Lilygris
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It was sudden, so sudden that Lilya had barely processed what had happened. It was like she blacked-out in that second; a second too fast, like a single gust of wind flew past her. Her breath slipping away with the soft, lingering scent of cinnamon.
The warmth of the inventor’s lips against her cheek lingered somewhere deep within her skin, as if illuminated by the hand on the other side of her face. That kiss on her cheek…so gentle, and tender, almost affectionate, but it was hard to tell with how short lived it was.
“Спасибо...за все.”
Verdigris spoke softly after a beat of silence. She pulled away from such close proximity with Lilya, but still found herself close to her. Her eyes fluttered to the side just slightly, feeling a strong warmth throughout her body and finding it hard to make eye contact again. It was an impulsive thing she just did. It’s been a long time since she last let her emotions take over like that, but…but…is there even a “but”? It’s not like Lilya had made any sort of reply yet.
For a couple moments, Lilya sort of just looked at her in bewilderment. She felt a little dazed, truthfully, a kind of dazed she’d never known. But it wasn’t an uncomfortable feeling, no, it was a feeling that made her thoughts run wild with her quickening heartbeat…in a way where she felt like she could do anything in that moment. Like…she could just kiss her back…like she could kiss her. But she shouldn’t, right? It was only a kiss, maybe nothing but a peck, on the cheek. She shouldn’t jump to conclusions like this…right?
The pilot snapped out of her trance, shifting her gaze to look down at the woman who kissed her just moments ago. A warm smile formed on her lips, as her eyes softened from her shocked expression. She lifted her hand to lightly hold the one on her cheek. She was sure that Verdigris could feel the heat that had risen to her face, but she didn’t mind. Maybe she would take the hint.
Verdigris glanced up in response to her touch, their eyes meeting each other’s unexpectedly. Before they knew it, one hand was firmly clutching the other, and all they could hear was each their quickening breaths.
Lilya held her hand with a grip of comfortable security, gently peeling it off of her face, before pulling Verdigris into her arms, getting a small gasp in return.
“Я делал только правильные вещи. Ты слишком долго заслуживала лучшего.”
“Вы так думаете?”
“Я знаю это. Прошло много времени с тех пор, как у тебя был кто-то, кто отдавал тебе всего себя, давал то, что тебе нужно, и это видно. Я хочу внести свою лепту, и если для этого мне придется рискнуть пойти с тобой на попятную, я все равно сделаю это в одно мгновение.” Lilya instinctively held her a little tighter as she spoke, feeling Verdigris carefully hugging her back. She felt like ivy that slowly grew around the pilot’s weathered walls. Or maybe, they were just brambles that tangled together, with rosebuds ready to bloom any second now.
“Ты мне небезразличен...хорошо?”
“Ты мне тоже небезразличен. Ты так много, слишком много значишь для меня...”
It’s like she knew, but she also didn’t. It’s like they were, but they weren’t really. But the feeling was clear, right?
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nonsensepond · 4 days
Do not blame me for who I am. The doctor prescribed me 20 mL of #verdigris r1999 twice a day.
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nonsensepond · 6 days
Okay hear me out,
Lilya has the most fangirls and fanboys (the ✨lead singer effect✨). Gets loads of thirst trap fan/ship edits and ship compilations made of her (cuz she the kind of band member that flirts and acts all fruity with certain members on-stage and on camera, except it’s not just over speculation from the shippers). She also flirts with the audience cuz she can (her fancams have field days whenever she does that). You just know that her fans would be so down bad in the comments of those thirst trap fan edits tho (I’m totally not projecting rn, I totally would feel the same).
Verdigris has both fangirls and fanboys as well, but just a little more fanboys (until she came out as lesbian at least. The ratio kinda flipped after that, so she didn’t lose many fans per se, a chunk of the fanboys are just a bit sad). Gets “Verdigris being cute/a cinnamon roll for [however many minutes]” compilations made of her. Fans definitely make those “in music videos/during performances (stoic, pretty) vs irl (cute, sweet)” type fan edits of her, if that makes any sense.
Medicine Pocket has a lot more fangirls than fanboys. I don’t really know why. It just is what it is, y’know? The girlies just like them more for some reason (but to be fair, they don’t really mind it cuz of lesbianism). Gets “medpoc being unhinged for [however many minutes]” compilations made of them. Why do I feel like…they’d also get thirst edits made of them (many not as many as Lilya, but like…when they’re not being silly, they’re not silly, y’know?). Plus, they can really shred on a guitar, which people are definitely normal about.
Regulus is the fandom’s daughter essentially. If you show any sort of simpery for her, you’re looked down upon (as you should be). Gets “Reggy being British iconic for [however many minutes]” compilations made of her (ugh, Lilya would also have “being iconic” compilations of her, wouldn’t she?). Anyways, basically the entire fandom likes her:)
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nonsensepond · 6 days
Just three raging lesbians all writing aggressively lesbian songs about each other, all in the same band.
While the one bisexual is just there like “What’s with the bloody love songs recently?”
“Uh……the fans seem to like them?…”
*events occur*
“Okay fine, I-I get it now…*also writes aggressively sapphic songs*”
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nonsensepond · 6 days
OC Playlist Masterlist:
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Character/Event (related) Playlists:
“Sing with me, Spring Breeze. Dance with my branches and leaves.”
Lady Clef
“We’re all a part of this game of pretend, but we’re not children anymore, aren’t we? The rules have changed…”
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Ship Playlists:
- Lilygris -
I’ve been soaring so swiftly, til you came along. Now I’m falling through the clouds in your warm embrace.
- Medigris -
Let’s see where this goes…let’s see what we find in each other’s company…
- Verdikke -
A gift of friendship , but my heart begs to differ. My blood will spell the truth, if you’d accept my bloodied petals.
- Toothigris -
Love like lullabies under the covers. Please…stay a little longer…
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- Clefant -
Love is a game to the both of us, so let's test our skills, shall we?
- Clefurion -
A gamble I can’t resist, a danger I desire so carnally…
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nonsensepond · 7 days
This song is SO band au Lilya energy trust me trust me trust me
This might be the vibe of her band’s songs in general, but this the kind of song you’d listen to and be like “yeah, Lilya was the lyricist on this one”
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nonsensepond · 8 days
band au lilya. what does she play. (it's drums right. join me in this. she would be so good on drums.)
Ooh…she would be so good at drums…
But I was thinking she’s the lead singer cuz she has dat✨lead singer energy✨ (she’s the Harry Styles of the band LMFAOOAKDHOEUDPS)
But don’t fret! She does also do the drums sometimes. She can switch around between guitar, bass and drums bcuz she’s just that talented🫨<3 (the leader for a reason, y’know?)
Anyways, Medpoc’s usually on drums, but they also do other stuff too (all of them do more than one thing in the band actually). So ya :)
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nonsensepond · 8 days
Just the band throuple on their own:
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(This was supposed to be the vision with these 3 images)
I’m a simple creature. I see Lilya-looking jacket in a picrew, I will recreate Lilya with that jacket in said picrew
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I’ve somehow managed to make her extra lesbian coded? I’m sorry, but I made her look so gay in this, I didn’t even mean to lmfaoo
Anyways, I’ve decided that this is my band au Lilya, so all of the band members are together under the cut
Small Verdigris (oc) cameo:
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(Is it obvious who the secret fourth-wheel is?)
But aren’t they just cutie patooties?
(Also, yes this is a Lilygris Pocket au. Deal with it)
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nonsensepond · 8 days
Playing with my dolls in my mind palace. Making them fight
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nonsensepond · 10 days
Wwyd if girlfreakthing nuzzles you and makes these hollow, echoey noises happily? What if girlfreakthing doesn’t know how to express affection understandably, so she tells you “Ah, thou art delicious glass marbles! Unlike some people…but I shan’t say who, teehee!” ? What if girlfreakthing tells you her little stories through manipulating a puddle of goop™️ ?
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nonsensepond · 11 days
Not so fun fact about Lady Clef: Lady Clef has a complicated relationship with her real name (that ties into her complicated relationship with her inner child honestly). She only goes by her stage name (Lady Clef) and her last name (Norvellaire), but never by her first name (Madeleine). It’s practically a deadname to her. The reason for this is that she associates that name with her past and her past self, the trophy child Madeleine of the Norvellaires. She refuses to associate herself with her past.
(Yappadeedoodas under the cut)
But she hated being Madeleine, for that was the girl who had to be perfect for everyone and make everyone happy except for herself. And even with her efforts, they were always unhappy with something about her. It was an impossible task, yet they didn’t understand that. She got hurt no matter how hard she tried to fulfill how they wanted her to be. There was simply no right answer. But Lady Clef is a woman who learned the rules of the game, even if it meant that she had to be cruel like they were to her. Cruelty is nothing when everyone’s cheating their way across the board. She wasn’t frightful and obedient. She was the one who was feared, yet desired. She was the one who they wanted to please, yet nothing they do will be enough for her (or at least not for a long time).
She wants nothing to do with that girl, but she just can’t quite kill her. So she just lives locked up in the depths of her being. She’s tired of listening, but she won’t usually say a word if she tells her to stay quiet. Otherwise, she ignores her. It’s not like that’s anything new to her anyways. It doesn’t hurt as much when it’s habit. Plus, she did always prefer the solitude type punishments over the verbal and physical ones anyway. Suppose that’s just her own way of treating her a little better.
If anyone found out about her first name, and dared to use it, they were never seen again. The only people who still call her Madeleine are her parents, but she chooses not to talk to them much anymore. They treat her much better now that she’s famous, but that doesn’t really feel any better. She could have killed them off as well, but there’s too much that goes into that, and it requires a lot of interactions with them. It’s best if she just treats them as strangers.
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nonsensepond · 11 days
Haven’t even drawn Pristine’s normal design yet and I’m already thinking about drawing her insight skin
I wanna draw goop
And creaturey shit again
Complicated dolly dress is for another time
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