I just realized that the fbi will expose Jean's family too lol imagine being an Exy fan and this random newbie suddenly gets outed as the son of this huge criminal and then a few months later it's revealed that this other dude also comes from a crime family 😭 and theyre both from the perfect court too????
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all these outside perspectives with the reporters and the trojans in the sunshine court got me wondering how the world would just implode if the Moriyamas got exposed
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I love how Jean talks like Damian Wayne
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'im not attracted to Austin butler' i say, yknow, like a liar
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everyone needs at least one signature piece of clothing like a cartoon character. rb w yours
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what an interesting insight on chase! i wonder if this one line will ever come back to haunt us in any way.
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OK Tumblr Geriatric Ward, let’s talk about your posture-
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there are things you should be doing now to prevent yourself from starting to look like 🥀
Why does it matter? Future you would like to avoid the pain, limited motion, and fall risk that goes along with worsening posture.
What’s the focus?
1. Keep the flexibility in your spine
2. Stretch the muscles in the front
3. Strengthen the muscle in the back
Here are some simple things you can do daily while sitting and when you get up to go into the bathroom or the kitchen
Keep the flexibility by doing these repeated movements: 10 repetitions several times a day
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The goal is to give yourself a double or triple chin. Keep your nose pointing forward, don’t let it tip up or down
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Thoracic extension- use a chair with a seat back that comes up to the level of your shoulder blades. Try to bend back over the top of the chair without arching away from the seat back and without extending your neck. If the pressure from the top of the chair is uncomfortable you can place a towel there
Stretch the muscles in the front by using a door frame. This one will feel good afterwards
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If this isn’t enough of a stretch you can do one side at a time. If you have the right arm up step forward with the right foot and turn slightly to the left. Then do it on the other side.
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Strengthen the muscles in the back by squeezing your shoulder blades together for a count of 10 and then repeating 10 times. You can do this several times a day Hint: Don’t lift your shoulder blades up
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There are lots more exercises for strengthening your back muscles but this is a good starting point and easy to do. I like doing it while driving
Do the best you can
If it hurts stop
Envision future you saying thank you each time you do one of the exercises
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can anybody else hear it calling or is it just me and these wayv dudes
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few things worse than starting a new show n thinking two characters have a lovely familial relationship but KNOWING deep down you wont be able to find any good gen fics of them cause everyone ships em instead
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You know what’s interesting?
Dick didn’t set out to murder Zucco with the intent of being a killer. He viewed it as an unfortunate byproduct of his actions.
His real goal was to “purge the world of criminals” because “darkness needs light.”
Do you realize how unhinged that sounds? It means Robin wasn’t created from anger. It was created from the messed up psyche of a child who realized at 8 years old that the entire world needs something better than what it was given and so he went out and became it.
I cant properly explain how insane that is. It’s like putting the logic of the Joker inside the mind of child but turning it for good. Everything is falling into place now. That is why the Joker hates Dick-he is the one Robin the man couldn’t break. Literally COULDN’T because when he’s facing Dick, he’s facing the version of himself that would have existed if he had put himself to good. That was would break HIM.
Imagine spending the better part of your life doing your utmost worst to show Batman that people and the system are inherently evil only to have him fall head over cowl for a version of yourself to completely invalidate your reason for existing. How psychotic would you turn when you realize you have nothing to prove?
This also explains why Dick is so well adjusted and sociable in a way that Bruce and the others aren’t.
Bruce loses it when he loses his children, he thinks it’s a failure of his abilities and doubts his life’s work.
Jason loses it when he thinks he’s been replaced because his reason for being is having someone care for him.
Tim loses it when he comes to a dead-end. He feels helpless and lost when he doesn’t know the next move because his reason for being is being able to solve what’s wrong.
Damian loses it when he feels abandoned. He feels hurt and broken because he’s a child who wants to be loved.
The reason Dick was the perfect choice for Dark Crisis and to become the dawn of DCU is because his sole reason for being is to be the light.
That is why Bruce refused to destroy a planet when Superman asked him too. That is why Dick was the only person in the universe who could control the Darkness infecting him when even Deathstroke lost his mind to it. That is why the evil Justice League chose Dick of every one to kill-to make a point.
This is why he’s looked up to by major heroes such as Superman, Wonderwoman, the Titans, the children, the villains, and the civilians.
This is why Harvey Dent called Robin Dick “Batman’s secret weapon.”
Although anger was the baseline emotion, Dick doesn’t have anger issues because:
Robin wasn’t created for revenge. It was created with the intention of building a world so unrealistically good, that the level of the vision Richard Grayson was aiming for and set the standards for- is so terrifyingly inconceivable.
And that-is why he is a happy, feral, monster.
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“In every universe Gwen Stacy falls for Spider-Man”
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I see a lot of comics talking about smut vs fluff reactions but I see no one talk about
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jason todd unique second child privileges
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Okay but Bernard and Jason bonding though?? Jason trying to give Bernard the shovel talk and then the blond stares at him totally poker-faced the whole time before going, “Bold words from someone who beat the guy up and left him for dead the first time you met.” before just. Walking off. And Jason begrudgedly finds that he now respects the guy.
And this turns to a kind of a rivalry because Bernard will absolutely destroy anyone who hurt his loved ones and Jason, as much as it pains him to realize, would gladly hurt anyone who hurt his siblings
And one day Tim and Bernard are in the manor just chatting (and Jay and Bernard are glaring at each other behind Tim’s back) but the subject moves to capitalists and it ends in Red Hood threatening the landlord who tried kicking people out of the Marina.
Tim: Babe... what was Red Hood doing in the Marina just now?
Bernard, shrugging: Threatening to feed James his own fingers
Tim: Excuse me?
Darcy, eating unfinished popcorn beside him: Don’t worry, we got the whole thing on video
And you could play around with the fact that Bernard is apparently the most kidnapped man in Gotham
Red Hood saving Bernard from kidnappers: This is the fifth time you’ve been taken this week
Bernard: They come after me like moths 🥲
Red Hood: Interesting theory, but I doubt it since you’re so dim
Bernard: Okay first off, fuck you-
Kidnappers: Are we gonna fight or-
And they do fight, and Bernard manages to stand his own alongside Red Hood, and it turns into the both of them developing even more begrudged respect for each other
Which Bernard decides to remedy by slandering Jason online
@dothebuttonsmatch: Reasons why the Red Hood is just multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne in a leather suit
Jason, angrily loading up his guns: You little shit-
And Bernard helps out in a soup kitchen a couple of times and then finds out it’s one owned by the Red Hood
Or some nights he volunteers as an EMT because this is Gotham and they need all the help they can get (and also because I refuse to let the headcanon go) and he ends up stitching up the wounds of a cussing Red Hood far too many times to count
Bernard: Just hold still dumbass, or this’ll end with you getting an even bigger wound than you started with
Red Hood: Eat shit!
Bernard: Just let me help you-
No but think of all the shenanigans that could come out of them trading stupid stories about Tim, or Bernard figuring out Jason’s secret identity and him being none the wiser
Think about the two reluctantly opening up to someone and talking about how it felt to go through trauma and have the rest of the world move on without them
I like to think that somewhere along the line, Jason walks past Tim like, “Oh, and by the way, if you break Bernard’s heart, I’ll break your bones” and he’s just staring dumbfounded like “... Did you just shovel talk me?”
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Also cannot stop thinking about Charlie and Mike becoming such fast friends that they already have a handshake
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i thought i lost you (again)
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