noctanotherone · 4 hours
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noctanotherone · 4 hours
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I found out japanese fans are calling this the "american comic book-style marcille"
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noctanotherone · 5 hours
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Art by Romain MAZEVET
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noctanotherone · 1 day
I’ll be honest, every time I see and giggle at this post, I am reminded to drink water. Thank you XD
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Something something biblically accurate cat
True facts, though, this is exactly what happens every single day after the Lamb indoctrinates Narinder. It's canon, I promise, and my source is 'Trust me, bro'.
Additional true facts, the Lamb attempted to curb this behavior by installing a fountain with running water, as one does with cats, only to find out that Narinder just does it on fucking purpose cuz he's a monster.
Hell yeah I'm tagging this as shipping, nothing says love like sipping from your partner's backwash-contaminated water.
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noctanotherone · 1 day
Or, alternatively, or, write the worst you’ve ever written and just keep writing that way, so it never learns how to write properly, skew the results! (I still laugh when they used fanfiction and it started spouting omegaverse XD)
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noctanotherone · 3 days
Finally watched the Addams Family Values recently! and honestly. my main takeaway is
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Debbie slays. And Joan Cusack is a QUEEN
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noctanotherone · 3 days
So I just saw a post by a random personal blog that said “don’t follow me if we never even had a conversation before” and?????? Not to be rude but literally what the fuck??????????
I’ve had people (non-pornbots) try to strike conversation out of nowhere in my DMs recently, and now I’m wondering if they were doing that because they wanted to follow me and thought they needed to interact first. I feel compelled to say, just in case, that it’s totally okay to follow this blog (or my side blog, for that matter) even if we’ve never talked before.
Also, I’m legit confused. Is this how follow culture works right now? It was worded like it’s common sense but is that really a thing?
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noctanotherone · 3 days
Not just that but the one art with the egg, it makes so much more sense if you stop and just think about who he was and what he did.
He is a god of ‘death’, that means he saw a lot of it, all the ways to end a life, but not give life, not seeing life come into being, he probably didn’t get to see much life if at all because he was the god if what he was, and the fact he created resurrection (which was forbidden and he got locked up for, if the lore is hinting correctly about it) it means he loves the idea of life, wants to see it, wants to be able to participate in it, hell, the look on his face says it all, just how much he loves life! Especially new life!
He may be an ass when you meet him, but he was locked up for 1000 years in a white expanse with next to no interactions (who knows how long Aym and Baal were actually there for) and with how torn up his arms are, anyone would go insane! The pain, isolation, and being stuck in one spot, like, he wasn’t just locked in that white expanse he was chained to a single fucking spot, fuck I’m not surprised he went insane after that???
And all because he did something he loved that obviously wasn’t really hurting anybody (and if it did, it was no more then what was already being done by his family).
So yeah, point is, I love how happy he is after he is set free and in all the little game art pictures 🥰 (that and not everybody wants to continue living their life in misery after escaping a situation like that)
i know the cotl official art is just silly for jokes but one of my favorite things about it is the implication that narinder chills the fuck out immediately after joining the cult. hes not even snarling or bleeding from the eyes or anything
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noctanotherone · 4 days
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Something something biblically accurate cat
True facts, though, this is exactly what happens every single day after the Lamb indoctrinates Narinder. It's canon, I promise, and my source is 'Trust me, bro'.
Additional true facts, the Lamb attempted to curb this behavior by installing a fountain with running water, as one does with cats, only to find out that Narinder just does it on fucking purpose cuz he's a monster.
Hell yeah I'm tagging this as shipping, nothing says love like sipping from your partner's backwash-contaminated water.
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noctanotherone · 5 days
why is ao3 is blocked on the hospital wifi????
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noctanotherone · 8 days
An old dragon just wants to be left alone, but the new village that just cropped up a few decades ago keep leaving gifts at his doorstep… and now they’ve just left a maiden!
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noctanotherone · 9 days
“The report found no clear explanation for the rise in the number of children and adolescents presenting with gender dysphoria”
People need to learn to read a fucking history book I swear!
very serious scientist voice: watching tgirl porn is turning the youths into troons
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noctanotherone · 11 days
so i don't speak japanese but i have made a few attempts at learning it and know just enough to make a fool of myself
but whenever i hear people complain about a bad translation, and claim something like "well they added something that wasn't there, so clearly it's an agenda >:("
i remember that, from my BARE understanding of japanese, that it's an extremely context rich language, meaning that when you say something to someone, they can read into into it a LOT. there's a lot you're not saying directly, but you actually mean, and most people who are native speakers know what you mean
as opposed to english, which is a low context language, meaning we have to spell out what we're saying a lot more.
so if you machine translate a sentence from japanese to english and it says one thing, then you look at the official translation and it seems to have added something.....
that's just localization, by which i mean adding the context that japanese speakers would understand implicitly, but would be lost on english speakers. the gist of the communication is still the same, it's just that direct translation doesn't express the layers that a native speaker would have gleaned, so WITHOUT that localization, us english speakers would have genuinely LOST a lot of understanding.
but if you say that to a guy who is just mad they can't be horny over a video game anymore, they get mad at you
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noctanotherone · 12 days
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Hey everybody~! I got 3 more done!!!
Introducing Charon, Bar, and Belo!!!
Now all thats left is the OG cast! And once again, Character sheets will be under the cut! I also included the type of hands and feet they have, hope that helps!
Anyways, got to go to work now! Enjoy~!
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noctanotherone · 13 days
Realistically, a household the size of Wayne Manor needs more than just a butler, and while Bruce might imagine he can keep his proclivities secret from his own domestic staff, Alfred certainly harbours no such illusions. I've gotta wonder what the orientation lecture he's worked out looks like. Like, of course they're going to be extensively vetted before they ever set foot on the premises, but at some point during the onboarding process the subject of the Batcave has gotta come up – I just wanna know how Alfred broaches that.
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noctanotherone · 14 days
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Here is more of the Family!
I am coloring them in as I create the 'character info sheets'.
I was also going to work on the last triplet but I ran out of time (I do have to go to work in a few, getting this posted before then)
So enjoy~
Here are the Character Sheets and Reveal of 4 of the children under the cut! (I will repost these as I update each new post.)
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noctanotherone · 14 days
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