nispooky · 1 year
TWIYOR "LALALALA" n"OKOKOKOK" VER (ft Dominic n camilla :3!!) Dominic he such baby girl 😭✋
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nispooky · 1 year
Melinda x Donovan favourite sweet canon couple😍 fr, twiyor couldn't ever be them😘
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nispooky · 1 year
That lady expression😭look so much like Donovan LMAOHAHSJJSSJHH I'm sorry I couldn't help it.
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nispooky · 1 year
Does anybody have translation English version of yuri force loid to sign divorce paper ya'll i need it so bad, I couldn't find it or is it doesn't had English version?
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nispooky · 2 years
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Part 4 of my “If they had Cell Phones in the Spy x Family universe” saga
Yor is learning still ☺️
Happy Thanksgiving/Holidays 💗
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nispooky · 2 years
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nispooky · 2 years
I should remake this edit
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nispooky · 2 years
Yor <3!!
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nispooky · 2 years
Her arm 😔💪
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nispooky · 2 years
Yep I'd do anything for them :)
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nispooky · 2 years
Image this how twiyor found out each other identity
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nispooky · 2 years
Omg it kinda makes sense.
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nispooky · 2 years
Spy x Family HYPOTHESIS/THEORY - Shopkeeper's true identity.
I have a feeling that I know who shopkeepers true identity is and - bear with me through this, it’s Twilight’s father. The chapters I will use to support this hypothesis are the newest released chapter 65, chapter 62.1-62.2, Chapter 44, and subsequent moments throughout the chapters we have up to date.
Spoilers ahead for obvious reasons.
This realization I had came when reading chapter 65 - when Yor meets Melinda Desmond. Up until this point (and I’m assuming the talent will just not stop), Tatsuya Endo has done an amazing job in character design, specifically with showing familial relations. The most obvious of this technique being the striking resemblance between Yuri and Yor, and then in the most recent chapter where you couldn’t help but notice the woman in the department store having Damian’s same eyes the moment Yor catches her on the stairs…
It made me think back to reading chapter 62.1-62.2 when Twilight passed out and is remembering his past (and also what he said to Yor on their date in chapter 35 - that he can’t really recall what his mother looked like). And then I also thought about chapter 44, where the character design for the shopkeeper was so striking. When first reading that chapter a month ago or so, I remember thinking to myself how eerie the shopkeeper looked, but I only dismissed it as a creative technique for character portrayal. Now I’m not so sure that’s just it…
First (and foremost) piece of evidence: Twilight’s father is never proven to be dead. We see how easy it was to believe that Twilight’s childhood friends died in the warehouse explosion when they were kids, only to find out that years later they all became part of Westalis’ military. Just before these explosions, Twilight’s father left for business regarding the conflict between Ostania and Westalis at the border (this is all told primarily in chapters 62.1-62.2). They never specify if he was a victim to the bombings, and even Twilight himself as a child worries that his father won’t be able to find them when he comes back home (I mean it’s more of a dramatic rhetorical to show devastation, but honestly there’s no other mentioned evidence of his death, just as there was none with his friends). In addition, if it is the case that his father is alive (which would otherwise stop my hypothesis short in its tracks), he would most likely be residing in Ostania for whatever anti-war business he seemed to be doing.
Second piece of evidence: the very striking jawline. As aforementioned, Tatsuya Endo really enjoys drawing resemblances from family members - but who’s to say that’s not a technique that can indicate more than familial ties? We can notice a similar profile between Twilight’s profile as an adult and the vague-ish profile of his father in the 62.1-62.2 flashback chapters (straight nose when looking head on, the beaming smile + wide closed-mouthed smile, the way that his dad’s chin rounds off from certain angles and then is more squared in others). Trying to go beyond those similarities is hard given to the forgetful nature of Twilight’s recollections of his face, but the dramatic drop of his jawline - it’s something I thought of the moment I realized this pattern of similar characteristics. I took screenshots of the shopkeepers jawline on page 5 of chapter 44 and compared it to Twilight’s dad’s jaw on page 8 of chapter 62.1 (right after he hits twilight), as well as page 12 (just before he beams when Twilights asks him for reference book funds). It’s the lines that run down to the chin, long and dramatic in all scenarios. Sure the shopkeeper has a few more wrinkles, but that would account for age. I also took into consideration the dramatic eyes not really matching Twilight’s, as well as the lacking resemblance of the rounded chin. It may be a stretch, but perhaps twilight has more of his mom’s eyes, and the overcast shadow of the shopkeeper’s hat distorts his face so that the reader doesn’t immediately think “omg Twilight!” when seeing him in chapter 44. Also, on page 5, I can’t help but see a Twilight-like intensive facial expression when the shopkeeper tests Yor’s instincts with the garden shears.
Third piece of evidence: The structure of the garden itself- both physically and metaphorically. These clues may seem a bit moot especially considering their pertinence compared to the other arguments above, but I still feel like they are relevant in their own right. I will get the feebler one out of the way first: a glimpse of Twilight’s childhood home. Please don’t laugh at my reach, but a quick frame of the front porch on the bottom right of page 6 in chapter 62.1 shows a tiny but fairly well kept garden/flower bed. I feel like, if I’m right here, it’s a call back to the shopkeeper’s beautifully meticulous garden exhibited in chapter 44. The difference in size could account for the fact that Twilight’s dad appeared to have to travel for business, but I would rather not dwell on the specifics of such a minor supportive argument. The other is the metaphorical structure of The Garden as a contract killing organization. Though Yor mainly kills “traitors of the East”, she is never fully debriefed on why her targets need to be eliminated - what crimes they actually committed (or I guess the reader is just left out in that respect). The flash back in chapter 62.1-62.2 demonstrates that Twilight’s dad aggressively fought for peace between nations - or at the very least did not completely pick sides. Sure the anti-war opinions were conveyed paradoxically through abusing Twilight, but the overall message that he does not believe in blind nationalism as a means of conducting international affairs, as an international business man himself. The shopkeeper has a similar approach, mainly targeting so called “traitors” within the east but occasionally doing dirty work for opposing organizations - as we see with rescue ops for the Gretcher family.
Yes it may seem like I have a lot of time on my hands to think about this but truth be told I’m procrastinating work. Also I’ve been up since 6am gathering evidence because I read chapter 65 last night and started speculating right before falling asleep. Goodness knows I cannot get my work done unless I purge myself of speculation. Please let me know if anyone agrees/disagrees/notices something I haven’t - the two other people I know personally who read Spy x Family are behind in reading the chapters and I’d love to discuss :)
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