OOC: It’s been hard for me to come to this realization, but I think I’ll be taking a much-needed hiatus from this blog.
Tumblr is a lot to manage on top of a lot of irl stuff I’m dealing with right now. I will be back! I’m just. Not sure when.
(I’m fine explaining why in PMs- just not publicly. I’ll announce all of that stuff when I’m ready to.)
I’m happy to continue any threads with anyone on Discord! PM me over on @KitsuGalaxy and I’ll give you my friend code. Whether we continue threads privately, or you just want to chat, either works ^^
Thanks for sticking by me- I created this blog and then got hit with a lot of things at once. Seriously, it’s been crazy non-stop madness since November.
With love,
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NGC 1850 - The Super Star Cluster
Nothing like this exists in our Milky Way, although if you've been following astronomy for a while, you may be forgiven for thinking it looks rather like a globular cluster.
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There are 150 or more of these globular clusters in our Milky Way, so what's unique about the one above ?
Firstly, globular clusters are made up of ancient stars, mostly 10-13 billion years old, so that means you'll find no bright blue O or B type stars here, they died out just a few million years into the creation of these things.
NGC 1850 is in fact made up of bright new stars, mostly O and B type stars, only a few million years old, in fact, the entire structure is thought to only be 50 million years at most. That makes this a super open cluster of stars, which will have a very different environment to that of a globular cluster, although one could wonder if many globular clusters started out their lives in a similar way.
The only similar object in our galaxy is Wasterlund 1, a super open cluster some 12,000 light years from Earth.
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As stated, the first image is not in our galaxy, it's on the edges of the Large Magellanic Clouds, some 160,000 light years from us.
The origin of globular clusters is still debated, this isn't a globular cluster, at least, it's not now, and sadly we'll not be around to see if this turns out to be one, unless you plan to live a billion years or so to wait for all the A,B,O types stars to die out and leave behind the smaller stars behind.
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“It is.. Bass did an excellent job putting all of this together…” The fox hummed softly, taking in the room before turning to Frank.
“Doing you sounds fun…” The Kitsune mumbled under their breath, their voice barely above a whisper. Slipping onto his lap, straddling their beloved killer and continuing their loving assault upon him. Placing kisses around his neck, with the occasional playful nip, Kitsu’s paws traced down his chest, making sure not to rip open Frank’s shirt with their sharpened claws.
Although somewhat lost in feelings of love and the dizzying effects of the champagne, the sparkling vulpine couldn’t help but feel that this party… This night had been going on for awhile. It felt like weeks since the two of them had arrived there, and it made the fox wonder if Bass was making the masquerade go on for much longer than a usual night. Shrugging off the thought, figuring that if that was the case, it just meant it would take a little longer for their missing presence to be noticed.
Dance - to ask my muse for a dance
"*Ahem*. I'm not the best dancer...but...could I have this honor?" -Mixtapejunkie
Kitsu looked up from their champagne flute that they had been fidgeting with, the glass still mostly full from when they were offered the sparkling drink. They had been watching the menagerie of partygoers dance and chat away, while the kitsune remained a bit more of a wallflower, even wondering at some points if they should even be here and make a graceful but stealthy exit.
Looking up at the rabbit-masked man reminded them why they even bothered to show up- the fox couldn’t help but smile back at him as they gladly accepted his offer to dance.
“I’m not the best at dancing either, but I’ll give it a try.” Placing their paw in his hand, Kitsu followed Frank out to the grand ballroom floor.
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OOC: Slowly getting around to responses-and asks- sorry for the wait, been extremely exhausted lately.
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send me ❛ fuckin’ nerd ❜ for this.
how my muse clicked with yours : immediately┆almost right away┆slowly┆after several interactions┆they haven’t  a thought my muse has about yours : a strange thought my muse has about yours : a thread/plot i’d like for our muses :  
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OOC: Happy Valentines Day everyone! I know I got some adorable Valentine’s Day themed asks, I’ll get to those asap- feeling pretty tired today, had to get some blood drawn ;-; Thread replies are coming as well!
Bonus Kitsu Valentines Day themed doodle:
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Cute Valentine’s Day Starters
Feel free to make any changes !
“Good morning~ I love you.”
“Give me a kiss. No wait…two kisses. No, three ki-”
“You’re the best boyfriend/girlfriend/partner/etc. ever.”
“They were out of roses, so I got you tulips. Because I love your two lips.”
“It’s not the typical Valentine’s Day present, but I hope you like it.”
“Uh..w-will you be my Valentine?”
“I didn’t know what to get you, so I brought chocolate, flowers, AND a huge stuffed animal.”
“I know I say this a lot, but…I love you.”
“*greeting with a kiss* Hi.”
“Roses are red, violets are blue…You will always be my boo.”
“I’m in love with you and I love it.”
“I love the presents you got me, but nothing compares to your hugs.”
Date Night
“I can’t believe you made this reservation months ago…”
“Aw! You didn’t have to get me chocolate/flowers/a giant teddy.”
“I’d be perfectly happy walking around and holding hands.”
“Oh no, it’s raining/snowing! Here, take my jacket.”
“I don’t mind being stuck in traffic with you.” / “I made us a playlist.”
“You look…amazing.” / “That suit/dress/etc. was made for you.”
“Today was perfect.”
“Are those chocolate-covered strawberries?”
“Dance with me.”
“Wow, there are candles and everything…”
Staying In
“I don’t care about the romantic stuff. Let’s just watch movies and cuddle.”
“Sorry I’m sick on Valentine’s Day…”
“Come here, and bring the blanket with you.”
“We can bake cookies! And put heart sprinkles on them.”
“I can’t believe we’re snowed in..”
“When the chocolate goes on sale tomorrow, we can clear out the store.”
“Seeing you look so cute in your pajamas reminds me of why I fell in love with you.”
“Are bubble baths romantic?”
“I set up the blanket fort. The password to get in is three words.”
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Kiss my character any way you can imagine!
See how they react!
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As the two made their way around the turbulent garden area, the fox decided to catch him up on what they knew about why everyone was fighting.
“Supposedly, everyone is fighting over a mask that would let you leave the realms.” Kitsu shrugged, their ears lowering. “Go back home.”
Home- The Kitsune didn’t even know if they wanted to go back to where they were from. Did their home even exist, did everyone they once knew move along without them? Last time they brought up the city they lived in with others, their fellow survivors claimed to have never heard of such a place, leading to more confusion and doubt in the sparkling vulpine’s mind.
“I don’t… Trust it, in all honesty. Sounds like a cruel trick.” The fox admitted, their tails swishing anxiously as they drew closer to the hedge maze, their claw rubbing nervous circles into the back of Jed’s hand. “Lesser masks grant wishes… It’s all false hope to me.” Kitsu felt that even if they were to somehow get their hands on a mask- what would they even wish for? Things weren’t great, but they were at least a manageable routine, at least outside the trials. They doubted a simple wish would change how people would feel about their unshrouded form, or extend their powers- the very thing that the Entity mostly stripped of them upon entering the Fog.
“Even if it was possible, and it wasn’t bullshit… I wouldn’t want to leave you.” The thought of never seeing their beloved Ghost again greatly saddened the Kitsune, feeling their heart sink in their chest as it was brought up. The way they felt about Jed was like nothing they had ever experienced with anyone before. They wouldn’t want to give that up. If anything, the fox wished that if, by some crazy miracle they were to end up out of the Fog, they would stay by his side- even if it meant being stuck using their illusions to stay hidden. At least they could still be themselves around Jed.
“Heh… Imagine is somehow we got out of here together. What would we even do?” The whimsically semi-hypothetical question slipped from their mouth, the idea giving Kitsu a temporary happiness. There was lots they wanted to do together but were too scared to admit. Seemingly mundane things people not trapped in a loop of dying and coming back had the privilege of doing such as movie dates and laying in bed together on a lazy Sunday afternoon; to more long term things such as owning an apartment together and the foolish thought of maybe having their own family with him someday.
All of those crazy thoughts and ideas made the vulpine a blushing mess, helped along by the Ghost’s sweet kiss on the top of their head. Their hand-crafted mask was hopeless to contain their reddened face, the fox bashfully turning their head away to avoid being seen.
“‘Not as bad’- Jed, you’ve been nothing but a sweetheart to me since the moment I met you.” His choice of words mixed with his protective tone from before made the Kitsune wonder what really lead him to being in the Fog in the first place. They had never bothered to ask, partially not wanting to know why. He was a killer for a reason, but it seemed like such a cruel mistake on the Entity’s part to place him in such a brutal role with how sweet and caring he was towards his Kitsune. Someday, they’d find out more, but tonight was most likely not that night. Didn’t want silly questions of that nature to ruin this lovely date night with their love.
Upon reaching the entrance of the hedge maze, Kitsu’s attention was drawn to a cluster of odd flowers that they had never seen before. Many different kinds of odd flora decorated this part of the garden, some of which glowed with an odd light. The fox looked cautiously at some glowing blue ones that had piqued their interest, giving them a cursory sniff, accidentally getting pollen on their muzzle. The vulpine let out a small, cute sounding sneeze, the constellation-like patterns on their tails glowing brighter for a moment, much like the flower’s odd properties. With a semi annoyed huff, they started to wipe the pollen off of them, shaking most of it off.
“Ugh… Great. Even here I have allergies.” They joked with a light laugh, managing to get all of the glowing blue speckles off of their darker blue fur.
“Well… Ready to get lost?” The Kitsune proposed, giving Jed a teasing wink.
Stargaze - for our muses to relax on a blanket watching the stars
The bustling party atmosphere had become too much for the Kitsune.
Ducking outside into the garden, away from the music and dancing of the ballroom, the fox had made their way to a corner of the finely manicured grounds, looking for a small escape. Something to ease the heart pounding in their chest and the dizzying champagne that fogged their mind.
They were glad to know they weren’t alone with craving a quiet moment, finding Jed on a blanket, gazing up at the stars above. The fox made their way over to the killer laying on the grass, assuming the Ghost wouldn’t mind a bit of company.
“Hey Jed… I missed you.” Kitsu sat down on the blanket, their tails curling to the side as to not take up all of the soft fabric. It seemed as if it has been awhile since they last saw him, and they hoped their presence was still welcome.
“Mind if I join you?”
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What is the trait they most deplore in themselves?
OOC: For as bubbly and positive Kitsu is towards others, there is quite a bit they don’t like about themselves. They often beat themselves up for being too trusting, especially when it backfires on them. They’re often scared that their kindness comes off as naivety-or worse, stupidity.
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Does the sight of blood make them queasy?
OOC: Not at all! They may panic/feel upset when they see themselves/someone they care about hurt, but they won’t feel sick over just the mere sight of blood.
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Questions About Your Muse
What is their idea of perfect happiness?
What is the trait they most deplore in themselves?
When and where were they happiest?
Are they an organ donor? Why or why not?
Have they ever eaten an entire tube of Pringles by themselves?
Who taught them how to drive?
What is their best pickup line?
What is their opinion on rats as pets?
How many hats do they own?
Does the sight of blood make them queasy?
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“Me?” The Kitsune seemed a little shocked that they were being asked about, their ears perking up in surprise.
“I’m a survivor, but I don’t usually look like this.” Kitsu explained, their tails flicking back and forth anxiously.
“I have an illusion I put on, to make myself look human.” The fox’s eyes lingered on the other people in the room, watching them dance and chat away without a care in the world. “Didn’t want to… scare the others, or give them the wrong idea on who I am.” Their tone dropped, seemingly saddened by the need to hide more than they needed to.
“Decided against it tonight, figured there were enough strange creatures around where my presence wouldn’t be seen as unusual.” The vulpine’s voice picked back up, clearly grateful for the chance to hold off on the energy draining disguise to finally be able to intermingle normally, like they would back before the Fog swept them away.
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Lake Mungo (Joel Anderson, 2008)
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OOC: Just a little PSA- MY NOTIFICATIONS ARE COMPLETELY BROKEN! Tumblr loves to keep telling me that I’m reblogging threads from myself! I thought it was an issue with my drafts, but now I have no idea what’s going on!
(EDIT: I can see when you reply to me- for some reason people can’t see when I reply to them! Sorry for the confusion.)
So yeah- if I poke you telling you I responded, I’m not rushing you, I just want to make sure you know I’m not being a bad roleplay partner and ignoring you, I genuinely have no idea what notifications are going through and what aren’t.
(Also I still have 2 masquerade replies in my drafts that I’m working on that will probably suffer the same fate and not let my partners know when I reblog them hghhhh thanks Tumblr!)
Anyone else having this issue? I’m planning on sending in a ticket, but it’s just bizarre.
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