nineslover · 3 years
I want to write a Kai yandere series but lack motivation!!! 🍉
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nineslover · 3 years
Criminal ( Teaser)
Choi Yeonjun × OC
Summary : There’s no denying the fact that Choi Yeonjun is bad blood..and yet something no one knows is a dark secret that he hides behind the curtain of lies..something that she wishes she had stayed away from.
Warnings : mature themes , blood and gore..(i put this under the smut tag so that minors don’t interact with it..)
Yeonjun lips curved into the most satisfied smirk , his eyes hooded with contemplation. He could smell her approaching , her scent getting stronger..hesitant but determined steps..a prey , slowly walking towards it’s predator , what an irony..
He heard the large door creak open , he could almost hear the loud thrumming of her heart beat..her ragged breathing , the smell of sweet citrus now filling the cold room.. He didn’t turn towards her yet..placing the half emptied glass of whiskey on the table , he heard her voice..
‘’Make it stop’’ she tried to hide the tremble as she spoke .. she walked a few steps towards where he was seated..her old confidence now draining out , on the verge of extinction since she stepped into the room.
He turned in his chair now..lazily buttoning up his sheer white shirt....his eyes catching her dishevelled appearance..she no longer wore the same plaid uniform he saw her wearing everyday..she was draped in a satin dress, that barely covered her warm ivory skin...her feet were bare....and her face was devoid of the cold espression that she carried with her , the lofty face now looked worried, as if debating for a deal.
‘’What do you want..’’ she gulped , uttering the words ..as she managed to glare at the unbothered male.
He chuckled , taking yet another sip from his glass..
‘’Why are you here ...Miss Yuan ? ‘’ he got on his feet..making her take a step back ‘’ What do YOU want’’ he waved the question for her...as if he knew exactly where to drop his cards...
He walked towards her small frame , his eyes playful , looking through her brown ones that flickered wide with submission..
‘’Don’t what kitten ? ‘’ he teased , biting his lip as he closed in on her..
‘’Stop messing with my brain...stop it..i know what you are....’’ she spoke up , her back hitting the wall...she was a vulnerable creature under his spell, and yet she wasn’t gonna let herself fall victim to his trap...She had stepped into his mansion in a whim, wanting to face him after the trouble he had caused ,and now she regretted being in this position , what was she thinking , walking right into his confinement.
Her head was spinning again , her vision blurry...he was a step away from her , watching her face contort helplessly.
‘’Not so brave now...Miss Yuan?’’ he rasped into her ear , his voice sending chills down her spine..his taller frame had her in caged between his arms , his very presence getting her weak on her knees...she couldn’t think straight...she tried to gather her anger and annoyance towards him , and yet she only felt fear...mixed with emotions she couldn’t quite understand..
His hand hand curled behind her neck , making her face him..
‘’Tell me...what do you want tell me what you wish for., miss Yuan...i’ll make it come true’’ he whispered with his breath hitting against her lips...his eyes drowsy and filled with lust.
‘’monster’’ he heard her say , staring languidly up at him..
She had forgotten her purpose of coming here ..he was messing with her mind ,..
He chuckled , using his other hand to pull her closer against his body..
‘’my kitten...so dumb for me...doesn’t even know what she wants’’
And he backed away , leaving her perplexed...his thin fingers brushed a linen off his coat , as he draped it on...pouring himself another drink..
‘’Yeonjun...please’’ she bit her lip , trying to swallow her anger and frustration..once this is done, she promised to get him behind bars..
She saw flashes of a male passing through her memory , a pale face looking up to her..and blood...it was everywhere..she knew now ..she remembered.
‘’please let him go...’’ she winced from how pathetic it sounded. ‘’i know it was you..and he has nothing to do with this...it’s me you have a problem with..’’
He stopped his actions momentarily..turning to meet her searching eyes...she looked so pretty like this , vulnerable , weak and begging for him to control her , only if she knew how bad he wanted to ruin her then and there...fuck her until she’s lost her mind,..make her scream his name until she’s blabbering it stupidly over and over again...
She glared at his smugness...she knew he was enjoying it , seeing her miserable like this..
‘’How low can someone get ...Choi’’ ?she spat out ‘’Fuck you..’’ she almost shouted , while he only watched her amused... She lunged forward , grabbing him by the collar while he only smiled at her actions ...his bottom hit the table as she shook him with all her strength..
‘’careful kitten...don’t hurt yourself ...anger isn’t good for health’’ He mocked her , watching her clenching her jaw ..
‘’tell me what you want Choi?..why are you doing this’’ she breathed against his face ,her hands threatening to tear off his shirt collar as she tried to match his height.
‘’you should have listened to them..Miss Yuan..no one messes with me’’ he half whispered.
She let him go , stepping back...of course , this was all a game for him , what was she thinking when she came here , he was a monster...
She turned for the door , only hoping that she would reach him on time...
Praying vehemently that he was okay...but she was yanked by a strong hand only to collide with a hard chest..
‘’you cannot leave’’ he heard her say..registering the smell of citrus hitting her nostrils... his grip a bit too tight on her smaller frame.
‘’fuck off’’ she tried to push him..feeling something hard rubbing against her lower abdomen.
The door swung open just then with two guards dragging a taller male with them , his hands bound by large chains...white shirt stained with blood..
‘’Soobin..’’ she managed to mouth.. ‘’why ..let him go you monster...you mor-"
‘’hushhh ..now princess....it’s your fault that he has to sit and watch me fuck you senseless’’ he whisper growled into her ear..
A/N : not proofread, and I'm too lazy to revisit
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nineslover · 3 years
Fics 📝
Yeonjun 🦊
Her (part 1)
Criminal ( teaser)
Soobin 🐰
Her (part 1)
Kai Kamal Huening 🐧
Hush, Run...hide! ( 📝 Releasing soon)
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nineslover · 3 years
Her (The series)
Part 1
Tumblr media
Pairing : Yeonjun , Soobin × OC
Warnings : mature content🔞 ( this chapter has heavy smut , NSFW)
Synopsis : General Xing Ling Wu has lived all 20 years of her life disguised as a man , all for a very valid reason ,she had everything life could give her, she was a beautiful ' man' eyed by various princessess of the neighboring kingdoms , the best at her game ,feared by all the elites across the border , yet fate had taken a wrong turn when she got captured in one of her battles, The White kingdom ruled by the Choi princes , who were known to be ruthless and tyrants as they could be,  She is sure that death awaits her now that she's a captive, but then her secret is out ...they know she's a woman in disguise..and things turn out to be nothing like she had expected
''He's a mute Sir..'' The speaker said addressing the prince
The silver haired male's expression changed to a slight tinge of sympathy at the information, yet so the person in front of him was his enemy, he was an evident reason why his father had died..and there wouldn't be a better time than this to his it to his advantage , he decided to tweak it a little before he finally sent him for execution..
As Yeonjun's  eyes surveyed the other's soft features ,far too delicate and feminine with a small face and long dark hair that only added to his fragile look..if not the red hanfu that he wore gave him the look of a distressed bride..and the prince began to doubt if this was really the spy and the great general  of the Zhou kingdom who had successfully captured all the nine neighboring kingdoms..His stare on the other male made the prisoner conscious , the person could be seen fidgeting with the chains on their wrists , and as the prince's eyes wandered towards the long thin fingers that looked nothing like a man's..
"Bring him here..'' the prince's voice was determined.
His guard's did so, dragging the other towards the prince's throne..
''get out..'' the prince mouthed , still looking at the long haired captive.
The guards didn't wait for a second, trotting out of the large hall.
''Sit on my lap '' He rasped ,staring at the other's eyes..
The general's eyes shot up at his request , having been sure that death was a surety once captured..was he simply playing with his captives? wanting to insult the other before getting brutally killed?
But the prince's cold eyes that bore into the other's soul made them do just as ordered.
Sitting quiet reluctantly , the prince chuckled at the other grabbing the not so surprisingly small waist before pulling the long haired enemy closer..
The prince nudged his nose playfully against the other's hair ,taking in the smell of gardenia and lemons...
Before the wither of them could react on such a irrational behavior ,the long haired general let out a low yelp, yet loud enough for the prince to hear it...what had happened was the prince had plunged a tiny dagger thru the others arm,a specially formulated weapon to trigger intense pain ,  catching the  unguarded let out a small scream..and that sure enough confirmed the prince's suspicions..
''You're a woman'' he breathed the words , having grabbed her chin to face him , a devillish smirk crossing his face..
She jumped off his lap in the split of a second ,but the prince was quicker grabbing hold of 'her' wrist before she could use her weapon on him , her chained hands only added to her disadvantage  the action letting the straight silky mane come undone before he had grabbed her and produced his gun threatening her..
The guards came running , the security AI system had been alerted due to disturbance..
''I'm okay..wait outside''his voice came out as an angry rasp.
Once they had left , he put his gun away and pulled the small of her waist against his torso..
"stop moving around like that kitty" he rasped into her ear , she could feel something hard under her as she struggled to keep herself from hitting him..
"You're preying on men now??" she heard a deep voice ring thru the hall ,his boots clicking against the floor. His eyes inspected her , scrutinizing her frame.
''well this is new..'' she heard him say , walking closer , as he inspected her closely.. ''Why would she disguise as a man'' His words made her eyes shoot up from surprise, amusing her how easily he found out she was a woman , well her let down long hair helped him too..
''Kitty doesn't want us to spill her secret , or it will be the end for the royal family ,is that right?'' she heard  the silver haired mock..
''Please..'' her words taking the taller guy by surprise as he took in the confirmation that she could speak as well.. 
''I'll do whatever you say..just don't hurt the royals...''
Her words made the males around her smile in contempt.. ''Your secret is safe....until..you listen to everything we say like a good girl'' Yeonjun added watching her reaction
she winced from his mockery , swallowing the hurt pride..
''escort the general to the assigned room ..'' The taller of the two males called out ,before she more than willingly rushed away from them...planning to find a way to escape once she get's the opportunity.
At least they were referring to her as 'General'!
--------------------------------------------------------------------- ,
Xing ling paced around her room ,waiting for a message from her Area...the guards standing outside her door restricted her movements outside the palace..it had been 4 days since she had been held captive in a guarded room , four days since she had been trying relentlessly to escape , finding every nook and hook around the room for something...yet it seemed as though the room was made especially for someone like her ..not to mention the cameras that followed her every move , she knew she was being watched , the only human she had seen ,much less interacted this whole time was a maid that delivered  food at the front table. She now but her lip in frustration, devising a plan which was only possible if she somehow got to meet the prince, her eyes trailed towards the camera that watched her with attention ,she looked straight at it , making eye contact with whoever that was on the other line...
As if on queue she heard a knock on the door , hearing which she rushed to dress herself ..but the door swung open and she almost knew who it was ...
''Kitty..'' she heard the familiar husky voice...biting down her anger ,she kept herself from plunging her shuriken into his heart..no one dared to call her but by her proper name..
She bowed wrapping a ribbon around her hanfu 
He was dressed causally in white and grey..the his silver hair reflecting the bright lights of the room.and for a split second Xingling agreed that he was beautiful.
''Come with me'' his voice was low....
She nodded her head , hope stirring in her ..is he not worried she might take this opportunity to flee ? Or does he like every other man think she's not smart enough to escape..but that was all for her gain and she  followed him as he walked ahead..the guards walking a few feet behind her.
Once on reaching the large open balcony area she saw the silhouette of the taller male against the dim lights of the area..it was a moonless night , with the smell of wild orchids strong int the air. ,whom she came to know was known as Choi Soobin , the 2nd prince...there was a rumor  being thrown around in her capitol that the princes weren't in good terms ,but it seems like that was not the case...
The large door shut closed behind her ,the guards finally leaving her sight..
She surveyed the area closely , the open railings that probably lead to the main grounds fueled her reasons of escaping , all she needed was to get close enough to the edge ..and then there was no stopping her..this seemed dangerous, but hadn't she been in more than life threatening situations before , besides she had pledged her life to her kingdom ,..she told herself.
''General...how are you...i hope the palace has been treating you well'' she heard his soft voice call her out ,once she reached his side...he was seated on a plush sofa that was rounded around a large tea table..his legs spread out casually a purple silk shirt with it's first two buttons undone adorned him..the gentle wave of wind passing thru his silky hair as he ran his long thin digits over them.. The counter was laden with fruits and sweets , beside around the corner she could spot a gun carelessly left there..
Is this a set up?
''yes..''she answered ,watching Yeonjun take a seat beside the other.
''Have a seat Kitty..'' She heard the raspy voice say.
She did so , seating herself in the opposite curve of the sofa with the table separating them..
There was along silence between the trio as she heard the soldiers marching on the ground floor ..
''Did you carry out the assassination of my father ,the 13th king?'' Yeonjun asked her  , as they both watched her reaction.
She sucked in a breath...feeling intimidated...it was truly her who had killed the king , but she had every reason to do so..the previous king was a menace , a tyrant..one who had ordered the genocide around neighboring kingdoms , including her own...her king had been killed at war and she found it her purpose to end the accused's life..her action being supported by all the other areas around...She had been caught while trying to cross their border..her men killed..and she had come her , knowing that her death was sure..yet fate had brought her here, in front of two men now questioning her...
''I was the one'' she calmly replied..
''Why would you pretend to be a man?'' What purpose do you have hiding your identity'' she heard Soobin question her..
''Women aren't deemed worthy enough to be generals in my kingdom..'' she replied ,still staring down at her feet.
''That's pathetic and stupid..'' Yeonjun commented.
''And yet you defend and fight for them , when they forced you to donne the attire of a man? do they think a woman is any less of a man.''' Soobin voiced 
His words made her look up , meeting his eyes..they looked unreadable.
'' you have committed a crime under the universal 6th law...so even if you're rendered free..you would still get executed once home...'' Yeonjun pointed out.. ''we have no plans of revealing your secret though kitty, you can rest assured '' he added , once seeing her eyes widen as she took in lungfuls of breath.
''But ,..'' they both voiced simultaneously. '' for that ...you need to stay here with us, and your secret will be safe..'' Yeonjun finished.
''No...'' she spoke , raising her voice by an ounce.
Yeonjun chuckled at her newfound confidence ,laying back against the armrest as he drank from his glass..
''well that's  a punishment for killing our father...it's not that brutal ,is it?'' Soobin coud be heard saying. ''or do you want us to be rough with you ?'' 
The air was thick with silence again ,as the sounds of the parade died down , the reverb  of distant cars patrolling now filling the empty echoes..
Yeonjun took this opportunity to walk over to her side ,seating himself beside her ,watching her retract a little at his arrival. The smell of his cologne clogging her senses..His hand reached her thighs rubbing over the thick material of her hanfu as if soothing her...her breathing accelerated as she felt the rush in her blood , she pushed his hand away scooting farther away , to which he chuckled again..
''Is kitty shy?'' he whispered , leaning into her ear.. his voice making her cheeks flushed..
I need to think of something.. quick
''has anyone been this close to kitty , hmm? '' he whispered , nearing her small frame again , this time trapping her with his arm extending to her other side against the sofa back..
''answer me ..has anyone made your heart race like this before'' His nose brushed against her neck , his breath warm ..the scent of expensive wine filling her nostrils... She hated this feeling , never in 20 years of her life had she been this close to any man , and never had she felt this thrill she was feeling right now, this was so wrong. Something was wrong , she had felt a heaviness in the air when she walked in ,was it that ,fiddling with her senses?
Soobin watched her flustered face, it was amazing how such a pretty face like her had gotten with disguising as a man on the field ,she looked too delicate to be one that leads a whole army..
Yeonjun now grabbed her neck , placing open mouthed kisses across her jawline , the action letting out a gasp off her mouth ,making him smirk in triumph..she debated on pushing him away , could she try her chances...maybe find a way to get close enough to the edge...should she play along? But as trained as she was , her skills didn't require to seduce a man to get her way ...she was trained to be on the field , disciplined to be a midnight assassin and the most she knew about human desires ,she was well versed in seducing women..women that got awestruck at her feminine features ,women that got stunned by her name and fame ,women that wouldn't see past the line of beauty and wealth...
''You like this?'' he breathed against her ear.
She hated this ...she hated being this close to a man ,in a way like this..and the most importantly ,she hated the feeling of heat passing through her body whenever his breath nudged her..as if the woman in her craved it all..
His hand was back at her clothed thigh ,rubbing dangerously close to her center. his nose taking in her scent.. a scent so  sweet and addictive that he felt his dick twitch itself under his pants.
he continues leaving soft kisses over her exposed neck as she struggles to stand her ground . clenching her fists in a frenzy..
Pulling her towards him he lets go off the hair pin that was holding the dark mane of long hair , watching her beauty unfold with the blushed face and doll like eyes meeting his predatory gaze.
You're so fucking beautiful'' He mouthed ,running his fingers through the silky cascade.
She felt a figure fill in the empty space on her other side , before a large hand grabbed her face and she felt a soft pair of lips collide against her mouth...making her eyes widen from surprise..
Her mind was blank , two warm ,hard bodies pressed against the small of her frame , large hands running all over her clothed body. The silver haired stood up ,leaving an empty feeling as the dark haired male pushed his tongue into her mouth , making her taste the cizer wine.,prying her mouth open with his fingers digging into her cheeks ... his hands held the small of her waist as he kissed her passionately , she felt her heart hammering against her chest , she wasnt kissing him back but his lips that brushed against her threatened to loosen wall..a feeling of shame and excitement  passing thru her body...he pulled at her lower lip , sensing her inexperience , his dick twitching in his pants from the obviousness of her purity and innocence.
Yeonjun had walked over to her , holding a glass of wine he stood in front of her seated frame.. as his hand pulled her away from the other's kiss..her lips red and swollen , her face flushed with embarrassment ...His thumb ran across her lower lip ,wiping away the mixed saliva ...He drank from the glass , still stroking her face as she avoided his hooded eyes....His fingers now traveled to her hair ,grabbing it and making her lift her face up to face him. He took another sip , filling his mouth to the brim..
''Open your mouth sweetheart'' she heard a deep voice speak into her ear , his hand now running gently under the hanfu..
She pursed her lips ,her eyes momentarily darting towards the escape - way ...his eyes studied her face ..as if he knew what was on her mind...
Yeonjun put the glass down ,his now free hand running over her closed lips before squishing her jaw ,so she opens up ...
She did so , eyeing the gun behind him before feeling  her mouth being pryed open..
Yeonjun's grip on her hair got tighter as he let the liquid pour into her mouth , she felt the warm liquid trail past her tongue , into the caverns of her mouth..the sweet taste mixed with his spit now spilling past her lips..
Before she could swallow it ,he bent down to attach their lips,  , making the liquid leak down her chin down her cleavage ,the kiss was hungrier and determined , sloppy and messy ..he tilted his head , his tongue exploring her mouth as they both tasted the wine...his teeth grazing her lower lip before biting on it ...she broke away ,panting and out of breath. Seeing him watching her in close proximity made her flush again as she leaned away , only to find soobins body wrapped around her from the back..his hard on pressing against her back.
A smirk crept into Yeonjun's  lips as he used his sleeve to wipe away the wetness of the kiss..
''you are so cute..'' He teased her , making her face flush again ,. He leaned again to kiss her neck , licking away the trail of liquid that had spilled off her lips..she let out an audible gasp , feeling the sweet feeling of soft lips on her neck ,.. her reaction making both men smirk ., something was burning her up, her world was dizzy and her head felt heavy...the wine ..it was muddling with her thoughts , it was a few seconds that the hot liquid has drained down her throat that she struggled to remember her purpose...
" Baby" a soft voice called her, and she  reached out to him , his hands grabbing her smaller ones ...fingers were soft and delicate, as her fuzzy eyes saw his face make sense in front of her ,she saw him smile ,his eyes searching for reason in hers..
" Why" she heard herself say..not knowing herself why she said that " I want ...I " she said again, blinking her eyes a few more times before struggling to keep her mind awake , the wine ..it had taken hold of her body..
" Yes ,tell me what you want" she heard him say , his fingers caressing her face..
" I want...to go home" she said , truthfully ...
" You are home...this is your home now " he answered , placing a gentle kiss on her cheek..
"Please " she heard herself say again... internally cringing at her words, never  had she ever uttered the word..she was begging him..the only rational thought in her mind was that she wanted to go home ,..
as now Soobin pulled her into his lap ,letting Yeonjun creep beside them on the sofa.. making her sit right on his erection , his large hands mandhandling her small frame like  it's nothing..
long thin fingers worked on the buttons of her hanfu , soon letting her breasts out , she winced at the feeling of cold air hit her exposed chest , Soobin's hands crept from behind to fondle on one , ,making her let out little moans as she felt her panties soaking over him. 
''These pretty little breasts , it's a shame they had to be hidden like that '' she hears Yeonjun remark in a rasp before he leans to attack his lips around the Other nipple..
''anghh'' she moans involuntarily , pleasure hitting her nerves , to which he only grins against her breast as he begins to suck on it ...Soobin's fingers playing with the other nipple as he kisses her neck , making sure to leave spots...
''ha- ahh ...'' she closed her eyes , leaning against Soobin. the feeling of two men going on her , overriding her senses..
Yeonjun's tongue teased her nipple , as he watched her reaction...his lips wrapped around the sensitive bud , sucking on it ,..his teeth pulled at the nip , making her arch her back to his mouth as he sucked again, harder this time, closing his eyes as his pillowy lips ravished the small bud..
Her fingers threaded his hair as she found the confidence , watching him suck on her like a starved kitten ...it was only a matter of a few seconds when she felt something ooze out of her tits, Soobin's finger's squeezing over her hardened nipple halted when he realized the white liquid spilling down his fingers..he brought his fingers to his mouth , tasting it , before he rolled his eyes at the taste..
''who knew Miss Wu was a nectar holder hmm? '' his soft voice teased her as he now pinched on her abused nipple , letting her milk spurt out of her aching breast.. Yeonjun pulled away from her chest , only to realize this , a string of spit connecting his lips ...
''Baby..your milk tastes so sweet..'' he breathed against her mouth.. '' But i'm gonna punish you for hiding that from us'' he rasped with a grin , as he attacked her other nipple , with Soobin's fingers squeezing the small  area of flesh so the milk squirts into Yeonjun's mouth..
She let out high pitched moans as she felt him mouth suck on it hungrily , alternating between the two , the milk wetting most of his face and dripping down his neck and soaking his shirt..
She felt the sweet sensation of pleasure make her legs go weak , a feeling of giddyness spread over her body , overstimulation fogging her mind ,..she pushed him off in a frenzy 
''please,..i can't take it..'' she uttered , feeling soobin's fingers now massaging her buds..
''But sweetheart..we're not done yet..'' she heard soobin whisper , before she was yanked over , her frame laid on the couch as he pulled the last strings of her robe , letting the robe fall down on the ground, leaving her in her underwear..
He pulled her panties off in a quick motion , before spreading her legs , holding her hips in place as she tried to close them back again in vain.. ..Xing hid her face behind her hands , as he watched her sweet area closely , 
''kItty is so so wet for us...'' she heard Yeonjun say , as he swiped a finger over her slick, the action ,making her toes curl...'' You're so small here'' she heard Soobin's deep voice thrumming against her center... '' such a pretty little pussy '' Yeonjun cooed ...making her blush the shade of deep red.
''Stop please'' she said , feeling shame wash over her as the two men watched her sensitive part as if it was a research object.
''So cute '' she heard Yeonjun's voice whisper before he pulled her for a kiss..
She moaned against his mouth when Soobin's tongue came on her pussy..making her close her legs out of instinct , only to be pinned wider with strong hands... His lips wrapped over her small clit , eliciting a whiny moan off her , her body shaking uncontrollably as he ate her like a hungry tiger..his tongue exploring every fold as he sucked and licked , her juices were dripping down his chin  , she tasted like heaven to him , sweet and sour and each lick sent a jolt of electricity in his aching dick....Yeonjun watched her getting eaten out , chuckling at her sorry state as she moaned and shook under them... her body writhing uncomfortably , her thin fingers buried in his hair as he made out with her pussy , his eyes rolling to the back of his head at the taste , her face carrying the most erotic expression  , lighting up her doll like features , a scene that made Yeonjun palm his dick without realizing...he groaned against her folds when she cried and tried to push him off, her legs weak and on the verge of collapsing ...His tongue worked with rapid strokes on her swollen clit , his hands holding her hips in place as she moved frantically..he brought his finger over to her clit , his tongue running over her folds as he stroked the sensitive head to push her over the edge...sucking , biting , licking ...and finally she felt a knot on her stomach form ...and a gush of cum leaked out of her ,her first orgasm......a feeling foreign to her.. as she took in lungfuls of air,he crawled over her small frame ,only to attach his lips ...making her taste her arousal..
''Such a good girl'' he whispered against her mouth , before she could feel the guilt of her submitting herself to the males , she was hurled off the couch , only to be pinned between two hard bodies again, Soobin let his pants pool around his ankles as his thick member springs out , the sight of a man's naked dick making her gulp down on a ball of saliva...his shirt was still on , and yet she could admire the slim waist and toned muscles of his body...Yeonjun crept behind her , still clothed , with his dick now rubbing against her lower back...
He grabs her smaller hand , bringing it to his cock , nudging her to run her palm against the shaft..she does so reluctantly , watching the angry red tip leaking with precum..She heard a low groan against her ear , as she realized Yeonjun humping himself against her., his dick still inside the constraints of his trousers , pushing her weight against Soobin as she struggles to grab Soobin's shoulder for support while her other   hand worked on the his thick length... The room was filled with heavy breathing and moans ...the two males sandwiching her between their tall bodies as the cradled her against their aroused bodies like a doll..she lay her head against Soobin's chest hearing his groans above her, the sounds of rough growls hitting her ears as Yeonjun's rutting against her back , jerked her away ..if not she was held between them..
She heard him cuss before cumming behind her ...nuzzling his nose into her hair as he took in the scent...the male before her let out his seeds into her hands , making her eyes widen in surprise from how much he had cum..his thick threads of white liquid dripping down into the carpet..
There was a prolonged stretch of neither of them moving as she felt them calm down , but then she felt a hand sneaking between her things from the back , when she realized how naked she was and how covered the both of them were , his sleeved hand brushed past rubbing her thighs to setting them apart...thin fingers collecting her arousal as her legs tried to close together with instinct but they were spread apart by rough fingers digging into the flesh of her inner thighs,
''Ahhh stop please'' she heard herself say when the fingers ran circles over her clit , making her see stars...'' no '' she gasped when he slipped a finger in , the burning sensation of his intrusion making her wince in pain..
''you're so tight here kitty '' he whispered against her neck , his breath hot ..
''don't ..'' she managed to say when Soobin got on his knees to leave kitten licks over her wetness..she moved helplessly , unable to take anymore., yet his warm mouth over her folds was driving her crazy again, Yeonjun kept her fragile body steady as the other literally made out with her dripping pussy..
''i want to taste it too...'' He growled into her ear , before the taller guy stood up to take his place behind..
''Keep them open sweetheart'' Soobin cooed as she tried to close them together..
Yeonjun had grabbed either of her legs only to hook them above his shoulders , while Soobin's body gave her the leverage... His mouth came on her like a man starved , and starved he was...her sweet taste making him drool off his lips..she yelped when he sucked too hard , his nose nudging into her clit when his tongue slid over her folds ,trying to please her , he wanted her to come undone for him..wanted her to cry out loud..wanted her to go all weak and frail for him..and 'that's just what happened, she was a moaning mess..her voice surprisingly louder as she help onto his soft silver locks...he groaned ,watching the erotic expression that he had her making , the vibrations sent her spilling her juices right into his mouth, as he pulled away , only to watch dive back in so he could eat all of it , without wasting a drop...her legs gave up and her eyes were drowsy , she felt the one in the back snake his arms down her legs before carrying her to a bed ..
a comforter was pulled over her body as she struggled to keep her eyes open ..
She let her eyes finally give up when she felt soft lips pressing a kiss on her forehead..
A/N : Not proofread , could contain lots of errors
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nineslover · 3 years
IDK what y'll say but I think SOOBIN is neither a dom nor a sub .. he's simply a vanilla guy , who loves to shower love and affection , and did I say he likes to worship your body
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nineslover · 3 years
We know Yeonjun..we know!! 😳
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nineslover · 3 years
content warnings for fingering, edging, daddy kink, & teasing.
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yeonjun ; he loves the feeling of your pretty little cunt leaking all over him. there’s something so irresistible about you. he hasn’t been alive for such a long time, but you remind him what it feels like.
“are you going to be good for me?” he tilts his head to the side, his long, pretty fingers stroking up your underwear, which are already nearly transparent with your arousal. “i don’t need to punish you, do i? i’d much rather give you a treat.”
and you quickly shake your head. “no, daddy, i’ll be so good. i promise.”
yeonjun smiles. “good girl.” and he slips your panties to the side, and fucks you open on his fingers.
soobin ; you’re just sitting at your desk, trying to study, when you feel him touch you. it’s icy cold against your clit, making you gasp and drop your pen. you can hear binnie laughing, but he doesn’t show himself yet. he loves this part, when you have no idea where he’s going to touch you next. his fingers pass right through your clothing, only the very tips of them solid enough to stroke right up your slit and dip inside. “go ahead, pretty girl. pick your pen up for me and keep studying.” and you do what he says, because you know he’ll stop if you don’t. but it’s so hard. every time you get used to him touching you, he moves to a different spot and finally you’re so close that you cry out, “please, soobin, let me cum.”
and he laughs, two fingers deep, and says, “no. you have to hold it, love, until you finish your homework.”
beomgyu ; gyu loves to mess with you. he thinks your reactions are the cutest thing. like when he drops the temperature in the room on purpose and then, reaching forward to flick your nipple, asks why they’re so hard. “are you turned on, y/n? should i check?” and he laughs at how you squirm. he can be ruthlessly sadistic sometimes.
“what do you want, love?” he asks you from his spot between your legs. you’re only wearing your flimsy pajamas and beomgyu has already removed your shorts. “do you want me to touch you?”
he’d wait for you to explicitly ask for his fingers inside you and then he’d be so rough with you. he doesn’t care if you’re sore the next day (he’ll take such good care of you either way) and his fingers are just so big. they make you ache but he also knows just how to touch you to make you cum over and over.
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nineslover · 3 years
We need part 2 :-):-)
the mansion | yandere!jimin au
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pairing: yandere!jimin x reader (f)
genre: yandere, slight horror
warnings:  obsessive and unhealthy behaviors, cheating, graphic language, manipulation, supernatural themes, mentions of blood, violent themes, kidnapping ( TW; mentions of suicide & attempted suicide )
word count: 16.9k
Inspired by the Halloween classic; The Haunted Mansion
Synopsis: When your husband suggests a family vacation in order to soothe some marital tension, you reluctantly agree. However, as always, your husband’s job gets in the way and you make an unexpected stop at the mansion he intends to sell and are immediately greeted by the eerie owner of the location, the infamous Master Jimin . Much to your dismay, you seem to be in for a much longer stay than you intended as it seems the owner has become completely enchanted by you.
The distinct smell the leaves carried during autumn was on your favorite scents of all time. Your husband knew that, he knew how much you loved this time of year and how you obnoxiously always celebrated it. Decorating the house with all things that resembled the nostalgic orange toned weather. After all, this was the exact time of year you had met each other, the exact time you fell in love.
And it was exactly why you were now seated beside him in your small Corolla, on the way to a beautiful cabin site he had booked to stay the weekend at. Not only that but he had also stopped by to get your favorite flowers before setting off on your journey. The yellow and orange tulips sat on your lap, staring back at you in almost mocking manner. It was all meant to make you feel like you were falling in love again, such small details that should have brought a sense of warmth over you. A reminder that the love you two shared had never died out.
If only that was enough to save a marriage, you thought bitterly. Because the thing was, you hadn’t felt a thing when your husband gave you those flowers. Despite the lovely familiar smile plastered over his face as he handed over to you, you felt nothing but numbness. And that worried you deeply, his smiles were one of your favorite things about him.
Or used to be.
“Honey, I’m telling you, this is a great deal.” You tuned back into the conversation just in time, he glanced over at you expectedly but you only gave him a stiff nod in response.
“Best opportunity I’ve had in a long time, the place is amazing. We won’t be long at all, alright?” He reassured but it sounded like he was trying to convince himself more than anything. You were already fed up that it had taken him so long to take you and your daughter out on a long overdue family vacation, him taking this opportunity to make it about his job once again just soured your mood even more.
“As long as you make it quick.” You replied back with a forced smile. You truly did try to be the supportive wife, you had been that wife for over 5 years now and you realized you were quickly growing tired of it. You were sure this was the longest you had been in your husband’s presence for months now. The sad part of it was that it was only three hours into your trip and he hadn’t even told you he was going to be stopping by the said place until a couple minutes ago.
Keep reading
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nineslover · 3 years
How to Peroxide Canines
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Synopsis ✦ You spend a lot of time cleaning graves at your local cemetery. It's cathartic for you, until you press the button on a mausoleum waking a strange man from a deep slumber in the process. You begin to have nightmares of blood and brown eyes, and the cemetery calls to you kindling a strange, burning need within you that only grows stronger and stronger.
Genre ✦ smut, vampire au, yandere, horror (kind of?), P with Plot
Pairings ✦ Vampire!Jimin x Reader
Word Count ✦ 10.6k
Warnings ✦ Blood and gore, injuries (bruising, sprained ankle, puncture wounds), blood loss symptoms, anxiety, yandere behavior, brainwashing, sort of kidnapping?, dubcon (if this is triggering please do not interact!), blood play, marking and biting, restraints, dumbification, degrading, ownership and possessiveness, tiny bit of a virgin kink, some things happen against the reader's will so beware of that
ATTN ✦ So originally this fic was going to be for a Jimin bday/halloween fest but the admins of the fest didn't like the direction I wanted to take with this fic so I withdrew from the event and took it to the dark, yandere extreme I wanted to. I do have mixed feelings about it tho cause on one hand it was so fun to write but on the other hand I lowkey hate the results lol. But it's here and I'm posting it anyway. So happy Jimin day yall!
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“Look, you can’t use too much or it’s gonna damage the stone.”
“I’ll use as much peroxide as I please.”
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. You knew he wasn’t going to take this seriously. In fact, you weren’t even really sure why he begged to tag along.
“You should try to be at least a little respectful.”
Jungkook only snickered and flicked some soapy water your way. Again, you scowled. He never took your hobbies seriously. It’s sort of why you stopped inviting him to things and just struck out on your own most of the time. You especially did not expect him to take this new venture of yours seriously at all which is why you didn’t even bother telling him about it. Grave cleaning, you decided, was cathartic for you. It was satisfying to brush away the lichens and grime off these ancient stones and see them shine new again. It also gave you a sense of purpose. You felt like you were doing the dead a service and earning their respect. Might be silly, vying for the respect of the dead, but it’s something that quickly became important to you.
It’s why Jungkook’s goofing off had you so rattled. There was no respect there.
But, of course, he found out about it and had to invite himself to your next outing. Maybe you shouldn’t be surprised. Rumors spread fast around here and you suddenly spending a ton of time alone in a 200 year old cemetery probably started some wild tales. And it’s not like he meant any harm in wanting to spend time with you. He was just a little too much for you sometimes. He was a great friend and the perfect person to get a meal with, but he was that kind of friend you needed to take a three day break from after seeing. His energy level exhausted you.
Jungkook groaned sitting back from his tombstone. It was his boredom groan. You rolled your eyes, going back to your own stone. You had been carefully cleaning the grime away from the letters with a damp toothpick. It was tedious, but it calmed your nerves. You felt at peace like this.
“Y/n, lets grab something to eat, I’m dying.”
You sighed. “I’d really like to finish at least one—“
“C’mon lets go…” he was whining now. Jungkook had a famously short attention span. Another reason you stopped bringing him to your cathartic alone time activities. He was a great friend to club with, but not really a good friend for chilling in one spot for more than 10 minutes.
“I guess I can come back later…” you supposed. It might be nice to be in the cemetery later in the day anyway.
Jungkook shrugged. “You can.”
“You weren't invited anyway” you teased. “Fine. Let’s pack up.” It would be better to be alone anyway, you thought. You’d have a nice meal with him and that would be enough socializing for the day.
You carefully packed away your supplies, tucking them all into your bucket after dumping the soapy water on a bare patch of grass. The air was crisp and carried the smell of decay. That unmistakeable smell of fall. Of course, it was almost over now with all the leaves piling up around the almost untrodden dirt paths in the cemetery. Jungkook kicked at them obnoxiously sending them flying into the air in brown and yellow flocks.
He’s like a toddler, you thought.
Looking ahead of you only a few trees still had any leaves at all. Dull red oaks and struggling yellow ginkgoes stubbornly held onto their leaves. It probably wouldn’t be long until the first snow of the year.
“Look at that!” Jungkook interrupted the silence.
You looked to where he was pointing. It was a mausoleum, a rather large and extravagant one at that. You had seen it before. It wasn’t rectangular like the others in the cemetery, but more like an octagon with a rounded roof. It had intricate carvings around the base of the roof that flowed down into its many pillars. Each side was studded with a dark window, the glass thick and black. The doors, hidden under a wide arch, were a gleaming gold.
“Yeah, I’ve seen it before. It’s really pretty, but it doesn’t have a name on it. Gotta wonder how rich this dude was to have that built for him.”
Jungkook shook his head, “Not that, look.” He walked over to the doors and you followed him carefully. The ground in the cemetery always felt too springy. Too mushy. You always wondered how many lost graves you were stepping on and if one was about to open up from underneath you. This cemetery had so many broken and illegible headstones, some even sunken into the earth, that you knew there were probably hundreds that were outright lost or swallowed.
“Look.” Jungkook insisted again. Now that you were closer to the doors you could see that the gold had engravings as well. Furling designs that looked like opening ferns climbed the spotless metal.
Jungkook was pointing to a button that look like a doorbell. Right next to the doors and screwed into the stone, the small white button was framed by another gold plate.
“It probably unlocks something inside. For interring or cleaning, I guess.” You shrugged. There, logically, had to be some mechanism to get inside.
“Press it,” Jungkook jeered.
You were a little taken aback. Wouldn’t it be rather disrespectful to unlock a mausoleum not belonging to you? You shook your head. “That doesn’t feel right.”
“C’mon, what are you scared?”
“You scared some little goblin’s gonna answer the door?” He laughed.
“Stop! That’s so rude, someone’s body is in there. You said you were hungry, let’s just go eat.” You changed the subject knowing that he wouldn’t leave the issue alone unless you prodded him with the promise of food.
He shrugged, making his way back to the leaf-buried path. You let out a sigh. You were glad he gave up that pursuit so easily. Mentally apologizing to whatever soul was inside the mausoleum, you turned and followed him out of the cemetery.
The rest of the day had gone terribly. Jungkook dragged you from place to place, and you seemed unable to get away despite telling him you really needed a break. From lunch to arcade to mall, it was all a bit too much. Especially when his lacrosse buddies showed up. You felt swallowed by them all. It’s not that they were bad people, but they were just so… loud and active. Towards the end of the day it started triggering your anxiety, and when you tried to explain that, you were suddenly at fault for being too bitchy, too uptight. Just relax they said.
It made you want to cry all over again just thinking about it.
No matter how many times you explained that you couldn't just relax, that it was a literal illness, it just didn’t seem to click with him. You knew he didn’t really mean harm, but it hurt you nonetheless that he simply refused to empathize.
And to top it all of your peroxide had spilled in your bucket soiling most of your cleaning supplies.
You didn’t even get back to the cemetery until dusk. Technically, it closed at dusk but it wasn’t gated. You could walk in whenever you pleased and you really needed some alone time right now.
You found yourself standing outside the mausoleum Jungkook had pointed at earlier. Against the quickly darkening sky the large dome seemed more intimidating, the already dark stonework looking black to your eyes. The gold doors seemed to glow, even in the low light. You thought about the button and wondered.
Before you could stop yourself you were facing the doors, staring at that little white button. It would be rude to press it. That, and you didn’t want any spirits or energies to get mad at you. Especially after dark.
Granted, you were single handedly restoring this cemetery since the caretakers clearly stopped caring eons ago. Maybe one little offense wouldn’t harm anything. And you were so curious. Of course, you were fairly certain your earlier guess had been correct and that it was most likely an opening mechanism of some kind. But…
Desperate to distract yourself from the crushing feeling your day had left you with, you went ahead and pressed the button anyway. There was a faint clunk from somewhere inside the stone walls. You instantly felt guilty, wondering what you had just opened.
You waited for a few seconds, loitering outside the gold doors waiting for something a little more fulfilling to happen. The whole thing was awfully anticlimactic. The wind blew, dead leaves scampered, a siren wailed in the distance, and the sky fell darker.
Not a good distraction.
You turned to find something else to occupy your head, taking a few steps away from the mausoleum. That’s when you heard the subtle creak of a door opening and the unmistakeable scuff of a shoe on concrete.
Turning around made you want to throw up.
The doors were open and standing just outside them was a man. A man with long legs and pale skin with stupidly pink lips. His eyes were bright despite the low light, and you felt like they were cutting into you. As much as you wanted to back up putting more distance between you and this mausoleum man, your feet wouldn’t move. It was like you were glued to the spot. Paralyzed by the sharpness in the strangers eyes.
He titled his head and smirked.
“Can I help you?”
His voice, albeit soft, felt like being hit with a ton of bricks. It was siren-like. Melodious and hypnotizing. You found you couldn’t answer, and he smiled at you with what you guessed was supposed to be an encouraging look. But it wasn’t encouraging. It sent chills down your stiff spine. It made the hairs on the back of your neck stand. It triggered some deep instinct you didn't even know you had, some instinct that kept telling you to run and scream.
The man had fangs.
Long ones.
Your voice died in your throat. You couldn’t respond if you tried.
He took a step forward, towards you, and again you tried to back up. You knees wouldn’t bend and your muscles wouldn’t contract. You felt like a doe caught in the headlights of an 18 wheeler.
The man hummed, his terrible eyes slowly making their way up and down your body.
Your heart was in your throat.
“You sound healthy.”
What the fuck does that even mean, you screamed internally.
He took another step forward, licking his lips. His stupid pink lips. “Your heart…”
You didn't hear what he had to say next. Your legs finally decided to receive your desperate pleas to move, and you took off in the opposite direction running as fast as you could through the dark cemetery. You couldn’t tell if he was chasing you or not, you could only hear the pounding of your own heart and the scattering leaves. You kept running, blindly, until your lungs started to burn. But the feeling, that awful dread that you’ve never felt before this encounter was still hanging around you. Something was telling you to not stop until that feeling went away, and you have every intention of listening to that advice.
But you couldn’t see.
Night had fallen and there were no streetlights in the cemetery. It was black and you were running without direction, hoping your feet would take you to a road or neighborhood or something.
The other disadvantage of running blindly was not being able to see the headstones you were barely dodging until it was far too late. You had managed to avoid them so far. Until your foot smashed against a low, half-buried stone, causing you to twist your ankle horribly and crash forward into the hard ground.
You curled up and grabbed your ankle on instinct. It was throbbing and you knew there was no way you’d be able to put any weight on it.
You struggled and dragged your way to a monument, your back hitting the rough stone. You winced again, looking down at your ankle in the darkness. You couldn’t see it, but it probably didn’t look so hot.
Your head snapped up again at the sound of leaves crunching.
He hadn’t even broken a sweat, looking exactly the same as when you bolted. You could barely see his cruel smirk in the dark, your eyes struggling to focus.
Your heart surged into your throat again, but there was no where to go. You were panting and on the verge of tears. The total despair that overtook you was overwhelming.
He was a lion, and you were a gazelle with a broken ankle.
“Please…” your voice was barely audible. You had to force the word out of your mouth, the single syllable sounding broken and unlike you.
He was moving closer to you.
“Cute. So cute. So stupid” He used the same tone of voice as you did when you addressed small animals. You were nothing but a dumb puppy to him.
You pressed yourself harder against the stone, hoping to dissolve into it before anything else could happen.
“I’m so hungry.”
You felt like you were about to stop breathing.
“I promise I won’t drain you completely.”
You tried to sob but your eyes were dry.
“It would be best if you stayed still.”
He was right beside you now, slowly kneeling until his eyes were level with yours. They were a dark and warm brown. But there was something awful about them. Something dreadful that you couldn’t place.
His hand was in your hair before you could register that he had moved again, pushing you forward and yanking your head back until your scalp burned. You gave a strangled cry and tried to push him away, your hands planted firmly on his chest. He only forced you closer to him, using his other hand to steady your waist, his fingers digging into the small of your back.
You could feel his breath on your exposed neck, and for a moment the world stopped. Your neck completely craned and exposed to him, your hands on his chest, your arms straining trying to push him away, his hand on your back. It felt statuesque.
He put his hot mouth on your neck, his tongue tracing along your skin for a few moments. You balled your hands into fists and began to beat on his chest, but your strikes were less powerful than you intended them to be. His tongue continued to search along your neck leaving spit and drool on your skin. You shuddered involuntarily, the fear beginning to pool in your abdomen making you feel sick and hot.
He stopped searching before brining you even closer to him, pulling your head upwards now so his face fit comfortably at the spot where he had stopped his licking. You could feel him open his mouth against your skin, and you could feel your muscles lock up again like before. You couldn’t even will yourself to continue your weak punches.
His teeth felt horrible, much worse than any needle ever pushed into your forearm by a nurse. Worse than a cat bite, and probably worse than a butcher’s knife. You felt like you could feel each skin cell he touched breaking apart. Your body jolted out of your control and you tried to scream, mouth hanging agape in silence.
When he removed his teeth from your neck the pain subsided. Your neck was throbbing and you could feel the blood streaming down your skin, but there wasn’t that horrid stabbing anymore.
His mouth was on you again, around the holes he had punctured in you. And he sucked. Sucked like he was an amateur trying to give you a hickey.
Your heart raced, and you could hear the sound of his swallowing as he drank from you.
You didn’t know how long he held you, or how long his lips were on you but eventually you started to feel cold. Your head in a cloud, everything became hazy and dreamlike. The haze blanketed you, making you forget about the fiend at your neck for a few moments. Your aching ankle a mere background noise now. You were a cloud. A cloud who’s eyelids were getting awfully heavy. A cloud who couldn’t quite remember where she was.
His face was suddenly above yours. Your head rolled, unable to hold itself up, until he changed positions to cradle it. Your body felt fuzzy. You could do nothing but stare up into his eyes. His deep… dark… warm… brown eyes.
His tongue swiped over his thick, plush lips, lazily lapping at the blood left over.
There was a content look on his face.
And you could only do what the eyes told you.
You woke at dawn. Your entire body ached. At first, you didn’t understand why. How could you get this sore overnight? Was lying in bed an Olympic sport now?
But then you opened your eyes.
You were outside. On the ground. In the middle of the cemetery.
No wonder your back hurt.
You sat up, grunting at the stiffness in your entire body and having to squeeze your eyes shut at the lightheaded feeling that tumbled over you the second you moved. You tried to remember how you ended up there.
You pinpointed a terrible throbbing in your ankle. You vaguely remembered running and tripping.
You stood slowly, using the monument beside you as a crutch. You tested your ankle gingerly. Slowly putting small amounts of weight on it. You could walk on it, you decided, but it was definitely going to be a struggle.
Hobbling out of the cemetery and back to your home took hours. You found yourself sitting on the floor of your shower trying to remember what happened. The events of the night seemed lost. You remembered tripping. You remembered being scared of something. Not even just scared, downright petrified at something. You stared at the water hitting the white floor and pondered. You had tried retracing your day multiple times to no avail. You remembered being anxious and upset and Jungkook. You remembered going back to the cemetery. You remembered seeing the mausoleum. And then you remember tripping and falling.
But what happened in-between falling and the mausoleum? And how did you end up passed out on the ground?
You sighed, forcing yourself out of the warm water to lean on your vanity. You looked in the mirror. You were horribly pale. But that’s not what caught your attention. Moving your hair for a better look, you discovered a huge bruise on your neck. It was red and purple, with two deep, violet puncture wounds in the center of it.
At the sight of the damaged skin you remembered a pair of eyes. A very mesmerizing pair of eyes that put you in a daze just thinking of them. You swallowed the forming lump in your throat and shook your head. You tried focusing on the wound again.
The word vampire came to mind but you quickly dismissed it. Vampires weren’t real. This was surely something else. Something you might need a rabies shot for considering you had been lying on the ground in the middle of the cemetery all night.
You sighed, trying to ease the anxiety that gripped you when you thought of going to the hospital. There wasn’t any real avoiding it though, strange bruise or not your ankle was at least fractured if not broken. You needed to see someone about it.
You sat on the examination table staring at the thick wrap on your foot. By some miracle, you hadn’t broken your ankle, Only gave it a nasty twist and sprain. It already felt better with the painkillers they gave you. But what wasn’t so easy was the mark on your neck. You’ve had three doctors come to examine it and they were calling a fourth. No one could figure out what it was.
The two puncture wounds went incredibly deep, they said. It looked like they went straight into a major vein, but that couldn’t be the case, they all claimed. You would have most certainly bled to death if that were true. No one could even tell what had caused the holes. A bat wasn’t large enough, it wasn’t the pattern of a dog or bear, they were too thin to be something as large as a bear anyway, they decided. You were tired of being the lab rat, however. You wanted to go home and take a nap.
In the end they reluctantly let you go, but not before a thorough disinfecting and a rabies shot just in case.
You didn’t want to think about the bill they would send you.
Home was good. Bed was good.
But as soon as your head hit the pillow you began to gave horrid dreams. Those deep brown eyes haunted you in them. There was blood, a lot of it, and glimpses of fangs in the dark. There was a voice singing a song in a language you couldn’t understand. It was melodic. A siren. It drew you deeper and deeper into the darkness where the eyes smirked and the fangs glittered.
You slept, but you did not rest. And when you rose from your bed you could only think of the eyes. The eyes, and, for some reason, the mausoleum Jungkook pointed out.
The mausoleum.
For the rest of your sluggish day your thoughts kept wandering back to it. The dark stone and the gold doors.
It bothered you so much, you struggled to eat your meager dinner. Instead, you found yourself grabbing your coat and heading out the door in the direction of the cemetery.
It took you longer to get there than usual with your new and heavy limp. The light was yellow and the air still carried that dead smell that always came with fall. All things considered, it was a perfect evening for a stroll. If only you didn’t feel so haunted.
The mausoleum was nestled far into the cemetery in one of the oldest sections. Most of the tombstones were illegible and black with age. Some had sunken into the ground, appearing as though they were deep diving into the moss. The dates you could make out on the stones amazed you. 1808, 1795, 1816, 1760… some dated back nearly 300 years. You took your time getting to the mausoleum, stopping every now and then to let your foot rest. There was a heavy dread that had come over you the second you had stepped foot in the cemetery. It was nearly suffocating, but not enough to drive you away. You had to see the mausoleum again.
When you reached the dark, domed structure you were surprised to see someone else standing in front of it. No one ever really ventured this deep into the cemetery.
You kept your distance from him, watching as he idly gazed at the structure, before a strange sense of confidence overtook you.
You approached him carefully. “Excuse me? Do you know the name of the family?” You had always wondered it. All the other mausoleums had names. This one did not.
“Park.” He answered without bothering to look at you.
“Oh… are you related?” you pried.
He chuckled dryly. “I would hope so.”
Before you could ask him what he meant he turned and abruptly walked away.
A very strange man, you thought to yourself.
Strange indeed.
That night, you dreamt a stranger had crept through your window and hovered over your sleeping body. He wrapped his lips around your neck and you bled and bled into his mouth and onto your sheets.
You woke up cold and dizzy. You drank more apple juice than you thought possible before you felt remotely better. The doctors had told you yesterday that you were too pale. They kept telling you to drink juice. More juice they said, blood sugar, they said. You didn’t like doctors, but they did know what they were talking about. Apple juice made you feel a lot more alive and less queasy.
That morning you limped your way to the library. At first you asked for records of the cemetery. None of them held the name you had been thinking about all night and all morning. Park. It followed you with the eyes.
Then you asked for newspapers. You would scour the obituaries, you decided. They didn’t have newspapers old enough. Try town hall, they suggested.
Town hall suggested the historical society.
The historical society suggested the Methodist church.
The Methodists suggested the Catholics.
And thankfully Father Tim was able to pull up a book of records that documented the interments in that ancient part of the cemetery. He was content to let you look through it at your own pace, only pausing you to express concern about your neck. It was redder than ever today, but you assured him it was fine and that you had been to the hospital already. He only shook his head and softly commented on how a doctor had no way to fix such a wound. You blew it off as religious nonsense and continued searching the records until you found it.
The record itself didn’t tell you much, only listing a few dates and prices. You asked Father Tim about it, and he showed you to a heaping pile of newspaper clippings.
“Obituaries,” he said. “We keep the ones belonging to our people. We always have.”
He said it was a tradition started by a priest hundreds of years ago. This priest, he explained, had a fear of the undead. So he documented those who died and watched over their graves closely.
“A foolish tall tale. Now, we collect out of love and respect.”
“So you don’t believe in zombies, Father?” You tried to lift the mood a bit.
He shook his head. “Not zombies. Something else, perhaps. But it’s far from undead.”
You only half heard him, already enthusiastically flipping through the clippings searching for something that matched the name Park and the date 1821.
You found what you were looking for faster than you thought you would. It was as if fate had slipped the clipping right into your hands. But its writing left much to be desired.
At his residence near Meadville on Feb. 16th after a long and painful illness, Mr. Jimin Park, aged 25 years, leaving a small circle of friends to mourn their loss.
You chewed your bottom lip thoughtfully. 25, a long and painful illness… You were left with a hunger to know more, but there was nothing else to know. The only other place to ask would be the college on the hill.
And so that’s where you set off.
The college was stingy about having you access their records. You weren't faculty and you weren’t a student. But, they couldn’t stop Jungkook who very much was a student. After much nagging he finally agreed to try and find something with the name Jimin Park and the year around 1820.
Near the end of the day he texted you, telling you to meet him outside the campus center. He had found something. You were ecstatic looking through the paper he brought you as he absentmindedly inhaled the burger he had brought with him to your outdoor table.
“A foreign student…” you mumbled.
“Could have told you that by the name. They didn’t even format it right in the guy’s obituary. His family name is last.” Jungkook, being a foreign student himself, was quite sensitive to that topic.
“Hmm but he was a student…”
“Why else would someone come here.” Jungkook snorted. You admitted you didn’t know. This town was far from charming.
“You know what else is sad?”
“Hm?” You hummed.
“He didn’t even get to be buried at home. They stuck him in Greendale Cemetery. He should have been buried in Korea.” Jungkook seemed genuinely upset by this. It surprised you to see him this way, usually he was so nonchalant about everything.
You nodded. “It is sad, but I guess they had no way of transporting a body back then.”
He shrugged. “Guess not.”
“I still don’t know how he died. This just confirms where he’s from and why he was here.”
Jungkook shrugged again. “He got sick didn’t he?”
“Yeah but from what? A long and painful illness at 25?”
“It was the 1800s. Why are you so obsessed with this guy anyway?”
“I’m not sure.” You shook your head. “I just can’t stop thinking about him.”
“I guess that’s what happens when you hang out in the cemetery all day.”
You sighed.
“Hey, you still coming tomorrow?”
“Yeah to the halloween parade.”
“Oh.” You forgot that was happening. “Yeah, I’ll be there.”
“Sick. I gotta go meet my lab partners now, but I’ll see you then?”
You nodded and watched him walk off.
A long and painful illness…
This night, you dreamed a stranger was in your doorway. His silhouette flawless, but he smelled like iron. Like blood. You felt hot, and his hands were cool on your skin. You weren’t afraid of him anymore.
You met Jungkook at the parade after work. You were exhausted and honestly just wanted to go home, but you did promise you would be there. Jungkook was very enthusiastic, dressed in a ripped flannel and wearing a headband with brown ears.
“I’m a werewolf!” he exclaimed excitedly upon seeing you. He really was a toddler at heart. It was kinda cute of him.
“Hi werewolf, I’m dad.”
He winced. “Don’t do that again, please. You’re not even dressed as dad.”
You opened your mouth to apologize for your lack of costume, but he cut you off before you could start. “Lemme guess, you’re…” His eyes looked you up and down before settling on your neck. “Oh! A vampire victim!” You gasped, realizing you had taken your scarf off on the walk here, exposing the still hideous wound. “Dude, that makeup is awesome it looks so real!” He reached out to touch your bruised skin. A burst of pain flared in you when his fingers made contact with the bruises.
“Ow, don’t touch it!”
He laughed, thinking you were acting the part.
“I didn’t think you could do makeup like that.” His eyes were glittering with awe and excitement.
“Yeah… me neither. Youtube tutorial.” You lied.
Jungkook just nodded wisely. “The ultimate teacher.”
The parade itself was fun. A lot of high school marching bands and dogs from the local shelters dressed in costumes. Jungkook was very intent on kidnapping a particular yellow lab dressed as a lumberjack.
“He was so cute, did you see his little beard?! I need him!”
You just laughed, stooping over to pick up some smarties that had been thrown at your feet.
Your heart stopped when you stood back up.
Across the street, you saw him. A man in a white shirt with pale skin and burning eyes. Deep, dark… eyes. Your breath caught in your throat. You knew that man. You knew him, but you couldn’t remember from where. You wrapped your hands around your neck, suddenly terribly anxious. The man’s lips raised slowly into a smirk.
You lost sight of him for a few seconds as a horse drawn carriage passed, the parade still in full swing. When it cleared, he was gone.
“What are you staring at?” Jungkook asked.
You could only shake your head, at a complete loss for words. Your whole body felt tight. Anxious. And you were getting flashes of those eyes again. The ones that you drown in every night in your sleep. The brown ones. Those deep irises.
You couldn’t really focus for the rest of the parade. You felt horribly torn. Something was beckoning you, calling you away from the lights and the crowd, and you wanted to follow it so badly. But there was a prickly feeling on the back of your neck too. One that told you to go home, draw your blinds, and lock your doors.
Your palms felt more and more clammy as you debated what to do. Your whole body flashed between hot and cold sweats.
You needed something.
The burning need in your gut only stopped when you saw a glimpse of white in the corner of your eye.
He was standing farther in the park the parade took place at. He was shrouded in the deep blue shadows the trees cast, but his eyes still burned into yours.
You needed him.
There was a pull you couldn’t fight, you had to go to him. It terrified you, this feeling. You hated that your feet seemed to move on their own accord and brought you step by step closer to this stranger. You tried to reason with yourself, tell yourself that you had no reason to run to this man. But something else in your head hated that. Angry you would even dare think about turning away from him The burning feeling brought you closer and closer.
The man turned on his heel and walked away.
Against all better judgment and against the voice telling you to stay with Jungkook, you followed.
He lead you through the grass, back into town, across cracked streets and into worn down neighborhoods. Eventually the terrain grew more familiar as you approached what you assumed to be your final destination. The cemetery.
Only when he was standing right in front of that domed mausoleum did he stop and turn to face you. He was smiling warmly, the features of his face downright angelic. He didn’t look human, he didn't feel human. An angel? You thought before dismissing the stupid idea altogether.
The last time you stood here you had asked a man for a name. You slowly realized that this felt like the same man. The same sense of strangeness. The same white shirt.
“How did you know him?” you asked before you could stop yourself.
The man tilted his head, not unlike a confused puppy. His smiled faded. “Know who?” His voice was like a song. A drug. The burning feeling desperately wanted him to talk more.
“Jimin. The man buried here” you answered.
The smile reappeared, blinding and full this time.
“I am Jimin.”
Your heart beat faster in your chest. His smile… had fangs.
“Vampires aren’t real?” It was more a question than a statement. Your voice felt tiny in your throat, dying as it came out. You were surprised he even heard you.
“What am I then?”
It was like being dipped into icy water, when the memory came rush back, roaring like bubbling water in your ears.
The doorbell. The man. The fear. The chase. The fall. The blood.
You felt like you were hyperventilating, your breathing becoming more shallow and ragged. That feeling of needing to run came crashing down on you all over again. Only this time it was combated by a deep desire. A terrible fire beckoning you closer and closer to the man.
“You can run if you want.”
He took you by surprised when he said this. He… wants you to run?
“You’re already mine. You can’t live without me.”
His words send chills down your spine, and sent the hot feeling from your gut to… somewhere much more shameful. Ownership… a concept that made you embarrassingly flustered.
“So run if you want. You’ll be back tomorrow. You need me.”
The burning was making it difficult to turn away, but you straightened your back and tried you best to look this demon straight in his horrible eyes. “I don’t need you. I don’t even want to be around you.”
His smile only grew wider. “We’ll see.”
He turned, disappearing into the darkness of the mausoleum. Your breathing was still heavy, coming out rather ragged. Your neck was throbbing to the beat of your heart, and you had to use an extreme amount of concentration not to follow him into the black archway. Slowly, putting all your attention on placing one foot in front of the other, you found your way back home and texted Jungkook an apology for dashing off.
Tonight your rest was peaceful.
The marks on your neck were finally fading. They were still red and angry and painful to the touch, but they were starting to fade around the edges, the bruises becoming a paler blue. You sighed into the mirror. You had been trying to get ready for work for an excruciatingly long time now, but you couldn’t concentrate. Your mind kept wondering off to the mausoleum. You thought so much about the man’s eyes that you were certain it was going to drive you insane. They followed you everywhere, even if they did let you sleep last night.
The burning hadn’t gone away either. It was still in your abdomen, distracting you further. It was a hot feeling, impossible to ignore, and it too beckoned you to the cemetery. It was like a carnal need. A desire.
The word bounced around your head, making you dizzy. Desire, need, lust, it was all the same. A new sense of shame washed over you when you finally pinpointed the emotion. Desire for a monster that had been leeching off you until you could barely function. Desire for being hunted by him.
This wasn’t like you at all. You were always the safe one, the one who didn’t party often, the one who didn’t drink, the one who preferred to stay home alone. The one who didn’t sleep around. Well, not that you had ever slept with anyone anyway. One embarrassing blowjob was enough to have kept you satiated for years.
Until now.
And the feeling unsettled you. It only made you want to avoid the creature more.
You washed your face with cold water, hoping to distract yourself from the burning. You would just have to concentrate especially hard today.
The stranger came through your window again tonight. There was no blood on the sheets, he only towered over you with his deep eyes. He told you that you were a stupid animal. A dumb thing that couldn’t function without an owner. You believed him.
Sitting on the curb in your work jeans, you tried your hardest not to bawl. No matter what job you had, you always prided yourself on being good at it. And you were good at your job. You had worked in the deli and meats department of this grocery store for a little over a year now, and you were easily one of their most dependable and efficient workers. So when everything went wrong today, it bent you out of shape.
You felt so horribly stupid.
At first, it was minor things like grabbing a flat iron steak instead of an eye of round or longhorn instead of swiss. Dumb, but easily correctable with no real harm. But as the day went on it only got worse. You almost severed your fingers on the slicer having forgotten to tighten the blade before running ham through it. You forgot how to run the meat grinder, staring at it for an embarrassingly long time until someone reminded you that the meat grinder only has one button. There’s only one button, Y/N, press it to turn it on when its off and to turn it off when its on. By the middle of your shift, you forgot how to read numbers. A pound of ground chuck, half a pound of pepper jack, it all sounded fine but when you threw the bag of meat on the scale the symbols that flashed were unreadable.
That’s when they pulled you aside and asked if you were okay. If you needed to go the hospital, it seemed like you were having a stroke to them. Take the rest of the day off to regroup, they said.
And so you sat outside and cried. It made you feel even worse that the burning hadn’t gone away. That you still felt desperate to see the vampire even though you swore to yourself over and over that you wouldn’t go back to the cemetery ever again.
You kept wiping at your eyes, trying not to cry anymore until Jungkook’s car rolled up. You called him asking him to pick you up. You forgot where the bus stop was and Jungkook’s directions only made you more and more confused.
He asked the same questions as your co workers. Are you okay? Should you see a doctor? Doesn’t this seem like a stroke to you?
You just told him that you were tired.
You wanted to be alone, but you admit you were grateful that Jungkook insisted on staying with you. He put on a movie and sat on your floor with his chemistry homework spread around him, working as you sat huddled on your couch. You were even more grateful when he reminded you that your stomach rumbling was not in fact your stomach acid rupturing the lining and eating away at your small intestines like you were convinced, but in fact, meant that you were hungry.
Of course, you felt so fucking stupid you were surprised he didn't have to feed you the pizza he ordered like you were a baby.
He was reluctant to leave you, settling for making sure you crawled into bed okay before leaving. His eyes had the bright sheen of concern in them when he bid you goodnight and forced you to promise him that you would call him if you forgot anything else. You also promised you would go to the hospital tomorrow if you were still confused.
That night, you were in your kitchen. You were bawling at the stovetop because all you wanted to do was eat your tomato soup. You just wanted tomato soup. You had it in the pot with the water and milk mixed in, everything all ready, but you couldn’t figure out how to turn the burner on. So you stood there and cried like a five year old until the eyes came up behind you and turned the stove on. You need me, poor stupid thing, they said. It’ll only get worse the longer you go without me.
You woke up on your kitchen floor. You couldn’t remember how you got there. All you knew is that you were stupid, horny, tired, and so angry. The more you thought about it the angrier you became. It was all his fault. Him and his stupid dark eyes. This wasn’t you. This isn’t what you wanted to be.
You fumed, still sitting on the floor, until you made your mind up.
You were going to give that creature a piece of your mind.
The walk to the cemetery was confusing. It was still dark outside when you stormed out of your house, and the roads seemed to snake in a way they never had before. You were so frustrated to discover you have been circling your block for 10 minutes instead of going in the right direction, but eventually you wound up right where you wanted to be in front of the mausoleum. The gold doors were shut, and unsure about opening them yourself, you settled for pounding on the little white button, pressing it over and over until the vampire came to the door.
He seemed greatly irritated at the ruckus you caused, but you didn’t care.
“I have something to say to you!”
He raised an eyebrow and crossed his arms. “Oh? Do tell.”
You inhaled ready to let him have it when you realized you completely forgot the words. The sounds swam around in your brain like a school of anchovies, but none of them would form a syllable. None of them would form a word. You closed you eyes, wanting to cry. You knew, you knew this. Why couldn’t you remember?
He chuckled. “Did you forget? Oh you poor stupid thing.”
Rendered mute you shook your head and stamped your foot. Hot tears were forming in the corner of your eyes.
“I told you it would get worse. I told you you needed me.”
You shook your head again, furious. You knew, you just had to concentrate.
“I… don’t.” You forced the sounds out of your mouth slowly. They felt strange and foreign on your tongue, and you could only hope you said what you wanted to.
“I can fix it for you. I can make you feel better. Of course, you’ll always be a stupid little human no matter what I do, but at least you’ll feel good with me.”
“I’m not stupid! I know! I just can’t…” you swallowed back a sob, gaining more confidence in your language again. “remember! And it’s… your fault! It’s your fault!”
The vampire laughed. His laughter was tinged with pure joy and amusement.
“It’s not funny!”
“So what do you want me to do about it, pet?”
You shivered at the word pet, suddenly reminded of the burning that never quite went away.
“I want you to… to stop it! Just leave me… alone.” You still had to pause between words to think of the next one, your sentences no longer flowing but jaunty and forced.
“I don’t want to leave you alone.”
You were still trying to think of your next words when he grabbed your wrist. His touch was like ice and his grip was crushing. You instinctively grabbed his wrist, trying to pull him off you. Maybe he took your language and ability to slice meat but he hadn’t taken your fight yet. But you were no match for him. He only pulled you closer to him until you collapsed against his chest.
He chuckled and only continued, dragging you inside the mausoleum. The doors swung shut behind you plunging you into an absolute darkness. You breathing became ragged when he let go of your wrist. Stumbling, you tried to find something to hold onto. The pitch black was beginning to give you vertigo. You were being smothered by it. Dizzy.
Suddenly, the cold hands were on you again, wrapping around your torso and throat making you scream in surprised and terror.
He laughed loudly, the sound reverberating around the dark space.
He let go of you again and continued to torment you like that. Letting you stumble for footing in the dark and violently grabbing you and pulling you around from unexpected angles.
“S-stop!” You were crying now, no way to stop it.
“Do you remember my name, pet?” his voice was right in your ear, his lips touching the shell of it, making you jump out of your skin again.
His hand wrapped around your throat, his tongue darting out to lick the shell of your ear before speaking. “Jimin. Remember it. I want you to scream it.”
The name felt like a brand in your brain. If the other words were scrambled and fading then Jimin was red, flaming, and bold.
His icy touch disappeared and his voice came from somewhere farther away. “Do you want me? Do you need me?”
The word no died on your lips. You tried to scream it but something was holding it back. The burning in your gut said yes. Yes you want him so badly you ached. Your scrambled brain said yes. Yes you need him because you can’t live so confused, this can’t go on. Your body said yes. Yes you want him, he feels so good when he makes you bleed.
More confused than ever you hesitated.
“Don’t you need me, darling? Won’t you be my pet? My stupid little human. I’ll take such good care of you. You’re too dumb to live on your own, after all.”
More confusion. You weren’t dumb. You didn’t want to be dumb. But being taken care of did seem so… nice.
“Do I have to remind you of how good I am to you?”
His hands were on you again, gripping your hips tightly and pulling you into him. His lips were just as cold as his hands, and they made you shiver when they met yours. You didn’t have the strength to push him off of you, letting him work his lips against yours. You did admit, they felt… nice.
He broke the kiss, pulling you towards something hidden in the darkness. He gave you a shove and the ground was no longer under your feet. You tumbled forwards down a hidden flight of stairs, crying when you hit the bottom. You ankle hurt just as bad as it did when you first sprained it, your hands felt scraped, and you had smashed your knee hard against the floor.
“Aw, stupid puppy did you fall?”
The tears were freely soaking your face now. Whether from pain or fear you didn’t know, but you couldn’t hold them back anymore.
“You pushed me…”
Jimin gasped in fake surprise. “Oh my goodness, someone pushed you? How cruel, who would do such a thing?”
Before you could even try to confront him about the fact that it was obviously him, he grabbed your shirt and roughly pulled you to your feet. His mouth slammed against yours again knocking the wind out of you. His teeth sank into your bottom lip and you could taste the metallic tang of your own blood. Jimin moaned greedily into the bloody kiss.
The burning in your abdomen grew worse when his slick tongue worked its way into your mouth. You finally kissed back meekly, which only seemed to fuel Jimin’s hunger. You struggled to keep up with his almost frantic pace.
He began to pull you as he walked backwards, making sure to keep your bloody lips attached. You stumbled along with him, limping painfully. You winces and whimpers only seemed to egg him on. There was an animalistic growl growing in the back of his throat. You could feel his chest rumbling with it. It both scared you and fueled the fire that had moved even lower than your abdomen, settling right between you legs where you wanted it the least.
Jimin spun you around suddenly and pushed you away from him sending you tripping into the darkness. You panted and brought your hand to your bottom lip where the blood was still slowly oozing.
“You like being in the dark. You love being hunted, don’t you?”
You stammered, “N-no.”
There was a harsh snort from somewhere in the black. “Don’t you dare lie to me, you idiot. I can smell your arousal from here.”
“That’s not—“
“Oh is it my fault again? Know this, pet. I can’t give you urges you don’t already have. I can only build upon what’s there. What you push so far back into your head that you don’t even realize it exists isn’t my issue. I just brought it out of you. I just reminded you that you crave this.”
“I don’t!” You were stubborn and not about to let this fiend bully you into believing you wanted to be chased. That you wanted to be like this.
“You want to be a stupid whore in heat.” His hands hit your chest, pushing you and making you stagger backwards. “This is your need and I was made to fulfill it.”
“I never wanted this!”
“Stupid thing.” Jimin grabbed you and shoved you again. The backs of your knees hit something soft and you fell on what felt like a bed.
“You were begging to be owned from the second I first saw you.”
You were silent. The more he insisted this is your fantasy, your dark desire, the more confused you became. You could not deny the familiar burn between your legs. You could not deny the comfort in being completely taken care of, of having nothing to worry about ever again. But Jimin was cruel. He scared you, he insulted you, and he drank from you.
“It doesn’t matter if you admit it or not.” He scoffed somewhere above you. “You’re mine now. I’ll do with you what I please.”
A hard lump formed in your throat as you realized.
You weren’t leaving this mausoleum.
Even if you kept fighting with yourself and even if you convinced yourself to be less confused, you still would never be able to overpower Jimin. Not with your ankle, your knee, your bleeding hands and lip. Even if you were the perfect picture of health you doubted that you could take him.
“There’s nothing you can do.”
He was right. A cool feeling ran over you, making you shiver. Helplessness.
It made you clench your thighs. You hated that about yourself.
Jimin didn’t waste any more time talking or tormenting you. He had enough, it seemed. He tore your clothes from your body with surprising swiftness. You didn’t bother fighting back or even protesting. There was nothing you could do. He was quick to roughly position your body, and faster to bind ropes around you locking you into place. He had you completely exposed to him, arms above your head, legs wide and unable to close.
You tried to focus on your breathing and not the cold air encasing your oh so exposed body.
Jimin mumbled something you didn’t quite catch, before he left you in silence and darkness. You pulled against your restraints a little, testing them. They were tight and already cutting into you in ways they shouldn’t. You may be inexperienced in the bedroom, but you knew enough to know that the ropes should not be biting into your skin this way.
You’re sure Jimin was just trying to make you bleed more.
You heard the strike of a match and suddenly a dim light flickered. The room was incredibly dark still, but bright enough that you could see. Jimin’s figure was bent over a cluster of candles, carefully lighting each one. The cold room was made entirely from stone. Red tulle and fabrics were draped along the walls like extravagant, windowless curtains. You could make out the shadows of wardrobes and dressers.
Jimin reappeared, hovering above your body for a spell. His eyes were as hypnotizing as ever as they raked across your naked form. He hummed in satisfaction.
“This is how a dumb pet should always be” he mused. “Exposed.”
You shivered, and he began to go to work on your body.
His tongue, hot and wet, explored your skin. His mouth, you thought, is the only warm part of his body. It wasn’t long before he started biting. Not with the intent to feed, but just to watch you bleed. His sharp teeth made you writhe and twist against your restraints. You whined and cried when he started nipping at your breasts.
“Tell me you like it.”
He sank his teeth deeply into the sensitive flesh around your areola making you scream.
“I-I don’t—“
“Tell me the truth, stupid bitch.”
He repeated the action on the previously unmarked breast and you were ashamed of the way your body arched into his mouth at his painful action.
“I-I like it!”
You could feel the blood oozing from the teeth marks as he attacked your underboob.
“It feels… I-it feels, ah, it hurts but I need it! I really need it!”
It felt somewhat liberating to say it, but you weren’t sure if it was the truth or not.
“Good girl. Doesn’t it feel good to do as I say, dumb puppy?”
Your body twitched as his cold hands ghosted down your sides and settled on the insides of your thighs. He was giving you goosebumps, and you didn’t know if it was anxiety or arousal. He brought his head back up to your neck as his hand ghosted over your labia. Your whole body jolted and you gasped sharply.
He stopped licking your neck to look you in the eyes when you said this. They burned into you. For a split second, you couldn’t stop yourself from thinking about how beautiful he was. Angelic. Sculpted. But his siren voice, now coming out in a harsh growl, brought you back from the thought quickly.
“Don’t what?” It wasn’t a question of concern. It was a challenge. He was challenging you to defy him. To deny him.
“N-no one has ever…” you trailed off unable to finish the thought.
His eyes shone with something else then. Hunger, lust, some sort of wild untamed emotion you couldn’t place.
“A virgin. I’m your first. I’m your only.” His voice was a harsh growl now, sounding more animal than human. He punctuated his statement by gripping your organ tightly making you jolt and cry again.
“D-… Stop…” your words felt weaker. You weren’t in the position to stop him anyway.
“Stop thinking. Stop fighting it. Just let go. Repeat after me.”
He slid a finger up and down your folds making your thighs quiver.
“I am a stupid animal.”
You swallowed, your thick spit before you repeated his words quietly.
“I am… a stupid animal.”
He roughly pushed a finger inside you. You gasped and whined at the sudden, uncomfortable intrusion.
“I am too dumb to live on my own.”
“I am too dumb to live on my own.”
Another finger was forced into you. There was slight pain at suddenness of it all.
“I am always in heat.”
“I am always in heat.”
A third finger. It stung.
“I think with my cunt, not my brain.”
“I think with my cunt, not my brain.”
He started pumping the fingers in and out of you. It didn’t feel good.
“So I need Jimin.”
“So I need… Jimin.”
He picked up the pace, going quicker. The stinging was starting to subside, but you wished he was touching your clit instead.
“To survive.”
“To survive.”
“Say it all together.”
As if he was accepting your silent wish, he started circling your clit with his thumb. Finger fucking you and stimulating you closer to an edge.
“I… am a stupid animal. I am too dumb to live on my own. I am always in heat. I think with my cunt, not my brain. So I need Jimin to survive.”
“Good girl.” Jimim hissed. “Say it again.”
You were close to the edge now, very close to teetering over it. You felt humiliated he was bringing you this close to orgasm while forcing you to say such things about yourself.
“I am a stupid animal. I am too dumb to live on my own. I am always in heat. I think with my cunt, not my brain. So I need Jimin to survive.”
“Say it until you believe it. Look in my eyes and say it until you believe it.”
You slowly brought your eyes to meet his. Something in you begged you not to do it. You knew what his eyes did, why else would they follow you everywhere? Why else would they haunt you in your dreams? If you do this, that small something that still had sense in your head screamed, it’s the nail in the coffin. There’s no coming back from it.
You took a shaky breath, the feeling in your abdomen starting to burn signaling how close you were. You continued to stare right into his deep brown eyes.
“I am a stupid animal. I am too dumb to live on my own. I am always in heat. I think with my cunt, not my brain. So I need Jimin to survive.”
Jimin ripped his fingers from you before you could make it over the edge. You cried and whined at your loss but felt relieved to be empty. Jimin never took his unblinking eyes off yours, and you felt that it would be impossible for you to turn your head and look away.
“I am a stupid animal. I am too dumb to live on my own. I am always in heat. I think with my cunt, not my brain. So I need Jimin to survive.”
Jimin hissed in satisfaction as you continued to chant the mantra over and over again. The voice in your head begging you to stop was getting more and more quiet. Jimin moved his body as you continued chanting, maneuvering to rid himself of his clothes without taking his eyes off yours. You stopped chanting only when a sharp pain ripped through your lower body.
You screamed and shut your eyes, the tears new again. It felt like your vagina was being ripped in half. You knew what he did had done. You had seen the way his hands tore his pants off, the way he lowered himself. And you knew what he was going to do. But you did not expect it to hurt so badly. Your body shook and you breath was ragged.
“Look at me, stupid thing, keep saying it.”
You struggled to open your eyes, and the words didn’t leave your throat very well. Jimin stayed still inside you, and continued staring at you intently as you struggled through the sentences. The burning in your walls died down a bit, the pain becoming more manageable. You wished he had gone in slower. Let you adjust to his girth one section at a time instead of forcing himself inside you, but you supposed that wouldn’t be his style. The words began to leave your mouth more easily as Jimin started to move.
He was not slow, nor gentle, slamming himself into you at a pace you did not know how to cope with. The words were numb on your tongue and you stopped thinking about their meaning, their consequence. Jimin’s hands wrapped around your hips tightly, leaving deep purple bruises for tomorrow. Your words started to trail off. You were too focused on the feeling inside you. The fullness and the discomfort. The throbbing in your clit.
Eventually it started to feel… good. Too good to ignore.
Jimin took his eyes off you and buried his face in your neck when you stopped speaking altogether. You could only whine and moan, twisting at the ropes that help you in place. You were so focused on the burning feeling in your cunt that you barely noticed when Jimin sunk his teeth into your neck. It felt like a mere prick compared to what was happening to your body elsewhere.
You arched your back as much as you could and finally let go, letting the wines turn into loud moans and nonsense exclamations. His name fell from your lips a few times which made him shudder against you. You probably sounded like the biggest whore, but it didn’t matter. You felt too hot. Too much burning. You couldn’t think.
You came undone in a spectacular fashion, practically screaming Jimin’s name, your whole body trembling with the force of the orgasm. Jimin groaned into your neck and continued to chase his own high as you came down from yours, dizzy and thoughtless. Dizzy and stupid.
Jimin’s own orgasm seemed powerful, his body shuddering as it happened his own growls turning into a higher pitched whine as he finished.
He sat up pushing himself out of you. You felt sticky and dirty and could feel the hot blood running down your neck.
Smirking, Jimin dipped a finger in the thick flow of blood and brought it down to your abdomen. On your skin right above your messy cunt he wrote with the blood carefully.
“I own you.”
“You own me.”
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nineslover · 3 years
Need this to be continued 😌....
heart shaped box
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[8:34 am] yes yeonjun wastes no time. slightly suggestive.
demon!yeonjun who you unknowingly summon from a heart shaped box. hueningkai brings to you a box that he bought, he was scammed. the box isn't any ordinary box for it holds a demon in it! :D unbeknownst to both of you, the demon inside is hungry. he hasn't had his fix in ages, in addition to that he's a succubus. kai leaves the box with you since he doesn't want it anymore, yay, it's not like you do either. you leave the box in your living room and decide to leave it at that, going to sleep. the next morning when you wake up, you barely realize the thing you left on your table isn't in the place you left it. "hello~" you hear a sly voice. you live alone and kai's voice doesn't sound like that. you hear him before you see him. he's a tall boy, his dark hair is styled to look messy and he has multiple piercings. his clothes are black and sleek but you don't let your eyes wander on the intruder in your home. "how did you get in my house?" you subtly look around to see if there's anything around you that you could use as a weapon. he decides to toy with you, "you let me in," he smiles. you threaten to call the police on him, you don't care how fine he looks. he tells you you can try but they'll probably throw you in a mental hospital. he steps closer to you and you can finally tell that he towers over you. he leans down, comically so, whispering in your ear. "too bad, you're mine now." he lets his tongue run along the crest of your ear & when he stands back up and you shiver. "or maybe not too bad," he smiles.
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nineslover · 3 years
*Minors DNI 🔞
* I don't tolerate snowflakes/ woke people!
* Request box is open for now
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nineslover · 3 years
Hi there 👋
Welcome to my blog🌷🌷🌷
Please read
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nineslover · 3 years
He's so fine 😳 💦
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nineslover · 3 years
Bringing this back cuz he looks so damn fine here
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nineslover · 3 years
This made me feel some type of way (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.)
why can't I get the idea of soobin loving nursing out of my head. my head just keeps imagining how he would be so enamored with your boobs, that he'd keep on buying you super cute but also ridiculous bras, that have big cut-outs and don't really hide anything, he'd especially love those who show your nipples. he wouldn't even take them off when he's suckling because of how needy he is. Soobin could stay latched to you for so long, and he'd be so happy about it, just sucking and licking on your nipples as if it's his last meal. I just know soobin would be the type to beg to suck on them, throughout the day, even in inappropriate places, bby just wants his fix, and will whine about it if you don't do anything about it.
haha, i can't blame you, it's such a perfect idea. thinking about Soobin wanting to nurse anywhere and everywhere, all the time is almost painfully cute. 🥺 normally, he's just too anxious about doing stuff anywhere you could get caught (even if that doesn't stop you), but thinking about your nipples in his mouth just makes him too stupid to be worried about anything. head empty, no thoughts, only the need to bury his face in your chest. 🤤
Soobin loves all your underwear, loves the casual everyday stuff for the way it's what's waiting for him under your shirt most days, for the way it's clings to your skin for so long it takes on your heat, your scent. but once he gets more confident and comfortable about your relationship, he definitely really enjoys shopping for pretty things to dress you up in.
he loves anything that's super pretty and impractical, loves the indulgence of dressing you in something that only he gets to see. imagine crisscrossing ribbons that make you look like a present just for him to unwrap, layers of sheer tulle and lace that make you look like a little layered cake for him to eat up, rows and rows of ruffles and bows that make you look like his little doll.
it's the kind of thing the two of you make a whole afternoon of—the top (whether it's a bra or corset or swishy little babydoll) is always the main feature, but Soobin's not going to let you be incomplete—there's always bottoms to match, plus stockings or socks, maybe a garter belt, definitely at least a few accessories...
although it's mostly for him, you can't deny that it's a soothing way to pass the time. the brush of his fingertips across your skin, his voice soft in your ear, the soft swish of fabric as he dresses you—it all makes you feel so gently warm and hazy, thoughts going fuzzy as Soobin takes care of everything for you, even movement.
when he's finally done, he'll pick you up and carry you to the bed or the couch and just settles down with you draped over his lap. you're so relaxed you just melt into him, and he snuggles into you like you're a little plush, buries his face in his chest and plays with your hair. cuddling always quickly turns into soft kisses pressed along the tops of your breasts, turns into him urgently nudging down the cup of your bra to wrap his lips around your nipple.
he's so gently needy, soft hums and sighs reverberating from his mouth to your chest, filling you with warmth. the two of you spend ages like this, Soobin ignoring his aching cock in favor of losing himself in taste and smell of you, the feeling of your hands running through his hair and the steady rise and fall of your chest beneath him. he only pulls away to take in the sight of you, warm flushed skin wrapped up in ribbons and lace he picked just for you, before dipping back in to worship your breasts.
it's you that eventually pushes things to go further, rolling your hips up to grind against the solid length of him, your underwear dark and damp with arousal from the way he's slowly worked you up. even then, he takes his time with you, long fingers dipping down the front of your panties to ease you open, still suckling at your aching, overstimulated nipples. when he finally slides your underwear to the side to press into you, you're already almost painfully close to cumming, pleasure thrumming under your skin in hot, steady pulses.
when you finally tip over the edge, it's like a wave crashing over you—inevitable and overwhelming, any thought you had left dragged away under its pull. when you resurface, it's to big hands cupping and stroking your breasts, plush lips still wrapped around one of your nipples, as Soobin empties into you with short, sharp thrusts. when he collapses onto you with a soft whine, you can already feel his cum leaking out around his cock, leaving sticky-hot trails where it drips down your skin.
the two of you stay like that for a while, hazy and warm. Soobin's still tucked inside of you as you curl into the warmth of his body, his ear pressed to your chest to listen to the slow evening out of your heartbeat.
tagging: @jensdior
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nineslover · 3 years
Choi Yeonjun is the type of guy that can get you wet 💦 just by staring.
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