nike75 · 2 years
My Thoughts on Supergirl 5x17
Okay, here’s the thing… We didn’t need an entire episode illustrating how Lex is perfectly in control of his new reality and that he’s leagues ahead of his opponents. We already knew this, and had been seeing enough snippets of this sort of action in previous episodes that we didn’t really need an entire episode about it. 
The only two sources of plot movement on a large and small scale came from Lena and Eve. With Lena’s kindness overriding her sense of betrayal, she traveled just a smidgen closer to resolving the rift between her and Kara. Eve thought she was getting out from under the season’s omnipotent baddie, only to find herself under the thumb of an equally vile overlord. In both instances, Lex reached out and wrenched both of them right back to where they started. 
If that isn’t a precise illustration for how Lex’s presence has essentially arrested any and all plot development in the show this season, I don’t know what is.
Some highlights:
- It had some beautiful visuals, and that is a fact. One shot that particularly caught my eye was one shot over the upper level banister while Lex and Lillian were playing chess. Made me a little disappointed that it wasn’t Lena spying on them, but still cool.
- The only interesting plot reveal out of the entire episode is that Lex caused the death of Jeremiah, and that’s only because I figured that Jeremiah dying was just a hand wave to get Alex stuck in VR.
- Mama Luthor!! 
- It’s a shame that Lex has so taken over the show that a Lex-heavy episode is no longer synonymous with a Lena-heavy episode. If anything, I expected to see some scenes where he and Lena had a chance to bond on an emotional level– such as defending Lena’s pursuits to Lillian at family dinner, or playing chess, or having drinks.
- Is there a reason the Fortress of Solitude has a sun-eater casually chilling behind an unlocked door? Asking for a friend.
The scene between Lena and Kara at CatCo was beautiful, and was a perfect first step to them healing. It’s a shame that Kara’s sensitivity seemed to evaporate during the scene at the Fortress. Finding the missing people was important, but not so urgent that Kara couldn’t have paused to explain that Lena might know of four other ways to track q-waves, but they didn’t have Lena to call on anymore. Instead she just brushed Lena’s concerns off in a fit of moral superiority and dismissed them as inconsequential to the urgency of the task at hand. 
It definitely reinforces the idea that Kara might be kind and sensitive as Kara Danvers, but cold and cruel as Supergirl. That sort of dichotomy won’t fly if Kara really wants to fix things with Lena.
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nike75 · 2 years
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lanaparrilla A delicious taste of Nature’s best! #Iceland 🧊 Nearly broke my tooth biting into this ice that was literally chipped off the glacier behind me but holy wow was it refreshing! Missing excursions like these today . . . #Nordic #adventure #nature #healing #yesplease #vacation #dreamcometrue #heavenonearth #bucketlist ☑️
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nike75 · 2 years
Just saw your Red Notice post and I have to say I'm partial to the Sam-Lena-Kara and the Kara-Lena-Nia simply because the banter in those options would be gold.
I'm leaning towards Nia as Booth because she has that hunger, you know? Both as an up-and-coming thief and as a baby gay.
Plus, I think she'd pull off the Ryan Reynolds humor style pretty well.
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nike75 · 3 years
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nike75 · 3 years
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bonus emma swan & regina mills text post content part whatever
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nike75 · 4 years
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nike75 · 4 years
Coalitiongirl Swan Queen Fanfic Thread (by Season)
I’ve been meaning to do this for forever but I never had a chance and then I was away for so long! AO3 has great tags but it’s still kind of difficult to categorize fics by timeline in the way that I’ve always wanted them? So below, a list of my fics in some kind of order:
(Note: a lot of fics will span multiple seasons. If there’s one season that’s the main season for it, I’ll put it in there, but otherwise I have a section at the end for those.)
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nike75 · 8 years
Dem kann ich mich nur anschließen. Mir geht Lilly derzeit so dermaßen auf den Senkel.
Die Wohlgesinnten
Gut gemeint ist noch lange nicht gut gemacht. Und wenn die Studentin ehrlich mit sich selbst wäre, müsste sie sich eingestehen, dass eine Scheinehe mit einer bekennenden Lesbe, über die das ganze Viertel Bescheid wusste, ein zu fragiles Konstrukt war, als dass es auch noch außereheliche Schäferstündchen aushalten könnte. Doch davon will sie nichts wissen. Weshalb sie sich gerade zur Mutter Theresa aufschwingt, die das Elend der Welt schultern will. Mit dem Unterschied, dass nicht Nächstenliebe sondern Liebeskummer ihr Handeln leitet. Wenn das Fräulein ihr dabei gerade so zuschaut, erinnert es sich nur zu gut, dass diese Figur einmal ein Suchtproblem hatte. Was bewältigt schien, war nur gebändigt, im Korsett eines ereignislosen Lebens zwischen Studium und nettem Freund gerade mal im Zaum gehalten. Jetzt ist alles anders und es hat durchaus etwas Manisches, wie sie derzeit im Stechschritt durch die Seife marschiert. Wenn die Süchtigen eines eint, dann dass sie den Sinn für die Dosis verlieren. Bei der Studentin jedenfalls ist alles im Übermaß vorhanden: Verachtung und Wut gegen die Verräter und Mitwisser, eine Selbstgerechtigkeit, die an Selbstverleugnung grenzt, zuletzt auch eine Hybris, die sie übergriffig gegen die eigenen Freunde werden lässt. Eine Figur, die viel zu früh erwachsen war, scheint im Eiltempo die pubertären Trotzphasen nachholen zu wollen. Es bekommt ihr nicht gut: Früher einmal, als sich genügend Chaoten um sie versammelten, war ihre Vernunft noch erfrischend. In ihrem Helferkomplex wurde sie sturzlangweilig und ihr blinder Aktionismus ist reichlich unreif und vor allem ziemlich ärgerlich.
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nike75 · 9 years
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This is from the slut walk. One of the arguments is that girls ask for rape because they wear slutty clothes, short skirts, tight, low-cut tops. This girl is an example of the fact that rape victims can look like anyone, you, me, this girl. Rapists. Dont. Discriminate.
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nike75 · 9 years
I am getting so excited, can't believe that this is really happening
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So tickets are now officially on sale for the A&J FAN MEETING in Berlin APRIL 25, 2015!! And YES both Linda AND Janina will be there (and another special guest). And I’m super excited and pumped to be moderating this event (EEEEEE!!!!). So...
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nike75 · 9 years
Anni & Jasmin 2014 Year in Review (Special Recap)
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So get your cup of tea ready and sit back and enjoy this SUPER DOOPER MEGA recap of all the important moments of 2014. I know it’s super long, but it’s worth every second, I promise.  And stay tuned for a special bonus from some of our international fans, towards the end. 
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Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you all. Looking forward to an amazing 2015 #teamruhse
If the above player doesn’t work try this DIRECT LINK
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nike75 · 10 years
A big Thank You to Lillian for the translation.
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nike75 · 10 years
Perfect word. Thank you, my friend!
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So recent events have prompted me to post this. The Anni / Jasmin fandom is slowly growing larger and larger, with new fans finding out about this amazing show every day. People are starting to watch from every corner of the world and news is spreading like wildfire about the amazing...
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nike75 · 10 years
First Ever Video Recap of Ep 5583 (18.09.14)
Hi all. So to celebrate our International Anni and Jasmin Facebook Group finally passing 1000 members, some of you have asked me for a video recap. So…enjoy!
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nike75 · 10 years
** WARNING, reading this recap will most likely cause you uncontrollable laughter, so if you’re reading this in a public place, it might cause others to think you’re a bit weird. So if you’re reading this alone, go somewhere public, like right now. We’re all a little weird, let’s embrace it **
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nike75 · 10 years
That's really beautiful, love it.
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nike75 · 10 years
Hi, I’m Jade from Taiwan. Recently I read your discussions about Jasmin and Anni story and I really love it! I’d like to join the FB group,can you mail me the link to it? Thank you very much! Sincerely, Jade
Can you ask me this question again but not "anonym" because I can't send you the link openly.I'll explain when I answer you in person.Thanks!
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