nightfallmare · 9 hours
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floating duck 🍑⁣
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nightfallmare · 11 hours
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Three extremely unintelligent individuals.
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nightfallmare · 3 days
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Elysium_Ink portrait
Psst, if you’d like a portrait for your own OC my waiting list is currently empty :3 GET ON THE WAITING LIST Make sure to take time and read everything including my TOS
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nightfallmare · 6 days
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Kubesele, Latvia
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nightfallmare · 6 days
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nightfallmare · 7 days
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Princess Mononoke (1997) background art
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nightfallmare · 8 days
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Howl at the moon until your lungs give out
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nightfallmare · 8 days
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Death kiss
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nightfallmare · 10 days
Please consider: cuddly jumbo pet millipede.
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Extra stuff
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nightfallmare · 14 days
freaky fungi fact - mycology vocab :-)
deliquescence : the process of certain fungi (most often ink caps) where they turn to liquid.
this process is observed in a handful of different fungi !! as their caps mature, they furl inward & turn to a spore-filled, inky liquid.
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yes, this liquid can be harvested & used for actual pen ink. :-) just make sure to add preservatives to avoid it causing a rotten smell.
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to use it in a sentence : the mushrooms above are experiencing deliquescence ; they are deliquescing !! ink caps are deliquescent.
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nightfallmare · 14 days
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Illustrating some literal mushroom names in anticipation of baby's first convention season (as an independent artist)
Here's 1 out of 3 - Chicken of the Woods!
Come see me at VanCAF in May if you like chickens and/or mushrooms. I'll have stickers and postcards and other art toooo
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nightfallmare · 15 days
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It's nice to see them together that way ! A collection of works I will sell as cards at Paris City Pop in june ♥
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nightfallmare · 16 days
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The Lamb
My Lamb from Cult of the Lamb! His name is Orville and he’s a foodie I’ve been very into the game lately
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nightfallmare · 16 days
North Idaho Gothic
-The pines in the forest don’t bend, and they don’t break. No matter how heavy the rain or how strong the wind, they will stand perfectly still. Nobody asks why.
-Do not cut down the trees here. They will be back.
-The sky is blue, not a cloud to be seen. Rain falls. Nobody ever wonders why. Still, the sky is clear, and rain falls.
-Do not swim in Lake Pend Orielle. It will draw you in. Do not touch the water. The things that live in its depths are waiting.
-The towns may seem small, but you will get lost. The streets keep going, on and on, ever narrower. The buildings watch you lose your way, and they smile.
-The dogs don’t bark after nightfall. Ever. They keep their silent vigil until dawn. You wonder why, but the look in their eyes tells you everything.
-Nobody ever comes or goes. If someone does come, they won’t be here for long. They don’t know this land, or its laws. Sooner or later they will break one, and they will be gone.
-The missionaries will be at your door with a smile and you turn them away. They smile, and you turn them away. Something about the smile seems hollow, empty. You never look at their eyes, nobody does. Nobody knows what they will see, and they don’t want to find out.
-There are children’s toys littered around almost every yard, but you never see any children. Every time you look out the window, the toys have moved.
-On every street, all but one streetlamp is dead. No one goes out after nightfall, because they know what is under the dark streetlamps. If you ask them they will deny it, but they know.
-If you see a river stone with a hole in it, don’t touch it. And no matter what, never look through it. When you return home, it won’t be the same as when you left it.
-It’s quiet in the forest, but don’t let that deceive you. They are watching. You know it, because you hear the distant tinkle of windchimes and the chill on the back of your neck.
-Don’t wander. You won’t find your way back. You never will.
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nightfallmare · 16 days
Tips for Spotting Bad & Bullshit History
There’s no way to make sure you never fall for historical misinformation, and I’m not expecting anyone to fact-check every detail of everything they read unless they’re getting paid for it. But you can make an effort to avoid the Worst Takes.
Ask yourself – if I wanted to verify this, where would I start? If you look at a statement and can’t actually find any facts to check, then you already know it’s bullshit.
Read the Wikipedia article on weasel words. Some experts say it’s very helpful!
Look for specifics: a who, a what, a where, a when. If one of those is missing or very broad, that’s a red flag. Statements need to be rooted in a time and a place. “People in the past have always…” Nope.
Vague is bad. Unless you’re looking at a deliberate large-scale overview that’s being broad and generalizing on purpose, you want names and dates and places and primary sources, pictures and quotes and examples.
But an example is not a trend. There’s a difference between what’s possible and what’s common, and history is full of exceptions and outliers. Extremely unusual people and events are overrepresented in the historical record (because nobody writes down what’s normal,) and they can tell us a lot about history, but they’re not directly representative of their place or time. Imagine a historian trying to reconstruct the 21st century based solely on Kiwifarm.
If a historian is competent or even just trying, you won’t have to go digging for sources, they will be shoved right into your face. Not out of mere academic rigor, but because a person who found them, either first- or second hand, is proud to have found them. People who have proof want to show you the proof, people who figured something out will want to show you their work, walk you through it. If they don’t, ask yourself – how do you know this? And - why won’t you tell me how you know this?
Someone might have a legit historical source, and then try to stretch it to cover times and places where it no longer applies. What’s true of 12th century England may not be true of 14th century Venice, even though both are “Medieval Europe,” so watch for those stretches.
Anecdotes are fine, they reveal a lot about people’s values and perceptions, pro historians often use them for context, but what anecdotes are not is factual truth. Notice when someone is feeding you cute anecdotes.
If someone attributes a large-scale social or cultural transformation to a single person or event, yeah that’s usually bullshit. Chances are, that person was part of a larger trend, a small link in a long chain. You can still appreciate their contribution, just put it in context!
Second-guess anyone who acts like they possess secret knowledge that the Media or Academia (or somebody) is hiding, they’re usually bullshit. Remember, if something has a Wikipedia article, it’s not actually a dark secret.
Remember that if it happened in the past sixty years, tons of people will still remember it, and you can literally just go and ask them.
Learn to recognise a smear tactic. Did this person really fuck dogs, or was their posthumous biography written by their worst enemy? Should we take it at face value? Also learn to recognise overt propaganda in the opposite direction: is the king that great or does he have a court historian on retainer? Remember that people sometimes *lie* in their autobiographies.
It’s fine to speculate about what “could” or “might” have happened, professional historians also fill the gaps in the sources with the occasional educated guess. But failing to differentiate clearly between fact and speculation is a huge mistake.
Do not seek validation in history. It’s not there. I’m not saying you should approach history in an impersonal, apolitical way, of course not. Our present situation influences our interpretation of history, and it should. What I’m saying is, try not to hang too much of your individual or group identity on a historical narrative. Especially if it’s bullshit. You’re worthy and human because you’re worthy and human today, not because of the deeds and misdeeds of people in the past.
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nightfallmare · 17 days
Pacific Northwestern Gothic
All the gift stores have mugs, fans, clothes, etc., with the infamous sasquatch printed on them. You've never seen him yourself, but you've heard from a friend of a friend...
The schools are filled with children, but oddly enough, never in your life have you seen a single child in the neighborhood.
There are beaches here. Big ones, too. But, they're not like the crowded touristy beaches of California and the like. No, there's a reason no one talks about these beaches. They're dark, windy, cold, and the water is vicious. You grew up on stories of people being dragged out into the waves and never seen again. These beaches are filled with dead birds buried in the sand. One time, you saw the bloody corpse of a baby seal, being torn apart by vultures. And everyone knows to run when you see the vultures.
Don't drive in the fog. You don't know what's in it, nor do you want to.
Every day at noon, they test the tsunami sirens. They're supposed to last only a few seconds, unless there really is a tsunami, in which case they will blare for at least two minutes. Nobody really bats an eye when they blare, it's practically a lunch bell to them. But still, every time, there are those few second where everyone goes silent, listening, counting the seconds the sirens go. And the panic that ensues within you when the siren goes on for just a little too long...
The mountains go on forever. Don't bother trying to reach the end of the trail. You won't.
At night, you can hear the coyotes calling. Best to keep your pets inside. Let them out when you hear the coyotes and you might not see them again.
Sometimes, you'll look out your window at night and there might be a deer right at your window. Ignore it, it just likes to watch you sleep. Do not provoke it. You don't know just what happens if you do, but you're father always told you...
Don't let your dog off leash if it barks while on a walk in the woods. It knows something you don't, but it doesn't know not to chase whatever it is.
There's a church at every corner. You're pretty sure there's never been a service at any of them.
Dear skulls. Dear skulls everywhere.
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nightfallmare · 17 days
I think some people forget that some literature and some media is meant to be deeply uncomfortable and unsettling. It's meant to make you have a very visceral reaction to it. If you genuinely can't handle these stories then you are under no obligation to consume them but acting as if they have no purpose or as if people don't have a right to tell these stories, stories that often relate to the darkest or most disturbing parts of life, then you should do some introspection.
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