nigellica · 2 days
I also think that all the "um okay knives out & glass onion were good. Wrap it up now" posts are so funny. You're tripping if you think there's not going to be at least five Benoit Blanc films lol
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nigellica · 2 days
Knowing that trans women of color started the movement in the united states and were literally immediately erased and excluded from what they started is the most deeply jading knowledge.
It is the original sin of the so-called queer community and it damns it from the cradle.
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nigellica · 5 days
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When the anti "LGBT propaganda" law passed in Russia, all of you were going insane and cared. Give Georgia the same energy. If you can have sympathy for our oppressors on the basis of them being queer, you should keep the same energy for us, if not more.
If this law passes, every Georgian queer person I know is so severely fucked, myself included. If you make jokes about "being illegal in several countries" you better fucking care about the countries you're apparently illegal in, or going to be illegal in.
Make sure to spread this around. This is important.
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nigellica · 6 days
Echoing through the trees
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occasional posts from users
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nigellica · 8 days
Today is the Glorious 25th of May, the day the gallant members of the Ankh-Morpork City Watch fought for Truth, Justice, Freedom, Reasonably Priced Love, and a Hard-Boiled Egg, and died (including Reg Shoe, who then came back as a zombie and fought some more) in the Glorious Revolution of Treacle Mine Road.
Today is also Towel Day: because as the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy says, a towel is about the most massively useful thing an interstellar hitchhiker can have -- and a hoopy frood ALWAYS knows where his towel is.
/GNU Terry Pratchett (1948 - 2015) //GNU Douglas Adams (1952 - 2001)
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nigellica · 8 days
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it’s canon TO ME!!!
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nigellica · 9 days
whenever people are like ‘who’s your favourite character in 911’, it’s like … babe. i don’t fuckin know. depends who i’m looking at at the time. the position of the sun. the wind chill. the precipitation prediction. i love them all. i love them all way too much.
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nigellica · 9 days
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I'm just going to leave this right here
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nigellica · 9 days
the Cat King telling Edwin to count cats in Port Townsend was actually brilliant:
it is non sexual, thus overcoming Edwin's repression walls
it is not entirely non-sensical, he is a cat anyway
it is not an one-and-done chore
and most importantly: it forces Edwin to run around the city thinking about cats (aka the Cat King) constantly
while using the cats that Edwin encounters to keep tabs on him
just. *chef's kiss*
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nigellica · 9 days
Eddie bringing Ana and Marisol into his house - into his and Christopher's life not knowing how it might badly affect his son in the long run. Especially knowing he's not into those relationships 100%. That's terrible! I thought that was it.
Kim - a lookalike of his dead wife - in his home, is the worst Eddie has ever did. Because he's not just causing Marisol the heartbreak, he's also breaking his son's heart. And that is the worst a parent could ever do to their child. Your home suppose to be your safe space away from the craziness of the outside world and yet, poor Christopher, caught his dad hugging his mom lookalike.
I'm so fucking mad! I don't care much if Eddie is cheating or is just pretending to have a good family with Marisol or with Ana before but that kid has been through so much already and yet, this happened. He didn't deserve this!
I don't know what you are, Diaz! But get a grip, girl! You're making other people miserable and hurt because of your life choices.
No one can fix you. Not even Buck! Do fucking better. Heal yourself and go to therapy.
Seriously, why is it their definition of happiness is to have a romantic partner? Why?
I'm looking at you Eddie. And especially to you, Buck!!!
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nigellica · 9 days
Okay but they have the opportunity to do something so unique in TV.
Let Bobby move to an administrative role, or retire, and still be part of the show instead of killing him off or moving him to Florida or something.
If he's wanting to be less physical, let that happen and keep him around. Let him still be a main character just in a different role. Let him still be the father figure, let him be a house husband if he wants, let him bring meals and worry over Athena.
Just don't fucking kill him.
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nigellica · 10 days
People have the right to love and/or hate whatever ship, character, storyline, etc they want, but they also need to know where to draw the line between fiction and reality.
Tommy Kinard is a fictional character. You can hate him as much as you want and absolutely loathe Bucktommy with your entire being.
But Lou Ferrigno Jr is a real person. Bullying him online, editing him out of cast photos, speculating that Oliver/the entire cast actually hate him based off of a 3 minute interview, criticizing his physical appearance, calling him names, etc IS. NOT. OKAY. He’s a real person with real feeling who more than likely sees your comments about him as a person and that can really mess with someone. It doesn’t matter if his character is “in the way” of your ship, he’s a real human being who has done nothing to warrant this kind of behavior.
Stop harassing actors just because you can’t stand the thought of your two favorite fictional people not kiss on-screen.
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nigellica · 10 days
The greatest burn in the history of the firefighter show just came from inside the firehouse…”whenever I see filth I think of you”.
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nigellica · 10 days
buck sneaking his way into bobby's heart like
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nigellica · 10 days
Chim, amazing as always.
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nigellica · 10 days
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So apparently another whole ass animated scooby doo movie was canceled, this time featuring Krypto the Superdog, but it leaked onto 4chan and was uploaded onto the internet archive
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nigellica · 10 days
Amazing, terrible, love it, the worst.
i saw this:
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and thought it would be fun to actually work that out. so
^^^ every doctor who episode in chronological order
(pls let me know if theres any mistakes! i got most of the info from the tardis wiki so idk if its 100% accurate)
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