nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Open book test coming up? Put all the info on a word document and use the find function to get your answers quickly!
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Prioritise! You’d be amazed at how easy people get caught up in the things that don’t matter. Start with what will get you the most marks and work down... a title is just a title at the end of the day, they may not even see it in the same way in the end either.
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Vibes matter! There are so many debates about whether it is good or bad to study with music and if so what types. But if you’re struggling to just find the motivation to work then what does it matter? Find yourself a playlist that gets you in the mood to work and keeps you going, make it more interesting then the latest social media trends or your current tv binge. Once you’ve got the motivation back then you can decide what’s best to play, for now. Do what works for you!
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Tip for storing your work. Make use of online systems for easy access!
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Looking forward a specific format? Google search your chosen topic followed by ‘filetype:’ and it’s abbreviation, I.e. ppt for PowerPoint
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Time management: Make the most of COVID and online lectures, with most things shut down and online many of us no longer have schedules to follow. So if you work best at ‘unsociable’ hours then go for it! It’ll save you time and stress and who cares about adhering to social norms when you’re stuck inside all day anyway. Do what works for you! It’s your education after all...
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Top tip: struggling to understand your lecturer? PowerPoint has a subtitles option. Just go to the top ribbon, “slideshow” and towards the right tick to box that says always use subtitles
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Struggling to concentrate in online lectures? Not enough to grab and hold you attention?
Make use of something to fidget with, it’ll provide something to keep your mind occupied and reduce your distractions so you can keep on studying!
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nicole01stanley · 4 years
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Flash card idea: print out lecture slides and annotate around them.
This can be useful if there’s lots of information to copy down, it saves time and they’re on hand and accurate! Annotations can be added to help understanding or to add information found from extra reading.
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