Another Film Festival idea.
A pop up film festival could be a great idea heres why. Film Festivals aren't very accessible for the general public to enjoy, creating a pop up festival could be the key to helping the general public enjoy these incredible events. A factor that could be a problem for this would be the carbon emissions this would bring, there is a solution to this though, electric cars can be used which reduces the emission massively, there are also lots of other ways to create safer travel for the planet to help make this idea happen. These are things we need to consider as at this time in the world conserving the planet needs to be focused on and i believe film festivals are taking the right steps and putting cinema in the right direction for a better future.
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Great article showing the importance of film festivals and the big films they bring the world.
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Key film festival moments
While researching for my essay i found some key moments that have defined what film festivals are today.
Cannes film festival was originally supposed to begin in September 1939, but due to the German invasion of Poland. The festival did not start up again until 1946, 7 years later.
in 1972 Cannes Film Festival made the decision to make the Festival director in-charge of all entries, this replaced the national committee. This helped the festival to become a lot more independent thus helping to show more films from all around the world which wouldn’t have been selected otherwise.
Venice Film Festival was the first film festival to be founded in 1932, films were coming out of lots of different countries to be presented there but the festival was also used for facist propaganda by Mussolini.
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Accessibility for students.
Film festivals are known for showing independent films, and films you would not expect to see. But i think there should be a way to make it easily accessible for students. This could be done numerous ways, one of which could be making a festival for students to showcase their work, or big festivals such as Cannes or Toronto to hold specific festivals to show student work. I think making film festivals more accessible for students is crucial as after all they are the future and will be the next big filmmakers.
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How films are selected for film festivals.
The main ways films are selected is through submissions and screenings.
online submissions is the best way for independent filmmakers to submit their work, another way is to send physical copies but as the times move on and technology gets more advanced submitting through online submissions is the best way.
after this the organisers of the festival will have a screening to judge the films and see which ones they believe have the quality to put forward to be shown at the festival.
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Film Festivals and Fashion.
Film festivals such as Cannes and Sundance are some of the biggest events of the year, drawing in some of the biggest names in the world. When the stars arrive they usually arrive in style, this is another thing that helps film festivals massively. People love fashion and seeing Celebrities wear incredible expensive outfits drags a massive audience in and increases interest in the film festivals. This helps film festivals stay relevant in the media.
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Why i think film festivals are heading in the right direction.
I have been reading through articles about film festivals adapting to change, for example some have been cutting down carbon emissions and some have become vegan/ vegetarian festivals. These are both great and very positive steps towards the future, I believe this is the only way forward now as if you think about the carbon emissions admitted for celebrities and actors flying into film festivals the carbon emissions they leave behind is substantial. I believe the way Film Festivals are heading with all of these new changes and beginning to cater more towards the planet is a great thing and is going to help the world a lot.
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Really great article about what Cannes is doing for the planet.
i hope this becomes a big thing around all film festivals where they are more ecologically aware. This a step that must be taken by all big companies not just Film festivals buts its great that they are incorporating this.
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Interesting article on how independent films are chosen for film festivals.
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Another Film Festival idea.
Another idea i had was, a film festival that focus on current film trends. For example a film festival all showing indie films or a film festival only showing films shot in 4:3. i think this idea could be cool and work well as it would showcase more things that are currently big in the world of film, drawing a big audience in
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Another great article about how film festivals were founded.
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Really good article showing how integral film festivals are to the cinema culture, and showing some of the amazing films to be shown at sundance.
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Film festival idea.
An idea i had for a film festival is, a student film festival where young filmmakers are given a small budget and are given the chance to create a film of their choice which would be presented in front of big actors, directors and producers. i think this idea would be great for the industry as it would help to integrate young filmmakers into the spotlight.
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really cool guide on how to set up your own film festival, presented really well and very stylish.
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Article i found interesting about how Berlin film festival was founded.
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