newtmasbookverse · 1 month
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newtmasbookverse · 1 month
Law Of God Action - Creating From The Highest Level
There is a law in conscious creation of reality that is even higher than the Law of Attraction. It is the Law of God Action. It is The Secret Above The Secret. When you operate with the Law of God Action, you are operating at the highest level of all things, which is the level of spirit. It is the highest level governs that all other levels. When you work with the Law of God Action, you are not trying to create anything but visit site here you are simply allowing the universe to create through you. You are co-creating with God himself.
The Law of God Action states that God is the one who is acting through you. Therefore there is nothing for you to do, but simply for you to allow God to do everything though you. It does not mean you do not take any action, but it means you do not take action that you are not naturally guided from within to do. When you try to do things that you are not inspired to do, you are forcing action. The way of God Action is to do non-doing action. It is to allow yourself to do what is seeking expression through you.
The problem with using the law of attraction alone is when you are trying to manifest things and putting in energy to drive the creation process. The truth is that when you think you have to attract things, you are saying that those things are outside of you. But everything you desire is not outside of you, it is already in there and is just waiting for you to open yourself to it. When you walk the path that the universe is guiding you to take, all the things you truly desire will show up in the way in diving timing.
When you follow the Law of God Action, you will naturally use the law of attraction to draw into your space everything you need in every moment without even trying to. That is because the universe has a plan for you and by aligning yourself with that plan, you will synchronize your actions with the divine flow of events. You will find yourself doing the right thing at the right time, in the right place where the resources or opportunities you require are already arranged to be there. You simply step right in.
People encounter failure with using the law of attraction to manifest what they want, not because the law does not work. The law of attraction is always in operation but they are not attracting what they intend due to conflict of intentions. You can manifest whatever you intend as long as it is according to the higher scheme of things. After all you are not your individual consciousness alone, but the real you is a collective whole that includes the entire universe as well as the consciousness of your higher self.
The real you is pure spirit that is one with the spirit of God or all that is. You split a portion of your consciousness to be incarnated into this world with a purpose that you have planned. The conscious you that is here on earth is your lower self. All that you are meant to do is directed by your higher self through your true heart's desire from a moment to moment basis. When there is a conflict of intentions between you two selves, that is when things do not manifest. You and your higher self are actually one self.
All you have to do here is to be in alignment with your higher self. That is when you are in harmony with the universe. By doing so, you experience the easy and effortless manifestation of all your true desires in every moment. The real reason why your desires don't manifest is because they are not desires of your true self, or because you're not meant to intend them to happen at that moment yet. When you are intending the right thing at the right time, you will experience the spontaneous fulfillment of desire.
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