nevgovhater · 29 days
I'm having t4t gay nevyork brainrot holy shit bro I'm tweaking
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nevgovhater · 30 days
go check out @nevgovhater's marching band headcanons. done with that? ok. good. time for orchestra headcanons.
gov is the conductor. i need not say anything else.
1. ALABAMA — second violin. just strikes me as the type. he doesn't like to sit in the front or back, he prefers middle of the section.
2. ALASKA — double bass. specifically 2nd chair. he has the skill to be principal bassist but he has zero interest in being a section leader.
3. ARIZONA — cello. not sure why. i think they started out as a violinist, decided it wasn't for them, and then switched over to cello. they sit in the second row. 3rd or 4th chair.
4. ARKANSAS — first violin. in the back. got put into this class on accident and just hasn't switched out. used to be a second violin but switched sections later on. his old sectionmates haven't forgiven him.
5. CALIFORNIA — started out playing the viola. could not get along with them (they play around too much for his taste). accidentally broke his shoulder rest and that was the crucible for him switching to cello. he's a cellist.
6. COLORADO — viola, middle of the section. half-asleep at most rehearsals. people outside of the viola section forget he's there. always has an unreasonable amount of pencils on his person, all his section borrows them. only time he is not stoned is at a concert.
7. CONNECTICUT — concertmaster/principal first violinist/first chair. the kind of guy who slowly turns and stares at you after a song during rehearsal if you fucked up a chord really bad. will get onto his sectionmates for not bringing their stuff and say something like "next time i'm just not letting you borrow it" but he always does. he's a provider to his section. he cares about them a lot. same with the rest of the orchestra. just wants everyone to do their best. also he has tiny erasers on him to chuck at florida when he won't pay attention.
8. DELAWARE — second violinist, second chair. not sure why. just is.
9. FLORIDA — ...principal violist. he is the bane of gov's existence. main guy who drove california out of the viola section by being too silly but keeps begging him to come back. he has referred to this incident as the "viola section divorce", much to california's irritation, but he's started playing into the joke as well. he's a really good player but cannot focus to save his life. takes the most incomprehensible sheet music notes you've ever seen. you can't read half the notes on his sheet music because he wrote over them in the process of marking it. really good teacher to his section outside of the joking around way too much.
10. GEORGIA — second viola, has been florida's stand partner throughout all of orchestra. one of three people who can decipher florida's music (the other two being florida and louisiana; louisiana isn't even in their section, but florida taught him viola for funsies). dozes off immediately after rehearsal ends, but not during it.
11. HAWAI'I — first violin, second chair. chats with delaware sometimes since they sit next to each other. the only person she trusts to borrow her tuner, rosin, or cloth is alaska (and, lately, rhode island).
12. IDAHO — second violin.
13. ILLINOIS — first violin. i think he plays cello at home though.
14. INDIANA — cello.
15. IOWA — ..cello. maybe.
16. KANSAS — second violin or cello.
17. KENTUCKY — second violin or viola.
18. LOUISIANA — viola, second chair. florida's stand partner. he holds onto everything except the sheet music (which is surprisingly the only thing florida does not lose). actually joined orchestra because florida kept pestering him to. he got really good really quick because he has prior music experience.
19. MAINE — back of the bass section.
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — first violin.
22. MICHIGAN — second violin.
23. MINNESOTA — first violin.
24. MISSISSIPPI — viola or second violin.
25. MISSOURI — viola.
26. MONTANA — second violin.
27. NEBRASKA — cello.
28. NEVADA — cello or first violin.
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — cello.
30. NEW JERSEY — second violin.
31. NEW MEXICO — viola.
32. NEW YORK — cellist. wishes he was a violinist or violist sometimes but you'd have to waterboard that information out of him because he makes fun of the upper strings all the time.
33. NORTH CAROLINA — second violin. used to be a viola but switched over because his brother kept pissing him off.
34. NORTH DAKOTA — first violin. also switched sections to escape his sibling (former second violinist).
35. OHIO — viola.
36. OKLAHOMA — viola.
37. OREGON — first violin.
38. PENNSYLVANIA — first violin.
39. RHODE ISLAND — principal bassist. first chair because alaska doesn't wanna be there. he is so much fucking smaller than his bass that it's outright comedic. he sits on the stool to play and his feet don't even come close to the ground. perfectly capable of carrying his bass strength-wise but the size of it makes it a bitch, so alaska helps him. sometimes hawai'i if alaska is busy.
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — viola.
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — second violin.
42. TENNESSEE — first violin.
43. TEXAS — second violin. picked up the violin and he is not a fan but he's been with it so long he just doesn't know how to switch instruments. wishes he was a cellist. stares longingly at the cello section. he is allergic to shifting.
44. UTAH — first violin.
45. VERMONT — second violin.
46. VIRGINIA — first violin.
47. WASHINGTON — first violin.
48. WEST VIRGINIA — viola.
49. WISCONSIN — first violin.
50. WYOMING — bass.
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nevgovhater · 30 days
NEVYORK MENTIONED⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️ /vpos
also hi mootie from tiktok (wtttwttshfmiscreference)
I see you are taking art requests :3
May I request New York receiving head scritches from Nevada :3 (NevYork my beloved <3)
*not forcing ofc!!!*
These two are beginning to grow on me, not gonna lie :3
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I didn’t feel like making a background :,)
They’re cuties tho :3
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nevgovhater · 1 month
Since u all fw marching band wttt then here u go except I'm only doing the states cause gov would def be the director who has to deal with them
Also these headcanons r real I swear I'm right (by a trombonist)
all in alphabetical order btw
1. ALABAMA — probably would do bari-sax
2. ALASKA — percussion. thats it. just percussion. (Up for interpretation)
3. ARIZONA — flute or bass clarinet, one of those.
4. ARKANSAS — flute
5. CALIFORNIA — he would be a fucking clarinet, no exceptions. He just gives off clarinet vibes, or just woodwind in general
6. COLORADO — tenor drums
7. CONNECTICUT — piccolo or mellophone
8. DELAWARE — flute
9. FLORIDA — cymbals or piccolo, one of those at the very least.
10. GEORGIA — trumpet. 100% trumpet player
11. HAWAI'I — glockenspiel or marimba
12. IDAHO — trumpet
13. ILLINOIS — euphonium or bass drums
14. INDIANA — saxophone
15. IOWA — alto saxophone
16. KANSAS — trumpet
17. KENTUCKY — trumpet or saxophone
18. LOUISIANA — trombone. (Sorry to all those saxophone loui lovers.. but i feel like his instrument would be the trombone,, it's still a jazz instrument so ykyk)
19. MAINE — bass drums or euphonium
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — oh he's a flute, that's for sure. 😭😭
22. MICHIGAN — tenor sax
23. MINNESOTA — mellophone
24. MISSISSIPPI — trumpet
25. MISSOURI — vibraphone
26. MONTANA — cornet
27. NEBRASKA — trumpet
28. NEVADA — I'm sorry but he'd probably do tenor sax
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — piccolo
30. NEW JERSEY — snare drum
31. NEW MEXICO — cornet
32. NEW YORK — snare or tenor drums
33. NORTH CAROLINA — trumpet
34. NORTH DAKOTA — flute (sighs)
35. OHIO — trombone
36. OKLAHOMA — alto sax
37. OREGON — marimba
38. PENNSYLVANIA — glockenspiel
39. RHODE ISLAND — sousaphone/tuba. im fucking SERIOUS about this man he would love this
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — clarinet
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — saxophone
42. TENNESSEE — tenor sax
43. TEXAS — sousaphone/tuba
44. UTAH — flute or bass clarinet
45. VERMONT — flute. (dear god help me)
46. VIRGINIA — flute (guess what)
47. WASHINGTON — flute (im going insane please stop)
48. WEST VIRGINIA — cymbals or drumline
49. WISCONSIN — xylophone
50. WYOMING — euphonium
I'm literally right abt this i swear ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
"You're wrong about—" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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nevgovhater · 1 month
hello band kid. the orchestra kids from down the hall say hi (read: me. i say hi). your marching band hcs go hard. would you mind if i make orchestra hcs and cite you as the inspo for it? because you were. thnx. stay cool (@floridagirlboy)
hello orchestra kid!!
and of course!! Go right ahead! ^^ it'd be nice to see orchestra headcanons along with band. I'm so glad I've kinda started a 'trend'!
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nevgovhater · 1 month
Since u all fw marching band wttt then here u go except I'm only doing the states cause gov would def be the director who has to deal with them
Also these headcanons r real I swear I'm right (by a trombonist)
all in alphabetical order btw
1. ALABAMA — probably would do bari-sax
2. ALASKA — percussion. thats it. just percussion. (Up for interpretation)
3. ARIZONA — flute or bass clarinet, one of those.
4. ARKANSAS — flute
5. CALIFORNIA — he would be a fucking clarinet, no exceptions. He just gives off clarinet vibes, or just woodwind in general
6. COLORADO — tenor drums
7. CONNECTICUT — piccolo or mellophone
8. DELAWARE — flute
9. FLORIDA — cymbals or piccolo, one of those at the very least.
10. GEORGIA — trumpet. 100% trumpet player
11. HAWAI'I — glockenspiel or marimba
12. IDAHO — trumpet
13. ILLINOIS — euphonium or bass drums
14. INDIANA — saxophone
15. IOWA — alto saxophone
16. KANSAS — trumpet
17. KENTUCKY — trumpet or saxophone
18. LOUISIANA — trombone. (Sorry to all those saxophone loui lovers.. but i feel like his instrument would be the trombone,, it's still a jazz instrument so ykyk)
19. MAINE — bass drums or euphonium
20. MARYLAND — clarinet
21. MASSACHUSETTS — oh he's a flute, that's for sure. 😭😭
22. MICHIGAN — tenor sax
23. MINNESOTA — mellophone
24. MISSISSIPPI — trumpet
25. MISSOURI — vibraphone
26. MONTANA — cornet
27. NEBRASKA — trumpet
28. NEVADA — I'm sorry but he'd probably do tenor sax
29. NEW HAMPSHIRE — piccolo
30. NEW JERSEY — snare drum
31. NEW MEXICO — cornet
32. NEW YORK — snare or tenor drums
33. NORTH CAROLINA — trumpet
34. NORTH DAKOTA — flute (sighs)
35. OHIO — trombone
36. OKLAHOMA — alto sax
37. OREGON — marimba
38. PENNSYLVANIA — glockenspiel
39. RHODE ISLAND — sousaphone/tuba. im fucking SERIOUS about this man he would love this
40. SOUTH CAROLINA — clarinet
41. SOUTH DAKOTA — saxophone
42. TENNESSEE — tenor sax
43. TEXAS — sousaphone/tuba
44. UTAH — flute or bass clarinet
45. VERMONT — flute. (dear god help me)
46. VIRGINIA — flute (guess what)
47. WASHINGTON — flute (im going insane please stop)
48. WEST VIRGINIA — cymbals or drumline
49. WISCONSIN — xylophone
50. WYOMING — euphonium
I'm literally right abt this i swear ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
"You're wrong about—" SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP GET OUT OF MY HEAD ⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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nevgovhater · 1 month
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Does this fandom fw marching band headcanons I need to know before I publish them soon 😈😈😈😈⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉��⁉️
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nevgovhater · 1 month
Does this fandom fw marching band headcanons I need to know before I publish them soon 😈😈😈😈⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️⁉️
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nevgovhater · 1 month
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Daily innerworld activities,,,, the rhode islands blow up a tactile nuke factory and turn into clappers
Pls tell me if anyone gets the clappers joke,,,, pls pls I love 'unwind' so much I'm even considering on making a wttt au on it
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nevgovhater · 1 month
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Fuckbyou guys im being multifandom
Statehumans,,,, I tried to recreate native cowboys for Texas off the top of my head so,,, I might revamp this later idk,,,, it's the amnesia killing me guys I can't remember outfits,,, my Texas usually doesn't wear cowboy shit unless he's doing sumn idk but I like drawing him in it cuz it's fun. His regular fit is boring af lmao
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nevgovhater · 1 month
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What the freak
Green california,,,, he has a disease (joke)
Front-facing oregon
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