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How did Anne raise such a darling boy? 💗I would buy a parenting book she wrote. Seriously.
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‘…saying ‘that’s not true’ gets old after a while. It does! I’m bored of it!  19 August 2013
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This is a dumbass post.
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How Louis treats random children at a soccer game vs how he treats his “son”. Spot the difference
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It's just fucking hair 🙄
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Hey you fucking idiot, yes I’m talking to you Bria, you want to know how to have fucking privacy? Don’t have a public Instagram, Twitter, snapchat, email. Don’t let your close family and friends promote their public social media by their association to you. Don’t have multi platform Q&A’s. Don’t publicize your pregnancy, don’t go on fucking pap walks and for gods sake don’t let your baby be papped.
You idiotic embarrassment of a human. You are the lowest of the low, one of the trashiest, most disgusting, morally corrupt people to ever surround this band and that is seriously saying something. I sincerely hope you have wasted every penny you were paid to participate in this bullshit on plastic surgery and buying new friends.
I can’t wait for the day that you get what is coming for you.
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No conspiracy theory can change what is real.
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Just because someone has a public account doesn't mean that people are entitled to throw abuse. How about some common decency and rationality?
Briana has done nothing personally to any fan and she has as much right to be public or private as you or me.
When you cry about wanting privacy and #respect while having 414K followers…..did you forget the ‘private account’ option existed and that you could actually idk….leave it private? Did you forget that you never had to accept any fan to have access to your posts? Or maybe you enjoy the attention and the ability to use the ‘they’re being mean to me, look how strong I’m being’ card. And to all the people who are going to argue ‘she shouldn’t have to hide away, its her life’ umm good for her? Maybe just maybe she could PRIVATELY enjoy her PRIVATE life with close friends and family and go about everyday things while REMAINING PRIVATE. But no, she chose to accept fans knowing her posts will be shared in the matter of minutes and she chose to un-private her account time and time again for more attention and hasn’t done a thing about the #privacy and #respect factor since the day we unfortunately met her.
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Here is a photo of my 9 month old’s foot that I took just now. This is what it’s like 99% of the time. Babies curl their toes like this for a loooooog time. I was a bit like ‘I don’t want to say it’s a doll’ before but, let me tell you, there’s no way a real 2 month old could splay his toes like that to get a photo of it!!!
Also note, I’m having to hold her foot up to be able to get a non-blurry pic of her semi-uncontrollable limbs!!!
ETA: I found this picture of my daughter at 2 months 5 days and my son at just over 2.5 years and look at their feet. Even Oscar can’t splay his damn toes like Freddie! If you saw my other post, I found that I can’t do it without massive effort either!!
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I’m shutting up about this nonsense now.
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That stupid dog filter is one of the worst things to happen to society.
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I hate how we’ve gone from being just Directioners to Larries/Antis/Freddies. It needs to stop, we all came here for the same reason.
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What else was he supposed to do until it was 100% confirmed the baby was his? He'd look even worse if he was there and then walked away if Freddie wasn't his.
do you have any thoughts/explanations as to why Louis ignored the baby for 9 months?
okay so imagine you are a young rich guy who is in a worldwide famous boyband… you’ve just broke up with the girl that you’ve been dating for 3 to 4 years.. now assuming you were 100% faithful to her the entire relationship, you haven’t been with anyone else and since you’re a young rich famous dude who is now super attainable, you start going out clubbing on the rebound… while on this rebound of drunken nights and casual hookups you might this girl who you see more than once and you like her but not enough to be in a relationship with her… you continue your party boy way and boyband duties and that girl calls you up and tells you that she’s pregnant and that your the father…. and at first you’re probably watching your life before your eyes… you?? a dad?? what?? you’re scared, angry, and in denial all at once… you are young and not dating this girl and have no intention of trying to date her and you know that you’re going to have to pay a shitload of child support for the next 18 years and being a parent is a lifelong commitment… of course you’re scared, angry, and in denial.. this probably isn’t exactly the way you intended for your first child to be conceived but ya know accidents do happen…. so now the whole world knows that this girl is pregnant with your child (and it is your child because of course you’d make sure to get a paternity test because without total confirmation your lawyer isn’t gonna let you pay a cent) and your own fans are fucking pissed… they’re saying it’s all fake and blah blah blah… you don’t really want to talk about it anyway though.. it’s a sensitive subject and you’re still trying to used to the idea that you’re gonna be a dad in a few months… so it’s probably best to just not talk about it too much mainly because you’re scared shitless but also because your rabid fans are just going to accuse you of lying like they did when you were with your ex and they said you were faking the entire relationship… sometimes it’s better just to keep things private…. so fast forward to the birth.. and you have a beautiful baby son.. there’s a common saying that a woman becomes a mother the moment she finds out that she’s pregnant but a father becomes a father the first time he holds his baby and that’s how it feels… you had so much anxiety about the whole thing but now you’re holding your son and the world just makes sense and you’re so in love with him and everything is going to be okay :)
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Fandom PSA
A person should not have to stay off social media to avoid hate or abuse. Treat others the way you want to be treated and don't make assumptions or theories about people and situations you don't personally know anything about. There is no justification for treating Briana like shit. Leave her be to enjoy this amazing time of her life.
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When I grew up, the rule at school and home was, treat others the way you want to be treated. The world would be a better place if we all kept this in mind.
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I’m playing the world’s smallest violin
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Take away the fans and the media, and Briana and Louis’ situation is a normal situation that any two adults can find themselves in. The only people making it “abnormal” are people who don’t want it to be true.
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