Here we go again...
It's been a while since I've been on Tumblr. Figured I'd come back and try to write some more. Life has gotten pretty hectic and I feel like I need some sort of outlet.
The year started off _real_ well. My mom finally did what she always wanted to do, which was die. My dad pushed her to the proverbial edge, so she killed herself. Best part, she did it with _his_ gun, on _his_ bed, on _his_ birthday. So that was a wild time. This happened in March by the way.
After that, we had to put my dog down. I don't even think it was a full month later. He was getting old, but it wasn't even the age really that was the reason. He still had puppy energy, at 14! His back legs just slowly stopped working. He kinda lost control of his bowl movements as well. So once it REALLY started to impact his quality of life, we had to end it.
Fast forward to last month (September). I guess everything started really fucking with me because my suicidal thoughts were coming at me hard. I ended up admitting myself into the hospital. While I was in there, my Great Grandmother died. This one hurt, but she was also 93 years old. It was her time. She was also a double amputee (legs). It was due to her diabetes. So she kicked ass long enough.
As of right now, I've been doing a bit better. I'm on mood stabilizers, and I'm in a better place now. I still have some shit to deal with, but hopefully this will help me get through the rest of it all.
Anyway, I guess I'll end it here for now. I gotta get up early for work tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be posting more.
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