neatimmortal · 5 days
bsd characters and League of Legends Roles
How did I come up with this? I don't know. But it's been stuck in my head for a week now so it's getting evicted from my head to your fyp.
you're welcome. probably.
Armed Detective Agency
Atsushi Nakajima
def mains jungle. Specifically, Rengar.
just look at the man.
epitome of a rengar player.
he's def very imbalanced in his gameplay though.
he either goes 0/12 or 12/0. no inbetween.
but he's EXTREMELY talkative.
in all chat, team chat, it doesn't really matter, he's got something to say after every play. and its usually something nice.
"gj!", "nice", "(actually helpful criticism)" and always a "gg" at the end of the match.
does kinda get upset when teamed w/ people that don't know what theyre doing, esp in higher elo.
i also don't think he plays too much though, he's got better things to do with his time.
mid gold?
Osamu Dazai
either plays top or jungle.
plays top for the obvious jokes. plays jungle because its the hardest role to play.
I'd think he'd enjoy jungle more because it seems like a slightly more complex chess game to him than, yknow. nerdy league of legends.
He'd be really good at the game too, but i kinda get the feeling he'd throw games if he got matched with people he didn't like.
or people he just knew, in general. Like Kunikida? Dazai's gonna play the game with his actual feet.
because of that behavior, probably somewhere in gold? like he doesn't play very often but when he does he almost always wins when he's semi-serious abt it.
Kunikida Doppo
this guy. has either never heard of it, or was addicted at some point.
either way, he'd play adc. He just kinda seems like he'd play Jhin specifically. The added challenge of keeping track of autos and all the intricacies of the playing style is definitely appealing to him.
lowkey kinda pretenious w/ it? "oh i main Jhin, ik how to do x y z mechanic that no one cares knows about" . . like wtaf, put the wine glass down.
not that great at the game though. Mid silver to low gold.
definitely rages over the game from time to time. Hence why he doesn't play anymore. (i mean, we've all seen his interactions w/ Dazai.)
Ranpo Edogawa
mid lane.
look at this man and tell me he doesn't run a crazy ass mid lane.
I'm not sure what he'd main, but it's always off meta.
dude could run like . . nautilus? god forbid yuumi. and still win.
no counterarguments here, just look at him.
when he first started playing, he played meta but got bored after winning too many games so he switched to the most random picks.
i'd believe it if he chose the random option for champion select.
would play pretty frequently, at least compared to everyone else.
definitely in platinum.
Akiko Yosano
also adc, definitely loves to play Vayne.
anything hyper-carry honestly.
rarely plays though.
the game isn't super interesting to her but Ranpo asked her to play and so she picked it up for a little bit.
when she did play, she played somewhere in silver.
she didn't play enough games to get past silver but probably wouldve.
Kenji Miyazawa
but one of the tanky ones.
occasionally he'll run pyke though? Like if the poor kid had a bad day, he's running pyke.
probably loves Braum.
but also probably hardly plays.
Like Yosano, he doesn't find the game too interesting, he'd rather be outside doing something.
also a silver player.
Junichirou Tanizaki
he's the stereotypical adc.
and i mean that in every. way. possible.
steal a minion? he's going afk.
can't save him from being dived under turret? prepare to get flamed.
he goes 0/6 in the first 15 minutes but somehow it's your fault? you just got doxxed.
his first couple of games are decent, and he's more likely to win those. But once he has a really good game where he carries, he'll get overconfident and never win again until he quits the game for the day.
high bronze, low silver
Kyouka Izumi
hear me out.
top lane.
specifically? Nasus.
hear me out again.
She just likes any character that scales really well tbh.
plays the slow game and wins every time.
doesn't like the game though, so she rarely plays it.
high silver.
this draft has been sitting in drafts for so long, im worried i've mischaracterized these guys lmao. but it was too funny and it made me giggle when i was looking through all my old work so i figured might as well post.
anyways, thank you for reading! Please take care of yourselves, and though I don't know anyone who's gonna read this, I hope you all have a great day/morning/evening/night <3
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neatimmortal · 4 months
Snippet of something im working on rn
this is gonna get lost anyways lol. anyways here's your fanfic formalities:
heizou x GN reader! modern?au!
TW: Character death, direct mentions of war (not a specific just a war), implied terrible injuries but very vaguely described.
DISCLAIMER: this is part of a longfic im currently cooking, and plan to start publishing on ao3 (once i figure out how to even work the site). This is not proofread! I quite literally just wrote this. Excited for this project.
1k wk.
As the bullets flew, one thing was clear. This was the end. And by Archons had it taken its’ time, you thought. A hand that took you longer to identify as yours than it should’ve was wrapped tightly around your abdomen, in a pitiful attempt to dissuade the bleeding from continuing it’s relentless pace. Your ears had been ringing since you arrived here weeks ago, the non-stop firing of guns and other military-grade weapons of destructions and what have you. You had assumed your eyes to refuse to focus on anything much like how your ears never ceased to stop ringing however you had not been aware of just how unfocused they could be until you had caught a couple of bullets yourself.
Was it vain to be curious as to what you looked like? Not in the “I-hope-I-at-least-look-as-decent-as-I-can-be-given-the-situation” type of way, but just how harshly had this war torn into you? Did you look as bad as you felt? You pondered as you trudged along the debris and worn trees. You weren’t sure where you were going. Just away, was all you really could think at the moment. Away from the gunfire, from the yelling, from the flares, the blood, the death, all of it. Away from all of it. A moment of peace.
Surely you at least deserved that, right? Just a moment. Nothing shorter or longer. Just a moment, to tip your head back, breathe in some air that didn’t feel filtered through the horrors you had been facing for the past couple of weeks while being stationed here. Your feet made up the destination before your mind did, tripping clumsily and falling to the ground in a partially-shaded area in the woods. Not even the strength to complain, a moment of peace, was all you repeated in your mind, as you struggled and eventually managed to turn on your back and face up at the sky.
You must have been further out than you thought. That or you just never really had the time to admire the sky when you were busy reloading the gun you had been given. It was a pretty blue. Not a cloud in sight, yet the sun’s warmth wasn’t unbearable. It was almost comforting, like how a mother cradles their child in their arms to help soothe them.
It was by some misfortune that your moment of peace was so rudely interrupted by someone else. They were picking their way through the forest, much like you had been doing not so long ago, with heavy, labored breaths. It was an even greater misfortune when you managed to discern the sound and made eye contact with a reddish-brown haired man, wearing the enemy’s uniform.
You had no gun on you. Not anymore at least. You knew the exact reason you had come all this way out here anyways, and figured you wouldn’t need it. Would he put you out of your misery, with a bullet to the head? Would he be kind enough to do that? Or would he beat you as you slowly bled and laugh maniacally? War was a terrible invention from long ago that brought out the inhumane side of humanity. To your upmost surprise, he let out a breathless chuckle, before flopping down near you. “Looks like someone had the same idea as me. What are the odds?” He spoke, his voice was terse, no doubt in as much pain as you probably were.
You let out a similarly sounding laugh as you replied, “apparently greater than either of us probably realized.” After a moment (used to gather enough oxygen in your lungs to speak again, truly it was a feat at this point), you continued. “How old are you?” The man let out a cough, then a couple more, before responding, “20, you?” “19. Turning 20 in a couple of weeks.” “Happy early Birthday then!” He congratulated, mustering whatever grandeur he could, earning another strained giggle from you. It was quiet for a moment. Then two. Then three.
You turned to look at your companion, had he already left you? To some relief (ironic how you were thankful that this soldier that you had likely been shooting at for days on end was still alive, if you made it out of here you’d for sure laugh about it.), it seemed as though he was just coming to terms with it all, he knew as well as you. He hadn’t fallen too far of a distant from you actually. Mustering up some strength, you reached your hand out towards him. Thankfully, he noticed without you having to get his attention. Looking at your hand, then up to make eye contact with you, you could see the tears forming in his eyes. He stared at you for a second, his troubles all televised too well on his features before he spoke. “I don’t want to die.” He whispered, the joking tone from earlier miles away. His voice wavered slightly, likely from the tears, but it must have been the way that he said it that caused a weight to settle in your chest. Rather than breaking down, though you could certainly feel your own tears beginning to well up in your eyes, you simply nodded at him.
“Me either,” your lips pressed into a sad smile, as there was no help coming, Both of you knew it. That was why both of you had come out here. For a moment of peace. It was well deserved, wasn’t it? He nodded and took your hand, grasping as tightly as he could muster for some solace. The two of you laid there for some time. No words spoken, no more action took. You each just stared up at the sky, not daring to look at each other anymore (at the chance to see their new companion had already gone ahead of them), hands intertwined. It was not what you had expected when you began your march out here, but you doubted that his expectations were any different from yours.
A moment of peace was what you both got.
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neatimmortal · 10 months
slipping through my fingers
lyney x reader
as a preface, you are a citizen of Fontaine, born and raised. Though your friends mentioned later are not. Why ? because i'm lazy. that's why. I hope you enjoy loves <3
"Mon amour~" Lyney sang, waltzing in to your shared bedroom. You two had just returned from a splendid performance at the Opera Epiclese. It was one of the odd days that Lyney and Lynette were not the performers of the night; rather it was a ballet company giving their take on Swan Lake. It was a delightful show that both you and Lyney had enjoyed.
You were currently sat at the bed, you were quite tired from the day though it was satisfying. With a grin, Lyney approached you, placing his hands on your shoulders and gently pushing you to fully lay back on the bed. You couldn't help but smile at his antics, his grin all too contagious. He looked down at you, his gaze softening as he admired your face. After a moment, he presses a sweet kiss to your lips, still tasting like the fonta you both had earlier that night. As you go to break the kiss, Lyney murmurs his disagreement and brings a hand to hold your cheek delicately. Though he doesn't keep you much later, he simply couldn't get enough of you, so he wants to savor every taste he gets. When he finally breaks the kiss, his expression is one full of love. You can't help your heart from melting at seeing him being so sweet and sincere.
You two had been together for so long that it was all too easy to understand what the other was thinking. Looking up at him, you bring your arms around his torso to bring him down from hovering above you. With a satisfied sigh, he rested on top of you and despite his weight pressing onto you, you wouldn't have it any other way.
After a moment you spoke up, finally answering him from when he first waltzed in. "Mon amour?" Lyney leaned his head closer to your chest to indicate he was listening, the position he was currently in far too comfortable. Raising a hand, you gently ran your fingers through his hair, carefully detangling it. "You are the love of my life. And it is such a crime against humanity itself that the words to describe the depths of my love for you do not exist. All of the words in existence are too shallow. Even the depths of Fontaine itself pale in comparison to the love I hold for you in my heart." You poured your heart and thoughts out in a whisper, this calm moment a perfect place to voice these words. You felt Lyney shift his weight and turn to rest besides you, propping his head up with his hand to look at you.
Within his eyes, it was as if you could see a whirlpool. A whirlpool powered by his love for you. Fast and coursing throughout his entire being, but the fervent tides did nothing but calm you. A reassurance that he'd always be next to you, throughout everything. A thousand words could be said, perhaps more, with just a simple glance. "Mon cherie, there is not a world that I could imagine that did not have you and I together. For if there were, it would be incomplete. There is not a moment in which you fill my every sense; the sound of your voice and laughter rings within my ears, the scent of your perfume sends me into (favorite scent)-scented daydreams, the sight of your face alone warms my being to that which could rival the sun, the feeling of your skin against mine, as simple as something as our hands brushing as we walk together, makes my mind weary and unable to focus on anything besides you, and the taste you share whenever we kiss is unlike anything that could ever be made in this mortal realm." Lyney ended his declaration with another kiss on your lips, before journeying over to your cheek, then making his way to kiss your forehead and then finally ending this short quest with pressing another kiss to your opposite cheek.
Thus the night went on, with both you and Lyney whispering such sweet words to each other before you two fell asleep in each other's arms.
The next morning was just a sugary sweet in nature, though it was much more brief. Lyney was asked to complete an assignment for the House of the Hearth, much to the both of your's displeasure. You had the day off from work, so to fill your free time you decided to have lunch with a couple of friends you had met recently.
You got ready rather quickly, finally having the opportunity to wear that outfit you had been wanting to wear recently. Fixing your hair and jewelry and ensuring you smelled pleasant, you left your home and met with your friends.
"And that's how my brother ended up getting stuck in Inazuma for over 4 months, all because of his incompetency to keep up with his own paperwork!" You and your friends laughed together, sharing recent stories about each other's lives. It wasn't often that you all got to meet but everyone had thankfully been free today. Sipping your drink, one of your friends sparked interest over your appearance. "Y/N, this is new! and it's so pretty! when did you get it?" She asked, holding your hand to see the piece of jewelry more closely. With a grin, you set your drink down and began to explain, however you were cut off by the waiter, ushering over a sizeable bottle of wine. "Good afternoon ladies~ I hope you all found your meals enjoyable, one of the nearby tables," the waiter began and slyly pointed to a table a couple feet away, at which sat a group of men, "has asked to gift this bottle to you, so there is no need to pay for the wine. Is there anything else I can grab for you?" The waiter continued, setting the bottle down on the table. You and your friends thanked the waiter and assured they were all alright. Your friends were quite excited about the gifted wine, while you were slightly more off-put by the action, though you shrugged it off to the fact that you were the only one in a relationship. They split the bottle and waved their thanks to the table of guys, but you abstained from drinking the wine, as you still had some things you wanted to do later today, and you highly doubted that being inebriated would make things any easier for you.
After a while, your lunch with your friends ended and they sent you with a share of the wine, refusing to let you leave if you hadn't of taken some with you. The rest of the day was rather uneventful, so you returned home after completing your own errands of getting groceries and the other odd sorts of things.
"I'm sorry for getting back so much later than anticipated Cherie, after completing that assignment I went to check on Freminet with Lynette which led to an impromptu rehearsal with Lynette and Freminet to critique." Lyney announced as he entered the home. It was still not late in the day, around 6 or 7 so you both had some time if you wanted to go do something together. Which Lyney had prepared for, making reservations at one of the restaurants in Fontaine for the both of you. However, you didn't answer him. Though this did not concern Lyney, as he figured you were likely taking a nap. He walked into your shared room casually, but it was when he saw that you were in fact not on the bed asleep did his apphrension began to build. "Y/N? Where are you, mon amour?" Lyney called out, though he was beginning to feel uneasy, he was sure to hide it within his voice, in case this was just a plot of yours to scare him or prank him in some way. But even after searching almost half of your shared home, you were still no where to be seen.
By this point, Lyney's apphrension had gradually increased, turning his steps into rushed pacing around the house, even for you, this was abnormal. Normally if you were playing a prank like this, you would have come out of whatever hiding spot you had found. "Y/N?" Lyney called out, walking into the kitchen.
It was as if time stopped.
Even the air didn't dare to move.
Such a simple and unassuming scene lay before the young man, but after further inspection, it could only be described as sinister. As if that word could really even amount to the amount of horror Lyney felt course through his body.
In front of him, was a puddle of water, already mostly dried up, and a glass bottle shattered next to it.
It didn't take much to understand what had occured in this room.
Lyney hadn't noticed when he began to sob, he had even thought that it was someone else when he heard the pained crying, but it was most obvious that he was the only one within this house now. It was as if his soul had been torn apart. The love of his life, the person upon which he had planned to eventually spend the rest of time with, the person whom held his every thought and dream, was gone. Reduced to the puddle of water that was before him.
If the rumors of the citizens of Fontaine being able to dissolve into water was not enough for prove this series of events, the damning evidence was the engagement ring he had gave you, just the night prior, after watching the ballet performance together, resting in the middle of the water.
originally, i had planned for this to end with Lyney waking up and realizing you were gone and bursting into tears, and reaching up to his nightstand to hold your engagement ring in comfort. but I liked this ending more.
not edited, I hope you enjoyed!
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neatimmortal · 10 months
Lyney Drabble #1
as a preface, Lyney is likely slightly ooc. This is also not edited. this was also written very quickly. take that as you will. enjoy <3
In which you, hold a magician's heart in your hands, for the simple act of being a confident bitch.
Lyney's tricks were tried and true. It became second-nature to him, to captivate people's hearts with a few simple words, or a couple of light touches. He was the confident and forward one. Always taking the initiative.
Though it seems today would be an anomaly in this routine.
Lyney was running errands for Lynette and his's performance later that day. There weren't a whole lot of things needed actually. He dropped by the local pet and animal supply store for food for the various birds they kept (inhabitually, he sweet-talked the clerk which led to a discount. This surprised him, but he was appreciative nonetheless). Next, Lyney needed a couple of ropes and various gadgets to ensure their security (after the very fateful performance at the Opera House, Lyney made the habit of ensuring all props and equipment were secure and not tampered with). His last stop was a flower shop in the Court of Fontaine. It was a fairly popular flower shop, thanks to their quality and quanity. Walking towards the shop, Lyney realized in a thought of retrospection that leaving the most expensive shop for last might not have been the best decision but hopefully the unexpected discount at the animal supply store would balance the scales.
That, in fact, was not the case.
After picking out the various flowers, and approaching the clerk's counter, the total resulted in much more than he had expected thanks to a new law enacted earlier the week regarding flower and flower production. Gazing into his wallet, Lyney quickly racked his brain as for how he could handle this situation. He could a) sweet-talk the clerk, but he had done that before and was quickly reminded that the clerk already had a lover and his sweet words would hold no effect. He could b) just put most of the flowers back and buy what he can, but that would leave him without enough flowers for a new trick he had planned to perform later tonight. Mentally sighing, Lyney pulled a sheepish smile and excused himself to return some flowers to their display cases.
However his action was halted from a gentle hand on his back to prevent his retreat. The suddenness of this action had Lyney whipping his head around in surprise to see who this could be. His eyes were met with an "astonishing" sight: With a confident and charismatic grin, you covered the remaining cost of flowers with a dismissive wave of a hand, talking animatedly with the shop's clerk. "It's no big deal, after all, it would be a shame if Fontaine's renowned magician was not able to put on a top-tier performance due to not having enough supplies. I'll cover the rest, so there's no trouble to anyone!" This action greatly pleased the clerk, taking the mora with a pleasant smile from this turn of the events. You removed the hand from Lyney's back, retrieved the flowers from where they lay on the counter and turned to face Lyney, your confidence still ever-present. With a smile, you gently handed the flowers to him, your hand lingering just a moment longer than necessary. "I look forward to your performance, may it be even more extravagant as the last one?" You asked, with a slight tilt of the head.
But enough about you, how's Lyney doing?
He's losing his absolute mind. Though of course, it's completely invisible to anyone is isn't privy to his thoughts. What's going on? No, No that's not right, that's my line! Well, not quite exactly but I'm the confident one! I'm the flirtacious, sauve and charismatic gentleman! Oh, but they're so pretty.. NO. Lyney! Pull yourself together! Do not be swayed! It's okay, I can handle this! I'll just recover the lead of conversation. I mustn't show them that they have an affect on me. ... which they certainly do not! I'll just sweet-talk them a little, just enough to fluster them, thus I will keep my dignity and appearance! (honestly. you can't convince me that he's quite prideful of his abilities.) However while this chaos you've caused is happening within Lyney's mind, it is completely unnoticeable physically. Though the shift in his demeanor of reacting to acting is more obvious. albeit, very slightly.
With a charismatic smile pressed upon his lips, and a rather flashy act of taking your hand from retreating back to your side to press a quick kiss to the top of your hand, Lyney replied; "Of course! But what is my career as a magician if not to expand to greater grandeur?" He returned your hand to you and if you hadn't known what you were looking for you wouldn't have noticed his charismatic smile shift into an expectant one. Why weren't you swooning yet? Most do after receiving a kiss, regardless of it's placement. If anything, the gesture is even more romantic because of it's placement. Why weren't you swooning over him yet? Instead, you replied, with a light giggle; "All the more reason to see the performance then! I'll make sure to be there." You smiled at him, and for just the smallest moment, Lyney was convinced he had seen stars. Lyney nodded, his smile never faltering. "Thank you madamoiselle. For both the flowers, and for supporting my sister and I's performances. I shall never forget your kindness. In fact, I will ensure it will be repaid. I hope you find your seat much closer to the stage than you had originally planned." Lyney declared with a suggestive wink. Though even this attempt at swaying you was unfruitful.
You waved your hand dismissively, though you made it clear that you appreciated the offer. "It is a small pity to end this exchange, but I have to be somewhere soon. Do not fret over the seating! It's not necessary, though I greatly appreciate it. Please, do not consider my covering the cost of your flowers as a debt you must make up for. I had and hold no intentions of holding such a thing over you. But I must go now, good luck on your performance tonight!" You smiled at him before turning away from him and walking away towards where ever you needed to be.
Though he was dissappointed to have not flustered you as you had, unnoticeably, flustered him, he felt as though he was able to stay afloat and match your confidence and keep his persona alive. Lyney began to return home with all of his various supplies, flowers in hand. Thank goodness for the invention of bags, had he not had those he surely would have an awful time of lugging this all back. As he walked, Lyney felt an odd texture between the stems of the flowers, slowing his steps, he held the flowers up to see what it could be. It was a small piece of paper, folded neatly between the stems in a way which would prevent it from falling. Lyney would have assumed it to be the price tag that he hadn't noticed when shopping had it not been for the care that was put into it's placement. Stopping his steps, he placed the bags down next to him to retrieve the note.
"If I may be so forward, the stars are most beautiful when viewed from the park in front of the Opera Epiclese."
If lyney hadn't seen stars earlier from your beautiful smile, he was now. quite literally.
Very sorry for the quality! This idea wouldn't leave my mind, and needed to be written immediately. it's not edited nor perfect, but I hope you enjoyed nonetheless!
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