God, the Absolute Power
Naval Maritime Academy
Capt Cusrow Mincher Homji
15 Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Faculty In Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC)
“Whether men soar to outer space or dive to the bottom of the deepest ocean they will find themselves as they are, unchanged, because they will not have forgotten themselves nor remembered to exercise the charity of forgiveness.
Supremacy over others will never cause a man to find a change in himself: the greater his conquests the stronger is his confirmation of what his mind tells him — that there is no God other than his own power. And he remains separate from God, the Absolute Power.
But when the same mind tells him that there is something which may be called God, and, further, when it prompts him to search for God that he may see Him face to face, he begins to forget himself and to forgive others for whatever he has suffered from them.
And when he has forgiven everyone and has completely forgotten himself, he finds that God has forgiven him everything, and he remembers Who, in reality, he is.”Meher Baba" ❤️ ❤️
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Sea , Ship, Seafarer and Maritime Training Institute
Naval Maritime Academy
20+ years of experience at sea followed a decade-long teaching career.
Naval Maritime Academy
Captain  Dhyan Ranjan Subudhi
20 + Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Faculty In Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC)
Sea , Ship, Seafarer and Maritime Training Institute
The four words are very important and essential for each and every person which contributes largely to their daily life in this world. The meaning / Definitions of the above are :-
The Sea is defined as “A continuous body of salt water that is contained in an enormous basin on  earth surface ”
The Ship is defined as “A large water craft that travels the world’s oceans and other sufficiently deep waterways carrying #Cargo, Passengers, or in support of specialized missions such as Fishing, Research and Defense”
Meaning of a #Seafarers is “Some one who is employed to serve onboard any type of #Marine #Vessels #ships”.
#Maritime #Training #Institute means “An Educational Institutions recognized by the  Ministry of Shipping and Ministry of Education meeting the requirement of the International Conventions on Education and Instructions.
All the above four words should be linked or connected very well to each other in order to the shipping Industry  workable and Survivable.
A good quality #Seafarers trained in the best #Maritime #Training #Institute will be able to do their Job / Task professionally onboard a ship and keep the Sea (ocean) pollution free.
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Naval Maritime Academy
15+ years of experience at sea followed a decade-long teaching career.
Naval Maritime Academy
Captain Rohinton Irani
15 Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Faculty In Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC)
From Cadet to Captain: A Journey in the Merchant Navy
The maritime industry has a rich history, filled with tales of exploration, trade, and adventure on the high seas. For individuals seeking a career at sea, the path from cadet to captain is one that offers tremendous opportunities for personal growth, professional development, and a life filled with unique experiences. This essay delves into the progression from a cadet to a captain,
highlighting the challenges, responsibilities, and rewards associated with a career at sea.
The journey towards becoming a captain at sea often begins as a cadet. Cadet training programs provide aspiring seafarers with a solid foundation in the maritime field. These programs typically combine academic coursework with practical training, preparing cadets for a range of responsibilities onboard a vessel. As cadets, individuals gain essential knowledge in areas such as navigation, ship operations, safety protocols, and maritime law. They also learn the importance of teamwork, discipline, and adaptability in the maritime environment.
After completing their cadet training, individuals typically progress to the next stage of their career as apprentices or junior officers. This phase offers valuable hands-on experience, as apprentices work under the guidance of senior officers and gain practical knowledge of vessel operations. They may be assigned duties related to navigation, cargo handling, maintenance, or
safety inspections. Junior officers, on the other hand, assume more significant responsibilities, such as overseeing a specific department, coordinating crew activities, and ensuring compliance with regulations. These roles provide the foundation for future leadership positions and help individuals develop the skills necessary to advance in their careers.
As seafarers gain experience and demonstrate proficiency in their roles, they have the opportunity to rise through the ranks. Promotions are based on a combination of experience, qualifications, and performance evaluations. With each promotion, individuals assume greater responsibilities and take on more challenging roles. They may progress from third officer to second officer, then to chief officer, and eventually to the rank of captain.
The pinnacle of a seafarer's career at sea is attaining the rank of captain. Captains are entrusted with the safe navigation, operation, and management of the vessel, as well as the welfare of the crew and cargo. They must possess extensive knowledge of maritime laws and regulations, be proficient in navigation and ship handling, and possess strong leadership and Decision making skills. Captains are responsible for maintaining communication with shore authorities, ensuring compliance with international regulations, and managing emergencies or critical situations that may arise at sea. The role of a captain demands exceptional problem-solving abilities, the ability to lead and inspire a team, and the resilience to handle the challenges of life at sea.
Rewards and Opportunities: A career at sea, from cadet to captain, offers a range of rewards and opportunities. Seafarers have the chance to explore the world, visiting different ports, experiencing diverse cultures, and engaging in cross-cultural exchanges. They also enjoy the camaraderie of the seafaring community, fostering lifelong friendships with fellow crew members from around the globe. Moreover, the maritime industry offers competitive salaries, excellent benefits, and opportunities for career advancement, both onboard vessels and in related shore-based positions.
The journey from cadet to captain in the maritime industry is one that encompasses personal growth, professional development, and a life filled with unique experiences. It requires dedication, perseverance, and a passion for the sea. Through cadet training, apprenticeships, and rising through the ranks, seafarers develop the necessary skills and experience to assume the responsibilities of a captain. While the role of a captain comes with its challenges, the rewards and opportunities for growth and fulfillment in a career at sea are immeasurable.
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30+ Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Captain Ian D’Mello
30+ Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Faculty in Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC)
Captain Ian D’Mello, join the Navy and see the world was the idea in my head as young teenager. This thinking was fueled by my sea going neighbors, two boys a bit older than myself, who were on the training ship “DUFFERIN”. Seeing them in their white uniforms and caps only added to my ultimate dream.
Whilst at ST. Xavier’s college, even before completing the first year in BSC, I was called to join, “Hede Navigation” as a direct entry cadet.
In the First Year itself, I realized, sea life is "No Bed of Roses", coupled with the Heartbreak of saying goodbye to loved ones were the Rigors of Sea life.
My Tenure was on Bulk carriers and General Cargo ships. The Years spent at sea now appear almost a blur along with the time on leave at home mostly spent in appearing for exams.
Significant events in later years would be getting married and finally getting command of a ship.
Seeking some balance in my life, I joined the offshore. The two months on and off stint did not make saying goodbye to a family which now included a little child any easier.
After over 10 Years with company Great Offshore, I Finally decided to say goodbye to Sea life. Unable to just sit at home, I decided to try my hand as a Teacher and for some reason approached the Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC), Colaba for a job, despite other training institutes nearby.
The initial transition was not easy and it would be a year at NAMAC for my mindset to change from seafarer to teacher. The atmosphere at NAMAC was warm and welcoming. For any shore based institute, "Profit", finally becomes the end, not so for the Indian Navy. Training imparted takes precedence over just making money.
NAMAC has grown, since the time I joined 10 years ago, from an institute doing a few modular courses to now doing several simulator courses, Basic and Advanced courses, for Tanker, Chemical and Gas. Beside the full range offshore courses.
The dedication of all NAMAC staff combined with discipline of the Navy ensures the student gets the best training, making him/her a valuable asset to their shipping companies.
I would deeply encourage, fellow seafarers to join NAMAC as Faculty / Instructor. I also highly recommend students / seafarers   desirous of doing courses, that there will not be a better institute for the required training.
I would end on a personal note saying the last ten years, working at NAMAC, would possibly count as the best years of my Life.
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Naval Maritime Academy
15+ years of experience at sea followed a decade-long teaching career.
Naval Maritime Academy
Capt Cusrow Mincher Homji
15 Years of Sea Experiences as Captain
Faculty In Naval Maritime Academy (NAMAC)
The joys of teaching Mariners
It's like being on a ship! An early morning wakeup call, a refreshing bath, donning freshly ironed clothes and voila, ready for navigation through the streets of South Mumbai, on passage to the Naval Maritime Academy , deep within the wooded lands of the defence area at the farthest southern tip of Mumbai.
Arriving at the gates of NAMAC one gets welcomed into a pristine estate located in silvan surroundings, much like a Gurukul of old, outfitted with modern equipment and training aids.
Amidst cheerful good morning greetings of staff and students alike one enters the faculty room. The banter here reminds one of times spent on ships with colleagues amidst laughter, the joy of everyday work, and a general bonhomie.
It's 0815 then and off we go to our classrooms to get things ready for our students; a motley set of boys and girls, wanna be sailors, also men and women already professional seafarers. Some come for new learning others for refreshers.
Always a joy to meet fellow sailors; such fun to be able to transfer one's knowledge and know how to young and old alike. A most satisfying job this; teaching at NAMAC. giving back to the community. More a rendering of service than a business venture! And therein lies the joy, the feeling that one is part of an intuition, one that is steeped in welfare as opposed to a mere institute dishing out only information!
The greatest joy lies in the learning we gain from teaching and that smile of happiness on the faces of students as they successfully pass out of the gates of NAMAC with lasting memories.
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