n3rdystudyblr · 2 years
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My totally unscientific explanation of why I quit everything I start and how everything gets too overwhelming.
Big resolution image here
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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living in the little cottage, growing lavender and selling bouquets on the local market, making lavender oil and soap, riding a bike, wearing wide-brimmed hats and white dresses, and walking barefoot in my garden
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
Your professor will not be happy with you if he says the Stanford Prison Experiment shows human nature and you say it shows the nature of white middle class college-aged boys.
Like he will not be happy at all.
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
Buying books and reading for school
Not so long ago I realized that it has been ages since I bought a book simply because I wanted to read it.
I'm studying for 2 degrees and both are literary major (french literature and english) which means that I spend a LOT of money on books. And even if I wanted to read some of them, they were still part of my school cursus. It has been years since I've entered a library with the sole purpose to buy a bought because I wanted to read something new.
I think that's also why I've been reading less and less in the last couple of years. School takes a lot of my time and I was always reading books with the thought in the back of my mind that I was reading for school. I was reading because I HAD to and not because I WANTED to. I've discovered multiple authors thanks to my studies and I absolutely don't regret it.
But now, I'm trying to read for my own pleasure and I really feel the difference in my reading habits.
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
I just realized that with everyone transitioning to online classes and me getting my degree online I might actually have some good advice!
💻 Most common advice: Email your professors! No, really email your professors. But first make sure you check their email info in the syllabus because while you might have their official email that might not be the one they check. Also make sure you know what title they use, some professors will not respond to emails if they are addressed informally, when in doubt use Professor Last Name.
💻 Along with emails, check if their is a general discussion. If you have questions about course work that you don't want to bug your professors with, ask your classmates in a general discussion. Check the general discussion and answer your classmates questions, it's not only the nice thing to do but sometimes the professors check those discussions to assign extra credit or create exam questions. If there isn't a set up discussion, create one yourself!
💻 Print out your list of due dates and put them on your desk. Write due dates in your calendar. If you are taking a self-passed class, create your own due dates and write them in your calendar as well
💻 Don't be afraid to print out readings, if you need to highlight and annotate your readings print them out, it won't be a waste of ink
General tips about studying from home
⛅ Don't study in bed when you can. But if you can't get out of bed for whatever reason (hello depression!) don't feel guilty for studying in bed. You are cozy and you are still learning!!
⛅ Pick a specific study spot and time, that's pretty self explanatory
⛅ If you are moving back in with your parents, make sure to help around the house as much as you can. But also explain to them what times you need to have to study. I will tell my mom that "I'm going to school" when I go study that way she knows that isn't a time I can help her.
⛅ Try experimenting with motivation and focus techniques, they are different for everyone. I turn my phone volume on when I'm studying that way I only check it if I have a message. Some people have to turn their phone all the off.
⛅ You now have all your course work as t your fingertips so of course it feels like you should always be working. Don't rush, you have the whole quarter. If you burn out now you won't make it to finals. Set limits for yourself and take breaks to do things you enjoy.
⛅ Everything is stressful and scary right now! Reach out! Talk to your parents, email your classmates, use your new online counselors and therapists. We are all in this together 💓
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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Gloomy weekend morning set-up. I just bought this huge pack of paper made from recycled coffee cups, no idea what I’ll use it for yet but it’s good to have more room to play 🤍
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
u know what my goal is to eat pastries in different countries
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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ig: herdrafts I’ve started reading the Aeneid some weeks ago, quite big and complex book, also fascinating and full of Homeric references. Latin isn’t an easy language and I can’t reading it nor understand it as I would so this Italian translation has been the most sensible choice. I’ve also got two more classics, sketching and watching old movies, and organizing my reviews this early morning; I didn’t get enough sleep since this week started but I feel great.
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
all I want is a cute apartment with big windows, sunshine streaming through, a full bookcase, the smell of coffee and to be content and at peace with life
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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rain + tea + flowers 🌷 Instagram: kokokourtney
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
I just realized that with everyone transitioning to online classes and me getting my degree online I might actually have some good advice!
💻 Most common advice: Email your professors! No, really email your professors. But first make sure you check their email info in the syllabus because while you might have their official email that might not be the one they check. Also make sure you know what title they use, some professors will not respond to emails if they are addressed informally, when in doubt use Professor Last Name.
💻 Along with emails, check if their is a general discussion. If you have questions about course work that you don't want to bug your professors with, ask your classmates in a general discussion. Check the general discussion and answer your classmates questions, it's not only the nice thing to do but sometimes the professors check those discussions to assign extra credit or create exam questions. If there isn't a set up discussion, create one yourself!
💻 Print out your list of due dates and put them on your desk. Write due dates in your calendar. If you are taking a self-passed class, create your own due dates and write them in your calendar as well
💻 Don't be afraid to print out readings, if you need to highlight and annotate your readings print them out, it won't be a waste of ink
General tips about studying from home
⛅ Don't study in bed when you can. But if you can't get out of bed for whatever reason (hello depression!) don't feel guilty for studying in bed. You are cozy and you are still learning!!
⛅ Pick a specific study spot and time, that's pretty self explanatory
⛅ If you are moving back in with your parents, make sure to help around the house as much as you can. But also explain to them what times you need to have to study. I will tell my mom that "I'm going to school" when I go study that way she knows that isn't a time I can help her.
⛅ Try experimenting with motivation and focus techniques, they are different for everyone. I turn my phone volume on when I'm studying that way I only check it if I have a message. Some people have to turn their phone all the off.
⛅ You now have all your course work as t your fingertips so of course it feels like you should always be working. Don't rush, you have the whole quarter. If you burn out now you won't make it to finals. Set limits for yourself and take breaks to do things you enjoy.
⛅ Everything is stressful and scary right now! Reach out! Talk to your parents, email your classmates, use your new online counselors and therapists. We are all in this together 💓
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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Cosy rainy days in my jungle 🌱
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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”Les Fleurs du Mal” with the author’s notes 
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
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n3rdystudyblr · 4 years
when virginia woolf said “second hand books are wild books, homeless books; they have come together in vast flocks of variegated feather, and have a charm which the domesticated volumes of the library lack,”
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