mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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Work on the design of Mercer’s workshop has begun!  On another note, I wonder if people would be interested in open shop nights? Like a bi-weekly event sort of thing? Don’t know how many people want to talk to an engineer that specializes in prosthetics, but it’s something I am sort of tossing around?
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Sage in Passing
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Taking inspiration from my good friend, I decided to detail out my character’s somewhat unique spin on some of her newly acquired Sage powers.
Sasari’s pendulums are sentient familiars built with magitek that have their own personalities.  As of the moment, she is stuck with them permanently about her person.  They are replacing her need for a tether/anchor and as such are bound to her mind and magic.  Their names are going to be a work in process for a bit.
Kardia - “Bound in Purpose” A variant of Sari’s inherent ability to “tether” to another person.  Characters under the influence of Sari’s binding are bolstered any time she casts spells and feel their own magicks amplified.  The binding is influenced by Sari’s current state of mind and her emotions can sometimes bleed across, but mostly the influence is calming due to her steady and calm nature.
Egario - “Ties That Bind” Sari can keep someone from returning to the aetherial sea, but she must be swift and must have some sort of connection to the target of the spell.  She could not save a stranger with this and if questioned, it would simply be because she shares no resonance with their soul.
Pneuma - “Aether Burst”  Not terribly different from the power as listed but is generally less controlled, helps burn off excess aether.  The bolt has been said to resemble an aether cannon’s and the wave of the healing effect feels mildly like static shock and smells a little of ozone due to the light leaning of Sari’s aether towards lightning.
All those barrier based heals! - Sari was a Scholar in practice long before her knowledge of Sage came along and her healing and shielding abilities are a reflection of that.  Her intense desire to “Help those who can yet be saved” and magical strength has fortified and added to her shielding ability and diversified it.  The shields are rooted in her knowledge of arcanima and Scholar magics rather than being anything learned from the forum in Sharlayan despite the similarities.  At most, she is studying Sharlayan techniques to work into her own magic at this point.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Small pages, 32s, 2 UM
She despaired.
She wept in the corner as we spoke, the Young Blade having walked off in disgust at me; the Machinist, afar, intentionally avoiding my words; my reflection, mocking us as she showed "friendship;" the Magiteknologist and Chirurgeon, trying to force my reflection to show her hand.
And in the corner, she wept, despairing that she caused great trouble, that she had made any of hate her, that she had done some great wrong both by seeking justice for me and by, incidentally, bringing my dark reflection back to the Tower.
We were able to pull her back from it, with calm words of love and trust and, perhaps, the connection of the ring she and I both wear. But I remained trembling, nonetheless. She is so loved. She told me she has so much to live for, that while she cared naught for her life before, she sees meaning and purpose in it now. That she could be drawn into a darkness that might have consumed her once again...
The thought is a heavy weight to bear.
, Y.
The edge of the page is oddly frayed and bleached, as if it were exposed to some sort of dissolving magick.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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Several Wizards go poking around a rather large Allagan ruin in search of refined adamantite. 
Featured: @ofeightblades, @pale-eastern-star, @gravyffxiv, @little-purple-thundercloud, @sakata-no-anzu, @scales-claws-and-thorns, @furys-mercy, @khalacrumbles and Athalos Dorinthian.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Thoughts and Circuits #6
She has returned to work after many days of a cold forge.
It is rather impressive to see how easily she shuts herself from the outside world, turning to the drawing board and immersing herself in ideas, calculations, and the swift strokes of the pencil - before she transplants it all to the data terminals.
It is also confusing. Every time I manage to look into her eyes, I detect a different emotion. She has been on edge since some of her words brought a revelry of pain to those around her, or so I surmised after hearing her drunken admission. When the topic of visiting the Moon appeared, there was excitement. Upon her return, concern. Her eyes recently glinted with childish glee during the journey to the Crystal Tower, a place she admires greatly. Back at the forge, I could identify the fear in those same eyes, hints of despair, and of weakness.
I asked her about it. She pretended not to hear me.
I asked her about it again. She said she was fine.
I dared ask one more time.
She hugged me. And cried tearlessly, the only way she can. She spoke of earnest fear. Of confusion. Of freezing when she was needed; of facing things she has no easy answer to; of trying to avoid her old ways as she promised she would, and worrying she will fail.
I could not help her.
I could only hug back.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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Four Wizards discuss aether, souls, and hubris while sampling the many carrot varieties offered on the moon.  Featuring: @furys-mercy, @steelcarbuncle, @khalacrumbles, and @pale-eastern-star.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Another early rewrite for Kurenai's performance, I'm not sure if this was the second or third song I did for her. ♪Each step I'm taking is ♪ ♪leading me farther away ♪ ♪from all my dreams ♪ ♪don't know what to do~ ♪ ♪I changed direction ♪ ♪didn't intend to ♪ ♪this course lead me astray ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪you watched me go! ♪ ♪did I seem so brave? ♪ ♪walking alone ♪ ♪my tail flashing so ♪ ♪a loose scale working free ♪ ♪caught light and fell ♪ ♪you cried out to me ♪
♪eyes could only see ♪ ♪that path that lay ahead ♪ ♪my gaze too high to see perils ♪
♪this beautiful scenery that passes ♪ ♪all looks the same to me ♪ ♪I stifle a yawn ♪ ♪an insulting thing to do ♪ ♪missed an open door ♪ ♪a break for my soul ♪ ♪for sure no respite for me~ ♪
♪you watched me go! ♪ ♪know I seemed brave ♪ ♪my tail flashing so ♪ ♪a warning for the bold ♪ ♪truth is it's all that I need ♪ ♪this little braver ♪ ♪you could feel like me ♪ ♪walking alone ♪ ♪as if I'm in the know ♪ ♪the path that lay ahead ♪ ♪is one I made for me♪
♪what's this little bravery for ♪ ♪if there's no one in need? ♪ ♪and what's this hand for ♪ ♪if there's no one to hold it? ♪ ♪a serenade on my own ♪ ♪for this little braver ♪ ♪is it too much to ask ♪ ♪would you say, "oh ♪ ♪it was worth it it's true!" ♪
♪you watched me go!♪ ♪bravely don't you know ♪ ♪so brazenly ♪ ♪going the wrong way ♪ ♪away from all of my dreams ♪ ♪I didn't know it ♪ ♪even ambitiously ♪ ♪reaching out ahead ♪ ♪to a vision darkly ♪ ♪fingertips to re ve rie ♪ ♪I know what to do ♪
♪mayhap it lays ahead ♪ ♪mayhap it fell behind ♪ ♪two parts of a whole ♪ ♪unbroken ♪ oh didn't see - oh` ♪ ♪they're the same dream ♪
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
𝒪𝓃 𝒯𝑒𝑜'𝓈 𝒜𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈:
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𝐵𝓇𝒾𝑒𝒻 𝐸𝓍𝓅𝓁𝒶𝓃𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃:
Teo’s current condition is something that most certainly deserves a post all it’s own. I hope to write something up to further elaborate on that in the near future. Currently, I will just give a brief explanation to give context to the ability descriptions below. 
Due to certain circumstances, Teo is currently playing host to another of the shards of Icarus. Kishar, the shard from the 13th, has a long and interesting story that culminates in her being subjugated, trapped, and possessed for longer than she is even capable of remembering. Now free of her oppressor and short a body she has taken up residence inside Teo as their souls called to each other. While she is not a voidsent, she is of the 13th and the flood of darkness and the ensuing imprisonment she faced resulted in her being aspected heavily towards darkness.  As she resides within Teo, a twin to his own soul, her aspect has shifted his somewhat. They also share much of their skills and knowledge with each other, which has also played a part in altering Teo’s skill as a healer and elemental mage into something that is quite different and to the undiscerning eye may, in fact, appear void-like. Or perhaps like something that might be wielded by other dark entities. 
𝒯𝒽𝑒 𝒜𝒷𝒾𝓁𝒾𝓉𝒾𝑒𝓈:
Dark Fire – A ball of dark purple fire coalesces around the end of Teo’s staff before being launched at his target, singeing them before vanishing.
Dark Aero – Purple winds that appear as if they might be comprised wholly of shadow whip around Teo before being unleashed in the direction of his target. They linger, creating a sickly haze and perhaps attempting to impair his target’s line of sight and mobility.
Dark Eruption – Teo raises his staff high, letting out a guttural cry as a pillar of dark fire erupts atop his target with such force that the purple flames splash onto any nearby enemies. 
Dark Flare – A growing mass of dark aether swirls above Teo’s intended target. He thrusts his staff forward and releases the spell allow it to burst outward licking meaning to melt both the armor and skin of his enemies. 
Caustic Distortion – Teo throws his hands out on each side of him commanding the aether around him. It seems almost as if time stops for a brief moment. Shadows appear to crane towards him as he releases the spell. Wounded allies feel a tingling sensation as minor wounds being to knit back together. Nearby enemies, however, find their armor and weapons showing more age and wear than would be expected, leaving openings for his allies to capitalize upon. 
Ephemeral Distortion – With a swing of his staff swirls of purple coalesce around his allies, eventually fading from sight almost as quickly as they appeared. It would appear that the effect does nothing until something attempts to break through the established barrier. Weapons, projectiles, and even hurled fire slow down just enough to allow for adjustments and less damaging impacts of party members. 
Temporal Shift – With one hastily muttered word in an unrecognizable tongue, the gem in Teo’s staff glows a sickly purple and time seems to speed up around his target for a split second. Bruises heal and small cuts knit back together leaving the target of this effect with tingling feelings or, perhaps, some minor pain. 
Temporal Sympathy – Darkness pools around the feet of Teo’s target. Translucent tendrils flick back and forth at a rapid pace showing the quickening of time. More severe wounds being to stabilize. Bleeding ceases and scabs form in mere moments as the target’s healing is accelerated. While Temporal Shift causes mere tingling, Temporal Sympathy targets more significant wounds and moves to stabilize them, causing brief bouts of pain that scales with the severity of the injury. 
Corrosive Haze – A purple haze clings to Teo as he mutters something unintelligible under his breath. With a flick of his staff the haze coalescence around his allies (or ally) creating a corrosive cover between them and their opponents. Should weapons, armor, or projectiles come in contact with the haze they begin to atrophy. Rust builds on blades, leathers fray, and arrows seem to rot. Once again creating openings for his allies and reducing incoming damage.  Jolt from the Dark - As his party member slips into unconsciousness, Teo slams the end of his staff into the ground. There is a brief rumble before dark levin encompasses his target, delivering just enough shock to rouse the heart and return them to their feet, still weary and wounded, but further from death’s door.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Quest of the Avatar
The Void was a frightening and fascinating thing, well worth the study. Without necessarily knowing what caused an entire realm to be overcome with darkness, Einrich had a little idea as to the nature of what Eorzeans called the Void.
It was, of course, a lie. The Void is the absolute absence of things. Whatever happened to those who fell to Blasphemies? That was void. There was no aether dispersion - he had confirmed that well enough - whatever composed the person was utterly and irremediably gone.
Yet when Einrich compared the sheer malevolence and power of what Eorzeans claimed was the Void to the remains of Blasphemies, he knew immediately Eorzeans were wrong as far as the Void was concerned.
The Void was merely Darkness and Darkness can be fought.
"Are you listening?" A coarse voice broke Einrich's thoughts.
"The creation of an Avatar requires tapping into the Void to find a creature willing to part with a portion of its power in exchange for the aether of our victims. Therefore, it is of the utmost importance that whatever sentient being we pick is researched as much as possible." Einrich recited, in his own words.
"Good. Thing with that is when we Garleans decided to fight back using this power, there wasn't much literature on the damned beasts. We had no idea of whatever Shadow Court, Cloud of Darkness, and other things that Eorzeans discovered over the years. Now, we do, so we can avoid these types of mistakes. So, if, say, Forgall seeks a pact with you, sever the connection", his makeshift instructor said. Einrich nodded. He hadn't surveyed the Mhachi ruins himself, but he'd heard enough rumors from adventurers with dubious connections that anything involved with that should be better off staying in the Darkness.
And if there's something Einrich had learned over the years - Power dictated the rules of engagement.
"Much like the farmers we were, in order to reap, you must first sow. Whatever you sow is what you will end up reaping. If you sow something beyond your ability, then you'll reap death. If you sow something too weak, then you will reap nothing. My mentor told me that, and damned if I didn't see young fools get consumed by beast or Voidsent for doing too much or too little."
The instructor planted his scythe's butt in the ground, through solid rock.
"If you can take it out, we can move on."
Einrich took a stern look at his instructor, one who had already divined what the lesson plan was. Humility. Recognizing that he did not have the strength necessary to pull a metallic scythe embedded through solid rock by an experienced reaper who obviously tapped into the power of his Avatar to make sure it stayed there. Humility was not a lesson he needed to learn - He had been served that since youth. Ever since Kellach eclipsed him in their tasks despite Kellach being the younger brother, since his position on the council was undermined due to his relative youth, since he was unable to save his people, since destroying the lives of so many resistance members from simply associating with him for what ended up being... nothing.
"You've used your Avatar to make sure this thing won't budge. I could train and build my body for a year, with the best possible food, that this scythe wouldn't even move after all that work. The only thing that would allow me to move it is either supernatural aetheric strength, or calling upon a similar power."
The instructor smirked.
"Oh, and why is that?"
This is where Einrich shined. If there was something he knew, it was terrain and his instructor's choice of terrain was very much intentional.
"First, the rocks here are extremely sturdy, and a regular spoken, no matter how trained, would not be able to shatter them in such a clean cut way with a specific stick without the stick being made of an absurdly hard material and angled such. Your scythe is not. Second, the scythe itself is weighted down as it is meant to be wielded by someone who has access to such strength. No doubt a battle-hardened Roegadyn, Hrothgar or someone gifted with aforementioned aetheric strength could wield it, but not with the lightness of step that you do. Third, while I have gained physical strength and endurance on this journey, I would exert myself doing this and perhaps get it out by... let's be generous and say about three ilms, but most likely two. After an hour of attempting to pull it by any means necessary. Fourth, as this is a lesson in order to test my readiness to create an Avatar, I cannot in good conscience use my Arcanima to help, and even so, it would not exactly help in any major way, as I cannot manipulate the Earth. If you still want me to try, then I will, but I see no point in doing so when I am set up for failure."
The mentor smirked even further.
"Guess I can't slip one by you." He recalled the scythe to him. "Took me two days to figure out I couldn't do it and I'd been set-up by my own mentor. You're right though. As reapers, we're calling upon a power that isn't ours. If there's a full blown Voidsent invasion, the entities we bind ourselves to aren't going to help: They're going to be in there, attempting to kill us and take over. That is why a reaper needs the humility to understand exactly the difference between personal strength and power borrowed."
Einrich nodded. Power borrowed was a good way to put it. After all, at the end of the day, if you had aetheric strength, you would not be seeking an avatar.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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ʙᴀʀᴇʟʏ ʙʀᴇᴀᴛʜɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴛʜᴇ ɢʀᴏᴜɴᴅ  ʏᴏᴜ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴍʏ ʙᴏᴅʏ ᴛᴏ ʙᴇ ꜰᴏᴜɴᴅ ʙᴜᴛ ꜱᴄᴀʀꜱ ɢɪᴠᴇ ᴍᴇ ʟɪꜰᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱʜᴏᴜʟᴅ'ᴠᴇ ᴋɪʟʟᴇᴅ ᴍᴇ ᴛᴡɪᴄᴇ
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Identities 5 (?)
It took years to find a tailor who'd actually do it and when Kellach found one he would never let it go. At first, it was just because he wanted to see himself inside a cute maid's dress because he liked the idea of himself dressing in feminine clothes if only for the clash of his battle-forged body compared to what he chose to emphacize it with.
Since marrying Eamont, it also became a need to satisfy his husband with one of the many outfits the man would want to see his spouse in. Kell knew his love's tastes very well.
Still, that was in the past but now... well, it was more than that. It was a need, a calling that went beyond simple subversive clothing or husband pleasing.
Kellach wanted to protect others, and sometimes that just meant making sure they had a good home and baths ready.
Besides, housework was training, in a way. What if he needed to fight off invaders with a broom? Would he be able to do it? Sure, it LOOKS like a spear but the little bristles don't actually pierce skin.
More importantly, it would help familiarize himself with the rest of the Tower's new arrivals.
He knew then and there, Kell the maid needed to exist, and he would protect his friends' comforts with clean slippers, heartwarming non-alcoholic drinks, and cozy blankets.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Small pages, 14s, 2 UM
I am aware acutely of the chaos my words have caused, when we went to attempt to rescue the Engineer's sister. I could not handle such woes, along with the fires in the skies, and so I fled. I told myself the lie that I was seeking answers in the other world, the key to prevent further innocents from being hurt, but in truth I was wounded and, in my foolishness, withdrew.
When I returned, it was into the arms of the Pale Star that I landed. I blessed her impending binding to the Storybearer -- it is a ritual of great meaning to him, and I wish for him to know the same strength of vows she and I have shared upon our rings -- and she reminded me that I she cannot hold me back if I choose to flee, and that my departures wound her as they wound me.
And so, as I did with the Machinist before, I swore to her that I would honor the promise of our rings and run to her, if she would have me. She has other partners, of course, and it will be a challenge to battle the voice in my head that says I am the least of those, that I am an intrusion upon her life, but in a way, it quiets that voice to know that the Storybearer sometimes feels the same.
Now I must needs pick up the other pieces.
, Y.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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ᴡʜᴇɴ ɪ'ᴍ ᴡᴇᴀᴋ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ꜱᴛᴜᴍʙʟᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ᴍʏ ᴡᴏʀʟᴅ ꜱᴛᴀʀᴛꜱ ᴛᴏ ᴄʀᴜᴍʙʟᴇ ʜᴏʟᴅ ᴍᴇ  𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔸𝔻𝕐 𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔸𝔻𝕐 𝕊𝕋𝔼𝔸𝔻𝕐
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
Going to start posting some of Kurenai's lyrics from her performance RP. Starting with her debut some years ago ♩ Don't you know there's too much between us, no way to reach the arithmetic mean ♩ ♩ these bloody paths have made us and we’ll never ever come clean ♩ ♩ You’re the one that’s better at looking as if you’ve been living the dream ♩ ♩ I’ll hold close this warm delusion that your feelings aren’t what they seem ♩ ♩ why-ever can’t you see ♩ ♩amidst a hundred-fifty shades of black ♩  ♩ I felt so much safer ♩ ♩ when we danced back-to-back ♩ ♩ Don’t you know I always knew that I was a little naive♩ ♩ Even when you said I was stupid part of me wouldn’t believe ♩ ♩ this fool could see that we played a game but not for keeps ♩ ♩ reveled in the fear that we might go on alone ♩ ♩ Didn’t want to wake you ♩    ♩ and leave this girl to weep ♩ ♩ It just seemed like you weren’t getting good sleep ♩ ♩ Maybe it’s not love even if it stings ♩ ♩ a want can hurt as much as a need ♩ ♩ A thousand years might pass and even then I won’t see ♩ ♩ I can’t tell the difference between love and greed,  no ♩ ♩ AaAh ♩ ♩ What can I say?  ♩   ♩ There’s no way to know ♩ ♩ Don’t you know I tried to love those that were good for me ♩ ♩ medicine tastes like shit but you know it’s what you need♩ ♩ Feeling better but they know I want to leave♩ ♩ So then I smile, pretend I'm not full of greed ♩   ♩ Sweet souls like these ♩ ♩ don’t deserve this misdeed ♩ ♩ Such a gift you see ♩ ♩ It's wasted on people like me ♩ ♩ Even so I won’t cry like I used to ♩ ♩ Feel I’m sharp as this sharp-edged world made me ♩ ♩ So I'll keep this grin like a knife and a lie ♩ ♩ Don’t you know I love my scars ♩ ♩ they're beautifil, oh ♩ ♩ An aura ♩ ♩ can't you feel it? ♩  ♩ It's  become something  musical ♩ 
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔰𝔢𝔫𝔡 𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝔞𝔫 𝔞𝔯𝔪𝔶 𝔱𝔬 𝔣𝔦𝔫𝔡 𝔶𝔬𝔲 ℑ𝔫 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔪𝔦𝔡𝔡𝔩𝔢 𝔬𝔣 𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔡𝔞𝔯𝔨𝔢𝔰𝔱 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱 ℑ𝔱'𝔰 𝔱𝔯𝔲𝔢, ℑ 𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩 𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔠𝔲𝔢 𝔶𝔬𝔲
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔽𝕒𝕞𝕚𝕝𝕪 ℍ𝕠𝕞𝕖
I have finished the redesign of Mercer’s family home. I wanted something darker with more wood and less foliage. I am pretty happy with how it came out.  Please feel free to drop by and give it a look!   Balmung. Mists. Ward 22. Plot 60.
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mysterium-xiv · 2 years
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