Secret Marriages Pt.2
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Emilia Clarke x Reader
Summary: With secrets revealed it’s time for yours and Emilia's first public outing after your marriage was announced. Now fans get to see how in love you two are. Featuring an assortment of cute moments.
A/N: Hi it’s been some time since I’ve last posted a fic I never thought I’d hit writer's block when I started doing this but I was so wrong but I really appreciate the fact that people stop to read what I wrote and give it a chance means a lot.
It’s been a couple weeks since it was revealed you and Emilia got married and the response was great. All of the congratulations came in and of course the few bad comments but it didn’t bug you. You were too happy to be sad about closed minded comments. You’ve been too busy promoting the final season of Game of Thrones. Speaking of the final season. Tonight is the premiere and cast mates from the start and finish of the show are going to be there and you couldn’t have been more excited to see them. But you’re also excited to be able to publicly go out as an official married woman.
Speaking of your wonderful spouse a sweet voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “If you take any longer touching up your makeup we might miss the premiere. You still haven’t gotten your dress on love”, teases an already dressed Emilia. You chuckle finishing up your makeup glancing at Emilia who’s leaning against the doorway, “Well my love beauty takes time.” “Well it’s good you’re already beautiful but we are on a schedule.” Emilia steps closer placing her hands on your shoulder, “What are you thinking about?” Placing your hand on top of hers you make eye contact in the mirror. “Just about tonight. And you.” Emilia lifts an eyebrow with a smirk and leans down, “All things dirty I hope”, whispers Emilia before she lays kisses against your neck.
You giggle making Emilia smile, “No I’m just thinking about how I started all this as Y/N Y/LN and now I’m ending this as Y/N Clarke. I’m just really happy.” Emilia tilts your head towards her and presses a light kiss against your lips. Emilia whispers, “I love you and I am as happy as I am lucky thanks to you.” “I love you too”, you say. Glancing at the clock you stand, “I’m gonna get dressed before our driver comes don’t miss me too much.”
“You know I will.”
You sigh at the sounds of camera flashing and yells from photographers. This was always your least favorite part about being an actor. As you start to brace yourself a hand intertwines with your own. You turn to see your wife giving you an understanding smile, “Do this together?” You sigh in relief, “Have I ever told you before that I love you?” Emilia chuckles, “Once or twice. Let’s go.”
Once you and Emilia step onto the carpet the camera flashes seems to double. You might’ve underestimated your marriage going public would attract that much attention. Emilia leans into your ear and whispers, “You’d think we were royalty with this much attention.” You giggle which the camera seemed to catch. You wrapped your arm around her waist, “Shall we give them a show?” Emilia smiles mischievously, placing her left hand against your cheek, “I’d love to.” With that Emilia pulls you into a kiss causing the cameras to flash at an alarming rate.
Music blared as the party was in full swing. Cast members whether their character was living or deceased were here. Since it was the last premiere as the Game of Thrones cast you decided to make the most of it making your rounds speaking to everyone.
You laugh along to a joke two your cast mates and friends Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner told. “An impromptu Vegas wedding with Diplo and the Jonas Brothers. Sounds fun. I’m sad I’m gonna miss it.” “Well we’re gonna have a formal ceremony some time later so you better be there but the Vegas wedding so because we wanted to do something with just our family. Besides we weren't invited to your secret wedding”, teases Sophie. You jokingly roll your eyes, “Hey if anything we’re even besides not all of us are able to get Diplo to go to our wedding.” Maisie shares a mischievous smile with Sophie, “Speaking of wedding don’t you have a Mrs. you should be getting back to.” “Don’t think you’re off the hook you’re lucky I’m not asking questions about a certain boy I’ve seen you with.” Maisie blushes as Sophie and you laugh. You look around and see Emilia talking to Kit near the dance floor. Sensing your stare Emilia turns and makes eye contact with you giving you one of her infamous smiles. You blush turn back to Sophie and Maisie, “I think I’ve entertained you children long along there’s someone else’s attention I’d like to occupy.” “Oh no please I think the longer you two send each other longing smiles we’ll throw up”, teases Maisie. You roll your eyes sarcastically making your way to Emilia much with the sounds of Sophie and Maisie’s laughter trailing after you.
You place your hand on Kit’s shoulder. “Mind if I steal my wife away Harrington?”, you say. Kit sends you a smile, “Of course. Now’s my chance to find mine.” Kit sends you two a smile before walking away. You turn towards Emilia sending her a shy smile, “Hi.” Emilia giggles, “Hello.” You blush and straighten up clearing your throat, “May I have this dance?” “Yes you may”, says Emilia who breaks out into a smile after attempting to keep a serious facade. Stepping forward you wrap your arms around her waist while Emilia wraps hers behind your neck. Moving to the beat you sway to the music. Emilia smiles, “Does this remind you of anything?” “Prom?”, you guess confusedly. Emilia laughs, “No silly our wedding night.” Realization dawns on you making you smile, “Of course I do I also remember doing this.” Before Emilia can react you lightly dip her making her gasp before a loud laugh escapes her. You join her in laughing as your gaze lands on a smiling Sophie and Maisie both who are filming you two with their phones. “I think our young friends are recording us”, you say. Emilia looks toward them, “Well those two aren’t the only ones filming or taking pictures of us. I’ve seen a lot of cameras facing us today.” You smirk, “Well who can blame them we are an amazing couple.” Emilia laughs looking at you with love in her eyes.
You smile confusedly, “What is it?” Emilia shrugs, “I just love you. Before I met you I never knew what being truly in love felt like. Then I met you and suddenly it all made sense. I’ve never been more ready to propose than that moment I met you. After the day I met you our wedding is the second best day of my life. I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I still wouldn’t have it any other way.” You grin with tears in your eyes as you passionately place your lips against Emilia’s. As she kisses you back the two of you are very unaware of the smiles people around the room send the two of you.
A hand on your shoulder causes the two of you to pull apart confusedly. The two of you turn to Sophie and Maisie grinning at the two of you. “I know we tease the two of you but you two truly are a cute couple”, says Sophie.
Emilia smirks, “The cutest and most amazing couple you mean.” You look to Emilia with a grin as she smiles smugly at you. “Have I ever told you before that I love you?” “Once or twice.”
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Secret Marriages Pt.2
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Emilia Clarke x Reader
Summary: With secrets revealed it’s time for yours and Emilia's first public outing after your marriage was announced. Now fans get to see how in love you two are. Featuring an assortment of cute moments.
A/N: Hi it’s been some time since I’ve last posted a fic I never thought I’d hit writer's block when I started doing this but I was so wrong but I really appreciate the fact that people stop to read what I wrote and give it a chance means a lot.
It’s been a couple weeks since it was revealed you and Emilia got married and the response was great. All of the congratulations came in and of course the few bad comments but it didn’t bug you. You were too happy to be sad about closed minded comments. You’ve been too busy promoting the final season of Game of Thrones. Speaking of the final season. Tonight is the premiere and cast mates from the start and finish of the show are going to be there and you couldn’t have been more excited to see them. But you’re also excited to be able to publicly go out as an official married woman.
Speaking of your wonderful spouse a sweet voice breaks you out of your thoughts. “If you take any longer touching up your makeup we might miss the premiere. You still haven’t gotten your dress on love”, teases an already dressed Emilia. You chuckle finishing up your makeup glancing at Emilia who’s leaning against the doorway, “Well my love beauty takes time.” “Well it’s good you’re already beautiful but we are on a schedule.” Emilia steps closer placing her hands on your shoulder, “What are you thinking about?” Placing your hand on top of hers you make eye contact in the mirror. “Just about tonight. And you.” Emilia lifts an eyebrow with a smirk and leans down, “All things dirty I hope”, whispers Emilia before she lays kisses against your neck.
You giggle making Emilia smile, “No I’m just thinking about how I started all this as Y/N Y/LN and now I’m ending this as Y/N Clarke. I’m just really happy.” Emilia tilts your head towards her and presses a light kiss against your lips. Emilia whispers, “I love you and I am as happy as I am lucky thanks to you.” “I love you too”, you say. Glancing at the clock you stand, “I’m gonna get dressed before our driver comes don’t miss me too much.”
“You know I will.”
You sigh at the sounds of camera flashing and yells from photographers. This was always your least favorite part about being an actor. As you start to brace yourself a hand intertwines with your own. You turn to see your wife giving you an understanding smile, “Do this together?” You sigh in relief, “Have I ever told you before that I love you?” Emilia chuckles, “Once or twice. Let’s go.”
Once you and Emilia step onto the carpet the camera flashes seems to double. You might’ve underestimated your marriage going public would attract that much attention. Emilia leans into your ear and whispers, “You’d think we were royalty with this much attention.” You giggle which the camera seemed to catch. You wrapped your arm around her waist, “Shall we give them a show?” Emilia smiles mischievously, placing her left hand against your cheek, “I’d love to.” With that Emilia pulls you into a kiss causing the cameras to flash at an alarming rate.
Music blared as the party was in full swing. Cast members whether their character was living or deceased were here. Since it was the last premiere as the Game of Thrones cast you decided to make the most of it making your rounds speaking to everyone.
You laugh along to a joke two your cast mates and friends Maisie Williams and Sophie Turner told. “An impromptu Vegas wedding with Diplo and the Jonas Brothers. Sounds fun. I’m sad I’m gonna miss it.” “Well we’re gonna have a formal ceremony some time later so you better be there but the Vegas wedding so because we wanted to do something with just our family. Besides we weren't invited to your secret wedding”, teases Sophie. You jokingly roll your eyes, “Hey if anything we’re even besides not all of us are able to get Diplo to go to our wedding.” Maisie shares a mischievous smile with Sophie, “Speaking of wedding don’t you have a Mrs. you should be getting back to.” “Don’t think you’re off the hook you’re lucky I’m not asking questions about a certain boy I’ve seen you with.” Maisie blushes as Sophie and you laugh. You look around and see Emilia talking to Kit near the dance floor. Sensing your stare Emilia turns and makes eye contact with you giving you one of her infamous smiles. You blush turn back to Sophie and Maisie, “I think I’ve entertained you children long along there’s someone else’s attention I’d like to occupy.” “Oh no please I think the longer you two send each other longing smiles we’ll throw up”, teases Maisie. You roll your eyes sarcastically making your way to Emilia much with the sounds of Sophie and Maisie’s laughter trailing after you.
You place your hand on Kit’s shoulder. “Mind if I steal my wife away Harrington?”, you say. Kit sends you a smile, “Of course. Now’s my chance to find mine.” Kit sends you two a smile before walking away. You turn towards Emilia sending her a shy smile, “Hi.” Emilia giggles, “Hello.” You blush and straighten up clearing your throat, “May I have this dance?” “Yes you may”, says Emilia who breaks out into a smile after attempting to keep a serious facade. Stepping forward you wrap your arms around her waist while Emilia wraps hers behind your neck. Moving to the beat you sway to the music. Emilia smiles, “Does this remind you of anything?” “Prom?”, you guess confusedly. Emilia laughs, “No silly our wedding night.” Realization dawns on you making you smile, “Of course I do I also remember doing this.” Before Emilia can react you lightly dip her making her gasp before a loud laugh escapes her. You join her in laughing as your gaze lands on a smiling Sophie and Maisie both who are filming you two with their phones. “I think our young friends are recording us”, you say. Emilia looks toward them, “Well those two aren’t the only ones filming or taking pictures of us. I’ve seen a lot of cameras facing us today.” You smirk, “Well who can blame them we are an amazing couple.” Emilia laughs looking at you with love in her eyes.
You smile confusedly, “What is it?” Emilia shrugs, “I just love you. Before I met you I never knew what being truly in love felt like. Then I met you and suddenly it all made sense. I’ve never been more ready to propose than that moment I met you. After the day I met you our wedding is the second best day of my life. I knew that you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. I still wouldn’t have it any other way.” You grin with tears in your eyes as you passionately place your lips against Emilia’s. As she kisses you back the two of you are very unaware of the smiles people around the room send the two of you.
A hand on your shoulder causes the two of you to pull apart confusedly. The two of you turn to Sophie and Maisie grinning at the two of you. “I know we tease the two of you but you two truly are a cute couple”, says Sophie.
Emilia smirks, “The cutest and most amazing couple you mean.” You look to Emilia with a grin as she smiles smugly at you. “Have I ever told you before that I love you?” “Once or twice.”
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Never have I ever loved the color red until now...
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I don’t know how I did it. I only remember feeling completely alone. Empty.. Endless nothingness .
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The Maid and the Lady
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Sansa Stark x Reader
Summary: As a Maid you’d never think a highborn could look at you the way you look at Sansa Stark. Apparently someone can. A red headed Stark in fact proves you wrong.
A/N: I’m so sorry I haven’t posted in awhile a lot of personal stuff was happening and then I had no motivation to write. Then when I finally managed to write I could never finish it and it would take me days.
Being a maid in Winterfell meant no one knew who you were. Nobody looked at you and if they did it’s split between disgust or lust. You wanted to be looked at the way someone looks at their lover. The way a woman looks at their husbands because they’re actually in love. You wanted Sansa Stark to look at you that way.
You’ve always admired the Lady of Winterfell. How couldn’t you? She was smart, beautiful, kind despite all the hardships but everyone got to experience her strength when the Starks reclaim Winterfell. But sadly enough she’ll never look at you the way you wish she would. You’re lucky enough to have her attention when you serve her family, especially her.
That’s where you’re wrong. So so wrong. You did catch Sansa’s attention. You’ve held it for so long and you were never aware of it. Sansa thought she was in love a couple of times in her life. Then she realized that love she held wasn’t real compared to the love she held for you. Never had she thought she would fall for a woman but then those thoughts suddenly didn’t matter because as soon as she saw your smile she had never felt something so natural. And with that whenever you came into her room to do your assigned chores she would always make small talk with you which always grew into longer conversations the more she spoke to you. But Lady Stark was too nervous to speak up despite the VERY OBVIOUS stares between the two.
That’s where Arya and Bran Stark decided enough was enough.
You move around the kitchens with other maids preparing to serve the Stark family their meals when a throat is cleared. Stopping our movements the maids turn to see Arya Stark standing there making everyone immediately curtsy. Arya shakes them off, “I’d like to speak to miss Y/N”. Suddenly all eyes turn to you making you blush and hurry towards Arya who was already beginning to walk.
“My lady with all due respect but shouldn’t you be in the hall preparing to eat?” Arya nods continuing to walk the halls, “Yes but I wished to speak to you beforehand”. You frown confused, “What would you like to speak about it?” The two of you stop in front of a very familiar door. You quirk an eyebrow at Arya when you hear voices on the other side of the day but before you can ask any questions Arya opens the door revealing Sansa and Bran on the other side. Sansa stares at the two of you confused while a small smirk seems to appear on Bran’s face. Arya walks in the room grabbing the handles to Bran’s wheelchair and pushes him out of Sansa’s room.
Arya turns to you and Sansa, “Oh I’m sorry I meant to say you and my sister have something to talk about.” You start to realize what is happening but before you can move Arya pushes you into the room and closes the door in one swift motion.
Reaching for the door knob you try to open it realizing Arya locked it. Sighing you turn to a flustered Sansa, “I’m sorry my lady but your sister seemed to lock us in the room.” Sansa nods thoughtfully, “Do you have an idea what my sister was referring to?” Blushing you turn to the door jiggling the doorknob a little harder, “Arya I need to get back to my duties just like you and your family are expected to be in the dinner hall.” Arya shouts back, “Not until you talk about it.” You shout back, “Talk about what?” You hear no response causing you to groan and try the door knob again. A soft hand places itself on top of yours stopping you and your eyes meet Sansa’s.
Sansa gives you a wry smile, “My younger brother and I were speaking about something. Preferably my feelings about someone. A girl in fact. He was encouraging me to come clean about my feelings because I may never have the chance to again. I told him she wouldn’t feel the same way but my brother is very sure I am mistaken.” Sansa gulps and takes a couple steps closer forcing you to press your back against the door. “I need to know I’m not mistaken before I do something I might not regret”, whispers Sansa who hovers her lips before yours.
Despite the fast beating of your heart and the tension in the room you can’t help but consider the cons. You whisper back, “I’m just a maid my lady.” “That doesn’t make you any less capable of love. You can’t tell me you’ve never wanted to be in love”, says Sansa. Nuzzling your nose against Sansa’s you say, “Of course I have. I’m a maid and you’re a lady. You get to tell others what to do while I serve. I’m lower class while you’re higher class. You’re supposed to marry someone rich. To love someone rich.” Sansa stares at you with a determined look in her eye, “You never denied it.”
You stare at Sansa in confusion, “Denied what?” Sansa smirks slightly, “That you love me.” Your eyes widen and you start to blush while stumbling over your words. Sansa smiles and places her hands on your waist and leans in towards your ear. “You are right I am Lady of Winterfell so you have to do what I say. As Lady whomever I love is up to me. So as your Lady I demand that you tell me truthfully whether you love me or not.” Whomever I love. Sansa Stark loves you. She loves you and doesn’t care what other people think. If she doesn't, why should you? With that you cup the back of Sansa’s neck and whisper, “I love you” before pulling Sansa into a passionate kiss.
Warmth is all you feel. It’s the feeling you get whenever you’re in the same room as Sansa. When you’re making her bed or picking out her outfit and she’s speaking to you asking you about your day. Warmth is what Sansa Stark makes you feel.
Pulling away you both try to catch your breath while staring into each other’s eyes. Sansa breaks the silence, “I love you.” You smile, “I love you too.” Sansa glances from your eyes to your lips but before she can press her lips back against yours the door you’re pressed against swings open causing you to fall to the floor with Sansa falling on top of you. You and Sansa look up to see Arya and Bran in front of you. Bran looks to Arya, “Told you it would happen.” Arya rolls her eyes, “After forcing them in a room together it did.” Arya turns to the both of you, “Took you long enough I’m sure the entire Winterfell was ready to go to war with the amount of time the two of you spent staring at each other.” Both you and Sansa blush at Arya’s words. Certainly you kept your secret well hidden. “We’ll see the two of you at the dinner hall”, Arya grabs Bran’s handlebars to his wheelchair and make their exit leaving you and Sansa alone.
Sansa turns to you and you both giggle. Sansa moves to her feet and pulls you with her, “I’ll see you after dinner?” You smile, “Yes you will Lady Sansa.” Sansa smiles, “That’s just Sansa to you my lady.” “Then I will see you later Just Sansa.” Sansa grins widely giving you one last kiss before leaving to the dinner hall.
You smile to yourself before turning to the opposite direction heading to the kitchens. Who knew all it took was to be locked in a room with the Lady of Winterfell to show you can be loved.
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Here’s to the fanfic writers who can only write sporadically.
Here’s the writers who can’t output enough to keep up with the most popular writers.
Here’s to the writers writing even though they get no feedback.
Here’s to the writers who somehow manage to scrape together a little inspiration and a lot of hard work to write that story they know nearly no one will read.
Here’s to the creators who keep going even when it’ feels like screaming into an empty void.
You’re inspiration, and I don’t know how you do it.
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A Getaway Plan
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Margaery Tyrell x Reader
Summary: To escape from the world you need a plan. Two lovers plan their escape before they face their realities.
A/N: Hi it’s been awhile since I’ve written something. I haven’t had the motivation and I was out of ideas and school has been keeping me busy. I am trying to get better at this stuff. Thank you to everyone who’s read my stories. It really means a lot to me.
The early morning sunlight shines from the window lighting up the room stirring you from sleep. Suddenly realizing that it’s morning it takes a lot of willpower to not groan.
Today was the day. Today was the day where the Tyrell family headed towards King’s Landing.
Your father was a lord from the Reach who happened to be close friends with Mace Tyrell. With that you met and became close with his family especially his daughter Margaery. You were captivated by Margaery the moment you met her. Until your father’s death you didn’t believe she shared the same sentiment. She comforted you over your father’s death and begged her father to take you in and when you asked why she did it she admitted to being in love with you.
Sadly there is no relationship that doesn’t go through hardship. That hardship? Marrying Renly Baratheon and her desire for becoming Queen.
She begged you to come with her to Renly’s camp with the excuse of being her companion. So while Renly took Loras and his lover you were Margaerys. Things changed after Renly’s death; you had to flee back to Highgarden and when you arrived the family decided to have Margaery marry Joffrey much to your chagrin especially hearing the vile things about the boy. Margaery came to your room the night before you and the Tyrell family moved towards King’s Landing with Loras already leaving to fight in the Battle of the Blackwater. She claimed she wanted to spend time with you.
You did spend time together...in another productive way. That’s how you ended up here.
Turning away from the Sun already knowing you would have to get up soon before the handmaid's file in you turn towards a sleeping Margaery. You couldn’t help but marvel over the girl. She’s the most beautiful woman you’ve ever seen and she chose you. Men lust over but yet it’s you she chooses to spend her time with. Reaching up you gently caress her cheek slightly rousing the girl. Mumbling Margaery says, “Are you staring at me?” Smiling despite the fact her eyes remained closed, “I’d like to call it admiring but yes.” Opening her icy blue eyes playfully narrow at you, “I should punish you for waking me.” You jest propping yourself up by your elbow, “And what will you do my Lady?” Giving you that mischievous smirk Margaery straddles you forcing you to lay on your back. The sheet the two of you had been using to cover your bodies falls from Margaery’s grip revealing her chest instantly making you blush much to Rose's delight. Leaning down towards your lips blue eyes stare into yours Margaery whispers, “This.” Your lips meet together in a passionate embrace. This was a kiss that makes you forget about everything around you, to make you forget the problem at hand.
Pulling away slowly you couldn’t help but frown, “We should get up soon Margaery.” Noticing your frown Margaery wonders, “What is the matter my love?” “We need to get up, we must get ready to ride towards King’s Landing”, you say avoiding eye contact. She sighs, “I know but I’d like to enjoy the time we have left.” The words leaving her mouth ring in your head. She was right. The moment you arrive at King’s Landing everything will change. No more secret kisses. No more shared nights. No more lingering looks that spells the word love. No more sneaking around. At least it was easier in Highgarden. It was your home you knew what to do and what not to. King’s Landing was a different playground. It was unfamiliar territory. The famous city of liars and killers. Your relationship wouldn’t survive a world like that. The two of you had spoken about it before but you had agreed you’d enjoy the time you had left because you both were too stubborn to end your relationship yet. That doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt any less.
Your thoughts were interrupted when Margaery lays beside you tilting your chin so your eyes would meet, “I wish we lived in a world where who we loved didn’t matter.” Scooting closer you asked, “What would you do if that were the case?” “I’d kiss you so all the Lords and Ladies could see how happy you make me.” You couldn’t help but smile at her words, “There’s a world somewhere. With no crowns. No King’s or Queen’s. No titles. A place where we can be ourselves. With gardens as beautiful as Highgarden. Beaches as beautiful as Dornes. A sun that shines as bright as Dorne’s-“ “It sounds like you want to go to Dorne”, muses Margaery. You giggle turning to drape your body across Margaery’s resting your chin on her shoulder. “I know your family and the Martells have history but in Dorne you’re allowed to love whoever you want”, you say. Margaery stares unamused at the thought of Dorne. You trace your finger down Margaery’s cheek, “Or we could go to Essos. It’s on the other side of the world I’m sure they would need a Queen somewhere. No one would be able to touch us or find us. It’d just be the two of us.” Margaery wonders, “Sounds perfect. How would we get there?”
“I’d find someone with a boat then we’d sail away. But I would leave letters to your family apologizing for stealing you away. I guess I would apologize to Joffrey as well for stealing his bride. If he agrees to marriage of course.” Your voice quiets as those words leave your mouth. The realness of the situation setting in. If Joffrey says yes which any man with part of a brain would then Margaery would be married. Knowing exactly what’s on your mind Margaery places a kiss on your hand, “If things were different I would do everything I can to marry you. I’ve never been happier until I met you. You are what gives me strength. You’re the person I want to wake up next to everyday, but in this world we don’t get what we want. So I will cherish every moment we share because one second of your time is better than nothing at all. And at night I will dream of the life we wish to live together. Just the two of us. No matter who I am married to there is never a moment where I won’t think and you.” Tears start to flow from your eyes you pull Margaery into a kiss. This kiss tastes of salt from the tears falling from both of your eyes but neither of you care. Pulling back slightly you whisper, “I love you so much.” Margaery repeats the words back to you and pulls you into another kiss.
Not everyone gets what they want. The people who don’t deserve it always do. Like Joffrey. You may not be able to love Margaery freely but you would rather be hanged if he hurt her. All it took was a certain poison to ensure that he didn’t.
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Birthday Surprises Gone Right?
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Caroline Forbes x Reader
Summary: You’ve always hated your birthday for some mysterious reason. So when Caroline decides to change that. What could go wrong?
A/N: There’s really no Caroline Forbes fics and I don’t understand why she’s amazing.
You’ve always hated your birthday since your 7th birthday. Why shouldn’t you? It was the day you found out you were a witch and your reaction wasn’t the best. The day you found out you were a witch is the day your mom died. The cause for it was something that haunts you till this day. None of your friends really knew why you hated your birthday. They all just thought you hated birthdays because it's tacky. That’s what you say about Valentine’s Day. So a certain Caroline Forbes made it her mission to make you enjoy your birthday.
Caroline hurriedly checked her watch, “She should be here any second you guys.” Elena sighed exasperated, “You’ve been saying that for the past 5 minutes and newsflash Y/N isn’t here” “Yeah Care don’t you think you’re going a little bit overboard she hates her birthday”, says Bonnie who just finished tying streamers to your locker. Caroline turns to the Bennett witch offended, “I am not going overboard. I just want to give Y/N a reason to enjoy her birthday for once so everything needs to be perfect.” “I think she’ll love any surprise given to her if it’s coming from you Caroline”, says a smug Elena making Caroline blush, “Be quiet and finish decorating.”
Sighing, you pull your car into the Mystic Falls High School parking lot. You wished you didn’t have to go to school. You already know what to expect when you walk in. Caroline probably taped birthday decorations to your locker and she probably roped Bonnie and Elena into it. You honestly could have turned around and drove back home. Your aunt that you have been living with since your mom’s death is most definitely at work. You moved in with your aunt after your mom died. Your dad wasn’t around so he wasn’t an option. You met Caroline on your first day of school and you two became very close to the point where you knew Caroline would be upset if you ditched school and she's not someone you should make upset. So what did you do? You sucked it up and exited your car, making your way inside the school.
Making your way to your locker you were not at all prepared for a body to come barreling towards you in a hug. A voice in your ear changes your frown into a small, “Happy Birthday Y/N/N”, says a grinning Caroline. Pulling back you smile at Caroline, “Thank you.” Turning back to your friends you notice them holding balloons and a sign that says Happy Birthday. “Happy Birthday”, says Elena and Bonnie simultaneously. “Thank you”, you say with a slight smile. “Matt, Tyler, and Stefan wanted to be here but they had early football practice so they said they’ll wish you a happy birthday at the Grill tonight”, says Elena making you confused, “Why the Grill?” Elena’s smile drops as her and Bonnie turn to Caroline, “You didn’t tell her?” Caroline smiles guilty at you, “Not yet.” Seeing the look on your face she quickly defends, “It’s just a little dinner with all of our friends” “Caroline--” “Please? For me”, pouts Caroline. You couldn’t help but smile a little and nod giving in making Caroline squeal capturing you in a hug. Hugging back you take a peek over Caroline’s shoulder and you notice Elena and Bonnie’s smug smile making you blush. The sound of a bell ringing makes Caroline let go cheerfully, “Don’t forget Grill tonight at 7.” Before you can say anything Caroline disappears making you sigh. Elena and Bonnie both walk past you patting your shoulders leaving you stare at the decorations on your locker.
You lounge on your bed staring up at the ceiling. The school day went by slowly and it was full of your assigned teachers wishing you a happy birthday adding to your terrible mood. You were about to call Caroline to cancel but a text from the blonde stopped you already knowing your plans. “Don’t try to back out. I KNOW YOU. See you tonight. XOXO Caroline.” You grumble forcing yourself out of your bed making your way to the shower.
After making yourself presentable you walk towards the door of the Grill opening it despite your confusion as all the lights were off yet the parking lot was full. Your confusion turned into anger when the lights suddenly spring to life revealing a room full of people shouting “Surprise”. Most of them being people you’ve never talked to at school. And who’s at the front of them? Caroline Forbes. Shaking your head, you backup taking deep breaths. This was too much. You accidentally shatter a glass cup turning everyone’s attention away from you. No one seemed to realize your uncomfortable demeanor except for Caroline, “Y/-”. You turn and walk out the door making the vampire hurry after you, “Y/N wait.”
Once Caroline catches up to you she finds you pacing around the parking lot trying to take a deep breath. “Y/N”, calls Caroline making you turn to her, “You said it was going to be a dinner. That was not a dinner Caroline.” “I just wanted to throw you a surprise party so you can enjoy your birthday for once”, defends Caroline. “If I didn’t like my birthday then why would I now”, you question. “You know what I just wanted to celebrate your birthday I’m so sorry for caring”, yells Caroline. “Why do you care so much about a stupid birthday”, you yell back. “Because I love you”, shouts Caroline, making you pause. Caroline looks down rubbing her arm, “I’m sorry I threw you this party. I thought if I did something special maybe you’ll have fun and enjoy yourself. Every year you’re bummed out on your birthday.” You sit down on the sidewalk hugging yourself, “There’s a reason I don’t celebrate.” Joining you, Caroline sits next to you, “Why don’t you like celebrating your birthday?”
“My mom died on my birthday and it was all my fault, you mumble, “She had bought me a cake and when she lit the candles I got very excited to the point where my house got caught on fire. That was the first time I found out I was a witch.” Caroline looks at you confused, “I thought she died in a car accident?” You shake your head solemnly, “No. I just said that so no one would treat me differently. Like some murderer.” Caroline grabs your hand making you look at her, “You’re not a murderer. You are anything but one. Your mom’s death wasn’t your fault. You didn’t know you had powers. No one can blame you for that. I don’t blame you for it.” You question, “Why?” “You are the most amazing girl I know. You always make me laugh even when I’m sad. You always encourage me to be my best self. When you showed up to school you were wearing a tie dye shirt with a skirt. I had never seen anyone look so cute and ridiculous at the same time”, Caroline says making you both laugh, “If the world was on fire I’d still be happy as long as I’m with you because I love you. All of you.” You smile cupping Caroline’s cheek with your free hand and lean in kissing her. Caroline kisses you back pulling you closer. This kiss felt electric like with everything going on the world it was just the two of you here with each other. The two of you pull back and you nudge Caroline’s nose with yours, “I love you too.”
Caroline smiles. You ponder over something for a moment and caress Caroline’s cheek, “You know what?” “What?”, questions Caroline. You lean in closer again, “This is the best birthday I’ve ever had.” Smiling the two of you kiss again but a voice makes the two of you jump apart, “We were looking for you two but it seems as if guys are busy enough.” The two of you look up to see a smirking Elena. Caroline groans, “Elena.” Elena laughs, “About time. Should I tell everyone the party's over?” You glance at Caroline and look at Elena shaking your head with a smile, “No we’ll be right in.” Elena gives the two of you one last smile and walks back inside to go find her boyfriend. You stand up pulling Caroline into a standing position. Pecking Caroline’s lips you say, “Thank you for trying to give me a good birthday.” Caroline smiles, “Don’t worry when Valentine’s Day comes I’ll be changing your mind on that day.” “I don’t know about that”, you say wearily. Laughing Caroline pulls you inside where you enjoy your birthday for the first time in a while with your friends and new girlfriend.
It only took one blonde and one surprise party to make you change your mind about birthdays. You weren’t expecting to gain a girlfriend out of it. But you can’t complain.
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Jealousy is best served with Love
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Sansa Stark x Reader
Summary: Childhoods fell in love with each other but it can be hard to admit. Sometimes it takes a lot of pushing to get one of you to admit that.
A/N: I finally had the motivation to write. I was working on this other fic in between school times but it was going nowhere so I started a new fic with a different character. In case you haven’t noticed I like Game of Thrones.
Blue eyes narrowed as they watched you dance around the hall with some Lord. You had been best friends with Sansa Stark since you were children. The two of you were always around each other and were usually never seen without the other. At least until Sansa left for King’s Landing to marry Joffrey. It was really hard for either of you to say goodbye, you had to stay in the North since you had your own duties for your own house. But there was never a day when you didn’t think about Sansa. Especially when rumors of her killing Joffrey reached the North. You already knew of her being forced to stay in King’s Landing after Ned Stark’s execution but there wasn’t anything you could do but pray that Sansa would be safe. Your prayers were not answered when Sansa returned to Winterfell being forced to marry in fact you prayed even more. They were finally answered when the Battle of the Bastards happened. That’s when you reunited. Your father had passed so you became Lady of House (Y/L/N). You gave Sansa and her brother Jon some of your soldiers to help with the battle. After the Starks reclaimed Winterfell was when things between you and Sansa started to change.
Your shared touches started to linger. You stared at each other longer than necessary. Hearts would be beating whenever you were around the other. The undying tension between you. Neither of you made the first move until Sansa had enough and stormed into your chambers then kissed you. Nights you would spend with complete innocence turned into nights of complete passion. But to Sansa she couldn’t stomach the fact that anyone could ever truly feel anything for her. Both of her marriages were forced and loveless. The second marriage was worse than the first one. Gentle caresses were usually rough touches that she ached to get out of. The soft warm looks instead of cold calculated ones. So what did she do?
She ignored you with all her might no matter how it hurt to see your sad face when you noticed her avoiding you.
Even through the aching feeling in her heart that only stopped when she was near you she pushed it away. That stopped the moment when she saw some Northern lord spun you around. You looked so beautiful with that smile that always brightened her mood. Graceful was one word to describe you at the moment. It seems the man you are dancing with knows that as well because his hands seem to wander far too low for her liking. Whatever reason for this celebration left her mind as soon as she made her way towards you. Grabbing your hand Sansa pulls you towards her shocking you. “May I speak with you Lady (Y/N)?”, says Sansa keeping her eyes trained on you. You glance at the Lord you were dancing with then turn back to Sansa nodding. Wasting no time she drags you out of the Great Hall and pulls you to her chambers shutting the door.
Sansa paces the room angrily, “What was that?”. You look up in confusion, “What was what?” Sansa turns towards you, “Back in the Great Hall you were dancing with some Lord with his disgusting hands all over your body.” Sansa shakes her head in disgust making you even more confused, “You don’t even know him Sansa. Lord (C/N) is actually a gentleman.” “Oh you know his name”, says Sansa mockingly. You shake your head starting to get annoyed, “What is the problem?”. “The problem is I don’t want you dancing with him and I don’t want you dancing with him anymore or any other man you are mine.”, says an exasperated Sansa making you angry. She ignores you for days and the moment your attention is elsewhere she’s possessive? You shake your head spitting out, “You have no right to say that to me after ignoring me for days.” Any confidence Sansa bore left her body at your words making her slump choosing not to say anything making you angrier. Stepping closer to the Stark girl you ask, “Why have you been ignoring me?”
Sansa looks at the floor avoiding your gaze, “Many people in my life have harmed me. Joffrey terrorized me. Ramsay beat and raped me. They all made me feel pain but with you I feel nothing other than happiness and that scares me. It didn't feel real. I was just waiting for something to go wrong.” Standing in front of her you lift Sansa’s chin so her eyes meet yours and you smile sadly when they connect, “I love you Sansa Stark.” Sansa tears up at your words while you continue, “I’ve loved you since we were children. You didn’t deserve to have Joffrey torment you. You didn’t deserve any of the things Ramsay did to you. You deserved none of that torture. You deserve nothing but love. It hurt when you left for King’s Landing. All I wanted was for you to tell me things were going to be okay after my father passed. I will spend every day loving you until you ask me not to.” Overwhelmed Sansa pulls you into a kiss. Warmth filled both of your hearts as it felt like everything was spinning around you. Pulling back Sansa presses her forehead against yours and whispers, “I love you too. Always. Until the end of my days.” You couldn’t help but tease, “Even when I’m dancing with someone else.” Sansa huffs falling to lay down on the bed pulling you down on top of her making you laugh loudly.
You’ve loved each other since you were children and you’ll love each other until your last.
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A mended heart pt. 2
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Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
Summary: Reader has her mother right where she wants her. But a heartfelt conversation changes things. Maybe falling in love again isn’t so bad?
A/N: On Wattpad I’m actually considering writing a story similar to this but there would be different details.
King’s Landing was still a dump. Nothing changed after you left. You had to hide in corners and avoid guards who would no doubt recognize your face. The common people even recognized you but you had to make them keep quiet about your visit. You had to stake out the castle for more than one night to memorize the guards routine you’re sure they changed something since your mothers new rule. Pulling your hood on you walk through a path from the beaches into the palace Gardens. Oh those gardens. Highgarden had the best gardens. When Margaery was alive we would take strolls across the gardens she always made the best of those flowers.
A dull pain fills your chest as you sneak past the guards. Memories of your old life flowing through you as you walk down the hallways of what used to be your home. You knew the guards wouldn’t be near the chamber doors. You kept record of when the guards would have to patrol the rest of the castle. That’s when you would strike. Passing by your own chambers made you curious. You couldn’t remember the fact time you were in the comfort of your chambers. All you could remember was the time you stopped feeling safe in your own bedroom. Entering your room was depressing. You remove your hood and trailed your hand across the books you kept in your bookshelves.
Your hands lingered on the book titled “Targaryen Family History.” Your mind was filled with thoughts of Daenerys filling your head. You couldn’t lie when you say there hasn’t been a moment where your thoughts weren’t taken over by the silver haired beauty. Grabbing an untouched satchel you kept in your room you place the book in your bag when a very specific feline jumps on the table. Ser Pounce was something you never thought you would see again. You didn’t know what happened to him after Tommen’s death. The only ones who paid attention to the cat were Myrcella and Tommen. But now they’re gone and by the looks of it the cat wasn’t going to live long without someone caring for him. Sighing you let the cat muzzle against your hand. “Of course you’re the one who survives, you've avoided death since day 1”, you muse. You freeze when a familiar voice is heard, “The people you never expect to live never seen to meet their end.” You turned to see your mother standing at the threshold with a goblet of wine in her hand.
Rage fills your body as you remove your satchel and grip the hilt of the swore you carried around your waste. Your uncle Jaime taught you how to wield one when you were younger but the very women in front of you stopped your lessons. That didn’t stop you from practicing in secret, that didn’t stop you from picking up bow and arrow either. Cersei nods to the sword, “You’re here to kill me.” You don’t answer, she doesn’t deserve one. Nodding Cersei sits on the edge of your bed, “You know after you fled I started coming to your room every night to just sit and think about the times where you were just a child who had never let me tuck you in because you didn’t want me to leave the room you claimed that I scared away the monsters you believed were hiding in your closet.” “I thought the safest place I could be was by my mother’s side,” you say.
Cersei nods taking a sip of her wine, “You were always a calm child whenever you were scared it broke my heart I wanted nothing more to make you feel safe.” You bite back, “Shame that the safest place I could be is now the most dangerous.” Cersei looks down, “I wasn’t a good enough mother.” You shake your head agreeing, “No you weren’t but I learned a lot from you.” Cersei’s lips quirk up into a small smile but as soon as it appears it falls just as quickly, “What was it about Margaery that made you love her so much? What about her made you change loyalties.” Your eyes tear up a bit recalling your deceased love, “She was gentle. She cared about me in a way only one other person has. She cared for others. She had dreams like everyone else. She wanted love just as much as everyone else. She was smart. So smart she could make you feel like an idiot in a second. She could literally have anybody she wanted but yet she still loved me.”
The tears you held for so long finally fall, “She loved me but yet you took her away from me. Why did you take her from me? Why did you take my life from me?” Cersei stares from her spot in utter regret. An emotion you’ve never thought she was capable of having, “I’m sorry my little lion. I deserve your hatred. I deserve it all. My pride got in the way. I put politics and pride before you. You were so different compared to your siblings. You wanted other things. I was scared you were going to leave me and die like the prophecy stated.” You were in complete shock your mother Cersei Lannister doing the thing she’s never done in your entire existence. Apologizing. Cersei sets her goblet at the foot of the bed and stands, “Kill me. Strike me down. You’ve been aching to. That’s why you’re here isn’t it? Do it.” You unsheathe your sword ready to kill your mother once and for all but her next words make you rethink everything, “I took away the love of your life. I took away your happiness. Get your revenge.” Your grip tightens on the hilt but you couldn’t help but remember your conversation with Daenerys. If you kill your mother right now then the guards will kill you immediately. You wanted to live. You wanted to be happy with Daenerys. She’s your safe place now. With that you let out a sob and drop the sword confusing Cersei. What you do next completely shocks Cersei when you throw yourself into her arms. Cersei holds you close to her.
Pulling back slowly you sheathe your sword and pick up the goblet taking a sip before you hand the cup back to Cersei. “I’m not going to kill you. When Daenerys Targaryen comes for the Iron Throne I’ll let her decide your fate”, you say. Moving towards your satchel you hang it over your shoulder and pick up Ser Pounce moving towards the door. Cersei turns towards you, “You said one other person cared for you the way Margaery did. Who was it?” You glance at your mother with a slight smile, “You wouldn’t like her.”
You leave King’s Landing and sail back to Dragonstone where a visibly relieved Daenerys awaits. You walk up to Daenerys who stares at you silently. Pulling the book you brought you hand it to Daenerys who takes it with a raised eyebrow. “I um thought you would want to know more about your family history it’s um pretty interesting”, you stammer. Daenerys smiles, “What do you find interesting about us?” “Other than the fact you ride dragons and fuck your siblings. I find the fact that I'm in love with you very interesting”, you admit shocking Daenerys, “You are?” You take a deep breath and step closer to Daenerys, “I love you. I’m sorry for what I said. For everything I have said. You make me happy. You give me a reason to live. You make all the madness stop. I was so afraid of loving again I didn’t want to give my heart to someone who would probably leave me or die but I’m not afraid anymore. I’m safe here with you.” A grin spreads on Daenerys’ face as she pulls you close and presses her lips against yours making you wrap your arms around her waist. Pulling back Daenerys whispers, “I guess I can forgive you.” Your pout at that answer makes Daenerys giggle, “I love you too. I’m never leaving you.” Before you can kiss again Ser Pounce jumps between your legs making the two of you jump back. Laughing you pick up Ser Pounce, “Oh this is Ser Pounce. He was my brother’s cat. Seems he’s ours now,” Daenerys pulls you even closer with a smile, “Ours huh? I don’t think my other 3 children will like that?” “Then I’m afraid that’s a dealbreaker Your Grace”, you joke.
“I’m sure we can figure something out”, says the woman you love. You were going to be okay.
You have someone who can mend your heart.
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A mended heart
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Daenerys Targaryen x Reader
Mentions of past Margaery Tyrell x Reader
Summary: Margaery Tyrell was the love of (Y/N) Baratheon’s life. That all changed when her mother Cersei killed her and many other people in the Great Sept of Baelor. After that all (Y/N) wanted was revenge and the only place she thought she could get that was in the form of Daenerys Targaryen. But falling for the Mother of Dragons was certainly not the plan. Warning: Angst. So much angst even I felt it. Stubborn reader. There will be a part 2.
A/N: I’m sorry if this was very long. It’s literally the reason why there’s a part 2
(Y/N) and Margaery Tyrell met when they were children. Her father King Robert was visiting Highgarden to discuss the possibility of trading crops with the Reach. The land with beautiful gardens that lords like to sing about from time to time. So Robert decided to bring his pride and joy. His eldest (and only) daughter and that was how they met. The two young girls were thick as thieves during the trip. Their mothers used to read them stories about love and with each other they had an understanding of what love should feel like. A silly thing hearing from children their age but they were adamant about their love for each other. The girls exchanged letters throughout their lives and they were finally reunited when the Tyrells came to King’s Landing other than the fact Margaery was engaged to Joffrey and Tommen that didn’t stop the girls from having a secret love affair.
Their secret bubble of happiness popped when Cersei found out and she was not happy one bit. That’s when the Destruction of the Great Sept of Baelor happened. Cersei invited you into her chambers instead of leaving for her trial which was something (Y/N) was immediately aware of. Then Cersei revealed her plan and her knowledge of your relationship with Margaery. That immediately kicked you into action. You were riding your horse towards the Sept one minute and the next you were writhing on the ground with burns from wildfire. Margaery died that day. Oh how broken that made you. How angry that made you. The only way you can get revenge was to kill Cersei. She stopped being your mother the moment your father died. You knew she played a part in his death. She was responsible for your youngest brother’s death. Margaery might have loved you but Tommen loved her as well her death not only broke you but him as well. But your mother was nothing but an enemy when she took away your Rose.
You tried to kill Cersei that night. Despite all of the pain. Despite barely being able to stand for very long you tried. You’d never forget the look on Cersei’s face when you entered her chamber after killing the guards outside her door. She wasn’t expecting her daughter to hold a sword in her hand ready to strike her down. But her other guards were approaching and you had no choice but to flee. You were supposed to be Queen after Tommen’s death (even though you were Robert's only true born child) after you fled the crown passed to Cersei but you didn’t care. Not when revenge was the only thing on your mind. You heard Olenna Tyrell’s alliance with the Mother of Dragons. The last living Targaryen. Daenerys Targaryen was someone you could get to help you to enact your revenge. Her wanting to be Queen was just a bonus.
When you travelled to Dragonstone you reunited with your Uncle Tyrion who made you go see the maesters immediately once he saw your barely conscious figure. You’d be lying if you said you forgot about your wounds. Listing ways to make Cersei’s death long and painful were flowing through your head was something that stopped you from caring about the fact you were basically on the brink of death; it was the only thing that kept you going. Then you were face to face with Daenerys. You couldn’t help but admire her beauty. Anyone with a brain would agree that she is a beautiful site all her accomplishments were just as amazing. Daenerys was hostile while you were in her presence until you revealed your plans of killing your mother much to her and your uncle’s surprise. But she shook it off and asked you to bend the knee.
You had no intentions of becoming Queen so you had no problem abdicating any claim to the throne when you bent the knee. Daenerys welcomed you to Dragonstone and you began to help her through her journey to the Iron Throne. When news of Olenna Tyrell’s death travelled your sanity lessened. Olenna was like a mentor to you. She was family to you; she knew of yours and Margaery’s relationship and she never bat an eye for your sakes. Weirdly enough Daenerys comforted you it was even weirder when you didn’t mind the comfort. Your relationship with Daenerys was strange. Your mind is a constant storm there’s always something going through your mind because of your fear of dealing with your grief for Margaery but with Daenerys your mind is clear you feel a sense of joy you haven’t felt since Margaery and it was strong. You even found yourself confiding in her you would tell her things only a couple people knew about you. And the thought of how easy it was to let Daenerys in terrified you. After that you never let an opportunity slip away to insult and do anything you can to offend Daenerys. To get her to hate you. To stop her from getting too close. It seemed to work there was never a time between the two of you where you weren’t arguing. Sometimes it would go far enough to the point where her Dothraki and Unsullied almost killed you. But you didn’t care. In fact you would be grateful if they killed you. That was something Daenerys caught wind of. She suddenly understood exactly what you were doing.
Daenerys immediately tried to talk to you about it to get you to stop. That just made you lash out even more you didn’t understand why Daenerys kept pushing you to allow your guard to drop. To think about anything other than revenge. One night during one of your routine arguments in her chambers you wondered very loudly at her why she kept trying to help you. You weren’t expecting for Daenerys to kiss you. You weren’t expecting to kiss back. You weren’t expecting for the two of you to end up naked in her bed. You didn’t expect to enjoy the way her fingers would gently caress your scars from the wildfire you found them disgusting but she didn’t. You weren’t expecting one night to become more than one. And you were not expecting to like the look of adoration she gave you during one shared night. What shocked you the most was that you had peaceful sleep for the first time in a while. Your dreams always turned into nightmares. The same nightmare every night. The nightmare in which is about the day Margaery died and you couldn’t save her. You were scared how at peace you were with her. So what did you do? You snuck out of her chambers in the middle of the night, you packed whatever items you had and were setting sail to King’s Landing to end things with your mother once and for all. And if you died during the process. You don’t care one bit.
But of course her loyal children sensed what was going on and alerted Daenerys and her armies about your attempt to flee. And that was probably the most angriest you have ever seen Daenerys. If looks could kill you would be attending your own funeral by now. “How could you just expect to get up and leave like that,” yelled a pacing Daenerys. You felt like a scolded child and that annoyed you. You hadn’t been scolded since you were a child. At your silence Daenerys continues to pace back and forth, “Do you know how idiotic you are for trying to leave? You would’ve been killed the moment you step into King’s Landing.” Your silence angers Daenerys even farther who turns to you, “Why aren’t you saying anything?” yells Daenerys. You shake your head, “What do you want me to say?”
“I want you to tell me why you want to leave.” The sadness in Daenerys’ voice makes you look up at her and the sadness in her entire demeanor made your heart clench. You shouldn’t have let her get too close. She's upset because of you. Your plans of revenge were pushed aside because of this, because you were feeling something. Something for Daenerys so you depended on the only thing you have left. Your need for revenge. You clench your jaw, “I came here to get revenge on my mother. We are nowhere near enacting any type of plan. I’ll do it myself if I have to.” Daenerys shakes her head, “Why is this so important to you?” You stand up, “Why? My mother took everything from me from her own daughter. Death is exactly what that woman deserves.” Daenerys walks towards you and grabs your hands, “You’ll get your revenge. You can’t just go in head first. Stay. Stay with me.” You shake your head, “I can’t do this Daenerys. I have to go.” You try to pull back but Daenerys keeps a grip on your hands, “You have to allow yourself to be happy. This anger you hold it’s just going to tear you apart more than it already is.”
“Why do you care so much?” Daenerys is supposed to be a Queen; she doesn’t have to care for someone else other than herself. Why does she care for you? Daenerys tucks a strand of hair behind your ear, “I care because I love you. You make me happy. You make me question my decisions. You challenge me. I can’t help loving you.” Now this is too much you can’t be here. You had to leave. Backing away you shake your head, “You c-can’t. I-I can’t.” “You have to stop running. Let yourself be happy. Margaery would want you to be happy”, says Daenerys. She went too far. She shouldn’t have said that. She shouldn’t have brought her into this.
Moving dangerously close to Daenerys you hiss, “Don’t you ever bring Margaery into this. Never say her name again. You know nothing about Margaery.” Daenerys continues to push this was actually the most far she’s gone in an argument, “She loved you. You loved her. She’s dead and I’m sorry when I say this but it’s true. She’s gone and you’re still here. If she truly loved you she would want you to let go of this anger to choose happiness to choose love.” You spit out, “Fuck you. You were married to a horse lord who died because you smothered him with a pillow. You slept with a cocky boy who worked with sellswords, even then you left him. You have men and women ready to bend backwards the moment you ask. I have no one. My own uncle does what you say. You don’t get to tell me what Margaery would want.” Perhaps you’d gone a little bit too far but she started when she brought up Margaery.
Fed up Daenerys yells, “Fine then. Go. Go risk your life because you’re too scared to love. You want revenge so bad go get it.” Regret filled your chest at the broken look on Daenerys’ face but you pushed it away the moment you turned to leave. You left with the following words, “Fine.”
Setting sail to King’s Landing you leave Dragonstone. You left Daenerys. You chose Revenge over Love. And you are very aware of how much of a mistake this is but it was too late.
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Not so secret anymore
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Rebekah Mikaelson x Reader
Summary: You and Rebekah have been secretly dating. Sometimes secrets need to be told. Acts of Jealously are sometimes the push you need.
You were Stefan’s twin sister but you were totally not like Stefan. You aren’t brooding. You definitely are not on a bunny diet. And you most certainly are not a ripper. You’re more like Damon. Well, kind of you aren’t cocky and always pushing people's buttons but you are reckless and wild like he is. You do love your brothers but they could be such idiots. They’ve gone for the same girls for a century. It started with Katherine and now it’s this Elena girl who’s so boring and needs everything to always be about her.
“Oh Elena this” and “Elena that”. God it can be so annoying. Somehow you’ve managed to be lucky enough to not fall for a doppelgänger. In fact you’re more interested in a blonde original. Rebekah Mikaelson in fact. You met Rebekah after Klaus turned Tyler into a hybrid (it definitely gave Tyler personality). She was sitting by herself outside the high school and being your curious self you decided to introduce yourself and you were definitely not prepared to fall in love with her. She just wanted someone to love her and someone to cherish her. She found the right person for the job when she met you. Even Rebekah was a little standoffish at the thought of being with another Salvatore but she was drawn to you just as much as you are to her so last names were immediately thrown out the window. Obviously if either of your brothers found out they would kill you. Or each other. Well more specially Klaus would do the killing. Family works in weird ways. So you had no choice to keep it a secret. It was thrilling but it was sometimes tiresome you’re getting tired of pretending like you don’t love Rebekah in front of your brothers and you don’t really know how to approach Rebekah with the topic. But I think she might explode soon since her brother Kol finds it incredibly amusing to flirt with you to the point where you’re afraid Rebekah might stab him with White Oak. And you definitely can not think about it right now.
Your thoughts have been pushed aside long ago the moment Rebekah had you pinned against the door with her lips attached with yours. Rebekah called and told you her brothers would be out so she would be alone in her house so you didn’t hesitate to make your way to the Mikaelson Home. Rebekah pulls back slightly panting, “Do your brothers know that you’re gone?” You shake your head, “No they’re too focused on fighting for Elena’s attention.” Rebekah grazes her nose against yours with a smug smile. “I managed to convince my brothers to leave the house for some time.” Wrapping your arms around Rebekahs waist pulling her closer, “How would your brother’s react if they see us like this?” “They’d probably kill you. But I wouldn’t let them touch you.” Rebekah kisses you. You can’t help but add fuel to Rebekahs jealousy. “Kol certainly wouldn’t hurt me. I think he’s fond of me”, you say as you pull back. Rebekah glares at the thought and the Original vampire speeds you to her bed and moves to straddle you. “He thinks you’re single he doesn’t know you belong to me love.” Sitting up making Rebekah sit in your lap you wrap your arms around her waist you trail your nose down her neck and leave a trail of kisses you whisper, “He doesn’t know the truth Bekah.” In a flash Rebekah tears off your shirt and before you can complain she pushes you down and kisses you passionately.
Things start to get a little more heated when Rebekah trails her hand down your stomach moving closer to your pants but you both freeze when you hear a door open downstairs. Rebekah and you immediately look at each other when you hear Klaus’ voice yell Rebekahs name. Suddenly scrambling into position Rebekah flies off of you. “You have to go”, whispers Rebekah. “You ripped my shirt”, you shoot back holding up the torn fabric. Rebekah speeds into her room to grab a shirt and throws it at you moving towards the window to open. You stand, pulling on the shirt and hurries to the window. “I’ll text you”, you peck Rebekah on the lips. “I love you”, Rebekah rushes out making you stop from climbing out the window and smile at her, “I love you too”. You speed out the window and into the woods distanced from the Mikaelson Mansion. Walking home you get a call. Seeing your older brother calling you answered. You answer annoyed, “What do you want Damon?” Damon hums, “That’s no way to treat your big brother baby sis.” Already fed up with the conversation you snap, “When it’s you I can. I’m a little bit busy” Damon smirks on the other side of the line, “Like what little sister you don’t have much of a life.” You roll your eyes but smirks when you look down at the shirt Rebekah gave you, “Things you don’t need to know now I’ll ask again what do you want.” Damon sighs on the other end of the line, “Well I would like to know where you are since we are supposed to help the Lockwood’s with that thing Stefan signed us up for and weirdly Barbie Klaus isn’t here.” You can’t help but grit your teeth, “Looking for her brother?” Damon chuckles, “No it’s just Blondie Bombshell usually pops up to help set up these things and I’m bored and still waiting for you might I add.” You roll your eyes, “I’ll be there soon brother”, “You better little sister” teases Damon.
After helping set up for the party and going back home to prepare for the party. The Salvatores and Elena enter the Lockwood house and observe the room while you subtly look around for Rebekah. Elena muses, “The Lockwood’s never fail to impress” Damon rolls his eyes, “They’re Lockwood’s of course not but I look handsome and Stef you don’t look too bad yourself” Stefan glances at him, “Thanks Damon.” You sigh not seeing Rebekah, “I need a drink.” Damon hums, “Agreed.” The siblings head to the bar and while they were drinking the Mikaelsons walk in. Damon mumbles into his glass, “The cavalry just arrived.” You turn and stare in awe as Rebekah is holding on to Kol’s arm. The couple makes eye contact and smiles at each other which is blocked when a certain Matt Donovan enters your eye-line, “Hey (Y/N) wanna dance?” You shrug and turn to face Matt, “Sure.” You turn to let Damon know but stops to see Damon occupied flirting with a girl. You roll your eyes while Matt pulls her towards the dance floor.
The pair continue to slow dance and make conversation when you laugh loudly which causes Rebekah to look over from her spot and glare. Damon walks up to Rebekah, “Why hello Barbie Klaus someone seems upset” Rebekah growls, “What do you want Damon?”Damon smirks, “Well you see I got bored and wanted to dance” Rebekah scoffs, “And what makes you think I want to dance with you?” Damon leans forward, “Because I just love pissing off your brothers.” Rebekah contemplates and nods, “Sure.” You look over to see Rebekah and her brother dancing and stares at the two accidentally stepping on Matt’s foot. Matt lets out a wince, “Ow.” You look back eyes wide, “Oh my god I’m so sorry” Matt chuckles, “It’s fine these shoes are kinda big anyway.” You can’t help but look back at Rebekah and Damon making Matt look at her oddly, “You ok?” You look back to Matt and nods quickly but your mind travelled elsewhere, “Oh yeah of course.” Matt teases, “I thought vampires were better liars.” You look at Matt curiously, “We are” Matt wonders, “Then what’s wrong?”
You look at Rebekah then to Matt, “ Lets just say I’m with someone and no one knows about it and I was ok about it at first since it was my idea and suddenly it’s hard not being able to act like a couple.” Matt twirls you around, “Then I would say what’s stopping you? Rebekah wouldn’t mind at all I think she’d like showing you off.” You look up alarmed with a raised eyebrow, “How’d you-“ Matt smiles, “Anyone can see the chemistry between you and Rebekah I’ve been the only one who noticed the longing looks now go show off what’s yours.” You grin, “Thank you.” Matt nods, “Of course.” With that you march towards Rebekah causing her to stop dancing with Damon and look up with wide eyes. Damon looks towards his sister, “What’s wr-“ Damon was interrupted by you cupping Rebekah’s face and smashing her lips onto Rebekah’s passionately. Rebekah kisses back immediately and wraps her arms around your waist pulling her closer. Everyone turns to the couple shocked with Matt wearing a proud grin, Stefan looking speechless, Elena a slight smile, Bonnie and Caroline confused but smiling, Damon shocked, Klaus angry proud and confused, Elijah proud, and Kol shocked yet amused who chuckles to himself. Rebekah pulled away breathless and leaned her forehead against yours with a grin. Rebekah laughs, “What was that?”You grin and peck Rebekah’s lips, “I was tired of hiding and I wanted to do something spontaneous.” Rebekah’s smile grows bigger, “I’m glad we agree besides I was about to head over there myself.” The two of you look at your respective brothers expecting angry faces but you’re pleasantly shocked when they have smiles on their faces besides the look of protectiveness.
With that you turn back to Rebekah and nuzzle your nose against Rebekah’s nose, “I love you.” Rebekah whispers, “I love you too” Rebekah pulls you back into another kiss while everyone else continues with what they were doing and leaves the couple be.
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Secret Marriages
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Emilia Clarke x reader
Summary: Reader and Emilia quietly married months after filming for Season 8 of GOT. After they were seen wearing matching wedding rings while out on a walk questions about their relationship status rise during press for season 8.
You met Emilia during casting for Game of Thrones. She was auditioning for Daenerys Targaryen while you were auditioning for (Y/C/N) Baratheon. So that means you were there to hear the story of the Robot Dance Audition. The two of you actually didn’t get together until a brief break from filming season 6. You decided to make plans to fly from your respective filming countries and see each other. There was always something between you and Emilia but none of you decided to act on it until that moment. Let’s just say you were pleasantly surprised when Emilia made the first move by kissing you.
Since then your relationship has been amazing after filming for season 6 you were told by producers that your character is going to be aligned with Daenerys which definitely benefited your relationship. You two were happy and fabulously in love. So in love Emilia asked you to marry her on one of your shared day offs during the filming of season 8. Everyone was exhausted and it gave Emilia the time to think how much she loves and appreciates you so she proposed. Then after the proposal during the 2018 Emmys you decided it was time to get married. You had a little small intimate wedding with family and close friends. Your honeymoon was more of a grand affair the activities were just as great *wink*.
The world premiere for Season 8 was coming up. You were excited since it was going to be the last Game of Thrones premiere. You were also worried about what the fans would think because of the horrible way the show ended but there’s nothing you can do now but enjoy this press tour. You were set to appear on the Late Late Show with James Corden and you stupidly agreed to play arguably the worst game in existence: Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts. And now that you’re sitting in front of the most disgusting foods you’ve never even heard of there’s no going back.
“We have (Y/N) (Y/L/N) here tonight to play a little special game we like to call Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts” said James. “(Y/N) it’s a pleasure to have you here tonight, how are you doing?” adds James. I pick up a bowl of a 1000 year old egg and take a sniff which I immediately regret when I start to gag making the audience laugh, “Does anyone ever throw up on this show?”. “No but you could be the first” laughs James. “I’ll start with the first question so I think I will give you a bull's penis.” James turns the table so the bull testicle sits in front of you making you look at it suspiciously. James picks up a card, “(Y/N). You star on one of the biggest shows in history and it’s final season is airing this month. So the question is who ends up on the Iron Throne?” The audience cheers while you smile deciding to leave an Easter egg. “Is there like companies or BRANds that sell this?” James shakes his head mockingly, “We can find out after you tell us who is going to sit on the Iron Throne.” Knowing you can’t answer you pick up a piece of bull’s penis let out a sigh and put it in your mouth and chew which makes you immediately gag and spit it out in the bucket making James and the audience laugh. Drinking water you shake your head rapidly, “I definitely do not like penis.” James laughs, “Come on you could at least tell us whether or not it’s a he or she.” You give James a deadpan look, “I just ate bulls penis I’m definitely not telling you now.”
You sit up straighter scanning the table, “Ummm oo you made me eat bull so you’re going to eat pig.” Turning the table to sit the pigs blood curd making James facepalm and whisper, “You bitch. Well now I hope you don’t end up on the throne.” Throwing your head back you laugh and pick up a question. Giggling quietly you look up at James, “James you are one of many talk show hosts how much money do you make per year?” Hearing the audience's oohs James starts to blush staring down at the pigs blood curd. Deciding to rub salt in the wound, “You’ll tell me if it tastes like bacon right”, you say, giving him a faux look of sympathy. “Shut it (Y/L/N). Oh I don’t know if I can eat this.” James holds his face. “It’s ok you don’t have to, you just have to tell us how much you make, we don’t judge.” you say. James shakes his head and picks up the pig's blood curd and plops it into his mouth making you gasp and cover your mouth. Spitting it out in his bucket James gags, “That was absolutely disgusting”. James gives an evil smirk making your grin fall right off your face. “You were sniffing the 1000 year old egg earlier so let’s go with that.” Shaking your head rapidly you close your eyes when James sits the bowl in front of you and picks up a card and starts laughing. Laying your head back you groan. “(Y/N) it is no secret you are in a relationship with co-star and mother of dragons Emilia Clarke.” Nodding your head slowly you give James a questioning look when he sets down the card and picks up another one with a picture of you and Emilia walking down the streets of London with matching wedding rings. “You two were seen having an afternoon stroll wearing matching rings in fact it looks as if you’re wearing one tonight.” He then picks up another picture but instead it’s of Emilia kissing your neck making you blush. “Was this your honeymoon?” The audience cheers loudly while you laugh and look around deciding if you’ll answer or not. Making your decision you rest your chin on your hand looking right at James. “My WIFE can be very cheeky sometimes.” Your answer makes the audience cheer louder while James gasps shocked and turns to the crowd. “That’s all the time we have today so give it up for Mrs. (Y/N) Y/L/N) that was Spill your Guts or Fill your Guts”.
After you receive your congratulations after the show ends you grab your phone seeing an incoming call from your wife with a background picture of the two of you sharing your first dance at your wedding bringing a smile to your face. Answering your smile grows, “Hi babe”. Emilia answers, “Hi. Did you just announce our marriage on TV?”. “Maybe I did. Maybe I didn’t” you muse. Emilia chuckles on the other side, “Well people were going to find out eventually, but cheeky? Really?” Laughing you say, “You were the one kissing my neck in a beach full of people.” Emilia grumbles, “Well if they are creeps and watch that’s not my fault.” You smile, “I’ll see you when I get home”. Knowing Emilia is probably smiling on the other end makes you grin. “Mhm. I love you.” “I love you too.”
Hanging up you look down at your phone. You definitely made the right decision saying yes.
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Dating Alexis Rose would include....
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Ok so this is my first post and fic writing fics on here has been on my mind for a while and I’ve finally gained the balls to try so if it’s awful bare with me it’s my first time. Btw I’m doing Alexis Rose because I’ve been binge watching Schitt’s Creek and I love her.
• Being born and raised in Schitt’s Creek
• You loving it (not really)
• Being Jocelyn’s teacher assistant while attending Elmdale college when she goes back to high school
• Being in awe of Alexis and trying not to laugh when she introduces herself
• Catching the two girls passing notes and feeling sympathetic for them
• Being impressed that Alexis took the blame
• Stopping Jocelyn from reading the note out loud after class and convincing her to let them off with a warning
• After telling the girls they could always talk to you after class you leave but is stopped by Alexis
• Officially meeting Alexis after she thanks you for not letting Jocelyn read the note (she thinks you’re interesting and cute)
• Offering to help with assignments whenever she needs (also telling her she’s capable of using big words after her dad changed her essay and being accused of plagiarism)
• Her taking advantage of that trying to get to know you
• Both of you try to hide your growing crushes on each other
• Alexis starting to become more forward and trying to make you blush
• Your first kiss happens after you help her with an assignment and she “accidentally” knocks her pen off the table and you both reach to grab it
• Freaking out because you’re technically a teacher and she’s a student
• “I can lose my job!!!”
• “It’s totally legal we’re both like older than 18 plus you liked the kiss as much as I did”
• You ended up freaking out to Jocelyn who tells you it’s fine but to keep your relationship away from the classroom (Alexis having to be told more than once to keep her comments PG)
• Having cute little dates at the diner
• Being amused and a little bit concerned by Alexis’ “adventures”
• Constantly talking about you to her parents
• “She’s so cute oh and so smart”
• “Are you sure this is a great idea she’s your teacher?”
• “Oh John if Alexis wants to be a little scandalous let her be scandalous”
• Trying to sneak you in and out of the motel but always being caught by her family then ultimately hangs out at your place
• Her parents liking you even David likes you and thinks you’re good for Alexis but of course hides it
• Being jealous of Mutt and Ted
• Her reassuring you she only wants you
• That being the first time she says she loves you
• Becoming friends with Stevie then Alexis ultimately becoming jealous sometimes
• Being the one to reassure her you only want her
• Having fun together and being each other’s best friend
• Always encouraging her and letting her know she could do anything she wants to
• Loving to cuddle
• Being so proud when she graduates and being really excited when she goes to college with you
• Having a really cute relationship and just being so in love with each other
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