mybusylife44 · 2 years
Here lately I have been just coasting, not sure what I'm doing.I have had a cancer scare, I went slack on my diet and gained back 4 pounds, not to mention I have so damn depressed I don't even want to leave my room. My one right spot is spending time with my kids. We go on walks and at night they come in my room and we watch television together. But I can't seem to get past this feeling on impending doom.
My ex got married and I'm scared that he is going to try and use this in court to say he's a better choice to raise Anna and Shawn. Now he still ain't calling or coming to see them like he's suppose to, but he's such an thorn in my size and if he thinks that their is a way for him to stop money coming out of his check then he'd do anything. He comes around every couple of months plays daddy then leaves. When he cancels my kids are actually happy. They rather do anything then spend time with him.
Maybe I'm just worrying for nothing. I pray so.
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mybusylife44 · 2 years
Here lately I have been just coasting, not sure what I'm doing.I have had a cancer scare, I went slack on my diet and gained back 4 pounds, not to mention I have so damn depressed I don't even want to leave my room. My one right spot is spending time with my kids. We go on walks and at night they come in my room and we watch television together. But I can't seem to get past this feeling on impending doom.
My ex got married and I'm scared that he is going to try and use this in court to say he's a better choice to raise Anna and Shawn. Now he still ain't calling or coming to see them like he's suppose to, but he's such an thorn in my size and if he thinks that their is a way for him to stop money coming out of his check then he'd do anything. He comes around every couple of months plays daddy then leaves. When he cancels my kids are actually happy. They rather do anything then spend time with him.
Maybe I'm just worrying for nothing. I pray so.
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mybusylife44 · 3 years
About me.
Just a little background on me. I;m a single mother of two kids. My daughter is 9 and my son is 8. My irish twins. I love to read and hope one day to be a published author. I;d even be happy to write foe harlequin. I enjoy horror movies, in fact I fall to sleep to them a night, and no that does not make me crazy. My favorite shows include american horror story and Yellowstone. I think Evan Peters is one of the most under rated actors of all time. I mean he becomes who ever he;s playing. Then theres Yellowstone whos new season starts November 9th. Spoiler I will be writting about it every single week. I mainly started watching because of Kevin Costner andd fyi if you did not already know has an amazing singing voice. I;ll also be witting about my fitness journey, what I get fron ipsy every month and if the products are worth buying. I also have Bipolar disorder and You can expect some post about that. How i live with it and do not let it define me as a person, daughter, and most important job in the world a mother. Until my next post have an safe and happy day, and be good to each other.
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