muteshock-official · 22 days
Update #1 (Website up)
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MUTESHOCK's official website is now live! Be aware that most pages are still under construction and filled with placeholders, and it unfortunately doesn't display well on mobile devices. I’ll be looking to fix that in the near future.
Once finished, the website will provide information about the story and characters. It will also be regularly updated with new content. If you have a Neocities account, you can follow the website directly.
Stay tuned for future updates :)
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muteshock-official · 1 month
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“As the 20th century drew to a close, humanity teetered on the brink of another world war. With tensions escalating, a nuclear apocalypse started to seem imminent. A team of American scientists, seeking to shield themselves from foreign spies, developed the first significant network in history: ARPANET, the predecessor of the Internet. Unwittingly, they had not only connected disparate computers across America, but had also forged an ultra-dimensional connection…”
Welcome to the official blog for the upcoming visual novel, MUTESHOCK, created by @webdew.
For more information, visit the About or Characters sections. Please review the Warnings section if you're sensitive to heavy themes.
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