The Good, the Bad and the downright United Ugly.
This is the story, a true story, of our travel to the US and Canada.  It started so well, but perhaps inevitably, given we’d chosen to fly with United Airlines, it ended so badly. Our booking reference was – HREY6F We booked our trip to the US with United because they operated from the places we wanted to visit and the price was good. Our journey was in 4 legs: London Heathrow to Chicago…
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So this is Christmas
So this is Christmas
Another year over and what have done…? Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on Pexels.com Well, the majority of us have survived, and with this government that in itself is a triumph. They really have been crap, and actually seem to be getting worse! Let’s hope the New Year brings a new government, ideally a non-Tory one. Despite their best efforts personally it’s been a rather good year. Top of the…
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Laptops for schools. Some facts!
Laptops for schools. Some facts!
Why did Computercentre get given £480 per laptop when a suitable price would have been half that?  Because they’re Tory donors and they’re just resellers so all they would need to apply is their profit margin.  100% profit?  In these circumstances?  Hmmmm! There’s been an awful lot of hyperbole spouted about how children at home are being disadvantaged in their education. They don’t have enough…
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Christmas message 2020
A better leader than @BorisJohnson. #DowningStreetBriefing https://t.co/VngbuardZD— 🐺𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕟 𝕄𝕔𝔽𝕒𝕣𝕝𝕒𝕟𝕖🐺 (@NoddyMaccy) December 21, 2020 So Santa Boris delivers!(Allegedly!!!) I’m sure the right wing media will be lauding this “magnificent achievement”.  However many of us won’t.  First off Boris’s unbound ego will expand even further, he’ll continue to believe his approach is the right way,…
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Trillion dollar tricks
Trillion dollar tricks, or how not to run a testing system in a pandemic
Wow the UK’s world beating Covid-19 testing system is really….how can I put this….pretty amateurish. Allegedly someone did the following…
Pretending I live in Scotland I got a test at “a testing location” for today, got a qr code, took a screenshot of the part showing my name, date of birth and code but not The location! Went along to “a testing location in London” with it where despite saying…
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Sly digs and Covid-19 data cockups
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Just been reading Sky’s pretty good analysis of the coronavirus data cockup… “Coronavirus: The inside story of how UK’s ‘chaotic’ testing regime ‘broke all the rules'” Pretty good, as it highlights the incompetence of the people managing the system – including the  
“The picture that emerges is of government departments, agencies and their consultants struggling to navigate a maze of…
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Things the world can do without - pt 3
Things the world can do without – pt 3
Wow it’s been over a year since I completed part 2 of this thread – sorry troops that’s retirement for you – it makes you blissfully unaware of anything that was once important 🙂
Anyway mind now focussed, thanks to Scottish Power – grrr.
So, for now, this is the final part of this thread – clearly there are plenty more things that irk me – but there’s plenty of time for them…later 🙂
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Windows 10 update history - FAIL!
Windows 10 update history – FAIL!
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 – Failed to install on ‎18/‎06/‎2020 – 0x800701b1, and Failed to install on ‎20/‎12/‎2019 – 0x800701b1
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1909 – Failed to install on ‎06/‎05/‎2020 – 0x80240034, and Failed to install on ‎19/‎11/‎2019 – 0x800701b1
Feature update to Windows 10, version 1903 (3) – Last failed install attempt on ‎06/‎05/‎2020 – 0x80240034…
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Are all power companies equally bad?
Are all power companies equally bad?
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You will know of my dealings with Scottish Energy – 2 visits to the ombudsman and 2 victories for me 🙂  Well I changed to EDF and my god, they’re just as bad.
I’m having exactly the same issues:
inability to add readings online that the system will accept
transposed readings in my bills
actually just garbage figures in the bills
extremely slow customer service
not a joined up company as in the…
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Election Special: Charity begins with Central Government You may have noticed that as we get closer to Christmas there are more and more charity ads on our television screens. 
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Jurgen drops the "F bomb"
Jurgen drops the “F bomb”
It was 10 past 10 on the 7th of May 2019, the Liverpool manager looks down at his wristwatch and then says…
“The boys are f***ing giants…. If you have to fine me, fine me. I’m not native so I don’t have better words for it,”
He’d just watched, as had I, his Liverpool team knock Barcelona, lauded by many as the best team in the world, out of the Champion’s League.  But it was more than that.…
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Yes I'm still here - assuming you're interested
Yes I’m still here – assuming you’re interested
Yep relax, I’m still here, still ready to vent my anger and frustrations at poor service – as well as handing out congratulations to those that do good – sad there are so few!!  In these times of political chaos, increased racism and a sense of general malaise I will aim to be a beacon of clarity and incisiveness 🙂
Since we last communicated I have successfully retired from full time employment. …
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Oh well done parliament - anything Trump can do, you can better (worse!!)!
Oh well done parliament – anything Trump can do, you can better (worse!!)!
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I’m sure I’m not the only one having trouble keeping up with the level of incompetence and focus on personal power that seems to be driving the Brexit debate into the depths of despair!
It really is a joke and yes, we really are a laughing stock.  The latest debacle on last Monday evening when a series of propositions were supposed to enable progress to be made, under parliament’s control (as…
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Aegon and the Great British Pension Robbery
Aegon and the Great British Pension Robbery
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Aegonexpects you to have read its terms and conditions.  In fact if you haven’t read their terms and conditions they’ll refuse to enrol you into their schemes.  Now we all know that people don’t usually read the t’s and c’s – we all just tick the box – especially as companies don’t make their t’s and c’s user friendly – they’re usually full of legalese and cross referenced – I’m sure that…
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Things the world can do without - part 2
Things the world can do without – part 2
Disproportionately large or grossly unfair profit, generated often through manipulation of prices, abuse of dominant position, or by exploiting a bad or unusual situation such as temporary scarcity. There is usually no governmental control over profiteering unless it involves illegal means or the government can be arsed to sort it as it benefits their cronies!!
Think about the…
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Things the world can do without - part 1
Things the world can do without – part 1
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This is in no particular order – other than that’s the order I wrote them down in initially – I was having a coffee at Wisley – the Royal Horticultural Society’s gardens in surrey when the idea/s came to mind.  This list is definitely not exhaustive – I’m sure more will come to mind as I’m writing it – and yes maybe it is cathartic – so ignore what some people might say – when it is done it is…
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Is colourism a form of racism?
Is colourism a form of racism?
Colourism is a form of discrimination against dark-skinned people in favour of those with lighter skin from the same race.  I’m glad that it isn’t just me who finds this story, well, frankly ludicrous!
“It can lead to a lack of representation in film, TV and fashion, particularly in Hollywood and Bollywood, as well as…
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