Popping in real quick to say I’m not sure if I’ll come back next week since I’ve been super busy since my last update, but perhaps the week after next week I’ll start posting again.
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I might try to come back next month but no promises since I’ve been super busy and got sick recently!
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Amy is very much disliked (and even hated) by some of Lyndsay's friends and associates for her intolerable personality. While said friends and associates would prefer to keep interaction with Amy to a minimum, they're willing to tolerate her presence for Lyndsay. After all, she hadn't done anything wrong, and she has a good relationship with Amy. Of course, this doesn't mean they enjoy having to force themselves to tolerate her.
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Still on semi-hiatus, but I just wanted to say I appreciate you guys and thank you for being patient with me!
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The outcome for surviving members of The Saviors
In all verses/AUs where The Saviors exist, all of the surviving organization members are doomed to be executed by VDT and anyone else who oppose them. This means any and all members who are caught are killed on the spot. No arrests, military court trials, or anything like that occur because they are labeled a threat to humanity, therefore the world leaders have given VDT authority to execute them on the spot. It does not matter who the person is or how old they are, they will be executed.
In post-Stardust Children, VDT and the world leaders place bounties on the surviving members of The Saviors. Anyone who turns a member in (dead or alive) will receive a money reward equivalent to 50K USD. In the UC AU (Protégé), it’s only Interstellar who places the bounties.
Also, VDT obtains The Saviors' confidential records after their defeat, so they know who the surviving members are and what they look like. Which means the survivors have to make one of two choices:
1.) sacrifice their freedom to go into hiding and never go in public, or
2.) constantly be on the run for the rest of their lives to avoid being captured and executed
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
I should've done this last week (whoops), but I finally put in this rule in the Stardust Children rules page.
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Again, I apologize if this causes disappointment, but I'm doing this to make plotting easier on myself.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
Another thread completed uwu.
Now back into semi-hiatus mode.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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Emer puts her own apron aside, not needing to worry about rushing as she only plans to go to her room to turn in for the night. "Of course, Papa. Thank you for everything today." And she meant it. Not long after Tsukuyomi left did she leave as well to her room.
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Noticing it was almost nightfall, Tsukuyomi swapped back the apron for his jacket. "I must return to my room for a brief shower before my working hours begin. Till we meet again, Emer, and remember to exercise caution." With that, he made an exit.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
I'll be putting this blog on semi-hiatus until further notice.
I had to help financially with emergency bills and that had left me with only $1K in my bank account. I have other bills and necessities that I have to pay for, and since I want to rebuild my account, I'll have to not only be extremely frugal but try to get more work hours. Which means activity on this blog will be super low for the time being until I feel financially secure again.
At the moment I have only one RP thread that I will prioritize, and I will not accept any more threads or asks for now. Aside from that, I'll try to make muse info/lore/worldbuilding posts at least once every week or two, to have some activity going on here. My Discord is available but I won't always be able to immediately respond. Just please be patient with me.
I'll pin and reblog this post a few times so everyone can see it.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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"I agree, seeing everyone's expression was delightful." Once they entered the kitchen, she placed her empty pan in the sink for it to be washed alongside the utensils they had used earlier. "I'm glad they all enjoyed the bread."
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It felt like an eternity when they returned to the kitchen with empty pans. "The mere sight of a rapturous expression on their face from their first bite always gratifies me." Meanwhile, Yoru no Osukuni vanished from sight now that it was no longer needed.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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She nods. "Of course, Papa." While Emer is generally fair, she'd rather avoid the devious Servants—especially the ones who wouldn't think twice about causing chaos for their own personal gain. She'd prefer to hand out the rest to the ethical Servants.
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They received heartfelt thanks from the historical Servants before leaving. "We distribute the remainder to whomever we chance upon, provided we avoid morally disreputable individuals as if they are a pestilence."
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
Daily routine of the average trainee
It is a requirement to take classes and training courses in order to join VDT and The Saviors in all verses they exist in, no matter what position you're looking for (with few exceptions). Below are schedules of what the daily routine is for the people who are taking the classes and training courses.
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Training days are dedicated to exercising/fitness and hands-on training in the field the person is working towards to, class days are dedicated to general studies (reading, math, history, etc). The weekends are off days for all trainees, allowing them to do what they want with their free time. Classes last for eight months to two years depending on what the trainee is going for in order to meet requirements.
The Saviors
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Unlike VDT, who give the trainees weekends off and time to relax, there are NO off days. All Saviors' trainees have to follow a strict, suffocatingly packed schedule and be in training and classes for eight hours per day, every day for one year. Studying is practically a requirement because of the classes' high difficulty. All of this is deliberately done in order to condition the members for harsh physical and mental labor and work environments.
As a bonus, here's what the daily schedules for Pandora and Hal look like.
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Hal (UC AU)
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As you can see, both of their schedules are suffocatingly busy for being the leaders, and the only exceptions that they will stray from it is if they're leading a mission, or doing something else that requires their presence/assistance.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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Two more satisfied Servants! Them being her papa's friends and the sincerity in their response made her all but more certain they did an excellent job in the second attempt, as well as boost her confidence. "Thank you, we're glad you two enjoy the rolls."
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"Good day to you, gentlemen." He approached his fellow rulers with a greeting.
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"My apologies for the interruption of your game. Would you like an animal-themed sweet bread roll?" They did not mind his presence and accepted the offer. As the emperors bit into their roll of choice, their face also lit up. Neither expected him to be excellent at baking.
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"It is flavorous, is it not?" His friends answered positively.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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Ah, Emer recognizes the two Roman Servants, despite only speaking to them briefly once before on separate occasions. She'd hate to interrupt their game—especially since they seemed focused—but since they're her papa's friends, hopefully they wouldn't mind. She'll allow Tsukuyomi to take the initiative again, as he's well-acquainted with the two.
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They too thanked both Tsukuyomi and Emer for the rolls. "With regard to mine, they should be in the lounge, playing a game of chess." It took a short while to reach their destination. There, Charlemagne and Constantine were focusing on the board.
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multimuse-chronicles · 2 months
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Both the Caster and Foreigner were surprised at the offer, but gladly accepted with polite thank you's, each taking a roll of their choice and beaming once they took a bite. "It's delicious, right?" Emer wanted to be sure and fortunately they nodded in response. She's glad two of her friends enjoy the food!
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As soon as they reached the simulation room, said friends had finished their training and were about to leave. "Good day to you, companions of Emer. Would you like an animal-themed sweet bread roll?"
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