multifandommandy · 9 days
Friendly reminder that with season two of House of the Dragon coming out in less than two weeks, DO NOT GET ON HERE ACTING A FOOL!
I better not see ANY hate towards ANY actor in that show. I repeat: DO NOT GET ON HERE ACTING A FOOL AND SENDING HATE TOWARDS THE ACTORS.
Actors are NOT their characters.
If you cannot differentiate between fiction and reality and separate the actor from the character that they play, then you have NO business consuming that piece of media because obviously you are not mature enough.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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multifandommandy · 10 days
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House of the Dragon + in memoriam: Harwin Strong
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multifandommandy · 1 month
Update: after seeing Neil Newbon in person: this is his height. my friend is 5’9 and they were the same height - so this is infinitely funnier.
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It is infinitely funny to me that not only is Astarion only 5'9", his is also the ONLY companion's height Larian felt the need to specify. Like it doesn't matter to them if we think Halsin's tall, but hell will freeze over before they let us mistake Astarion for anything but average as fuck.
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multifandommandy · 1 month
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Participated in this meme a while ago!
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multifandommandy · 2 months
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multifandommandy · 4 months
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multifandommandy · 4 months
For people with anxiety about filing taxes, here’s what things that happen when you make a mistake on your tax return:
- it gets corrected
- you get a letter in the mail either asking for some additional information or a letter showing the adjustment
- you pay the amount (there’s options for payment plans too!) or get a refund
Things that do not happen
- you’re “in trouble”
- you are charged with fraud
- you go to jail
I know that most people are probably just joking/exaggerating when they say a mistake on their return means they get thrown in jail but when I worked with the public I always would encounter people who believed that would happen and they would be panicking about it. So I like to put this out there every year because if I can even prevent one person from feeling that way, it’s worth it
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multifandommandy · 4 months
hey everyone it's been 15 years since twilight. taylor lautner is married to taylor lautner. robert pattinson is a fucking bird. and kristen stewart is doing the dykiest photoshoot imaginable for a rolling stone magazine cover.
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multifandommandy · 4 months
Sorry, Right Number | Chapter 13
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pairing: idol!Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, crack, angst, fluff,strangers to lovers, pen pals/hidden identity, forbidden love, celebrity romance
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
warnings: swearing, alcohol and drinking
summary: Being an idol can be lonely and isolating. After one fun and adventurous night at a bar, Chan decides to text the girl he met the night before. Except, she gave him the the wrong number?
word count: 3,185
screenshot count: 18
taglist: closed
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Bonus Content Unlocked: Mystery Trip with Y/n playlist
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
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“So, what’s in Gyeongju-si?” Chan asks after putting his phone in his pocket, clearly annoyed with whoever was texting him.
“Lots of things. I did some research and it’s one of the places that students from the bigger cities like Seoul go to for multi-day field trips.” You go through your bag and pull out two big ziplock bags full of snacks, handing one bag to Chan. You know the trip is only 2 hours long, but you wanted to make sure you had all your bases covered. You even had another bag of snacks for the return trip.
"Is this why both of your bags are heavy? You're just super prepared?" Chan asks. He had to help you get your overnight bag in the overhead bin and grab your backpack when you tripped getting onto the bus earlier.
"Better to be over-prepared than underprepared." You shrug. You go back in your backpack and pull out a notebook and a pen.
"Okay, now what are you doing?" He laughs as he watches you flip through your notebook and land on a page filled with notes.
"I'm just going over the plan for this trip. A good trip is like a recipe, if you don't follow the directions, you're going to fuck up the entire thing."
"You're insane,"
"Says the man who blindly followed me on this trip without asking where we were going."
"I trust you with my life, Y/n." You turn your head to look at him, his face is scrunched in seriousness.
"And I'm the insane one?" You hum before going back to your notebook.
"Here, let me send you the link to the playlist I made for today so you can just listen to that and relax."
"You made a playlist? Is that why you asked how long it would take to get there?"
"That's cute, but I can't listen to that right now."
"Why not? Forgot your headphones?" He asks softly.
"Of course, I didn't. We're going to need my phone for a lot of stuff and the battery is shot to hell so I'm trying to not use up the battery. I have a portable charger but that's for emergencies." You sigh as add a quick note in your notebook.
"Here," He pulls up a tangled mess of headphones from his backpack.
"You still have wired headphones?" You scoff as you detangle the headphones. Chan takes them back from you and plugs them into his phone
"Only for when I'm working. Don't worry, I didn't bring my laptop. You have my undivided attention for 3 whole days." He beams at you.
"Let me see the playlist, dork." You put your hand out for his phone.
"Okay," He hands you his phone, watching you punch in his passcode. He gave it to you a while ago when you needed to send yourself a picture the two of you took together.
"Love the playlist picture. And that half of the songs are your songs." You joke.
"I know for a fact you like SKZ so I couldn't go wrong with just adding a few of them to the playlist."
"You made the playlist for me?" You freeze, your heart skipping a beat.
"My love language is music." He says simply like that explains everything.
"Your love language is all of them." You tease, trying hard not to blush as the heat rushes to your face.
"Shut up and put this in your ear. The cord is kind of short so feel free to put your head on my shoulder if you need to." He pats his shoulder, signaling you to lay on him.
"That would have been a good song to put on here."
"...Give me back my phone," He snatches the phone out of your hand and quickly types something in.
"Topher, I'm kidding, relax. The playlist is perfect." You laugh, putting a hand on top of his wrist.
"Fine, if you say so," Chan scrolls to the top of the playlist, "Give me a number between 1 and 10."
"8 is fate," You smirk.
"I should have figured," You watch as Chan hits the shuffle button 8 times and then puts his phone in his pocket as LOVE DIVE by IVE plays from the headphones. You close your notebook and gently lay your head on his shoulder.
"To-To, we're not in Seoul anymore." You say as you walk back to Chan after getting the key to your hotel room.
"Did you give my nickname a nickname?" He asks, picking up all of your bags. He insisted on carrying everything and threatened to start screaming if you tried to take anything when you got off the bus. He's playing dangerous games for someone who has to wear a hat and face mask to hang out with you in public.
"I've been using 'To-To' for weeks and you're just now realizing?" You roll your eyes as you two head for the elevator.
You two get into the elevator and you press the button for your floor. You stand quietly, double-checking the room number. The only sound is the quiet elevator music, an instrumental version of a song you know but can't remember the name of.
"Y/n," Chan asks suddenly.
"Hmm?" You hum, not looking up from your phone.
"How are you paying for this?"
"I'm a certified broke bitch, Topher. I know how to find deals and budget. Don't worry about it."
"Yeah, but--"
"I will confiscate both your phone and your wallet if you try to pay for anything other than souvenirs on this trip. I'm so serious."
"I just don't want you spending all of your money on me."
"If only you knew how much money I spent on merch and albums," You mutter under your breath, leading the way to your hotel room.
"What was that?"
You stop in front of the door to your room. You pull out the keycard and let yourself in. You take a deep breath before you push open the door. The door opens to a small room with two beds. You breathe a sigh of relief as you walk into the room. You sit on the bed closest to the door and watch as Chan walks in with a small pout.
"What's wrong To-To? Thought there'd be only one bed?" You tease.
"Shut up," He mumbles as he puts your stuff down in front of you and flops down on his bed.
"You're not getting lucky on this trip, Christopher."
"What if I told you I'm already getting lucky just by being here with you." You feel the heat rush to your face.
"I guess we don't have to push the beds together later then," You tease, fully intending to not push the beds together later but watching Chan's face turn red is worth it.
"S-seriously?" He stammers.
"No, To-mato, calm down. Nobody is defiling anyone on this trip. We're already breaking the first rule of the school trip by having a co-ed room."
"Defiling? What are you, an old woman?" He laughs.
"Don't play the age game with me, Channie. I will hurt your feelings."
"Love when you're mean to me. Go ahead."
"I'm reconsidering this entire trip. Just relax a bit. We're going to head out to get lunch and then walk over to the Garden of Morning Calm."
"Are we going to go to the folk village while we're here?" He says as he starts going through his bags.
"Yeah, we're going to spend most of the day there tomorrow."
"Can we rent hanboks while we're there?" He asks excitedly, bouncing in his spot from his bed. You can't help but smile softly at him, your heart pounding.
"If you want, yeah. This trip is for you anyway." You flop your back on your bed and close your eyes.
"We can do whatever I want?" He whispers, you hear him moving around on his side of the room.
"Within reason, yeah." You feel the bed dip down on the side. Your heartbeat pounds in your chest.
"I'll hold you to that," He whispers in your ear before pressing his lips into your cheek. You stop breathing, your breath getting caught in your throat. If you and Chan were playing a flirting game, he definitely won, just now.
"I-I...I'm going to get ready for lunch." You quickly get up from your bed and walk to the bathroom.
"Cute," You hear Chan say before you close the bathroom door.
You pull out the bottle of soju from your bag and walk back to your bed. Your wet hair sitting on your shoulders. Chan sits down on his bed, drying his hair with a white towel from the hotel.
"What's that?" Chan chuckles.
"Cheap soju," You hum, opening the bottle for him.
"The main part of a high school overnight trip is sneaking alcohol and playing drinking games." You say, handing the bottle to Chan.
"With one bottle of soju?" He questions.
"I have another bottle in my bag if you need it. But you're going to be the only one drinking so no need to bring a huge ass bottle."
"Why am I the only one drinking?" He quirks an eyebrow, taking another sip.
"I don't drink. So go ahead."
"I that's not fun," He pouts.
"I'll make it fun, don't worry."
"This game tisn't fair 'cause you're sober!" Chan slurs, making you laugh. He's on the second bottle of soju and you're slowly getting tired.
"I've lost the babo game a handful of times too. But you're out again, anyway." You laugh harder as he finishes the rest of his drink.
"Lez play somefing else." He hums. His face is red and he's been smiling so much, that you can't remember seeing his eyes not look like half-crescent moons.
"Let's go to bed," You take the empty bottle from him and put it on the side table between your beds next to the other one.
"Don' wanna!" He whines. You sigh as you climb off your bed and sit next to him.
"What do you want to do?"
"I wanna sta' up wif you and talk."
"We should go to bed so we can have a good day at the folk village tomorrow." You chuckle as he pouts, crossing his arms.
"One more game?" He pleads.
"What game?"
"Truth or dare," He sighs.
"Fine, truth or dare, Topher?"
"Dare," He smirks.
"I dare you to go to bed." You smirk back.
"That's cheating!" He throws himself back on the bed. You slowly throw yourself back as well, your head facing him and your hands resting on your stomach.
Chan's head turns towards you when he feels you lie down next to him. He's no longer smiling, his dimple gone and his eyes more open than they were before. Not completely, they're hooded like he's about to sleep. If you didn't know any better, you would have thought he fell asleep with his eyes slightly open and mouth parted. It's quiet, the only noise being the air conditioning that Chan asked you to turn on when the alcohol started to make him hot. You two just stare at each other for a moment, looking at each other's eyes.
You're still not convinced that he's actually awake. Not until his eyes flick down to your lips, causing your breathing to stop as it freezes in your throat. Chan slowly starts to lean in. You panic, not sure what exactly is going on. You watch as his face gets closer and his eyes close. He's inches from your face and you know he's going to kiss you. And god, do you want him to kiss you. But he's drunk and you're not. You quickly sit up seconds before his lips can touch yours.
"Let me get you some water before bed," You say quickly before going to your bag and getting a water bottle. Your face is so hot, there's no way you aren't blushing right now. You uncap it and hand it to the now pouting Chan. His mouth is in a full frown and his eyes sad. He like like he just watched you kick a puppy.
"You don't want to kiss me?" He asks softly, taking the water bottle from you.
"No! I do, trust me I do, just not now. Not while you're drunk. Not when you might not even remember it." You whisper quickly.
"I'd remember," He says before chugging the water bottle.
"Let's talk about this later. Okay? Let's just go to bed."
"Okay," You quickly turn around as Chan immediately starts to take off his shirt. You forgot that he sleeps without a shirt.
You walk to the bathroom and take the trash can. You walk back into the room to find Chan already lying down in his bed, facing your bed. You put the trash can next to his head and slightly rearrange his body. You can't be responsible if Chan dies from asphyxiation in his sleep if he chokes on his own vomit. After double-checking that he's fine, you shut off the light and climb into your bed.
Your back is flat on the bed, staring at the ceiling, as your mind races a thousand miles a minute. Chan was going to kiss you. Bang Chan from Stray Kids was actually going to kiss you. And you panicked. You rejected him. But if you hadn't, it would have almost been like you were taking advantage of his drunken state. You didn't want your first and possibly only kiss with Chan to be one that didn't count. One that only you remembered.
"Y/n?" You hear Chan whisper suddenly. Your heart starts racing again, unsure what is going on in his mind.
"Yes, Topher?" You whisper back, your throat strangely dry.
"Is that why you don't drink?" He asks. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
"Is what what I don't drink?" You turn on your side to face him. Not that you can see his shadowed figure in the dark of the night.
"Hero's Soup," You see his body move slightly from the light coming out of the window behind him.
"The song?" You prop your head in your hand, curious about where he could be going with this.
"No, not the song. I mean yes the song, but no. Like, the dad in the song. Do you not drink because of your dad?" He asks softly.
"...Yeah," You answer, moving once again to lay on your stomach, your head facing Chan's bed.
"I'll stop drinking," He says suddenly.
"You don't have to stop drinking because of me. It's fine,"
"I don't want to make you sad. Because I like you. Actually...I don't like you. I love you. I think I might be in love with you." He mumbles, your body turning cold.
"What did you say?" You ask loudly as you lift your body, sleep leaving every corner of your body.
Chan is quiet. For a moment, you think he got shy and didn't know how to respond until you hear a quiet snore come from his side of the room. He fell asleep. He confessed his love and fell asleep.
It takes every fiber in your being to try to not scream right now. None of this can be real. It can't be. Chan is an idol, there is no possible way he could be in love with a regular person like you. It's impossible. He's surrounded by so many beautiful and talented idols, so why would he choose you when he could have anyone else?
You lay in silence for the rest of the night as you try to fall asleep and not think about what just happened.
You stare blankly ahead, trying to process what just happened. Chan just kissed you. In the middle of the folk village. While the two of you wear hanboks. None of this can be real. It has to be a dream. There's no possible way that any of this is happening. People also visiting the village walk around you, like nothing happened. This can't be real.
"I...wha...but..." You struggle to form words. You're almost definitely short-circuiting, and it's all Chan's fault.
"I remembered," He says simply. His face is red from blushing and his dimples are making an appearance because of how hard he's smiling.
"W-what?" You choke out.
"You said you wanted me to kiss you when I was sober and not when I wouldn't remember. I remembered and I'm sober so I took my kiss."
"We're in public," You panic, suddenly remembering where you are. Anyone here could have seen. Anyone here could have taken a picture and uploaded it.
"I don't care. I'll shout it out right now. Everyo--" You panic and grab his face, pressing your lips into his, unsure of another way to shut him up.
You feel Chan melt into your kiss. You pull away and stare at him in his eyes. Stars dance in his eyes as he looks at you. This cannot be real.
"Be my girlfriend?" He asks softly.
"What is happening right now?" You question. Despite how real the butterflies in your stomach and the burning sensation on your face, none of this feels real.
"I meant what I said last night. I might have been drunk but I meant every word of it. I've been thinking about it for a while. And I know you have feelings for me too. I've seen you blush every time I say something flirty or get in your personal space. Plus, last night you said you'd kiss me if I was sober. So, be my girlfriend?" He smiles, his face still cupped in your hands.
"I must be dreaming. I've gone full delusional and now I'm imagining this--ow!" You pull your hands off Chan's face and the spot in your arm where he just pinched you.
"Guess you're not dreaming." He smirks.
"I want to be your girlfriend but--"
"If you say no because of who I am I will cause a scene."
"Christopher, don't you fucking dare," You warn.
"Then be my girlfriend. I've protected you so far, I'll keep doing it. Don't say no because you're scared."
You press your lips together and stare at Chan's pleading eyes. You want to say yes. Hell, you need to say yes. You've enjoyed talking to Chan the past few months and you'd be lying to yourself if you said you didn't imagine eventually dating Chan after all of the time you two have spent together. You'd be crazy to reject the man you like, who you might even love, just because of the fear of what would happen if your relationship got out. But even then, it's a justified fear. You've seen what happens to people who date idols. You've seen what happens to people who are rumored to date idols. You know your mental health couldn't handle the abuse that would come from those who claim to be his fans. But, something in you doesn't care anymore.
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Taglist; closed
Red means that it wouldn't let me tag you (either at all or properly)
@ventusnonexpectat @kibs-and-bits @sanriiolino @majorlymismanaged @s00buwu @badgergirlsblog @rag-iii @lanatheawesome @143lix @jaiuneamesolitaiire @veedoesntknaur @brain-empty-only-draken @jaydebow @allaboutyej8 @skz-streamer @weird-bookworm @spearb-99 @marked-unknown @thesassy-mia @kalopsian-thoughts @gruszkasmierci @aslou @chlodavids @greyyeti @thepeopleintheback @hanjiies @jihanniee @skzhoes @imsiriuslyreal @amyysfics
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multifandommandy · 4 months
Don’t Let Me Love You | Masterlist
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pairing: Felix x fem reader; Chan x fem reader
genre: smau, fake dating, crack, angst, fluff, non!idol au
pov: 1st/2nd person (depending on how you view it)
summary: With the upcoming wedding of her cousin and her ex, Y/n is in desperate need of a date for the wedding that will show the happy couple that she moved on.
status: completed
word count: +15k
screen shot count: 199
©feelbokkie (2023) — all rights reserved. reposting/modification of any kind is not tolerated.
☀️Feelbokkie M.list☀️
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profiles & extras: y/n's friend group | chan's friend group | insta accts | playlists
Chapter 1 
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 
side story: Felix and Bai
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
side story: Chan and Y/n
Chapter 19
side story: Chan and Bai
Chapter 20 (fin)
bonus content unlocked: Memes
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multifandommandy · 4 months
waiting for us — chapter twenty. the plan™️
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previous | masterlist | next waiting for us taglist (50/50) send an ask or sign up here!: @abbiestearsricochet @boo-ven9eance @melleus @adorawritesalot @inlovewithallmusic @alnex05 @borahae-reads @zonked-times @yoonrimin @slay-and-gay @loverlixie @katsukis1wife @realrintaro @0325tiny @adestayskz @minhwa @littleaprilcherryblossom @soobery @lillithathecat @ilychee08 @everglowdaisies @boi-bi-ahaha @yandere-stories @veryjeongintxtkid @minhoie @moondustmemories @popcatx0 @tara-drabbles @super-btstrash-posts @gemi-moon @skz-streamer @jaiuneamesolitaiire @bozotwt @enchantedgrunge @maskedmochii @corrodedthorn @143lix @ashitshowforalot @xrvrqs @lynlyndoll @txtandroll @kawennote09 @liknws @ritzy-dream-boy @hannieslove @hello-2-u-from-me @vampcharxter @jisuperboard @surefornext @puppy-minnie
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multifandommandy · 4 months
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waiting for us — chapter thirteen. apologies
cw: brief mention of sh
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previous | masterlist | next waiting for us taglist (50/50): @abbiestearsricochet @sanriiolino @boo-ven9eance @melleus @adorawritesalot @inlovewithallmusic @alnex05 @borahae-reads @zonked-times @yoonrimin @sunoosult @slay-and-gay @jihanniee @loverlixie @katsukis1wife @realrintaro @0325tiny @adestayskz @minhwa @littleaprilcherryblossom @soobery @lillithathecat @ilychee08 @everglowdaisies @boi-bi-ahaha @yandere-stories @veryjeongintxtkid @minhoie @moondustmemories @popcatx0 @tara-drabbles @super-btstrash-posts @gemi-moon @skz-streamer @jaiuneamesolitaiire @bozotwt @enchantedgrunge @maskedmochii @corrodedthorn @143lix @ashitshowforalot @xrvrqs @lynlyndoll @txtandroll @kawennote09 @aiyagranger @httphans @ritzy-dream-boy @gavinisagreenflag @hannieslove @hello-2-u-from-me
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multifandommandy · 6 months
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canon chenford project ❀ ↳ tim-lucy's top 15 scenes (ranked) #2. S05E10 "THE LIST"
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multifandommandy · 6 months
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canon chenford project ❀ ↳ favorite lucy scene
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multifandommandy · 6 months
no phone i did not “miss a call” i watched it ring the whole time
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multifandommandy · 7 months
Did Bobby singer just say “aren’t you tired of playing snuffleuffagus with the devil all the live long?” Or am I just tired
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multifandommandy · 7 months
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