mmoon-sys · 1 day
hi, we’re a system with plenty of mk alters, and we still interact with moon knight content a lot because i, the host, am still hyperfixated on it. being a fictive it honestly helps me to just say “this guy has my name lol” and emphasize the separation between the work of fiction and real life when i’m consuming said media. i tend to not take too much seriously in general though, so it’s easier for me to just laugh some stuff off or make a joke about it. - jake from @knightsofthemoon-sys
It's nice to meet you, Jake. Thank you for sending this to our inbox.
Sometimes I worry that by interacting with the media, or admitting how much I myself feel connected to it, it will open up the door for more people to discredit us. Through time and with good friends surrounding us, as well as messages like these, I'm slowly lowering down my defences about it.
The show was important enough to our system that I'm here now. It was important to the host to learn about acceptance, to see a good portrayal of DID in the media, and to recognize that having DID doesn't mean you're weak. If it's important enough to do all that, then it's time for me to stop worrying about what other people will think and just focus on the good that this show has done for my system, and seemingly a lot of other systems out there.
I hope you're doing well. Thank you
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mmoon-sys · 3 months
How do you balance not wanting to be compared to source material while also being so similar to source material, or so impacted by seeing source material? How do I not be perceived as the character while also thinking "I am exactly like him"?
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mmoon-sys · 3 months
other system who likes moon knight :D
A pleasure to meet you! -Steven
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mmoon-sys · 3 months
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Let's clarify some things before anything else happens:
★We were diagnosed as a system before encountering or watching the Moon Knight show
★There are about eleven alters we are aware of, only three of them being fictives — those three being Marc, Steven, and Jake
★Having fictive alters does not mean a system is fake, and fake claiming isn't tolerated (nor are endo systems, but that's not what this is about)
★We don't know how to use a tumblr, but we need help learning to distance from source and get better at being our own people. We also want to use this as a way to cope with the fact that people will know us as these characters, and will draw their own assumptions
★We aren't heavily connected to source, especially me (Jake), though characteristics, some memories, traits, and triggers are pretty consistent [No, we don't think Khonshu is real. No, we don't think we have any powers, or have ever summoned a magic suit. -Marc]
★Systems and singlets are welcome here, we have asks open so you can send in questions about source, the system, or anything else. You can also send advice or comments.
★There's no saying how active we will be here.
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