mission-800 · 3 years
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mission-800 · 3 years
Ethan: I hear if you put butter in your coffee it tastes really good.
Mia: I hear if you put butter in my coffee you get punched in the throat.
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mission-800 · 3 years
ok i dont get how you can dislike ethan winters, like...at all. he is easily one of the most selfless re characters and imo his story is one of the most beautiful
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mission-800 · 3 years
me thinking about how ethan was doomed from the start and never truly got to live even a little bit of the happy life he wanted
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mission-800 · 3 years
Omg imagine how the lords would react to Ethan trying to teach Rose how to say their name
For when Rose starts leaving the baby babble stage:
Alcina Dimitrescu
She insists that if Ethan teaches Rose her name he include the full thing plus the title
He tells her that it will be difficult and Alcina tells him to never doubt the capabilities of his own child. He reminds her Rose is a fucking baby
Hovers and makes sure Ethan is teaching her how to say LADY Alcina Dimitrescu.
Technically Rose is successful as she got something that sounds like Lady out. Alcina says it is a good start and acts uninterested but is crying when she gets home.
It reminds her of the newborn nature her girls were like when they first came to be. 
Rose is the only person allowed to give her nicknames or just call her lady
Donna + Angie
Angie just starts screaming words at Rose, in hopes one sticks. Ethan clarifies that is not how teaching words works
Donna is very reasonable and says that Ethan can start small with her and try “Don”. Angie stops screaming and says she wants Ethan to teach her name too
They let Ethan do his thing but Angie secretly puts on puppet shows for Rose were she is trying to get her to babble out one of their names
“This is my friend Shirley and Huey and whose this? That’s right Donna and her friend Angie. Can you say that, D-O-N-N-A and A-N-G-I-E?”
Donna allows this and sits close by. Ethan is kinda relieved he has one less tutoring lesson to do
When she finally gets something, she’s a little confused because she can’t tell who is supposed to be Donna/Angie. Rose calls them “Dongie” and Angie insist Donna make a doll hybrid of them.
Salvatore Moreau
Surprised Ethan even bothered to make the trek to have him be involved in the process of learning his name. Ethan insists that he wouldn’t leave him out (also Rose learns names faster if she can put a face to it)
Actually the first time Ethan learns his first name and he realizes that it might be too many hard syllables for Rose, tries to shorten it to Sal or just Moreau for now
Salvatore is now happy the baby is learning who he is and also he gets a nickname! He’s gonna have to get a second piece of paper for his “Social interactions of the month” list.
Rose learns his name surprisingly quick! Possibly cause his voice is funny and so she listens more closely. Again she mixes Sal and Morea and we get Salmo. Ethan said it sounded like Salmon and now Rose calls him that
Moreau has two nicknames and is super happy Rose not only isn’t scared of him, but likes being in the reservoir, asks Ethan if he can visit with Rose more often
Ethan says yes as long as Moreau can get the retching and like copious amounts of fungus in check (like seriously dude, no one visits cause its rank up in there)
Karl Heisenberg
says he doesn’t want the baby to learn his name. Says he plans on finding a way out soon and it be no use to Rose to put a name to a face she’ll never see
Ethan knows Karl’s chances of getting out are practically impossible and that Karl just doesn’t wanna get attached. Respects his wishes tho... yeah right I’m lying
Doesn’t outright teach Rose, Karl’s name but brings her around more when he visits and uses his name a lot more
“What a bang up job, Karl. This is some nice wielding work, Karl. Don’t you think K-A-R-L did a good job Rosie?”
Karl doesn’t pick up on it until Rose actually says his name. He’s beyond impressed that Rose got it before he picked up on Ethan’s tricks. He gets Ethan back tho (Rose learns the fuck word)
Acts like he doesn’t care but def brags to Alcina and the other lords that Rose learned his REAL name, no nickname or associated word. Plus Rose excitedly shouting “KARL :D” every time she sees him does wonders on his mood.
Rosemary Winters (Bonus; Lords nicknames for her)
Alcina calls her Lady Winters as a sign of respect and playfulness
Donna calls her bud to play on her like of gardening and Rose(Bud)
Angie calls her Rosie cause she likes the idea of them both having the IE sound
Sal calls her guppy or tadpole. Sometimes he’ll call her Vie, life in French, both because of the song La Vie en Rose and I headcanon him being of French descent. 
Karl calls her Little Winters or (was gonna be prick but Ethan would kill him)
They all fight over which nickname is best suited for her.
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mission-800 · 3 years
Top 10 most iconic quotes in DBH
Part II of the ‘iconic’ series
10. “What a bunch of idiots.”
— Carl after Markus tells him about the protesters in the streets
9. “I told you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and you wait here.”
— Hank telling Connor to wait in the car
8. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Argh, Connor, you’re so disgusting.”
— Hank when he sees Connor licking the evidence for the MILLIONTH time
7. “You can’t kill me. I’m not alive.”
— Connor being a smartass in the hostage situation
6. “Oh my god.”
— An iconic quote from Carl when he sees Markus’ painting
5. “You know where you can stick your instructions?” “No, where?”
— An interaction between Hank and Connor at the Fifth Bar
4. “I like dogs.”
— Connor trying to make conversation with Hank at the police station
3. “Well they fucked up.”
— Hank after Connor explains to him his voice and appearance integration
2. “Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features.”
— Connor trying to be sincere with Hank at the food truck + his fucKing wink
1. “My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.”
— Connor’s beautiful introduction
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mission-800 · 3 years
Top 10 most iconic things in DBH.
10. Markus and his angry facial expressions
9. That moment we found out Knights of the Black Death is a heavy metal band
8. Markus literally crashing into Jericho
7. Connor yeeting himself through Hank’s window
6. Kara with a gun, oh damn
5. “Sumo, attacc!”
4. Connor throwing his gun at Hank instead of shooting him
3. Connor licking all the fucKing evidence
1. Connor’s wink
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mission-800 · 5 years
Not even gonna lie, this blew my mind. 
The sound I made was equivalent to me being punched in the gut.
I have a theory that Chloe is based off a significant other that Elijah Kamski lost years ago.
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mission-800 · 5 years
Kara, to Luther: Boy I sure am glad we have this car I wouldn't want Alice to walk in the snow
The car, immediately malfuctioning: bitch
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mission-800 · 5 years
Gavin *over text*: Do you have anxiety prime?
Gavin: Amazon*
Hank: Yeah, I got both
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mission-800 · 5 years
So we all just not gonna talk about the fact that Hank buys hamburgers from a street parlor that is actually called "CHICKEN".
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mission-800 · 5 years
The fact that Gavin gives off that much chaotic energy for us to even assume this is amazing
Gavin Reed started the “let’s storm Area 51” meme you can’t change my mind
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mission-800 · 5 years
Gavin: (hears loud shouting coming from inside Hank’s house) oh shit
Gavin: (breaking down door) it’s the police! what thE FUCK IS GOING ON?!
Hank and Conner: (looking up from their game of Monopoly, Hank holding a fistful of Connor’s shirt)
Gavin: what… what the fuck?
Hank: this motherfucker. this motherfucker right here. he landed on my marvin gardens.
Connor: (mumbling under his breath) … I owe him $150 dollars
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mission-800 · 5 years
Top 10 most iconic things in DBH.
10. Markus and his angry facial expressions
9. That moment we found out Knights of the Black Death is a heavy metal band
8. Markus literally crashing into Jericho
7. Connor yeeting himself through Hank’s window
6. Kara with a gun, oh damn
5. “Sumo, attacc!”
4. Connor throwing his gun at Hank instead of shooting him
3. Connor licking all the fucKing evidence
1. Connor’s wink
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mission-800 · 5 years
Top 10 most iconic quotes in DBH
Part II of the ‘iconic’ series
10. “What a bunch of idiots.”
— Carl after Markus tells him about the protesters in the streets
9. “I told you to wait here, so you shut the fuck up and you wait here.”
— Hank telling Connor to wait in the car
8. “Hey! Hey! Hey! Argh, Connor, you’re so disgusting.”
— Hank when he sees Connor licking the evidence for the MILLIONTH time
7. “You can’t kill me. I’m not alive.”
— Connor being a smartass in the hostage situation
6. “Oh my god.”
— An iconic quote from Carl when he sees Markus’ painting
5. “You know where you can stick your instructions?” “No, where?”
— An interaction between Hank and Connor at the Fifth Bar
4. “I like dogs.”
— Connor trying to make conversation with Hank at the police station
3. “Well they fucked up.”
— Hank after Connor explains to him his voice and appearance integration
2. “Adapting to human unpredictability is one of my features.”
— Connor trying to be sincere with Hank at the food truck + his fucKing wink
1. “My name is Connor. I’m the android sent by Cyberlife.”
— Connor’s beautiful introduction
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mission-800 · 5 years
Gavin: Are slugs homeless snails?
Hank: How the fuck did you get into my house?
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mission-800 · 5 years
Elijah: I’ve recently stopped wearing my glasses because I don’t care what’s happening anymore.
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