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I’ve figured it out. The only time I want to do what I love is when you’re mad at me and don’t want to talk to me.
I base my whole world around you and it still means nothing.
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劇場版 美少女戦士セーラームーンR
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Man all I wanted to do tonight was watch that movie ..
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missaudreyshepantsme · 6 months
Dear struggling soul,
Please remember Christmas is not about you. It’s about the children in the next room. All cozy and snug, dreaming of what great things are to come. Just remember, they won’t be forever young. So puff out your chest, and keep your head up high because it’s crazy how fast the years go by.
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missaudreyshepantsme · 9 months
I really hate depression. I was so happy 12 hours ago..
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missaudreyshepantsme · 10 months
A girl with a heart.
Do you ever talk to girl and wonder why she's so sensitive about certain topics?
How about why she is so caring to everyone?
Do you ever wonder why she is so willing to give so much of herself with no expectation in return?
It's because she doesn't make you work very hard for the attention she gives you.
It's because she accepts the love she thinks she's earned while you accept the love you think you're entitled to.
It's because she accepts the apologies you don't mean, she forgives the mistakes you don't learn from, and she forgets the misery you don't stop bringing.
Because of her good heart, she's been making excuses for you every single time you hurt her.
She's been looking past how cruel of a person you are, and she's been ignoring the idea of leaving you because she's just not that kind of girl to give up on you.
She trusted you too easily, she got attached to you too quickly, and she fell for you too soon and she knows exactly what she has done, but she can't help it.
She just has a heart that can always see the good in someone and not let your imperfections determine whether or not you're good enough for her.
It also makes her believe that you also have a good heart and you're capable of meeting every expectation she has because she would do the same for you.
But let me explain something to you.......
Here's what you should be afraid of.
You should be afraid of the day, a good heart gives up on you because once this happens, then you've truly lost something more valuable and precious than anything you will ever encounter.
So if you're reading this right now and you currently have a girl with a good heart, take my advice and take care of her, because life doesn't bless you with a good woman twice.
~ Cody Bret
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missaudreyshepantsme · 11 months
My son: “Why is dad mad at you?”
All I can say is “I don’t know”
I just want to protect him from all the stupid drama we have as adults. There’s nothing I want more then to go back to being a kid and my biggest problem was that boys had coodies. I wish I never grew up. I wish I never hurt this much.
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missaudreyshepantsme · 11 months
You can’t be mad at others when you’re the one distancing yourself. You’re pushing your loved ones away.
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I guess I’m just a horrible human 🤷🏻‍♀️💔
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🌙 sailor moon scenery 🌙
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I never want you to ask me to marry you now .. 💔
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If I didn’t have children I’d kill myself.
I just want to die.
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I miss how you used to talk to me.
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I want to die 😅
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You know those movies where someone bashes their head into a wall and it starts to bleed? That’s what I feel like doing right now.
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