miss-alcremie · 1 year
I kind of miss the era when JK Rowling was a laughing stock for such gems as saying Wizards just shat where they stood. No one took her seriously.
But as soon as trans lives were at stake everyone started moaning how they couldn’t part from the franchise cause it was part of their childhood. Guess what bitch it was part of my childhood too. I’d rather ditch it then support someone who targets my trans siblings.
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miss-alcremie · 1 year
Gotta say I love seeing cis people push trans people in the dirt for the sake of a video game. 
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miss-alcremie · 2 years
Constance in three hopes is my gender 
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miss-alcremie · 2 years
... wasn’t that my post
losing the post about the smite mens cum types is the burning of the library of alexandria… there will never ever be another post like that ever again💔
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
Me realising that Dawn in the anime and Dawn’s ancestor in Pokemon Legends both have the cyndaquil family
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
Me after accidentally running into a Rhydon nest while playing Pokemon Legends: Arceus
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
If I was an internet personality I think I’d qualify as an e-girl which honestly I’m fine with.
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
I'm sharing this cause I know Tiffany Pollard memes and gifs are popular but this transphobia should be shared. Regardless of if the show was scripted she still chose to speak these words.
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
what’s more important than ur birthday being close to king arthur is that it’s the same day as my dog’s.
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I gift you an image of my now nine year old pup.
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guess what time it is
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miss-alcremie · 3 years
Gamers be like “we support trans people” then wanna buy a game where the creator or people behind it are openly transphobic but it looks fun so that makes the decision hard.
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
oh yeah, I was once raijinswaifu and my main is @miss-alcremie. I used to make fanfics and fan god concepts cause I liked it.
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
Shout out to smite tho for being one of the few mediums to not instantly depict Hera as a jealous wife and instead  as a queen and a hero in her story! 
Like srsly smite’s hera is one of the few hera depictions that actually depict her rather favourably and without a weird sexist undertone.
Having seen that Blood of Zeus trailer I was instantly like wow another story where Hera is gonna take a villainous role? I slep. Like we get it she's a jealous wife and wants to kill Zeus' children. Come up with something original smh.
making hera the villain at this point is boring bc they think they’re being subversive but it’s just shitting on her character now which is :/ but i will give it points for showing that zeus is a dick but also a character with some depth and that he actually loved hera so there’s something!
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also if i see another skinny dionysus/bacchus i’m going to lose it UGH. where is the fucking MEAT. where is the FLAVOUR?
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
There’s something weirdly dystopian about cis people shouting “Trans women are women!” en masse in an attempt to shut down concerns brought up by a trans woman
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
How about we stop using “they didn’t grow up as a girl” to invalidate trans women? Every girl is raised with different experiences.
A white girl will have different experiences compared to a black girl.
A neurotypical girl will have different experiences compared to a neurodivergent girl.
An abled girl will have different experiences to a disabled girl.
A straight girl will have different experiences to a lesbian.
There is no singular path that is required for a girl’s experiences to be valid. 
Also if you are on the fence about that new Harry Potter game, newsflash don’t buy it if you actually care about trans women. We don’t need to give a transphobe a bigger platform and more wealth.
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
Hot Take: ATLA and Dark Souls both share an encompassing shadow over their respective medium. Both are widely acclaimed but fantasy kids shows and video games with an emphasis on difficulty can’t exist nowadays without constantly being compared to them by both fans and critics alike.
Sometimes we should let the piece stand on it’s own merits without trying to force it to be like it’s predecessors. Or else it becomes stale.
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
saying it here cause this is talking to the void but I just wanna fall asleep forever. part of me doesn’t care anymore but I know I won’t actually do anything. I’m just tired.
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miss-alcremie · 4 years
Hey! I’ve decided to open my own discord server for both DnD and non DnD related stuff. Come and join! Plus it’s a great way to pester me to post more often lol.
Yes this is most definitely a LGBT+ friendly server! As a trans woman I can’t have it any other way.
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